HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 21-063-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION No. 21 - OU3 -CC AMENDING A COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE YEARS 2021-2026 WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Section 6, Chapter 83, Laws of Extraordinary Session of the State of Washington, Grant County did prepare a Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program for the ensuing •six years; and WHEREAS, priority array of projects prepared in accordance with County Road Administration Board Standards of Good Practice (WAC 136-14) was made available and was consulted by the Board during the preparation of the Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's report with respect to deficient bridges was available to the Board during the preparation of the Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, an environmental pre -assessment of the Six Year Program indicated that the social, economic and aesthetic values would not be disturbed; and WHEREAS, pursuant further to said Law, the Board of County Commissioners, being the legislative body of the County, did authorize the County engineer to prepare, revise and extend said Six Year Program and did hold a public hearing on the 14 th day of June 2021 at -+B-. 4-0- P.M. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners ADOPT the attached Amended, 2021-2026 Comprehensive Six Year Road Program presented at the public hearing. DATED this LtV day of 2p21. Ye,6 Nay ■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS hi V RANT COUNTY WASHINGTON Abstai A Indy iter, Chair Ad Dann hair AT-r[=C-r Member Barbara Vasquez) CMC, Cleof the --Board Six -Year Transport Improvement -program from 2021 to0.6- (Proj •rt•. Funds to Nearest Dol lar) MP0.1 : 0 RTPO lay 28, 2021 Canty: Grant P roject Info _lr .:.+a-. ''#i.r,. `•.• 'J�.T r _"•"+# [1.k`l V:.t4�! A- 'n•'Jy�� S+ri}'.L+iit W'F �y�jy r �Wts Aye}iant Tbtal-Ls C oat XF f t _ odes La Of ProjectNumber " b17 W001 9005 'rlif�>: �.r�n�.:�tt� »c�a� •sur -e .�I�: - Road: 41;$5..OQO.- CHK'AN RD -Begin Tenink -0. End Tamlini:-.0-25 Road: ;€fl' fl o� u # ► • r � It n 1. r� , •draicgga; I IIIA.surfacingr Curb & ratter, srdafks,.�t��f(jem of �r�c� �� Iles Location: AirwayDrive.to'fall oadd Funding Federal State State• Local pbssc Bata- Status furni Cotte ..f=ungi Fdode Funds- Fund,,% Total CSI STP,(U) $14 6.871 -�.--�- ..... Prajecl Totals - W.34,2.W Z1 ;;BIGO f�xpendfwr Sahad:ul .,� l Mise I --Year 2nd Year �. 3rd Year 4th -Year 5th..'& 641 Year:& bN2' 4.x.,871 TO ISO . .. _ �+:r:n Ate- y� �yf ,�.jj +�,•� p. yy 7�# �*i�, (y-.�yJ�'y� �{t7'c (�. S AML zb:��r trans'-porto§*Rap�bVqMoot Program 202 02 ounty.- - Fa - Aq� y- ranrc6u . , hila 8, 2 021 07 fy 11116120 -LIIT = - ! -p o > r'1•h' �f • \iYl��'":�.�'��w��?y� r�'. • •-i�����1ktJ L•[.:�.Y:!,i•' k�4�i'R_.y�yE�%•C4yy'��y��{ P1 yl ''syk ' i ` �ia�1r �'R'4`}�xfL'K •� �•F l• Y". "' p.+ ��1 Lt Irl ii •} arr: Y :• -M) #IArL�.1k n v, zF.. :Fod " al State- state- LOCO Phase RAW .. Al :pv PISJL- ': abort �-•:fm te N f"�i 07 fy 11116120 -LIIT = - ! -p o > r'1•h' �f • \iYl��'":�.�'��w��?y� r�'. • •-i�����1ktJ L•[.:�.Y:!,i•' k�4�i'R_.y�yE�%•C4yy'��y��{ P1 yl ''syk ' i ` �ia�1r �'R'4`}�xfL'K •� �•F l• Y". "' p.+ ��1 Lt Irl ii •} arr: Y :• -M) #IArL�.1k n v, Staff F i i' :Fod " al State- state- LOCO Phase RAW Furtd"-C :e 5440 ��*����i�1•!'r• ' .- - -_.. „C LJ • - � ?�� til •r+i lTR�R- FLS. ~ '4'.YlJ�• T - - i."y"4i• JM - U' year Transportation Improvement. Program from 1 to 2026 (Project. Funds to.Nearest Dollar). P / TPO: Q I TPO May 28, 2021 County: Grant A. emcy. Grant County Projecti ti� ... �„.�.� ......_...._ .._._ ._.. ,, , ._. 0 F4:C�3 Utility Project Amen-dMarnt Total Est.cost ��>a l�rrrirkrr,,is rr�iix ; �.,... c uu ::t-- Number of Project O -3 906 17 � '!" �' 1:040 CL Nin� $840*000 Road., 412600 ..