HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (007)£Hi//iiiFi. W., ��, 22-_62210-005 �£ .Y.,�//HH YHJHH/ HH/J//FYFHJN/JH//FY/F�/.H,�/HH./H�YJ/,F 4 Department of Reset farm Sw %jW Commerce CommunityDevelopment Block Grant Grant Application Data Grant Year 2022 General Information Grant County X2022®�G public services /FGY/F. �� �//.YHH///Fq FO�FLU/JiJ' ��.tUii/FY/FGLo�W/.Y/.aY/i//bm �v///H//iJJFY/.Y//.::W//.S'i.Y/.�iH/HH/F/H/////FY//H/H% F%/.ae.YHi/.l�//HHHFYH.vJYHAHHFLe6a' /FSx9� �� HH//�Yv/HmHHhl�H// Hi /HH/F!?H/HiYJ//iH/iF:HFA/it'Hi/HH.sIY//.3Y/H//.YHFH..///� F/GfG/////////(/nY///FYi//i/////iW//-Cf9f(H/H///JYH///.-'CL!///FSU/H//////J//////.GYF�FY//H.6NH/FU. �"���u'�•'. Grant Count -%' P/NSU �HHW b.%H/✓dHb////////H/H/HH/.FFY//J///iHi Fs 311 /15/2022 H $ 128000 f mHFyw///H///F/// FY/H///H. r FU/FYHFYH/.tv/HHHHFI'// 3P0 Box 37 3 X35 C Sfireet NW _ � FSYFs/.Yl�//H//.////./////J//H/J/H.0/.H//H. /HH/HH//HJJH.O::YH/JFSU//iXu .Y/FY.SS'i3Y//H//.%Gl�//H//Y./•SIHr//FpY�'6YH/H/H/JH/�H-GY/HHF'Y�x?SY///�Y/////H/iJVHH///FVXSU//J .HJHFa1YH//i .�./HaYHH.HH�YH/HYJ//HJHYHH//HH,Hy�.�HHFY//FYH/H�Y/HHHyFYH.HFY.�H/�/HH/F.////H/H///FYH/H/J//H.H//.,�///H/J/JHJ///HHHHH//HHyHHHHY�/H///HHYHFY�H.dyH� Ephrata y F.�F�YHYFY//JH�YH//�Y/H///H/H/HF�/JH/Hx//H/FyFYFYF�w/H�..YF/JHHHHFH,�Y..�H�JFY///H/H/H./JFYHY////HJ/JHY/HJ//H/./HH//FY/HJJ//J/HJHF./FY/HRH/H/F,J////H//F.3 AWA X98823 Signature Authority for Grant Agreement First Name Danny Last Name Stone / H //HHS/J//H//HFY//iN//HFUFUFW//iHFss'/iFa/FSY///ii/.!Fv/JJiYisfiH.cYHiF✓iHirH v//J/JJH////HHHC6�mHH/i/H/FY///iU/i//FU//.////FCU/r � Hi///J/RFU/HHN/ - ..... ...: - '�"Hyny /J/FfFUJ�H/ii/ilii/HHi//HCY//FLUi/i x/iY/mU/iHYH//H//H///HHFc'/H/HH-i�SY/H//iYFUJ/FLUiFU////FYHY/HiH/i/Hi/H/H////FYJH_vY/Hili/iHH:U•colli/FrU/H/iiHH/HHhY//HFUFztF�HHnY/Ji/i.Y .v Title Chair Emaildestone@grantcountywa.gov -. ""`" ""- GU/HHFCUFOU/H//HHFYiY/� N /H�y /.Y/ii/HHb FU/.YH/H� HiiS9SGY//HJ/H"ti////H/H////////////.HFdHi.✓H///.Y/�_UJJ/HH//FCU//H/.rY/H.SYtiFfuU////.UiHUH/RFU//H///i/H.CUJHW/FSSCUXUJF Contact Information 3Flynn YFYH///mow HYHiJ/HJHHH/J/FrarHFHm: HFsxcYHFe-//JH/ r HY/H/J//HUY/ J. r H//,co/ x(509) 754-2011 /HFeYHYiri/�iHiHiu-»Y/Hill/..'i.Y/FYi H;aoY�/iH:caiiiiy .i//iiiFYHiHniiH.YFcrHHiHFYi /HF .Administrative Services Coordinator "�(/FUx//FY/F �///�H//.Y///N HH%SU.visaFYFSY/�FYFY.GGSYi/�H/.CUR//H//i.YUiFGt�i///HH//F U/•UiCc6XU _//H/H///.1W/.Ui///////.///yN f�H/�////HJ/H//J/lullJ///////HH/FUHiH/H////HHHHHHY ojflynn@grantcountywa.gov ° /HaHYHFmrarHHiiHH /i-uueeoa:eY/ i HFeYr yFviH/H.YJ.Y/H.Yii�Hii iYiFaazaFYnY FY/HH/Hiiii�Hi/HHiiiFY/ HH; hh' C% /H/FYHiHFSCCH.0/HHHHH% xH/H/xHCUHrti HF?5//HYH/HM/ti/-YtiH•cpvv/H//i/FCUHHSY/F'//F%FU/i H HU//H///H///H/�//HyHH�tiH///HFNH///J//H�/H/HHH.UN'H///H/�/H/� H SPO Box 37 H �YJ/FYF� Y/./H.a-H:<YH/J/H/�//FY.aaYHY//J��JH,aYHYHHH-/H/H-/H/HH�YHHH/JJ///HHHHY� �/�/HH/m-�/�F//HH/H//HHF�/HHRH/HHH�aaHHH/�� Fa�;�Y��F�F� �� �HJHJ// Ephrata H .FYSH/Ji HaY/JFYFYHHHHa:csaYH/H///FHYHH//HHmJ///FaYJ/JH//H/HVF7v.�WHaHJHJH/FY/HH.C[v/HJ//HHJFHY//JJHHY.//////FVF/Hr7 AWA FG�YFYFYFtiY/Fi///H////H/FY///H//H/FC//HJHH//HHH/H/.F.D/ 3 H�YiiHiH/iHHteriHi/iH-aviauHHHy .sYie'F'./HHHH_u: X98823 Page 1 Funding Total CDBG Grant Amount (from Page 1) County General Admin ($3,500 max.) Services Amount (Equals grant total minus funds reserved for Admin) Program Income Local Public Funds Other State Funds Other Federal Funds Private Funds 22-62210-005 [__.../,y/�./H///H/.�.HH�HH�Y.HH.�Y/m/H�./H.H..�.� F __ ---- - ---- - --- s �,�,✓.o�:��� rr�:�a��z�i�-,moi ��r 6 /.bJHirLtOSKYH//HH.aaY .a✓.uY% i - ----- HH -//H, -YYH Total Additional Funding Involved in delivering Service Activities $ 0 / Total Funding including CDBG HH//.v/.H/2F1cUH//H..6ylnYilvY.H/H/avH//H./H/H/n-.aiYHH.cY////� .Beneficiaries Number of Persons _. _ _ _ . ........ ::.. .. 