HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolicies - BOCC (005)Grant County Pers,onnel Policy —Purcha AD end*x Co. sing p I Contrf:rct"in Services D -i Issue ate =o2/16/16_ Effective Date o2/16L6 [Revision Date F09/.14/`---21 :�pproval S U %nat res - ---------- Date Submitted For Approval 1.0,9114Z21'. Policy. Owner Tom QabAes, Central.ServicesDirector Human Resources,Review r-kNlingier., ARdirector Cindy Carty + ifid. Carter, Chairperson Board of County Commissioners Approval Danny E.Atone, Vicd-Ghainoerson Jo mos` -- ,p�,,R'ohi i sioner This appendix, serves to both. describe what and how Grant County utilizes Perso: a1, Purchased, and Architectural and Engineering WE services. Many departments find themselves needing a vendor N4;rho can perform some function the department currently cannot. It may be any number of things. If you are unsure. as A. to what t contract ype of co, you may, need, personal or -purchased service, or A&E services, consult with the Civil Prosecutors office- for guidance. This is ada' Pted from MRS 's guidelines for local govern.eats and contracting for services. You can download this gide on the Central Services internal -web -page. Grant County recognizes the following as our Policy and Process for these services. A/E professional services are semces rendered by a consultant or any person, other than an employee of the agency, contracting to perform activities within the scope of the general definition of professional practice in chapters 18,.o8 (Architects'), 18.43 (Engineers and Land Surveyors). or 18.96 (Landscape Archit ects) RCW, RCW 0 0, 39-80-02 (5). Go to Table E for the scopes of practice for these professions. Ser ees are procured using the qualificati ons -based selection (QBS) requirements in RCW 39.80. These services may be requi red in connection with a public works project meeting the definition of "public work" in RCW 39.04.010(4). e Licenses or certification by state agencies are required. Personal Services Grant County Personnel Policy Page 1 of 9 Grant County Personnel Policy 0 Personal services involve technical expertise provided by a consultant to accomplish a s I pecific. study, project, task or other work. oJ I 0 Personal services do not'include purchased senvices or professional services pro- cured. usin the competitive selection requirements chapter 39 9 So RCW WE)4 servi Theseces may or may not be required in. connection with a publ"e. works project meeting the definition of 44publ1co n RCrk iW 3 9.04-010 (41. e Activity or product is mostly 'intellectual in nature. 0 Licenses or certification by state agencies may or may not be required,depending on the t3Te of personal service required. Examples include,. Meeting facilitation Public outreach coordination e Strategic planning development 0 Economic development study a Rate setting study 0 Comprehensive plans and zoning codes e Legal services 0 Management analyses Purchased Servi*ces Purchased services are t . hose provided by vendors for routine, necessary, and continuing functions of a local agency, mostly relating to physical activities. Repetitive, routine, or 4 Mechanical in nature, as in these examples. follovvin.g established Or standardized procedures * contribute to the day-to-day business operations. 0 completion of specific assignments and tasks 0 decision-making is routine or perfunctory In nature.. * may require payment of -prevailing wages. Examples Include: 0 delivery/courier service * landscaping and building maintenance 0anitorial) * herbicide application service 0 recycling/disposal/litter pickup service Grant County Personnel Policy Page Of 9 1" 0 ,%,Yrant County Personnel Policy Vehicle inspection, lubricating, and repair services 0 HVAC system maintenance service office furnishings installation, refurbishment, and repair service Consultant A consultant is an 'independent person or firm contracting with an agency to perform a service or render an opinion or recommendation according to the consultant's methods and without being subject to the control of the agency except as to the result of the worR_. For all these services GrantCop .4-10 nU utitizes three levels of solicitation Minimal Competition .* The purchased or personal service will be below $ 2-5, 0 0 0. Informal Competition: The purchased or personal service N4411 be between $25,000 ana '75,000. Formal Competition:, For any personal, purchased, or A&E service with. an expected value above $75,000. A formal competitive process is required,, Requests for Prop i cat'on viLees 9sg1N/Qual'fi i s Re * --- quired for Certain Ser Except as exempted below, acquisition of services, anticipated to be in an amount exceeding $75,000, require a formal request for proposals or qualifications (RFP/'RFQ). In addition, certain services may require an RFP/RFQ by statute, grant, or other requirements. County Officials are required to have knowledge of those services requiring non-standard purchasing procedures. some vendors will offer to write your RFP for you, this is not allowed if the Vendor is writing an RFP that is in anyway attached to the industry they support or represent, especially if it is expected. they would compete for the contract, Certain sen7ices, are exempt from the bidding or RFP/R ' procedures required under this section unless other'v�,ise required by statute. They include: a) Attorney Services, including 'indigent defense. b ) Insurance Services, including bonding. C) Tourism promotional services d) Services of the Economic Development