HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Public WorksCo K , �v _�_ - _ __ Grant County j^l I ' - Department of Public Works ���/ 124 Enterprise St. S.E. Ephrata, WA 98823 Serial No. 22.082 Memo To: Honorable Grant County Board of County Commissioners From: Dave Bren, PE, MSCE County Road Engineer Date: August 3, 2022 Re: County Engineer Public Safety Directive Road 221E Temporary Class 7 & 8 Trucks Closure and Speed Reduction Effective for (90) days beginning on August 10, 2022 ------------ Legislative History: Financial Impact: • First Presentation: August 9, 2022 NA NA • Second Presentation-, NA N.A. • Action Reauested: Consent FNA FNA Overview., Road 22NE west of Krupp/Marlin was the old State Highway route. The County has continued to provide basic maintenance over many decades since. The road requires expensive reconstruction and major safety improvements. However, the road has a very low traffic count of (53) average daily trips (ADT) and local. funding would have to be used to improve it. This is why safety issues on this road may not have been addressed over the decades. Safely Issues Observed. On the morning of July 21, 2022 the County Engineer, Distict Staff, and Traffic -Division Staff inspected the conditions in the field. The field observations, field measurements, and staff consultation indicated Public safety issues including: Effectively a Single Lane for Large Trucks Clif(side Drop Off < Rocks on Roadway from Upper Cliff Blind Curve at the Cliffside Portion To meat ourrenit arid future need -5, serving together with public amd private entities, while fostering a respectFul and su=essful work environment, " Road 22NE Looking East T54-6082 Dave Bren, PE, County Road 3502 Ed Lowry, Supervisor -Dist. No. 3540 T54-6087 Bob Sersant. construction engineer. .. ,...,Ext 350,3 Mike DeTrolio, SupervisorADist. N0,2..... .. 3591 E -mal .......... . ....... ... ...... . pub1cwo"grantcountywa,gov Lo c ON, Accu un ta nt Lead ......... ... ..... a555 John Brissey, Sup erASOTOSt No, 3541 Sam Gastro, Public works Director.,...., 3504 Rod Follett, Foreman -sign Shop_, 3570 John Spiess, Supenfisor-Central shop..........(5os) T54 -60 -Sr., Samuel Dart, -Assistant Director.. ... _.__., Ext 35119 Jason colings, Solid Waste, _.____.,......(5r j 75443is And Booth, Bridge lot'. Ir 4b, 6 T54-6082 Dave Bren, PE, County Road 3502 Ed Lowry, Supervisor -Dist. No. 3540 T54-6087 Bob Sersant. construction engineer. .. ,...,Ext 350,3 Mike DeTrolio, SupervisorADist. N0,2..... .. 3591 E -mal .......... . ....... ... ...... . pub1cwo"grantcountywa,gov Lo c ON, Accu un ta nt Lead ......... ... ..... a555 John Brissey, Sup erASOTOSt No, 3541 Sam Gastro, Public works Director.,...., 3504 Rod Follett, Foreman -sign Shop_, 3570 John Spiess, Supenfisor-Central shop..........(5os) T54 -60 -Sr., Samuel Dart, -Assistant Director.. ... _.__., Ext 35119 Jason colings, Solid Waste, _.____.,......(5r j 75443is And Booth, Bridge Road 22NE is Not the Truck Route-, During the morning site inspection on July 21, 2022 the County Engineer observed (5) fully loaded Class 8 tractor trailer trucks and (5) passenger vehicles pass through. This road is effectively a single lane for these large trucks. It should be noted that this road is not the truck route for this area (See Attachment C). 'Alt omu�� 41 Ak-1 . 