32000 .: . ... ,,. ......: .... ....,, 'wiseu,-.aril .sror/.cYH.cYHHiccYnrHiiiiHHiHHixirii/iiHiricr/Y� Number of Households ,HHH.uuar.Y•coHiHHiHiH.wieY.:rwu//isYiiiira�.eriHiiiH/iH/.virH•s ;1000 Number LMI Persons z 1800 Numbetr LMI Households 900 subrecipients and Consultants Reset Sub data -3500 Page 2 22-62210-005 Ae01* Washington State Department of Reset Form lot Co"nerce Communit( Oevelo meat Block Grant PROGRAM ACTIVITIES and LOW - AND MODERATE INCOME (LMI) BENEFIT DESCRIPTIONS Grant Year 2022 Grant County Program Activities must be detailed enough for Commerce to understand what direct services will be accomplished wit h CDBG funds and how the activities meet the CDBG definition of an eligible public service that provides a direct bene fit to principally low- and moderate -income persons. ?Asset Development Activities I 'Preliminary assessment, intake, foreclosure/home counseling, business ling, education and referral services for new LIVII clients 05U Housing Counseling Hcounse u 1101 800 a i3 New 4 Special case, Primarily LIVII persons served L--------------------- ---------------------_- Preliminary Assessment/Intake Preliminary Assessment, Intake and Referral Services for New LIVII Clients 05Z Other Public Services N - New 14 - Special case, Primarily LIVII persons served 1,500 Remove Activity 2 'Energy Assistance Program 'Preliminary Assessment, intake and qualifying clients for energy assistance 3 programs and services for LIVII clients I 05Z Other Public Services IN - New �2 - Income eligibility limited to LIVII persons only 1 500 Foreclosure Housing Program 'X 05X Housing Information and Referral S" N - New Rental Counseling !05K Tenant/Landlord Counseling ,N - New Remove Activity 3 Preliminary assessment, intake and referral to other organizations if services needed are not available at OIC of WA 4 - Special case, Primarily LIVII persons served Remove Activity 4 400 Preliminary assessment, intake and mediation between tenant/land lord. Will counsel client and negotiate with landlord with the client as needed. Rental counseling and education. 4 - Special case, Primarily LIVII persons served 3 300 Add Activity 6 Remove Activity 5 Washington State ,_T22 62210 005ntla� Department of Reset •a! Commerce Community Development Block Grant Demographics and Title VI Certification Grant Year 2022 LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING TITLE VI CERTIFICATION Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which states: "No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." Section 1.4(b)(2)(1) of the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued pursuant to Title VI, which require: "A recipient, in determining the types of housing, accommodations, facilities, services, financial aid, or other benefits which will be provided under any such program or activity, or the class of persons to whom, or the situations in which, such housing, accommodations, facilities, services, financial aid, or other benefits will be provided under any such program or activity, or the class of persons to be afforded an opportunity to participate in any such program or activity, may not, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, utilize criteria methods of administration which have the effect of subjecting persons to discrimination because of their race, color, national origin, or have the effect of defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the program or activity as respect to persons of a particular race, color, or national origin." Demographics 1. Ethnicity of the service area (seethe Ethnicity and Race instructions). Provide the numeric count of those residents in the service area who are of Hispanic or Latino origin. 42,401 Hispanic or Latino origin 2. Race - Provide numeric count by race. 57,433 White 782 Black or African American 1,660 American Indian /Alaska Native 1,202 Asian persons 104 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 24,733 Some Other Race 13,209 Two or more 99123 TOTAL POPULATION 42.78% Hispanic/ Latino percentage Minority outreach 3. MINORITY POPULATIONS reported in the service area demographics above are: Q Scattered throughout the community. Q Scattered throughout the community, with concentrations in the areas listed in the following question. Q Concentrated in the areas listed in the following question. 4. Description of areas of population concentrations: Input "N/A" if no area concentration issues. 22-62210-005 5. The following opportunities were provided to Title VI protected groups to participate in and comment on the design of activities to be undertaken as part of this project (check all that apply): 0 Public hearing to review community development and housing needs Q Community meeting(s) � Community survey 0 Apply to be on a wait list for direct assistance Q Other: Draft application available for public review & comment. 