HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (002)WW'Whau.n.et September 1-., 2022 ngH�►u�iAutharity of Grant County 1139 Larson Blvd. * Moses Lake, WA 98837-3308 Phone: (509) 762-5541 10 Flax: (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 * TTy-' (800) 833-6388 Grant County Board of Co -M ftiis—b- - si ners; ATTN Janice FlynnF PO Box 37/35 C.Street E'hrata . P , WA 98823 Dear Ms. Flynn: Please consider phis letter and attac hed documentation the Hou -sing Authority s claim for draw August, 2022, for Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2,0 (ERAP 2.0), 1 certify that: #11 for The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Eviction Rent Assistance Pro (ERAP), contract # 2,1 $65 -4619C-108, in the amount of 2,.957.82 is a true and gram al! deported expenditures are properly chargeable to the ERAP 2,0 grant. accurate report and that Sincerely, Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director SEP 0 6 2022 Vie HWishig. Awhority of Grant C01110Y. It"it-116119tois is an equal qppartintity provider and emj)loyer and dies not discrindliale oil the basis oftelee, color, nalional or�gin, religipl, s dfsnbilit); arfennilial statits. 7he Thmshig. Authority qf G,raid C01'111)r� policies andpracti ex physical or mental, it Ces are elesigned to proloidetusuninces thatPersons alith disabilities ►will begivell masonable accoillillodan I oiu, EQUAL HOUSING upon request, so that they mayfidly access and utilize the houshkq programs and related sersoices. OPPORTUNITY Ifyou or anyone in yourfiandly is rl POW01) With dis(lbiliflas, tinflyou require a specific accolijilit)rItlijoi., it, order tflfillly 111ilize ourprograins ati(i services, pleasa contact the l-1j),ising Anthority. Contract 9 21-46190-JoB (ERAP 2.0) Grant County/GCHA HAGC_MSt Submitted to GC by; Date: Request for Reimbursement No. #11 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: I _X Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? _X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? �X Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _X Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-430.? For payroll transactions: �X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meetthe requirements of Circular A-122? Allocable to the program? (Le,, was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by theprogram? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) �X used on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government- being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? �X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred fort he same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives), *�X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? I -X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other 0 federally -supported activities of the current ora prior period? X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? X Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). _X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g... approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. _X Correctly charged to the proper account code andgrant period? H:\ACCOUNTTNG\LOTUS\T.tOTUS\EVICTION PROTE XTION GRAN "t 2,0\E4 RAP 2.0 Subredplent Cheoldist,doex Page I Lead Grantee Name: List Sub Grantee Names Below Total Report Week or Month/Year: AUGUST 2022 IHAGC Admin n � • a c \ h\ \ G „a : \ 1 n O S. a� .R ; . ent�a n Util t , . ss to n Y. B d , F or u , S b c on r _ t a i ct n Y a . Rent/Utilities Advance k r \�• - : '� ���i a. �,�', �ia�•��s. �+u$\. a lx X" s�:\2i, w,. p\Cg' ?