HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolicies - BOCCGrant County Personnel Policy i 1. - P rchU asing P 011CY Issue Date102416/116..'.Effective Date 02Z Revision . at o 1. 1 A ai b pprov !gn atures Date Submitted. or Approval 09/14/21 Polk v offer Ton Gai4 - s entral Services - -ir foNr Human Resources Review irk _ ; - er, R ct Board of County Commissioners Approval } r } ------------ Cindy Carter Ci dy Cartery Chair e son ..... ......m tone e Vice Br on o�;;.l,�.es- o issione r V n OT Signing this policy rescinds Resolution o W o -CC In its entirety. The purchasing p . oficy -willbecome paw f the.. Grant County Personnel Policies instead of being mai n,ta i ed. in resolution format. 1 oi. i Pur -pose and Applicability# Grant County endeavors to ensure the public trusts its local government in its procurement decisions and methodology. It is incumbent upon anyone -performing procurement for the County that they hold themselves to the highest ethical standards -while in theperf rma .ce of these duties. This policy includes the general guidelines regarding procurement and direction of how one should procure goods and services for Grant County. a) The County des"res a fair and open process for procurement of goods and services that isfree from the potential for bias and. conflict of.lntere ti In addition, the Count desires consistent and appropriate practices for solicitations and contracting. All procurements ref goods and services shall provide the County with the best utility and best value. All purchases aree to be made within budgetary Emitatlons and. for the purpose of theg o .ls i .and objectives approved n the County's budget. Any requested p purchase that 1 not included in the currentCo:nty budget shall be pre -approved by the Department Director ,/Elected official, or hoard of County Commissioners (BOCC), based. on allowable signing authority. i All purchases made by the County should ultimately be approved. by the BOCC and may be authorized through the established consentp rocess. b) All Grant County departments shall make a good faith effort to purchase . s goods within the County when they are available and suitable to County needs at a price that is competitive. Departments/ Offices are expected to procure goods and services that are of high quality and that perform for Grant County Personnel Policy Page 1 of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy their intended purpose, and to use good judgment during the procurement process. c) The Director of Central services in partnership with Director of public Works haredpith developingnit1atl��eee:re to implement this :policy. Procedures should ensure the fiscal responsibility of the County in expending; resources for goody and services for County operations. The procurement procedures of the County shall be based on guidelines provided in the Revised Code ofashin Washington (RCW), the state f Auditors office, and by the Municipal R search Services Center(MRSC). Other resources available are the "County Bidding Boob" the "squall Works Roster Manual" and. for Personal, Professional or A&E services the "Contracting Services Se�ces Guidelines for Local Gover a:entsx from ,VVII ch Grant County has adapted the guidelines for those services. esr Tl7.ese are available for download on the Central en4ces in.tern.al web page. 16oi.02 County "urchasin . Code of Ethics: To instillublic confidence nfidence in the ward of p-Liblic contracts and the expenditures of public funds, the County adopts the following code of ethics with regard to public contracting: a Actions of County employees shall be impartial and fair. b) County decisions and policies shall be made in. coni li.an.ce with � required procedures and vAthin the proper channels of government structure. c) Public employment shall not be used for personal gain. d County employees shall not solicit, accept, oragree to accept any gratuity for themselves, their fam ies or others that results in their personal gain which may affect their impartiality in making decisions on thejob. Purchasing decisions shall be :made impartially, based upon the Counties specifications for the contract and the responses of those bidding on the contract. e) No employee, officer, or went may participate in the selection award or administration of a contract supported by federal award if he or she has a real or apparent conflict of interest. Such a conflict of interest: would arise when the employee, officer, or agent or any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which em to s or is about to employ any of the parties 'Indicated herein ha's a financial or other interest in or a e flan iblpersonal benefit from a fir � p m considered fora contract. officers, employees, and agents may neither solicit nor acre t p ,gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to a subcontract supported b a federal award.. Disciplinary y p ry action may occur for violation of the purchasing code of ethics. 16ol,02.01 Goals (a) To protect and enhance the reputation of Grant County and its employees. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 2 of 19 Grant County Personnel Poli Cy (b) To treat all citizens equally with courtesy and impartiality, and refrain from granting any special advantage to any citizen beyond what is available to all citizens. (c To _ive gi efficient, productive, and economic se I rVice to the public. (d) To avoid real or potential conflicts betweenprivate and public duties-, remembering that the public interest must be the principal conc ern. (e) To keep confidential all information acquired by reason of one ef s position, which may be used for personal or financial gain. for the employee or other persons. (f) To refrain from securing special privileges or exemptions for oneself or other persons that are not available to al . I citizens. (g) To ai d receiVing, soliciting, or otherwise obtaining anything of value that is greater than nominal intrinsic value from any other public official, employee or citizen which is intended to 'Influence the performance of official duties. (h) To disclose to the appropriate authority the nature and extent of any financial or personal interest '.n a County , -De contract, legior in any slation, tv, of transaction involving the Countv when participating in the development of or giving an official cial opinion on the matter. 1601.03 Federal Fundi Purchases or Wo # rk- that have received a state grant or federal funding may not be covered by this policy. 'These types of purchases often have their N�rn procurement a , ements. it - * eir o requir is incumbent upon EO/DH performing procurement that they understand the differences in 0 Grant funding, their sources and the varlo'us requirements for their use and reporting, or auditing. a) When spendin�,Y Federal Funditi( ar: The County must co with the pl If 0 40 ...... y Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal awards. " published in Title of the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR200), specifically 2CFS200.1318 through 200.362, -vvhl*ch can be accessed at hits *.I,/iAA,�rkN,-.federcql.r ister.,croN),Idoeumenls/2Ql3 ,20465junl orm-adm inistrative-reguirements -cost-prin ciples-and-audit- re auirements-for-federal-aiivas ds. In accordance with the County's Title VI Plan, all solicitations for bids for -work or material in all federally funded programs shall include the following notice in all solicitations for work or material: "Grant County, in accordance with Title VI of the Ci Rights Act of 1964, Civil 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 200od-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Grant County Personnel Policy Page 3 of 19 G "I rant County Personnel Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally -assisted progra.ms of the Department of Transportation 'issued pursuant to such Act hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Fart 23 ll be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will, not be discriminated against on. the rounds of race color, national origin, car consideration. for an award." � � ,� � sed Irk. 1601-04 The purchasing procedures of this policy govern the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment, nonprofessional and professional services and public Wor�l�s contractse These policies authorize theoun to procure 'directed goods and services through the various small wOr cs processes directed throu h M various state laws. The small works roster procedures are established for use by the County, pursuant to Chapter , 9.04 RCW, For leases of equipment _ outside of those rentals normally incurred through normal operations, leas es of property, or other personal -►ropert questions, Ws 6 k and �39.04 apply, for guidance on these types of transactions. lease see the counties civil prosecutor. 16ol.05 Definitions a) Architectural & Engineering Services (A&E) meansprofessional services rendered by any person, other than a County employee, to perform activities within the scope of ' the professional practice of architecture, professional practice of engineering and land surve • n f , and/or professional pr .ct ce of landscape architecture. b Formal Competitive.Bid is the process of advertising and receiving sealed Written bids from perspective vendors. The selection of the vendor is primarily based on the lowest cast from a responsible vendor• c) Informal Competitive Quotes are price quotes from vendors that are obtained using a variety of mediums :such as phone, fax, e-mail or ,"Tritin . Results must be documented and provided With the request for approval. The selection of the vendor primarily based on the lowest cost. from a responsible vendor. d) Inter -Loc : gree' .n+en.t are the exercise of governmental powers in joint or cooperative undertaking with another public agency. e) Life Cycle Oust means the total cost of an item t0 the County over itsestimated useful life . , incl din costs of selection, ac uisition .operation, rnantenance, and Where apicable, disposal, as far as these costs can reasonably be determined, minus the salvage value at the end of its estimated useful life. f) C SmallWork , Vendor, and Consultant Roster is a shared stately de small public worRs, consultant, and 'vendor roster service managed by the Municipal Research and. services Center of Washington used by Washington state local public agencies. These rosters are Grant County personnel Policy Page 4 Of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy maintained and operated in full compliance iance -writh state IaArs and purchasing rchasing requirements. g) Nonprofessional Services are services that are purchased by the County for ivhich the contractor receives specific instructions and guidance from the Counter and does not meet the definition of professional ul services, architectural and engineering services or public works projects. Examples include machine repair, debt collection services, temporary service agencies, credit card ser mentserviceagreements, - P I auctioning services, delivery services, inspections, advertiisng, etc, b) On -Call Contract means a contract that is awarded with general .. 