6. Will all residents of the service area have the opportunity to benefit from this CDBG project? If the answer is NO, provide the Title VI protected group(s) or minority populations residing in the area that will not benefit from the CDBG project. I Yes, all residents of the service area will benefit I If not - please explain below: benefits low to moderate income persons or households 7. The above populations that will not benefit from this CDBG project: Q Will receive similar services provided through existing programs. Q Do not receive similar services provided through existing programs. explain: Q N/A -All residents of the service area will have the opportunity to benefit 8. For those protected groups that will not benefit from this CDBG project nor will receive similar services, provide a plan that identifies a timetable for providing such services in the future OR describe the reason no services are planned. Enter "N/A" if no explanation is required. N/A 9. The following steps will be taken to ensure CDBG benefits are offered to all residents and Title VI protected groups within the community: (check all that apply) Q Protected groups will be informed of the opportunity to apply for the direct assistance program funded by CDBG Q Protected groups will be informed of the availability of programs to be located in a CDBG funded facility 0 A community meeting will be held to inform all residents of benefits resulting from this CDBG project I REQUIRED: A final public hearing to receive comment on this CDBG project is required and will be conducted (if applicable) with outreach and accommodation for non-English speaking residents. ® Other: The applicant is certifying compliance with Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by assessing and reporting on the ethnicity/racial composition of its residents and minority outreach above. Name & Title Do M 11 Q F 51ete co x,11,," 5, 1A Digital Signature Signing will lock all form entries ATTACHMENT 6-G(1) NEPA Determination of Exemption & Determination of Categorical Exclusion (not subject to Section 58.5) Determination of activities per 24 CFR 58.34(a) and 58.35(b) Local Government Name: Grant County, WA I Contract Number: Address: PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823 Project Description and Location: Asset Development, Energy Assistance & Mediation Funding Source: WA State CDBG Other Funding Sources: V The activity falls into the checked category below, and listed at 24 CFR 58.34(a) as Exempt. -- -------­--------- ------­--- ❑ 1. Environmental and other studies, resource identification, and development of plans and strategies ❑ 2. Information and financial services ❑ 3. Administrative and management activities 4. Public services that will not have a physical impact or result in any physical changes including but not limited to services concerned with: X ■Employment 0 Recreation needs N Energy conservation ❑ ■Crime prevention 0 Drug abuse n Welfare ■Child care N Education 0 Other ■Health 0 Counseling ❑ 5. Inspections and testing of properties for hazards or defects ❑ 6. Purchase of insurance ❑ 7. Purchase of tools ❑ 8. Engineering or design costs ❑ 1 9. Technical assistance and training 10. Temporary or permanent improvements that do not alter environmental conditions and are limited to activities to ❑ protect, repair or arrest the effects of disasters or imminent threats to public safety, including those resulting from physical deterioration. ❑ ----------------- 11. Payment of principal and interest on loans made or obligations guaranteed by HUD � The activity falls into the checked category listed below, and is listed at 24 CFR 58.35(b) as a Categorically Excluded activity not subject to Section 58.5. ❑ 1. Tenant -based rental assistance --------------- 2. Supportive Services (including but not limited to): ■ Health care N Nutritional services ■ Housing services E Short term payments for rent/mortgage/utility costs ■ Permanent housing placement E Assistance in gaining access to government benefits/services ■ Day care 3. Operating Costs: ■ Maintenance 0 Utilities N Supplies ■ Security 0 Furnishings E Staff training and recruitment ■ Operation 0 Equipment 4. Economic Development Activities: ■ Equipment purchase N Interest subsidy ■ Inventory financing 0 Operating costs 0 Other expenses not associated with construction or expansion ATTACHMENT 6-G(2) NEPA 5. Activities to assist homeownership of existing or dwelling units under construction, Including:�� ❑ Closing costs and down payment assistance to homebuyers Interest buy downs or other actions resulting