�5..'b� �� xl Wil..,, \ 7,,x•?' ::r- a.:atc• low, an,1v. i , l� Totals $0.00 0.00 \\ \ t l IN't y,L.. .\127 53 1 3'. Y v , J .. ,, . ,.:. .....,t, .:$631830.29 \ \ A \ e` \ x z _ 0. i 'V M :.. auM, . l r ' < rr An '.M V aa �t �� r Y "WeV M $0.00 ,...,.a1::+�3+��, e. \\Y,;.Yk $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice Total: $652,957.82 Lead Grantee Name: Report Week orMonth/Year: AUGUST 2022 BUDGET Oct -21 Nov -21 Dec TOTAL OF REMAINING -21 Jan -22 Feb -22 Mar -22 Apr -22 May -22 Jun -22 Jul -22 Aug -22 DRAWS BALANCE Admin $446,013.10 $0.00 $68.37 $0.00 $19,588.74 $0.00 $28,654.09 $0.00 $12,127.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $446,013.10 O erat�ons ah , $573, 445:13 Rent and utuiN,Asslstance$11,723,774.65 B and For $129,469.93 $1,098,703.78 $1,194,944.80 $1,101,762.36 $18,847.19 $1,122,927.71 $19,838.65 $32,229.21 $12,447.51 $849,824.13 $654,838.37 $947,116.46 $21,816.71 $21,614.23 $21,127.53 $208,359.39 $365,085.74 Subcontractin $988,036.91 $912 350.21 631830.29 $ $9,631,804.95 $2,091,969.70 Rent/Utilities Advance $0.00 $0.00 �u.. ,1f1k��Fas.�',�'u��'_ $0.00 $0.00 Totals $0.00 $12,743,232.88 $129,538.30 $1,118,292.52 $1,223,598.89 $1,113,889.52 $1,141,774.90 $0.00 $0.00 $869,662.78 $687,067.58 $959,563.97 $1,009,853.62 $933,964.44 $652,957.82 $9,840,164.34 $2,903,068.54 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 813112022 &"VPW Ru G) 0 0 () 0 0 00 irr"t 01) HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (G H} PROJECT 01 - 2 17 33 + 4, 1 2 6 + 10,* 30 + Account Number/Description- + Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 401000-8-01 IVIGIVIT SALARIES - ERAP 18,919.06 21905,04 0.00 21906.01 21,824.10 408200-8-01 IVIGIVIT FICA - ERAP 11418.20 217.33 0.00 217.33T 11635,53 408201-8-01 IVIGIVIT SUTA - ERAP 286.44 41.26 0.00 41.263 6 27.70 408202-8-01 IVIGIVIT L&I - ERAP 63.35 10.30 0100 10.30 73.65 408204-8-01 NICHT RETIREMENT - ERAP 21416,86 327.76 0.00 327.76 21744,62 408205-8-01 IVIGIVIT MED/DENTNIS/Ll - ERAP 21295.77 360.12 0,00 360.12 2,655.89 411000.8-01 ADMIN SALARIES - ERAP 82,137.07 12,074.69 0.00 12,074.69 94,211.76 415000-8-01 TRAVEL-ERAP 18.02 0.00 0,00 0.00 18.02 418200-8-01 ADMIN FICA - ERAP 6t161,92 895,32 0.00 896.32 7,057.24 418201-8-01 ADMIN SUTA - ERAP 1,238.32 171.46 0.00 171.46 1,409.78 418202-8-01 ADMIN LACI - ERAP 470.93 65.60 0.00 65.60 636.53 418204-8-01 ADMIN RETIREMENT - ERAP 91302.42 11336,60 0.00 11336.60 10,639.02 418205-8-01 ADMIN MED/DENTAtIS/L - EMAP 71631,61 1$963.49 0.00 1l963.49 93595.10 419013-8-01 TELEPHONE - ERAP 1,883.02 160.04 0.00 160.04 23043.06 419017-8-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ERAP 31818.02 454,19 0100 4541191 41272.21 471601-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 61564,919.94 634,940.29 31110.00 6311830.29(�V 96,750.23 47 . 