41 0 Large _Trucks on a Small Road. Class 7 & 8 vehicles are large trucks (See Attachment . The road is effectively a single lane for these large trucks. Road 22NE Single Lane for Trucks 0 Public Safely Directive ffective August 10, 2022)0 The County Engineer is charged with protecting the public safety, health, and wealfare. The County Engineer has decided to take immediate action by issueim a Public Safety Directive to Temporarily Close Road 22NE to Class 7 & 8 Trucks (See Attachment A). In addition, to temporarily lower the speed to 35mph for all other vechicles through the (1) mile cliffside portion. Please see the formal :Public Safety Directive for further information. ,Fiscal and Policy Implications The Temporary Closure to Trucks does affect local business, including Steven's Hay Exports. The County Engineer personally called Bill Stevens to discuss the potential closure. The official Truck Route from Krupp to SR28 is Road W. Inspection of Road W 'Indicates edge and shoulder improvements are needed to make the Truck Route a better option for businesses. The County Engineer and :District I have discussed potential shoulder work for this fall. A. long-term recommendation for ZD 'Road 22NE is forthcoming from the County Engineer. "To meet current and future needz, serving together with public and private entitle -5, while fostering a respectU amd sucovsn4tul work environment,"' informationy.....,>•,»..,.,>.> ....... .. ..... —15cn) 754-6082 Road 22NE Ed Lowry, Supervisor -Diet. Na, I— ..........».,.,.,,, 3540 Looking West Bob Bensanb.!oonstrudlop• 350.3 Mk DeTrolio, SU perVisOr-D l5t. No, 2 Ext. a 59 1 7 .4 774 John Brissey, Supervisor -Dist No. 3, . ,................... Ext $541 -Sam gastro, Public Works Director....—.......... —Ext, 3504 Rod Follett, Forem an-$ ign S hop,... 3 579 John Spiess, Supervi5or-C-entral shop ....... —(509) 754-6066 samuel Dart, 1a5on Solid ... ....... (509) 75"31$ Ardy Booth, Bridge Supervisor_„ .... ..... 3535 0 Large _Trucks on a Small Road. Class 7 & 8 vehicles are large trucks (See Attachment . The road is effectively a single lane for these large trucks. Road 22NE Single Lane for Trucks 0 Public Safely Directive ffective August 10, 2022)0 The County Engineer is charged with protecting the public safety, health, and wealfare. The County Engineer has decided to take immediate action by issueim a Public Safety Directive to Temporarily Close Road 22NE to Class 7 & 8 Trucks (See Attachment A). In addition, to temporarily lower the speed to 35mph for all other vechicles through the (1) mile cliffside portion. Please see the formal :Public Safety Directive for further information. ,Fiscal and Policy Implications The Temporary Closure to Trucks does affect local business, including Steven's Hay Exports. The County Engineer personally called Bill Stevens to discuss the potential closure. The official Truck Route from Krupp to SR28 is Road W. Inspection of Road W 'Indicates edge and shoulder improvements are needed to make the Truck Route a better option for businesses. The County Engineer and :District I have discussed potential shoulder work for this fall. A. long-term recommendation for ZD 'Road 22NE is forthcoming from the County Engineer. "To meet current and future needz, serving together with public and private entitle -5, while fostering a respectU amd sucovsn4tul work environment,"' informationy.....,>•,»..,.,>.> ....... .. ..... —15cn) 754-6082 Dave Bmn, PE. County Road ..Ext, $502 Ed Lowry, Supervisor -Diet. Na, I— ..........».,.,.,,, 3540 FAX- ................................. 7!54-6087 Bob Bensanb.!oonstrudlop• 350.3 Mk DeTrolio, SU perVisOr-D l5t. No, 2 Ext. a 59 1 E4nall ....................... pubicwork5@grantcounty-via.gov Lo C Ohl, Accoun ta nt Lead—. .......,,....>....,,. Zxt. 3!555 John Brissey, Supervisor -Dist No. 3, . ,................... Ext $541 -Sam gastro, Public Works Director....—.......... —Ext, 3504 Rod Follett, Forem an-$ ign S hop,... 3 579 John Spiess, Supervi5or-C-entral shop ....... —(509) 754-6066 samuel Dart, 1a5on Solid ... ....... (509) 75"31$ Ardy Booth, Bridge Supervisor_„ .... ..... 