HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Human ResourcesMarch 15, 2022 Start: 9:00 AM Participants: Guests: Stop: 9:50 AM Danny Stone, Chair Michele laderlund Rob ]ones, Vice Chair Katie Smith Cindy Carter,, Commissioner Rachel Jorgensen Kirk Eslinger, HR Director uekl opicsSched ue - v 9:00 AM To 9:10 AM Michele Jaderlund, Katie Smith, Rachel Jorgensen F777- Iscussion,_1t ms, Action Di 01 Change in Payroll Schedule Direct Directed Board Direction Given - Directed to support County Auditor request to work toward moving payroll schedule to 05/01/22 or 09/01/22. 02 Public Works Org Chart Direct Directed Board Direction Given - Board askd to discuss confusion over Public Works reporting (org chart and job descriptions. Want to avoid future conflict. HR shared that would require all org chart updates to come through HR so that all records are kept in sync. 03 Agenda Process Direct Directed Board Direction Given - Reviewed current HR agenda process The Board directed to continue. Authorization egt - e ;Action; r C J 04 Tyler Lawrence PAR Sign Signed Document(s) Signed - Copy Provided to Board Staff. Com pe sation-Benefits -ayreav Re u tWAction ""'Ditktiolh. 05 Comparable Worth Work Group FYI Only No Action No Action Taken - Informational Only 06 Department Head Comp FYI Only No Action No Action Taken - Informational Only 07 New Hope Financial Position FYI Only No Action No Action Taken - Informational Only C U �Iyl ery tmen --,1' 0"' S"'- Ab U ACt ion: 08 Building Official Guidance Guided Board Guidance Given - Recruitment Process. 09 County Engineer Guidance Guided Board Guidance Given - Recruitment Process. 10 District Court Administrator FYI Only No Action Board Guidance Given - Recruitment Process. 11 Development Service Director Guidance Guided Board Guidance Given - Recruitment Process. 12 veteran's Services Officer Guidance Guided Board Guidance Given - Recruitment Process. Pei en Z_Y_11_­­_._�� ___.jssues eque t7777 _,.-..Act10'n-_. 13 Solid Waste FYI Only No Action No Action Taken - Informational Only 14 Renew FYI Only No Action No Action Taken - Informational Only 15 Solid Waste FYI Only No Action No Action Taken - Informational Only Labor Relations Associaion""(A nes Action Directionon-:-,, 16 Negotiations: 2021 Contract (District Crt) Authority Authority Labor Update Provided. Bargaining Negotiations: 2021 Contract (Public Wrks) Provided Authority Provided 17 PERc., 134331-M-21 (Courthouse) Authority Authority Labor Update Provided. Bargaining PERc. 134332-M-21 (Solid Waste) Provided Authority Provided PERc. 134333-M-21 (Youth Srvcs) Labor Re ations. Depy- Sheri S), fty Reque st clon.-7F777 Direction 18 Negotiations: 2022 Contract Authority Authority Labor Update Provided, Bargaining Provided Authority Provided