0 provisions for the services to be rendered. As services are to be rendered specific task orders are initiated that are to be completed by the contracting firm, i) Ordinary Maintenance is work not performed by contract and that is Performed on a reg ' ularly scheduled basis (e.g., daily, weekly, seasonall my, seiannually b ut if not less frequently than once per year), to service, check, or replace -items that are not broken-. or work notper formed. by contract that is not regum larly scheduled but is required to a I intain an asset so that repair does not become necessary. J) Prevailing Wage is defined as the hourly wage, usual benefits, and overtime, paid in the largest city in each county, to die majority of 'workers, laborers, and mechanics. Prevailing wages are established, by the Department of Labor and Industries, for .each.. trade and occupation em-ployed in the performance of public work. They are established separately for each county and are reflective of localwage conditions. k) Professional Services are services provided by consultants that provide highly specialized, generally one-time expertise to solve a problem or render professional opinions, judgments, or recommendations. The labor and skill involved to perform. these types of set -vices are predominately mental or intellectual, rather than physical or manual. Examples 'include graphics design, advertising, analysis, financial expertise accounting, artists, attorneys, bond brokers, computer consultants, insurance brokers, economists, planners, real estate services, etc. This term does not include architectural and engineering services. 1) Public Work, as defined in RCW 39.04.010, means a complete project, and includes all work, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement other than ordinary maintenance, executed at the cost of the County or which is by law a lien or charge on any County property. Public work projects include the related materials, supplies and equipment to complete the project. For purposes of this policy, the term "public work" may include contracts for maintenance of County facilities or real property (i.e., janitorial services). Grant County Personnel Policy Page 5 Of 19 Urant County Personnel Policy m) Purchasing Cooperative, interchangeable pith Interlocal State Contract, DES etc. 'I's a tic of cooperative arrangement, often. among businesses, to agree to aggregate demand to get lowerp rices from elected suppliers. Retailers' cooperatives are a form of purchasingcooperative. It is often used by government agencies to reduce costs of procurement. n) Request for Proposals (RFP) means a process that requests interested firms to submit a statement of their ro osal for completing a project. � � P` � � � ect. Proposals are then evaluated used on the idea including originality, suitability, practicality, expertise,. etc. Proposals may be selected based on. the � *of the proposal, experience, cost, andreferences. Examples of solicitations appropriate for an RFP are bankiwr services oft v�are garbage collection services, non -A&E consultin ser * - . public art ... ,p acga sltions, aid various studies and assessments. o) Request for Bid FB is a process whereby the County -issues an advertisement to local companies or contractors'"lith the end goal to receive from the lowest responsible bidder for the requested purchase or gar. P Request for Qualifications (RFQ)means a process that re Liests interested consultants to submit a letter of 'interest and a statement of their qualifications. Consultants are evaluated. u ` :Pon their qualifications expertise, and references. Cost cannot be a consideration until after a consultant has been selected at which point the rice dna be negotiated. p q) mall Worms Roster is a roster of qualified contractors maintained for use in. a modified formal bid. process. When the contract amount for a public works project is within. the Bruits set forth by R. W 39.04.155., county may follow the small works roster process for construction of a public work or improvement as an alternative to formal competitive bid requirements. r) Small Works Roster Manual for Local Governments is a manual a prepared by the Municipal Research Service Center of Washington (MRSC) that contains state laws and regulations regarding small works contracting. S) Sole Source occurs when competition amongpotential vendors is not of possible for a particular procurement. 'nese situations may occur when; there is clearly and legitimately only one source capable of su l p PP ung the subject matter, when there are special market conditions that result in only one source and in the event of an emergency. 0 Vendor List means the process to award contracts for the purchase of any materials, equipment, supplies or services in lieu of formal sealed bidding pursuant to R W3g.o4.1go. 16 o 1. o 6 General Procurement a) Purchasing Thresholds for any Grant County Department: (also found in 1503.$.1) Grant Count 7 Personnel Polio Page 6 of z 0 Grant County Personnel Policy 1) Any 'Item that has not been previously approved in a capital budget that 6 is over $50 0 0.-00 must have secondary approval by the Board of County Commissioners at the time of purchase. Purchases and public Works approved "in the capital budget are considered approved and department heads responsible for such purchases or public works are directed to proceed. 2_) Elected officials and Department heads have signing authority on contracts below $5000-00 In value, contracts shall have been previously approved by the Board of County Commissioners, All contracts above $50 0 0. 0 0 shall be signed by the Board of County Commissioners. 3.) Amendments or change orders to contracts, including 'inter local agreements may be signed by the Board of County Comiss* m ioners or their designee as required through consent. 