3535 Commission Packet Attachment A. County Engineer Public Safety Directive B. Vehicle Classifications C. Track Routes Map Action Rea ested This temporary public safety action shall be in effect for 90 days, effective August 10, 2022. This will provide time for the County Engineer to recommend a long-term solution to the Board, for this road. If necessary, the Board and/or the County Engineer may extend this public safety action. The County Engineer asks the Board for their advice, support, and consent regarding this immediate Public Safety Action. "'To meet current, and future needs, serving together with public and private entities, while fostering a respeotFul and successful work environment." ................................M...........(509) 7544082 Dave Bron, PE, county Road Engineer............... -,Ext. 3502 Ed Lawry, Supervisor-Dist.No, I.., FAX.........,...................................................... (509) 754-G4S7 Bob Berstanti, Construction MI(e DeTrollo, Supervissor-Dist, No, E-mail...... ......... publcworWggrantcountyava,gov Loc 014, Accoun ta nt Lead ....................... $555 John Brissey, Supervisor -gist Nov. 3 ......... ........ ........ Ext $541 sam aastro,. Public Works Director .................. . Ext.:3504 Rod Follett, Foram an -Sign Shop ............................Ext. 3.579 John -Spiess, -Supervisor-oentral Shop ............ (5-09) 754-6086 Samuel Dart,; ssistant Director ....................... Ext. 3519 Jason Collings, solid Waste ................. .......(509) 754-4,ne Andy Booth, Bridge Supervisor,........ ...................... Ext:a5:35 /' !' , - GRANT COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT &ME L -q SE A S 1-1 1 N TO N HR JSL 124 ENTL _PK LAW. EPHRATA, WA 98823 August 3, 220.212 Grant County Board of Commissioners 35 C Street Northwest Ephrata, WA 98823 RE". County Engineer Public Safety Directive Road 22NE Temporary Class 7 & 8 Trucks Closure and Speed Reduction Effective for (90) days beginning on August 10, 20221 Z� Dear Commissioners, Please accept this letter as an official notice of a Public Safety Directive issued by the Grant County Engineer for a Temporary Closure to Class 7 & 8 Trucks and d Speed Reduction on Road 2.").NE, West of Krupp/Marlin. This action was taken after Field obsemrations. field measurements, and staff consultation to address iii-miediate Public Safety issues as follows: 4F Effectively a Single Lane for Trucks Cliffside Drop Off 0 Rocks on Roadway from Upper Cliff 0 Blind Curve at the Cliffside Portion This temporary safety action shall be in effect for 90 days, effective August 10, 2022. This will provide time for the County Engineer torecom- mend a long -tern solution for this road section to the Co unty Board. If necessary, the Board and/or the County Engineer may extend this safety action. Effective August 10, 2022, the road will be closed to Class 7 & 8 Trucks (See Attachment). In addition, the (1) mile cliffiside portion shall be reduced to 35mph for all other vehicles. The Public Works Traffic Division shall take immediate action to provide sicynage and other traffic control devices as necessary to provide for the Public Safety on this section of road, as per this directive. Sincerely, .eloo ....................................................................... Dave C. Bren, PE, MSCE Grant County Engineer 1� Officel: (509) 7_54-6082) Fax.: (509) 7�54-6087 Email: dbren Ltt* ite o.-ranteountywa.gov Websty��,q.go f I . Voww.Lyrantcoun Class 1 - 6,000 Ibs & Less 4mi�v� 4PIVO qp1mir wiiie h4iniR%I-an Cargo Van SUV Pickup Truck. Class Z - 6$001 to 10,000 Ibs, 4P6 0 ►ti��r��1' ,r� �_ irl�... ','.ire F ,.111" �'�� � �'��. �.ut, �.! ���� �l �►� Class 3 4m 10,001 to 14,000 Ibs ON& W*r 'walk-in Box Truck City Delivery Heavy-Dutf Pickup Class 5 -161001 to 19,500 Ibs 0 N * ige Nor* *I 6uckFtTrutk Large Walk-in Cii�/Delivery Class 6 - 19,5a1 to 26,000 Ibs 91% Be'Veraae Truck Single -Axle SCh001 8u.-1 Ra F. TruiE• Class 7 - 26,001 to 33,000 Ibis w w �ww %&Rim V�Ill _Refuse �. Furniture City Transit Bus Truck Tractor 22 NE Exhibit(:, truck routes