1504-8-01 HAP PAYMNITS UTILITIE: ERAP 18,986.70 0.00 0,00 0.00 18,986.70 PROJECT 01 - Total: 61721 j967.66 6553923.49 31110.00 662,813.49 7,374,751.14 &"VPW Ru G) 0 0 () 0 0 00 irr"t 01) 2 9 04 905, + 2 17 33 + 4, 1 2 6 + 10,* 30 + 327P76 + 3 60 a 12 + 12#074o69 + 8 9 5 3? + -65P60 + 1 336.60 + 160 04 + I L�4 o 33 015 1 1 7,29,7 5 355 63/f V 3 0. 2.- &T Page: I User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 813112022 I HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GMNT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 02 - Account F Number/Description. – Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 419018-8-02 POSTAGE - ERAP PROJECT 02 . Total: 859.65 144.33 0.00 1 44.33 1,003.98 859.65 144.33 0.00 144,33 11003.99 Report Total: 6,722, 827, 30 656, 067.82,1 10.00 -66-21957.82 - 7137-51785.12 000 002 0 a 0 0 * 9 ri . , 2 Run Date: 9/1/2022 11:66:26AM G/L Date: 8131/2022 Page: 2 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 08 Ending 8/3112022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account NumberMescription Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Not change End Balance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT ERAP 61564,919.94 08 8/812022 AP -004159 08 8/812022 AP -004159 21980.00 0.00 61567,899.94 08 8/8/2022 AP -004159 3,140.00 0.00 6o571 t039.94 08 8/8/2022 AP -004159 878.00 0.00 61571,917.94 08 81812022 AP -004159 3,294.00 0.00 6;675t211,94 08 8/8/2022 1P-004169 1,947.00 0.00 6jMJ58.94 08 8/812022 AP -004169 500.00 0.00 61577o658.94 08 8/8/2022 AP -004169 31000.00 0.00 6,580,658,94 08 8/8/2022 AP -004169 2,400.00 0.00 61583,058-94 08 8/812022 AP -004159 4t722.00 0.00 6t587p780.94 08 8/8/2022 AP -004159 4,004.00 0.00 6,591,780.94 08 81812022 AP -004169 10800.00 0.00 6,593,580.94 08 8/812022 AP -004159 3,685.00 0,00 61597,245.94 08 8/8/2022 AP -004169 2P679.16 0.00 6o599,825.09 08 8/812022 AP -004169 2o900,00 0.00 6,602, 725.09 08 8/812022 AP -004159 6,000.00 0.00 60608,726.09 08 8/612022 AP -004159 2,600.00 0.00 6x611,325.09 08 8/812022 AP -004159 2t445.00 0.00 65,613,770.09 08 8/812022 AP -004159 31100.00 0.00 61616,870.09 08 8/8/2022 AP -004159 3v250.00 0.00 61620,120,09 08 818/2022 AP -004159 4,500.00 0.00 61624,920.09 08 8/812022 AP -004159 29000,00 0.00 61626,920.09 08 81812022 AP -004159 2$812.05 0.00 61629,732.14 08 81812022 AP -004159 3,400.00 0.00 61633t 132.14 08 818/2022 AP -0041 59 41855.00 0.00 61637,987.14 08 8/8/2022 AP -004159 31400.00 0.00 616413387.14 08 8111/2022 AP -004161 43380.00 0.00 6, 645, 767.14 08 811112022 AP -004161 33110.00 0.00 61648t877.14 08 8111/2022 AP -004161 1,960.00 0.00 61650r837,14 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 21250.00 0.100 61663,087.14 08 8/1112022 AP -004161 11883.00 0.00 6166070.14 -08 8111/2022 AP -004161 31111.00 0.00 6 1658,081.14 08 8111/2022 AP -004161 11552.00 0.00 6,669,633.14 08 811112022 AP -004161 21908.00 0.00 69662,641.14 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 3,040.00 0.00 6,665,681.14 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 4r670.00 0.00 6$670,251.14 08 8111/2022 AP -004161 11600.00 0.00 69671,851.14 