4) For both, b & c above there are some except -Ions, these can be found in the section regrading contract award and execution. Certain contracts have signing authority delegated to the follo i 9 Nving The Fairgrounds Director has signing authority for contracts under $35,000 to include the following services o 'ated with the County fair ass cl and other entertainment as delegated through the consent process. * Garbage collection * Ticket sales Grounds crews, Stagehands Security services Emergency medical services e Fair attendants, entertainment 0 Carnivals, Sanitation services Communications services Accounting services and exhibitor setup services c) Purchasing and Procurement Methods Vendor Roster: Grant Coun ty utilizes a vendor roster managed through the MRSC. roster. As per RCW 36..32.245 and RCC 39.04.190 Elected officials and department heads may utilize this roster for the purchases of materials, supplies, goods, and services (not public works) up to the 0 total contract value Of $50,000 or the maximum contract value as set forth in RCW 36.32.245. As per RCW 36-32.245 (3) formal sealed Grant County Personnel Policy Page 7 Of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy bidding is dispensed v�rith up to $10,000 or the maximum amount allowed in this R W on order of the County commissioners. 2) amazon Purch.as ; Credit card usage online invites inherent risk, and the County'"riches to mitigate that risk, If a department seeps to purchase from. Amazon, credit cards are prohibited unless authorized. by the .Auditors office or the BOCC. Central services maintains a Countywide Amazon account with departmental access. .n E ISH p � � maprovide access to employees based on the department's needs. This is an account that: allows Invoicing and shall be used in that manner. ) General. Purchases It is the intent of this pol icy to include in this paragraph: those purchases that are needed for the normal operational needs of any department including administrative supplies, and general purchases cons idered common sense needs, .these are small andnexpensive in. nature and con.sid.ered items that Would not need to be competitively bid, Elected officials and department heads are re expected to utilize great care and. judgement -vvhen making these purchases and should always strive to receive the best price or value for the County. The Board of County commissioners at any time may audit department purchases and rescind the ability of offices to purchase if this policy is believed to be abused. ) sole source entractln ; A contract for the purchase of materials, Supplies, or equipment may be awarded without com lying vv'it h, the bidding requirements of this policy when the department director determines in rriting, subject to B CC approval through resolution, after conducting a good faith review of available resources, that there is only one source of the required materials, supplies, ore quipmenta The pp q l department director or his/her designee shall conduct negotiations, as appropriate, as to price, terms, and delivery time. sole source purchases shall be made available for public inspection. References for Sole source Procurement can be found throughout RCWs 39.04.RCW 39.26, and. The County bidding boob. A copy of Which may be downloaded from the Central Services Intranet page ) Limited Public Warks up to an estimated total contract cost of $50,000, or the maximum as set forth in RC 39-04-155 (a). For dispensing of competitive bidding, or as other se set forth in the policies and procedures adopted for the small works rosterp rocess or as otherwise set forth by resolution, ) small Works Roster Contract Procedures up to an estimated total contract cost of $350,000, or the maximum as set forth. in RCW 9.04.155 (1). For dispensing of competitive bidding,or as otherwise • U i set. forth. in the policies and procedures adopted for the small works roster process, or as otherwise set forth by resolution. The County desires to be fair and equitable and, should generally advertise to all Grant County Personnel Policy Page 8 of ig Grant County Personnel Policy appropriate contractors on the MR roster. As an alternative you may choose onl however,R 39-04-155 (-) (c) If using this process and the decision is made not to include all appropriate contractors AND the value of the contract is beween $250,000-$350,000, ou are r r . required to note all appropriate , contractors that quotations for the work are being sought. . 7) Formal Sealed .Biddin ., At any time, procuring any materials, goods, supplies, or services through a formal sealed bid process is acceptable. This processwouldinclude utilizing the small WorRs roster or sing 1 p placing an advertisement in the paper of record. for 13 clays and. advertising the request on our County Deb site. Ho e erp ee in mind this process where allowable, does not necessarily meet the intent of our ethical purchasing practices as -it would not provide a Wide audience and ould most likely receive very few . res onses. The small p The s roster contract procedures found iP n aragra h (d) as well as those in (a) and. (c) are the preferred methods of formai bidding for Grant County, 8) Informl Com etit e u tes Materials, Supplies or Equipment a to y p the maximum amount allowed under RCW 36-32-245(3) (Advertisement and formal sealed, bidding may be dispensed with as to purchases of less than ten thousand dollars upon the order of the county legislative authority) ' Interlocal foo erati e_/ -,Joint Purchasing Agreements,,- The County may enter interlocal. governmental cooperative purchasing agreements t ter public agencies imliarly authorized under