HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest to Purchase - Sheriff & Jail (002)Ryan Rectenwald Undersheriff Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2017 Cell 509-750-7304 rectenwald@grantcountywa.gov Ken Jones Chief Deputy Field Operations Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2018 Cell 509-750-7303 kjones@grantcountywa.gov Joe Kriete Chief Deputy Investigations Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2026 Cell 509-750-2710 jkriete@grantcountywa.gov Josh Sainsbury Chief Deputy Emergency Operations Office 509-754-2011 ext, 4522 Cell 509-750-7306 jsainsbury@grantcountywa.gov Phillip Coats Chief Deputy Corrections Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2021 Cell 509-237-4589 pcoats@grantcountywa.gov Tracy Hill Administrative Assistant Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2014 Cell 509-237-2278 thill@grantcountywa.gov 12/2021 Graiat C,_101,...1,..n ty Tom Jone March 2, 2022 Danny E. Stone, Chair Rob Jones, Vice -Chair Cindy Carter, Member Board of County Commissioners Re: Authorization for Capital Purchase (Keywatcher touch system)- $15,810.41 (001-115 Corrections) am requesting authorization to purchase Keywatcher touch system cabinet. A detailed list of items included with the cabinet is included with the quote. This system will be used to maintain security of the facility keys and provide an accountability and tracking system for keys that are regualary used or issued to staff. Our current system and process does not allow for this level of accountability. The justification letter and quote is attached for your review. This system was previously authorized as a capital purchase under the Corrections budget 001-115. The Keywatcher quote and justification letter are attached to this request. Thank you in advance for your consideration, Rel" RW&W#4U Undersheriff Grant County Sheriff's Office Cc: Tom Jones, Sheriff R E C-E_"� IVED P.Q. Box 37* Ephrata, WA 98823* www.grantcountywa.gov/sheriff 599-754-2911 ext. 2001 •509-754-2958 Facsimile @GrantCoSheriff Administrative Offices in the Law & Justice Center, 35 C St NW, Ephrata., Wash. Donna Harrington, Financial Specialist Katie Smith, Chief Accountant 2 Morse Road Oxford, CT 06478 USA Tel: 03F 64.4949 Fax: 203.264.8367 11 www.morsewatchman.com I NCO RPORAT ED na:e Allay 11" 2021 Grant ty eriff 35 C StC. ounNW Sh Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Lt. Dtirancl, We are please(l to sulm,iit the following quotation for out, ls'..ey Watcher Key Management System. Our electronic tn key mamagement SNistem giv I es you immed-i-ateaccess ancl total accountablility of your keys without the paper chase created by outdated manwal logs. THE KEYWATCHER TOUCH SYSTEM — "506 KEYS Part Description PRICE 1%"W-8072 h.'W'Fouch 6 Moclule Cabinet Wj249,25 Svstem inclit(les: m 4 Mo(lules - 6 Keys a 2 Modules - 16 -Keys a 60 SlilartKevs (please select from 8 colors) a 60 "I"a-mper Proof Red Key 11ings (Please select from 8 colors) m 25 Replacement flubs, (Pleaseselect from 8 colors) 8 Dora -1 amlom Return a Opticral Fingerprint Reader 0 Remote Setup a Trtie Touch Software & Manuals a 2441our Back: -Up Battery 0 2 -Year Warranty aww"I'ALM .001. *.*us* 0 .0 000 A, 0 V *00 ov X A 96 *04A *.V.4* ***,** Otto A04 ►?# I, too V1too0*mm* a to.. 6 90 0-66 0 1.00 64 4 0 0* Vto *I.m?*****,S1 4j249.25 FREIGH1Itk 0 ooko'10,000 at, to * om*04 a a ***q 4 4 0 to own* wovap Sq* -.4 0 O. - ILA to*# &#m 000*6 40oo*4too. .* 0 ... TOTAL.........