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 2,625.00 0.00 6t674,476.14 06 8111/2022 AP -004161 31000.00 0.00 69677,476.14 08 811112022 AP -004162 U07.14 0.00 6,681.283.28 08 8/11/2022 AP -004162 0.00 3,110.00 61678,173.28 08 8/16/2022 AP -004163 3,110.00 0.00 6,fib 10283.28 08 8/15/2022 AP -004163 31560.00 0.00 6o684o843,28 08 8115/2022 AP -004163 2,780.00 0.00 6,687,623.28 08 8115/2022 AP -004163 11035.00 0100 6p688$658.28 08 8115/2022 AP -004163 41676.00 0.00 6l693,334.28 08 8116/2022 AP -004163 11686.00 0.00 6p695,020.28 08 8/15/2022 AP -004163 21104.00 0.00 6v697j 124.28 08 8/15/2022 AP -004163 3l942.00 0.00 6v701,066.28 08 6/1612022 AP -004163 840,00 0.00 61701 * 906,28 08 8/1512022 AP -004163 31574.00 0.00 6,706,480.28 Account Number/Descriptlon 2,400.00 0.00 69707,880.28 Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 08 811512022 AP -004163 438 8/1512022 AP -004153 81000.00 0.00 6 ,715,880.28 08 0512(322 AP -004153 87440.00 0.00 51723,880.28 13S 8115/2022 AP -004153 53100.00 0.00 5,728,�a0.28 08 8/15/2022 AP -004163 8,500.00 0.00 0,737,480.28 08 81'1512022 AP -004163 � 10,350.00 0.00 g ,747,830.28 08 8115/2022 AP -004163 8,000.00 0.00 6,755,830.28 08 811512022 AP -004163 81000.00 0.00 g ,703,830.28 08 8115/2022 AP -004153 80000.00 0.00 877.9,830.28 08 8115/2022 AP -004164 800.00 0.00 6t772,630.28 08 811612022 AP -004164 2o351.00 2,351.00 O,00 6,774,981.28 08 811612022 AP -00416 X64 724.00 0.00 6 775 � ,705.283p624.71 08 8/1612022 AP -004164 3,624.71 0.00 6,779,320.00 08 8l16/20 AP-004164 4,485.00 0.00 6 783 � , 814.99 08 811612022 AP -004164 900.01} 0.00 6, 784, 714.99 08 8/18/2022 AP -004164 1, 800.00 0.00 6,786,514.99 08 811612022 AP -004164 21125.00 0.00 617889639.99 08 8116/2022 AP -004164 33000.00 0.00 61791,639.99 08 8/1612022 AP -004164 31975.00 0,00 6,795,614.89 08 811612022 AP -004164 4s311.75 0.00 07 99,926.74 08 811612022 AP -004114 21400.00 0.00 6,802,326.74 08 8116/2022 AP -004164 3,988,00 1},0{3 61806$314.74 08 8/1612022 • AP^004164 41650.00 0.00 5,810,964.74 08 811612022 AP -004164 2,628.00 0.00 67813j592,74 0a 8/1/21322 AP -004164 01600.00 0"00 61820,192.74 08 8/1612022 AP -004164 3584.00 0.00 61823,776.74 08 811612022 AP -004165 71400.00 0.00 6,831,176.74 08 8116/2022 AP -004165 41268.00 0.00 835 6,835,444.74 08 811612022 AP -004165 21685.00 0.00 61838,129.74 08 811612022 AP -004165 3,250.00 0.00 8 84'1 37 ' 9'7'4' 08 811612022 AP -004165 11891.00 0.00 6,8439270.74 08 8/16/2022 AP -004165 51093.00 0.00 6p848,363.74 08 8118/21322 AP -00416551319.004.00 '1,920.00 0.00 6,8510,283.74 08 811812022 AP -004165 63856,602.74 08 8116}2022 AP -0041653,226.00 0.00 6,858,828.74 08 811612022 AP -•(104'165 2,745,00 0.00 6s861,673.74 08 81'16121}22 AP -004165 21700.00 0.00 6,864,273.74 08 8116!2022 AP -004165 2,885.00 0.110 6,866,958.74 08 8/1712022 AP -00415s j� 5,595.00 0.00 6,872,553.74 08 811712022 AP -004166 41350.00 0.04 6 ,8711903 , .74 0$ 811712022 AP -0(}4165 21300,00 0.00 01879,203.74 08 8117!2022 AP -004165 21900.04 0.00 8 882, 103.74 OB 81'1712022 AP -004155 11007.00 {3.00 5,883,110.7'4 08 8/1712022 AP -004165 5,1013.00 0.00 6,888 210.74 ' 08 8!1712022 AP -004166 31766.00 0,{l0 6,891,9?6.74 08 8/17/2022 AP -(104166 '1, 99'1.00 0.00 5,893 967.74 ' 118 8/1712022 AP -4(34166 1,700.00 0.00 67895,667.74 08 811712022 AP -(104166 1,549.00 0.00 6,897 216.74 ' 08 8!1712022 AP -004156 4,400.00 0.00 6,901,516.74 OB 8/1712022 AP -004166 2,205.60 (3.0{} 6,'903 822.34 ' 08 811712022 AP -004166 2,053.00 0.00 6,505,875.34 Account Number/Description' 8,0413.00 4.00 6,913 875.34 Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 08 8/1712022 AP -004166 3,204.00 0.00 609173075.34 08 811712022 AP -004166 80000.00 0.00 61926,075.34 08 811712022 AP -004166 31250.00 0.00 61928,325.34 08 8117!2022 AP -004166 2,750.130 1}.00 61931,075.34 08 8117{2022 AP -004166 61050.00 0.00 61937,125.34 08 8/18/2022 AP -004167 2,760.00 0.00 0,939 885.34 OS 8118/21/22 AP -004167 21,365.00 0.00 ' 61942,250.34 08 8/1812022 AP -004167 21568.29 0.00 6,944,818.93 08 8/18/2022 AP -004167 3,986.00 0.00 61948 804.63 08 8118/2022 AP -004167 1,829.00 0.00 ' 6,950,633.63 08 811812022 AP -004167 1,950.00 0.00 OoM 683.63 08 811812022 AP -004167 2,030.00 0.00 ' 6,954,613.63 08 8118/2022 AP -004167 2,550,00 0.00 6,957,163.63 08 8118/2022 AP -004167 4,275.00 0.00 6,961,438.63 08 8/18/2022 AP -004167 1,548M 9.00 6,962,986,63 08 8118/2022 AP -004167 17,000.00 0.00 6,979 986.63 as 8118/2022 AP -004167 1,504.00 0,00 61981,490.3 08 8118/2022 AP -004167 2,7'12,00 0.00 61984,202.63 08 8/18/2922 AP -004167 61400.00 0.00 6,990,602.63 08 8/18/2022 AP -004167 1,970.00 0.00 6,992,572.63 08 8/1812022 AP -004167 21000.00 0.00 61994,572.63 08 811812022 Ate -004167 31200.00 0.00 6,997,772.63 08 811.812022 AP -004167 41300.00 0.00 79002,0/72.63 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 2,92O.00 0.00 7,004,992.88 08 812212622 AP -004168 3t263.16 0.00 7,OO8 ,245.78 OS 8/2212022 AP -004168 2,567.29 0.00 ' 71010,813.07 08 8122/2022 AP -004168 5$00.00 0.00 7,0161313.07 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 41500.0O 0.010 71020,818,07 08 812212022 AP -004168 21908.00 0.00 71023,721.07 08 812212022 AP -004168 21572.00 0.00 7,026,293.07 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 4,114.00 0.00 7,030,407.07 08 8122%2022 AP -004168 5,256.00 0.00 7,035,663.07 08 8/22!7022 AP -004168 2,900/.00 0.00 7,038,563.07 08 812212022 AP -00416/8 l p078.00 0.00 7,039,641,07 08 812212022 AP -004168 3,051.00 0.00 71042,692,07 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 106.00 0.00 71044,358.07 08 8122/2022 AP -004168 1,400,00 0.00 7,045,758.07 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 808.00 0.00 7,046,666.07 08 812212022 AP -004168 1,654.00 0.00 7,048,220.07 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 149.00 0.00 71048,369.07 48 812212022 APn004168 435.00 0.00 7,Q48,804.07 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 3,233.00 0,00 7,052,037.07 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 1,492.00 0.00 71053,529.07 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 491.001 0.00 7,054,020,07 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 1,975.00 0.00 7,055,995.07 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 59098.00 0.40 7,061,093.07 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 '1,722.00 0.00 7,062,815.07 08 812212022 AP -004168 