RCW 39-34-030. Any cooperative purchasing agreement shall set forth fully the purposes, Powers, rights, objectives, and responsibilities of the contracting parties and shall be governed b the requirements of state lay in regard to competitive bidding, when applicable. The competitive .. s a * _ * s bid process of the original iction. shall substitute for Grant County's. All such agreements shall be resented. to the BOC�C for prior �" approval. originating agencies bid process shall be vetted to ensure compliance with all applicable RCWs and should be as or more stringent than ours. 1o) Emergencv Procurement (as.per .0 .o .28o (a) An agency may make emergency purchases as defined in subsection. (3) of RCW 39.04.280. When an emergency purchase is made, the EO/DH shall submit written notification of the purchase Within three business days of the purchase to the BOCC. 'this notification must contain a description of theurchase a description of th.e emer enc p � p g y and the circumstances leading up to the emergency if known, and an explanation of why the circumstances required an emergency purchase. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 9 of � g 9 Grant County Personnel Policy (b) If an emergency exists, the person or persons designated by the BOCC to act in the event of an emergency may declare an . #. q it emergency exists, waive competitive bidding req uirem en ts, and award all necessary contracts on behalf of the County to address the emergency, If a contract is awarded without competitive bidding due to an emergency, a written finding of the existence of an emergency must be made by the go. verring body or its designee and duly entered of record no later than two weeks following the award of the contract, (c) For purposes of this section "emergency" means unforeseen. circumstances beyond the control of the municipality that either: Present a real, immediate threat to the proper performance of essential functions; or (2)""11*11 likely result in material loss or damage to property, �* bodily injury, or loss of life if immediate action is not taken, Ouadrenn-'al Purchase Pro ram Managed through Technology Services, A purchasing program specifically for technology related assets that allows the County to stay up to date with existing, new, and emerging technologies that build efficiency into the daily workspace for County employees, RCW 39-04.28o allows waiving of competitive binding for the purchase of 16ol.07 insurance and bonds. 16oi.o8 Bid Bonds Required: R 36-32 ,250 No contract for publ e works maybe entered into by the county legislative authority or by any elected or appointed officer of the county until after bids have been submitted to the county upon specifications therefor. Such advertisements shall be published at least once, at least thir-teen days prior to the last date upon which bids will be received. The bids shall be in writing, shall be filed with the clerk, shall be opened, and read in public at the time and place named therefor in the advert isementS, and after being opened, shall be filed for public inspection. No bid may be for public work unless it is accompanied by a bid deposit ' In the considered form of a surety bond., postal money order, cash, cashier's check, or certified check in. an amount equal to five percent of the amount of the bid proposed. 1601,09 Written Contracts ... Lwhen Required-, A written contract may be initiated by the County or by the other party to the agreement. It must be signed by at least one .authorized representative from each party. Appendix A contains a table representing requirements for written contracts. a) Written Contract Always Required for Certain Purchases A written contract is always required for the following types of urchases 1) All lease or rental agreements for real property 2) All 'intergovernmental agreements Grant County Personnel Policy Page to of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy 3) All grants to Grant County 4) All union labor agreements 5) All serxq*ces except for minor services such as repairs, etc. where academic credentials or professional expertise are not required. 6) Cooperative purchasing agreements. 7) Maintenance and licensing agreements (except licenses and/or maintenance agreements for standard"zed non-customi' software or hardware) I ized, 8) Other contracts/agreements deemed necessary by the BOCC or offices/departments. b) Written Contract Required for Purchase of Goods Over $25,000 A written contract is required for purchase of goods when the purchase by a department of a similar item from a single vendor exceeds $25,000 per year; or, when total business by a department with a single vendor for purchase of goods exceeds or is expected to exceed $25,00o in a calendar year., c) Written Contract Required for Certain Purchases Over $io,000 A written contract is required for the foll i purchases of more than $10,000- ONVIng 1) Construction projects or "Public -vNTorks" contracts. 2) Agreements for rental or lease of equipment. d) Contract to be Fully Executed. Prior to Purchase Contracts should be completely executed prior to the start of any activity covered under the contract. Retroactive contracting is discouraged, and an explanation must be 'included in the executive summary submitted during the approval. -process. 16ol.lo Contract ANYard & Execution a) Board Award and Approval Required for Certain Contracts 1) All contracts requiring budgeted expenditures in excess Of $50,000 in the current calendar year. 2) All contracts that span more than one calendar year and require budgeted expenditures in excess Of $25,000per year, unless a non - appropriation clause is included in the contract. 