Council e) Registered surveyors f) Appraisals of property g) Expert witnesses for litigations or potential litigation h) Medical professionals including but not limited to doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists. ') County i fair entertainment Grant County Personnel Policy Page 3 Of 9 Grant County Personnel Policy i) Training for County employees Mini*malProcess Below $25,000 you may directly solicit proposals. Go to the appropriate service 0 � p provider roster or other sources with a simple set of criteria and select 1-3 firms to submit a proposal. Select directly from the rosters or other sources for small projects. For basic RFPs, the basis for evaluation may simply be that proposals will be ranked as first., second,.and third, etc., based on the proposal's overall quality, price, and. reference checks. A simple rank- ing process presumes that all criteria. are weighted equally. However, it does not work well with *,- individual IS - numerous proposals or it inctividual criteria are deemed to be more important. informal Pro ces S - Bet -ween $25,000 & $75,00o a less structured process is followed and selection of potential firms from a roster or other sources is allowed with no advertisement. Departments may use the informal proposal process to solicitpro-posals for ser vi * ces under $25,000 when they believe the pfroce s woz ld. -result xn a broader response and/or better -quality proposal. 0 Develop detailed criteria and prepare RFP. Go to the appropriate service provider- or agency -maintained roster, using the criteria, and select 3-5 firms to submit a proposal in response to the RFP. 0 Evaluate proposals and mage award decision. 0 Provide in, the advertisement a basic format for scoring firms, you may also place language in case of a tie. it TVVI (I e.) Selection 'll be made on the basis of the submittals as received. The Selection Committee may deem it necessary to inte -ponders. The County retains the right i rview res - to interview responders as part of the selection process. For an informal process you might state something like the follo-wing example in the RFQ/P. This Is a small project, and this request is being performed under an'Informal request for qualifications. As such the selection is based on a smaller number of requirements such as, e Ability and Reputation (20pts possible typ.) 0 Quality of previous performance (20) 4 Responsiveness to solicitation requirements (20) 0 Staff readily available for the project (2o) e Expected timeline to complete. (20) Grant County Personnel Policy Page 4 Of 9 is Grant County Personnel Policy Selection of firm will be performed. by the "(which positions will review and score submittals). In case of a -tie between firms, a coin toss or other random means of selection Willbe utilized, Formal Process For any service above $75,000 and for more complex services Develop detailed. criteria and -pre-pare RFQ and/or RFQ/RFP,, o Advertise on the agency web site, and/or in local papers. You may also select as many qualified firms as is possible in the appropriate seMce category of the MR. SC Roster. In the spirit of receiving the best/lAddest audience you may also advertise in the Daily Journal of Commerce. 0 Evaluate RFQ and or RFQ/RFP submittals and short-list. 4-6 firm's for further consideration. * Request detailed proposals from short-listed firms. a Hold interviews -and check references. * Evaluate proposals and make award decision. There are some examples of formal RFQ processes and RFP processes in the County. If you are writing an RFQ or RFP that is expected to for a larger project, reach out to other department heads. or elected officials for help, also see if another County has performed this recently, ask for a copy of their RFQ, (especially if they had a successful outcome) you may not need to reinvent the ivheel and if you are lucky, just change the names and a few details, MRSC has examples of all of the preceding processes, and cru can always contact them for, assistance as Nvell. The following is a list of items.to, consider when moving through your selection process. If the process is large or complex, consider the following andutilize them as required to best serve the process and the County, a Develop a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and include scoring metrics. * Advertise RFs. o Evaluate RFQ submittals received. 0 Select qualified firms for a "Short List". Send Request for Proposals (RFP) to firms on "Short List". InterView firms who respond to the RFP. Select most qualified finalist. Identify scope of work, tasks, and milestones. • Estimate person -hours required for each task. Select compensation method(s) Grant County Personnel Poliy Page 5 Of 9 Grant County Personnel PoII'C)J- e Negotiate contract with finalist, If agreement on price not reached, may negotiate with next most qualiffied firm. Write contract and secure necessary reviews and approvals. Mind your Ps and Qs What is a Request for Proposals ... While an RF determines a vendor's qualifications, an RFP solicits proposals box vendors inte - restedin performing the work.. Ali RFP may come after an RF Q but will not come before it. Sometimes, an RFP stands .lone lAdthout a need or requirement for an RFQ. Wrifin-e vour RFP Once you have decided. this 'Is. the type of service required, you may need to write a "Request for Proposals" (RFS`) Every RFP should ilicl de the following. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 6 of 9 rl 0 ,Trant County Personnel Policy Basic Elements of RFP. Suggestions- for Con I tent Statement of Need (Scope) Well written Nvith adequate level of detail Prof describing pr Ject tasks and products; List availability of supporting documents Estimated Budget Adequate and well-matebed �tb the (except for A/E projects*) requested scope of services Estimated Schedule Reali sti c - Matched to the -scope. Evaluation Criteria Clear; Matched to the scope of services4 Provide scoring criteria up front-, Provide decision schedule, if available Proposal Elements Keep submittal requirements, pa8e (*Information to be submitted) limitations and due datein same section of Deadline for acceptance of the proposal the RFP, Allow for flexibility in format. of response. Allow adequate response time (3-4 weeks); Accept electronic submittals; Acknowledge receipt of proposal Agency's standard terms and Conditions Copy of contract terms and conditions -attached to the RFP, if available JULAX UdIIIIVL ut ll seu ab a scieculon. criT-erion -ior A/ -L projects, In addition to the basics, other common RFP elements include: o Background on the agency and project, including budgets. e Reference documents — large files may be posted to a website for consultant access. e Whether intervie-ws will be scheduled or --v�rhether the selection may be based on the submitted proposals witho-Lit intem*ews. * Pre -proposal conference schedule Page limits Public disclosure guidance Formal certification by the proposer of its authorization to submit the proposal, time validity of proposal, non -collusion, etc. Notice that cost incurred in the development of proposals and participation in the selection process shall be erneYproposers. Bas"ic car iterl'a to consider in the 1*nlffial selection of an servi*eeprovider include: 0 Fees or costs (except use QBS procedures for A/E) * Ability and reputation Grant County Personnel Policy Page 7 Of 9 Grant County Personnel Policy 0 Quality of previ'o-us performance o Ability to meet deadlines for contract performance. 0 Responsiveness to solicitation requirements 0 Staff readily available for the project 0 Experience and reputation a ComplianceMth statutes and rules relating to contracts or services. Beyond this you may decide to assign a weighted criterion, this can be done with more detailed proposalswhere there are specific criteria. that should be met., If you cons1 ider -a top score of 100 points, you can uassign a specific number of points to a specific - a required 11 J,* requirement such as, This 'is requirea tor formal A&E Services RFQs. Remember that for an RFQ for A&E services, price cannot be a consideration. * Experience of key personnel -2o% o Ability to meet schedule -20% 0 Cost -o% 0 Intenfi ew-20% If doing this and it is for a larger requirement or will be lengthy and costly, you will want to NNTite a formal RFP/Q. This should include those things in a basic RFP but the scope # 14 should be very detailed, expectations should be detailed, if a contract is required you. should have a copy of a blank standard. contract included. so the proposer knows- the legal requirements of the County (hold harmless, contractual issues, armtration etc .) For this type of proposal and contract you should consult with the Civil Prosecutors office for guidance on how the contract should be written. Further, you may describe the evaluation process, the size of them evaluation tea, the timeyouexpect evaluations to be concluded and if a follow-on interview -Mll be required Nvith one or more of the respondents. For A&E Services consider the following scenario (this is only for A&E services). You hold an RFQ, you rank the 5 submissions you received in order from 1-5, number one being the- company that really stands out. 'You may or may not hold interViews, but you award the RF' to company number one. Once they are selected you begin the negotiation of your contract, scope (if anything has changed) and their cost but vou believe their cost is excessive and you cannot agree. The COUNTY as per RCW 39.80.050 (in short you contact your second firm and begin negotiations). a) The agency shall negotiate a contract with the most qualified firm for architectural and engineering services at a price which the agency 4 determines is fair and reasonable to the aRencyr in making its determination, the agency shall take into account the estimated value of the services to be rendered as well as the scope, complexity, and professional nature thereof. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 8 of 9 Grant County Personnel Policy b) If the aency is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contr ct NAjIt . the firm selected at a price: the agency determines to be fair and reasonable negotiations with that firm shall be formally terminated and the agency shall select other firms in accordance with R W 39.80.04o and continue in accordance with this section until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated. MRSC hasexcellent l ies needing to contract for A&E, purchased or personal seri * ces. You can download the guide Contracting for sere* oCentral e ves -website and should study it as you begin the process of w-riting your AFP or RFQ. Much off'the work is done by the department needing the services as you best understand. your needs, your operations, and your industries landscape. Ask others for help, but each Eo/ISH m-ust be the leader and provide the correct informati on to have a successful outcome. 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