in transfer of title -----------------t 6. Affordable housing pre -development costs ■ Legal consulting ❑m Developer and other site -option costs ■ Project financing j Administrative costs for loan commitments, zoning approvals, and other activities which don't have a physical impact i 7. Approval of supplemental assistance (including insurance or guarantee) to a project previously approved under Part 58, if: ❑ the same responsible entity conducted the environmental review on the original project and re-evaluation of the environmental findings is not required under Section 58.47 Additional HUD Laves & Authorities (24 CFR 58.6) Section 1. Flood Disaster Protection Act Section 58.6 requires compliance with the Flood Disaster Protection Act. However, under 24 CFR 55.1(b)(1) the prohibitions are not applicable to HUD financial assistance under the State -administered CDBG Program (24 CFR part 570, subpart 1). Therefore, the Act does not apply. Section 2. Airport Runway Clear Zones (Civil) and Accident Potential Zones (Military) (Che7 as appropriate) Does the project involve HUD assistance, subsidy or insurance for the purchase or sale of— ----- -------------ck - - ------ an existing property?[:]YES X[:] NO Continue n Proceed to Sectio — 3 regulation does not apply. Is the project located within 2,500 feet of a civil airport or 15,000 feet of a military airfield? ❑ YES X❑ NO Continue Document & proceed to Section 3—regulation does not apply. Is the project located within an FAA -designated civilian airport Runway Clear Zone (RCA) or RYES X❑ NO Runway Protection Zone, or within the military Airfield Clear Zone (CZ) or Accident Continue Document & proceed to Potential Zone/Approach Protection Zone (APZ), based upon information from the airport Section 3—regulation or military airfield administrator identifying the boundaries of such zones? does not apply. Comply with 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart D which may include providing a written notice to a prospective buyer or leaser of the potential hazards from airplane accidents and the potential that an airport or airfield operator may wish to purchase the property at some point in the future as part of a clear zone acquisition program. Maintain copies of the signed notice. For properties located in a military clear zone, mal<e and document a determination of whether the use of the property is generally consistent with DOD guidelines. Notice Sample: http://-w-ww.hud.gov/offices/cig2d environment review a air orthazards. df Section 3. Coastal Barrier Resources Act. Section 58.6 also requires compliance with the Coastal Barrier Resources Act. There are no Coastal Barrier Resource Areas in Washington State. Therefore, the Act does not apply. NEPA CERTIFICATION A Request for Release of Funds (RROF) is not required for this project. The activity may be initiated without further environmental review beyond 24 CFR Part 58.6. SEPA CERTIFICATION The Grantee certifies that the proposed CDBG project complies with the provisions of the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA, Chapter 43.21C RCW) and has determined: X❑ The project is Categorically Exempt under SEPA WAC 197.11.800 OR ATTACHMENT 6-G(3) NEPA ❑ The project does not have a probable adverse impact on the environment (WAC 197-11-970) and an environmental impact statement is not required. Documentation supporting the Determination of Non -significance is contained in the Environmental Review Record. Preparer Name (print): Janice Flynn Title: Administrative Services Coordinator Signature: w. Dat --------------- Chief Administrative Official (print): Danny E Stone Title Chair, Board of County Commissioners Signature: � �� � _ Date: Last updated by Madeline Prentice on Nov 15, 2021 at 02:08 PM �!�SAM*oov@ GRANT, COUNTY OF Unique Entity ID ZL6WM26K8KR5 Registration Status Active Registration Physical Address 35 C Street NW Ephrata, Washington 98823-1685 United States CAGE/NCAGE 3JOUI Expiration Date Nov 15, 2022 Mailing Address PO Box 37 Ephrata, Washington 98823-1685 United States GRANT, COUNTY OF Purpose of Registration Federal Assistance Awards Only Doing Business as Division Name Division Number BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County (blank) Congressional District State / Country of Incorporation URL Washington 04 (blank) / (blank) (blank) https.-Ilsam.govlentitylZL6WM26K8KR51coreData?status=Active Page 1 of 2