778.00 0.00 7,063,533.07 08 8122/2022 AP -004168 3,443,00 0.00 7,067,036.07 08 812212022 AP -004168 6,510.66 0.00 7,073,546,73 08 8/2212022 AP -004158 2,990.00 0,00 7,076,536.73 AcCo unt Numbeir/Dosc riptien Period gate Journal Comments Beg Balance habit Credit Net Change End Balance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 08 812212022 AP -004168 4t887,55 0.00 7, 081,424.28 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 4,930.00 0.00 71086,054.28 08 812212022 AP -004168 21100.00 0.00 7,0887454.28 08 8122/2022 AP -004168 1,792.00 0.00 71000,246.28 08 8122/2022 AP -004108 21350.00 0.00 7100.2,506.28 08 8122/2022 AP -004168 4,500,00 0.00 71097,096.28 08 812212022 AP -004168/ 61100.00 0.00 711031198.28 08 812212922 AP -004168 5,598.00 0.00 71108,794.28 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 9,960.00 0.00 71118,754,28 08 8122/2022 AP -004168 10,204.00 0.00 71128,958.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 10,520.00 0.00 7,139,478.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 08 8/22/2022 AP -004168 31156.00 4.00 71142,634.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 7,500.00 0.00 7,160,'134.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 6,750.00 O.OQ 7,156,884.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 6,600.00 0.00 7,163,484,28 08 812212022 AP -004168 1,800.00 0.00 7,165,284.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 4,100,410 0.00 7,169,384.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 3,400.00 0.00 71172,784,28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 51200.00 O.00 71177,984.28 08 812212022 AP -004168 92000.00 0.00 7,186,984.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004188 11500.00 0.00 71188,484.28 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 11400.00 0.00 71189,884.28 08 812312O22 AP -004169 670.0O 0.00 7j190,564.28 08 8123/2022 AP -0041619 243.00 0. 00 7,1901797.28 08 8/2312022 AP -004169 11800.00 0.00 7,'192, 397.28 41352.95 0,00 7j196,750.23 6,564,918.94 634,944,25 3,110.00 631,B30.29 7,190,750.23 47160.4-8-01 HAP PAYM�IT'S U�'ILITIE.• WRAF' 1$,986.70 0.00 0.00 18, 980.70 18,986.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,956.70 Report Total; 61683,906.64 mom 634,940.29 3,110.00463'1,830,29 E71215,736.93 Run Date: 8/2912022 3:33:32PM to/L Date: 812912022 'age: 4 User Lagan: SAS Washington State 4& .Departmern of 1W _" Instructions: Nh&RR%IFII UT4*1 4,r M 7 Household ID Total no. of months of otalRental T Assistance rental assistance utilities assistance Provided Provided Ethnicity Rental Type EXAMPLE: 080120200945 'American lhdian/Alaska lNon-FrIspanic/Non- [eased lot space/mooring fee 30% or less SPM052022i Ci%enderWoman Native/Indlizenous Latin(a)(o)(A leased rental unit 1,1111,11! Cisgender Woman leased rental unit 30% or less C an VITA leased rental unit 11=M_ T.TIM. leased rental unit i! 30% or less CisRender Woman ku, IT, - leased rental unit ii 30% or less n lient Refused leased rental unit 130% or less Cisgender Ma 1 11- $1 ]eased lot space/moorin!� fee, 30% or less 3868CT2022 CfsgenderWoman VITJ 10W�Mo .. I leased rental unit . 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