*... ***.,p *** i X11 Y. 4 M - oo. **. 60..* 1. wo*o* N* q• * 04.po 0 ............ i.... k it. * 4. ft.. 0 ........ to * o * M * 6 o o'% % to * 4 4$141_585.25 Delivery: 'Please allow 4 6 weeks. S7# 16 4-,m 4t,* I 1 . 1 APPLICABLE SALES/USE TAX WILL BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INVOICING tNLESS A VALID TAX EXEMPT/RESALE CERTIC ATE IS ON FILE THE KEYWATCHER is solely manufactured hi the Llnite(l States I)y Nlorse Watchman Inc., an(l comes with a limited two year warranty on all hardware manufactured by INJorse Watchman Inc., All third party accessory items not manufactured bylklorse WatchImIn file. (Bilometric units, Car(I Readers, serial to ethernet coaverters, etc.) are warrantecl by the manofacturer's own hirnited, marranty. Nlorse NVatchman does accept NlasterCar(l, Visa, and Amer-ican Express as alter mite forms of payment. Should you have any questions, please feel free to Call me at 203- 264-4949 ext. 531. Sincerely, David Gibson Account Executive ALL PRICES ARE IN EFFECT FOR 60 DAYS*i` THE MOST RISC OG.N17ED NAME IN SFC11RITY MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS ,�3 115 ��P ;�-A� ..using&& Ir Ir 0 Zb Jo om joneps, , 3,nerlif P.O. Box 37 * Ephrata. VVA 98823 - wwvNi.gi,antcot..intywa.gov/sher,i-ff 509-754-201 -1 eXt. 2001 - 509-715�4-2058 Facsin-,)ile Adi-nirmstrative Offices ir-i the Law & Justice Ceritei-, 3:55 St NW, Ephrata V 10/2021 October 22, 2021 Ryan Rectenwald Undersheriff Memorandum Office 50:9-754-2011 ext. 20 17 Cell 609-750-7304 To Chief Deputy Coats re.ctenwald@grajilcountyw,,,a.gov Ken JonesChIllef From: Lt. Durand De�puty Field Operafions RE: Capital Outlay request for Key Security System office 6N-754-2011 ext. 2018 Cell 509-750-7303 kjones @gran"IC ountywa,gov i Please accept this as my official request for consideration to purchase a key control system and SeCUrity cabinet out of 2022 Capital Outlay funding, joe'Knete Chief Deputy Investigations The system would be used to maintain security of facility keys and provide an Office 509-754-2011 accountability and tracking system for keys that may be regularly issued to departmental ext. 2026 staff. Cell 509-750-2710 jki-iet,e,@gra,t,itcou(ity�iv,,a.gov CUrrently, our keys are maintained on a key board located in the Jai'l's Central Control Josh S,ainsbury Room and must be checked out and back in by recorris staff, Dwring shift change, this CNO Deputy Emergency eraIions Op check in/0Ut process takes the records personnel away from their duties associated with Off Ice 509-754-2011 the operation of facility security door controls and monitoring of facility cameras,, ext, 4622 Cell 509-750-7306 isainsbury@,gran.tc,,ouritywa.gov Ifeel this key control and tracking system would provide a much better method of providing both security and tracking of our facility keys. Phillip Coats Chief Deputy Corrections Office 509-754-2011 The high quote of three inquiries is attached indicating cost of the system as: ext. 2021 Cell 509-237-4589 $15,512-25 System cost including shipping and handling pcoats@grantcountywa.gov $1,303.00 sales tax Tracy Williams $16,815,25 'total Administrative Assistant 840.00 estimated price increase in 2022 of 5% as contingency Office 509-754-2011 $17,656-00 ext. 2014 Cell 509-237-2278 twilliarns&rmteouritywagov - - -- ------- P.O. Box 37 * Ephrata. VVA 98823 - wwvNi.gi,antcot..intywa.gov/sher,i-ff 509-754-201 -1 eXt. 2001 - 509-715�4-2058 Facsin-,)ile Adi-nirmstrative Offices ir-i the Law & Justice Ceritei-, 3:55 St NW, Ephrata V 10/2021