3) All contracts that will require a budget emergency or supplement not previously approved. 4) All union labor agreements. 5) All real property transactions (acquisitions and disposals). Grant County Personnel Policy Page int of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy 6) Any other contract or agreement -which by statute must be approved by the governing body of the County. 7) Any other contract not specifically authorized by the BOCC for other approval. Contracts not required. to be approved by the BOCC may be approved and awarded by the EO/DH. Contracts on small works roster are 'included in these dollar limits. 16oi.1i Public Works Director/County Engineer may Approve Certain Purchases and Documents The following contracts under $35,000 may be a -p -proved by the Public Works Director or County Engineer if funds for the project are previously approved' in the budget. Such. contracts must be approved by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, and BOCC in accordance with this policy. The original ** contract will be held with all other contracts with. the ASC Office within, the offices of the Bo. .a) Contracts awarded as a result of the small works procedures contained in this policy. b) Small construction improvement projects or consultant agreements c) Architectural services agreements using the County's standard form agreement. Purchase of Goods — The Public Works Director may delegate authority to approve purchase of goods from the ER&R Fund, the REET Fund, or the Capital Outlay Fund that do not require a formal bid, or a formal contract. The Public Works Department may approve payment for purchase of ffiel and payment for utility services. Purchase of deicing or safety products and oil products for road maintenance from the state bid. or interlocal agreement may be approved by department personnel. 16o1.12 Elected Officials /Department Heads (EO/DH) may Approve Certain Documents Vendor agreements such as work orders, work requests, etc. for commonly used minor services such as repairs where academic credentials or professional ex-pertise are not required ) in an amount less than be approved b the EO/DH. Purchase f goo $10000 may Y 0 ds less than $1o,000 may be approved by the EO/DH. EO/DHs may approve the County's personal services agreements in an amount less than $10000. o/ Hs may not approve other formal contracts that contain a liability clause or intergovernmental agreements no matter the dollar amount. In order to be eligible for approval by the EO/DH, the purchase must be made iArithin the current calendar year and funds for the purchase have been previously allocated in the budget. The EO/DH is responsible to comply with any applicable bidding requirements, capital budgetary restrictions,, review by the Prosecuting Attorney if required, and contract indexing. Approval for any Grant County Personnel Policy Page 12 of 19 Grant County Personnel Poli CY purchase that requires informal or formal bidding under this pokey may not be delegated by the EO/DH to a subordinate other than their designated acting in their absence (charter exempti.n the case of elected officials). 16oi,13 Contract Amendments Amendments (change orders, addend -Lim) will be in writing and signed by both parties. Amendments cannot alter the nature of the project or change its scope beyond what a reasonable bidder would consider a modification, as opposed to a different pro, JAnt ect. Specific cases should be reNq* ewed * h the Prosecuting Attorney to determine whether the proposed changes -require an amendment or a new contract. Expired contracts may not be amended. In cases where the County anticipates additions to the scope of work as more funding becomes available, bid specifications (if required) and the original contract's scope of wor1z, should, so state. The follov\ring rules govern the approval of amendments, and. change orders,* a) Contracts approved by the EO/DH may be amended by the EO/DH. b) Contracts approved by the Board must be amended b the BOCC, except that, the Board may authorize approval of amendments by the EO/DH, c) Change orders and addendums on "Public Works Department" construction projects may be approved by the County Engineer or the Public Works Director. d) Change orders and addend-Lims on, projects under the supe n-ision of the Parks, (If department is created) Fairs., and Facilities Department may be approved by the Parks,, (if created) Fairs, and Facilities Director or the Central Services Director, 16o1.14 Contract Elements The contract elements listed below are generally required in all contracts. Exceptions may be approved by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. a) Contract title b) Name, address, phone, and fax numbers of all parties 0 County's authorized representative d) Contractor's legal entity type e) Purpose, scope of the contract, or scope of work f) Term or duration of the contract g) Compensation and payment, terms h) Provisions for modifications and changes i) Provisions for contract termination Provisions for remedies if there is a Violation or breach of contract terms. l } Clause describing dispute resolution. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 13 Of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy 1) Non -disc . rimination language m) Insurance liability, indemnification language 1.6ol.15 Contract Administration Contract administration is the -process by which the County, acting through one or more of its of or staff, assuresperformance of contractual obligations. This encompasses all activity I by the County and the contractor from the time the contract is awarded until the time the contract work has been completed and accepted, payment is made, all disputes resolved, and the contract has been formally closed out, & 6 0 . 0 16o .16 Contract Administration Responsibilities Contract administration may 'Include, but is not limited to, the following functions: 4k 0 a) Ensuring required insurance or other required docume nts are obtained and documented prior to commencement of work and maintained throughout the term of the contract. b) Haring payments to contractors according to the terms of the contract, 0 Providing interpretations of terms and conditions of the, contract to the contractor. d) Grk7ing technical direction. and assistance to contractors. e) Inspecting and accepting work performed by contractors, f) Preparing modifications to contracts, g) Reviewing certain proposed subcontracts if contract, terms require such reviews. h) Terminating contracts for cause, convenience, or default. i) Maintaining a contract file. j) Closing out the contract when it is completed. 10 Aiding in the event of an audit, 16oi.17 Responsibility for Administration of Contracts The EO/DH 'initiating the contract is responsible for the administration of the contract. The EO/DH initiating the contract is the designated contract officer who, on behalf of the County, 'Will be responsible for coordinating the 0 applicable contract management activities listed above for the assigned contract(s). 16o1.1 Index and Tracking of Contracts Required All contracts signed by any EO/DH and by the BOCC are kept in the Administrative Services Coordinators Office (ASC) located in the BOC C office. Any department that administers a contract should have a copy of the contract with their files and the original must be provided to the ASC. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 14 Of 19 urant County Personnel Policy 16ol.19 Document Retention,, Official File Public Disclosure The official contract file with a copy of the original signed contract and all documents associated with the contract -will be maintained by the initiating department. Any destruction of these records will be in accordance NNrith approved retention schedule's in the appropriate department. Requests for public disclosure of contracts and related documentswill be referred to the initiating department, Documents associated with a contract would include but not be limited to: vendor list printout,Britten/p hone quotation form, bid specifications, bid quotations, RFPs, contract proposals, activity reports, requests for reimbursement, and any other documents made or received by the County in connection with, the contract ora reen�.ent. An original contract and any approved amendments are retained by the AS office. The Commissioners Office and ASC file does not include supporting documents and 'is not considered the official file. If, due to the dollar amount, the purchasing transaction does not require a,Britt en contract in accordancelArith the Contracting Policy, all documents leading up to the purchase/expenditure may be attached to a copy of the original payment voucher. The original. payment voucher is retained by the Auditors - office. The copy should be attached to the official file (if required) and kept in the originating department,, 16o1.2o Professional services of architects, engineers, landscape architects, and land surveyors (A&E) up to a value of seventy-five thousand dollars, or as otherwise set forth by resolution. Policy and procedure for A&E services is found in supplement to this policy and attached hereto. 16ol.21 Services whether defined as seri iices,.,., , professional services, personal services, or in some other manner, up to the maximum value threshold set forth in RCW 36-32.245(3) Or as otherwise set forth by resolution. Policy and # is procedure for these services found in the A&E supplement as in section (d.) above. 16ol.22 Ca -pita) Out ay Purchases. Regardless of department, any capital purchase or improvement maintain some specific requirements,, a) It must be listed on the approved capital budget as approved through the budget process, whether computer or otherwise as per instructions provided each year during the budget process. If it is not listed than a budget extension is required. b) Capital Facility Purchases / *improvements / public works land acquisitions shall be listed on the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) managed b y Development Services. 1) If the purchase or prof ectis not listed on the CFP then BOTH a budget amendment, and a CFP amendment are required. If the project or purchase is on the CFP but it was not approved in the budget, a budget extension is required. (If a purchase or work is performed due to an emergent need, emergency procurement requirements should be Grant County Personnel Policy Page 15 Of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy followed and are exempt from this requi'rement however, a letter stating the emergency, the cost of the item or work, and a short description shall be sent to Development services for inclusion on the CFP). 2) Counties are allowed to amend their comprehensive plans ('including AFP not more than once per year, except under the follong irc rnst nce . CoA.1 o ( ) (a) div) the amendment of a capital facilities element of a comprehensive plan that occurs concurrently with the adoption or amendment of a county (or cite budget.;.' 16ol. 3 Bid SWitt ink: Breaking down or splitting of purchases to into smaller units or .phases for the purpose of avoiding thresholds or maximum dollar amounts is prohibited. 6ol.24 The Director of Central services shall ensure MRSC Rosters and vendor lists are maintained paid for and advertised as may be required by state law. 1601.25 Grant Funded Pro'ects: May have additional re ulations required for expending and auditing of federal and state fun'-' dsa Elected offi 0 Grant County Personnel Policy agency here bid requirements of this policy have been fw olloed by the cooperating agency in obtaining bids. Originating agency's bid process shall be vetted to assure compliance'"ri'th all applicable laws. 4) Sole Source Procurement. A contract for the purchase of materials, supplies, or equipment may be awarded without complying with the bidding requirements of this policy when the department director determines in writing, subject to Bo approval through resolution, after conducting a good faith review of available resources, that there is only one source of the required materials, suppli0 - Lies, or equipment. The department director or his/her designee shall conduct negotiations, as appropriate, as to price, terms, and delivery time. Sole source purchases shall be made available for public inspection. EO/DH's can look to both the County.Bidding Book for examples and direction for determining sole source. 5) No Bids, Proposals or Quotations Received. When no bids or IF, quotations are recel"kred. in response to an I invitation to bid or request for quotations, the department director or his/her designee0 is authorized to procure the required item throu gh direct negotiations with a vendor or to rebid as the BOCC deems appropriate. 16ol.27 Real Property Acquis ition. a) Real Property; BOCC acquisition authority, The BOCC or designee is authorized in the following in I tances toaccept by gift or acquire dedications easements, rights-of-way, fee estates or other interests in real property for use by or on behalf of the County or any department of the County. 1) Minor acquisitions: any such acquisition where the estimated value is below 1o,000. 2) All other real Pro-perty acquisitions will be submitted to the BOCC for approval. b) Real property BOCC leasing authority-, 1) The BOCC is authorized to execute leases of real property on behalf of the County where the term of the lease does not exceed one year, and the consideration does not exceed $io,000per year as budgeted by the County. (a) A designee may be authorized to execute leases by formal resolution. 2) A. lease that exceeds the limits as stated in subsection (a) of this section, shall be submitted to the County for approval. 0 . 16ol.28 Telecommunications and Data Processing Purchases a) RCC 39.04. 7o allows local -governments to use a competitive negotiation process when purchasing telecommunications and electronic data Grant County Personnel Policy Page 17 Of 19 Grant County Personnel Policy processing computer equipment or software instead of traditional competitive bidding. This alternative process requires an RFP. b) An RFP may be used for solicitations for services when Grant County determines that price, e, aloewith qualifications, is the best method to achieve the 'intended outcome. A request for proposals (R -FP) must be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 13 days before the submission deadline, Reasonable procedures for technical evaluation. of theproposal must be used for awarding the contract. 2) The contract must be awarded to the qualified bidder whose proposal is most advantageous to the County, 3) The agency may refect all proposals for good cause and request new proposals, The RFP should include. several sections as followsl: (a) Pur ose: This section provides a brief description of what the procurement is seeking. (b) Aazencv Backround: This optional section should briefly outline how the project was developed. (c) Goals and Objectives: This should describe -v�rhat the project needs. (d) Scope of Worlc_.- This section should be well-written and done so in a manner that encourages fair competition. It should include an adequate level of detail that addresses the tasks and products of the project. Clarity in thescope of work I Wil help you avoid future disputes about intended performance. (e) Selection Process and Anticipated Timeframe.- This details the process for selecting an awardee. W Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation criteria should be cleat, should. hould tie the criteria to the scope, and should *Identify the value In the scoring process to each criterion. Include the scoring matrix. in this section and -provide the decision schedule, if available. (g) Submittal Requirements: In this section list all the information that firms should submit, including the firm's general approach to the project, a list of key personnel who would work on the project, along with their experience and availability, and general scope and deliverables. It helps to keep the submittal requirements,page limitations, and due date in the same section of the RFP, and to allow for flexibility' in the format of responses. (h) Submittal Deadline: A good deadline allows an adequate response time based on. the complexity of the project. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 18 of 19 Grant County Personnel Poli CY Agencies should be'"lilling to accept electronic proposals and should acknowledge r+ece t of all proposals. 4) The Agency's t .ndard, Terms and Conditions. By attaching this information to the RFP, you are asking the proposing vendor to affirm that your agency's terns and conditions are acceptable. If the terms are not acceptable, require that the vendor describe the reasons for taking anv exceptions, and that. the vendor propose alternative language. Include this as part of the evaluation criteria. Grant County Personnel Policy Page 19 of 19