- MALLEY RD Begin. -TarrnnEn�: 0.49 surfaci#1g$ ADA r;Rfrip.s,-sid +iall<; traffic Funding - Start .'Feder -.9 State Local Phase Pate -Status fun,&.Coda Fu- nds TOW2021 Project ToWls_- $726,C= Phase .nd Year d Year 4th Year itri 61h Yearn CI8s.�8 $0 Expenditure Totals - $840.000. �Q arTrans. r-to-tuian- ..n ---amament Program. p r front * .2. 021 tp - 2026. DOW.). NIPO I -RTPO--. 0 FUPO May 28, 2021 -PhaSe Date Pty a: yrs ale P� Local Funds: Total PE 2--alf M - T $1 11,15r $11 MUM R. VV ,71 2N, 'S• . '®rp is -DOT -29M S70 -022 -2 so , -07 WSDOT AD 't TOW S. 490 Z", so r;x pon diture. Yota s: - J5— P -M -Od Total Est. Cost I Mumbe r z -pa s -i6eng-th lu JPP Number. P 4Df rojou W.W- 5 4�ft - .2 �qj 'EW ,' ,..pr.- E I Merseeff-art - -W� rkm ibp-,m r -PhaSe Date SI-atus--' ftund code -state state FiLifids -FiA� F-unds'. Local Funds: Total PE 2--alf M - T $1 11,15r $11 MUM R. VV ,71 2N, 'S• . '®rp is -DOT -29M S70 -022 -2 so , -07 WSDOT SG 't TOW S. 490 Phase qid Y ear. Gth Years P E $0 S70 so SG W so r;x pon diture. Yota s: - S&-Y6ar Transportation Im . 0. . Pr vement.Program from 202:11 to 2026 (Project Funds to:-Nee.amst ffar). M -PO / RTPP: 0 RTPO County: Grant Agency: GranatCoubty.- Prolpat Into May 28, 2021 C 'E 0. Re-Auti-On utility Amendment Total Est.Cost Codes LonUJ Number gth of project. P"f- 0.,000, NO $528,000 This pi-piect-willInsfag Hashing: 1 --ED St-OP.S!gn.,q,.a1vJ Otho r,;� Qclaled vvark on variousqoad.$ through-a-44he County- Locatom Vadbus Fanding. - Start, phasef�- Datra Ja Fund&F State- State Funds Fnds -u Total S. R 11 Q� z Projec umbar.. PIN 0 S-cbadula- Phase lstYear: -2nd -Ye*-T 3rd Year 'f Tiffe:--Safety--qn-s Phaseg- -1 a - May 28, 2021 C 'E 0. Re-Auti-On utility Amendment Total Est.Cost Codes LonUJ Number gth of project. P"f- 0.,000, NO $528,000 This pi-piect-willInsfag Hashing: 1 --ED St-OP.S!gn.,q,.a1vJ Otho r,;� Qclaled vvark on variousqoad.$ through-a-44he County- Locatom Vadbus Fanding. - Start, phasef�- Datra I Status. fwdz Fund&F State- State Funds Fnds -u Total S. S528-,600 Project Totals - $528,000 SG S-cbadula- Phase lstYear: -2nd -Ye*-T 3rd Year 'f 4th Year Sth -6th Years $0 Expenditure TwAs $D Sli t _*Yvar Trans-por.tin 'ion I ' w v ment Program 'p - from 2-02-4 �O .2-026 �Prqjiect: Funds -to Nepro.t. Dollar) AII-POTUPO: Q RVO. May 280, 2-021 -'Oeunty: ;.Grant Agon-eyw -Grant -COUD Y. :Z-41 LIM, gh w lbor 'Codes Amondm ent' T-Otal-Estcost _IT 'No. 00006 046 "1114W -a:-' 1 1146120' Titlez.-A DLA -Ramp - Wo * rk-consistqf-ADA Ram Fu. mfilyl!g - 1-'_rwyn�ar - Ind -Yomr- -state lase -Date Status - -,Fund'Code. CN btal !Po SO SO DUO. so .Vro TO.-tals: Phase. 1-'_rwyn�ar - Ind -Yomr- 9L..76th Ysars. 1. .060 40; SO CN !Po SO SO DUO. so Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program from. 2021 -to 2026 Wroleak-'Funds- to Naare.st Dollar) WO. IRTPO; 0 RTPO County: Grant Agenc. Grant"C'Ounty y Prqjact Info IvIcay 28, 2021 C; Z C > ar it jig Total Est,cost -Utill Amendment > rz N. Codes Length w 0 mber Number f Project 18 -C*007 -DO2y #� �.'� �.� �?"9 1 11.525,000 PTW C N Tice: Gr4pe. &.Maple: Drive. Structur�.ID, Road-, 4235000 -GRAPE�:DR Begin.TenmintUA2 End Tamp 0,36 ftimdRl .4260000 - MAPLE OR Blagtn lermink 0.00- End 1armink...0,75 Reconsuuctlon­ W- orki0l'includegrAcfe,-�dra- nage'..-CUrb aro guter, HMA. sideoralk. traffic wiilrol -and-other iterns LQ Hain: (SK17. to Stratford Road) Funding - Start Phase. Status -Federaf Fund,Code Federal State state Funds Local Funds Total PE 2021 $0 Expenditure Total&.- S16,67,53 $12-51000 CN .2021 $169.0-00 $1,400.000 -project r-i4xpendituro Phase Ist. Year -7- .2nd Year -Brd-. Wai 4di�Yeiar -5th 6th Years FE $12p, W. $0 $0 CN $0 Expenditure Total&.- frorn-..."20211. to 2.026 M PO JT -M :Q RTPO May 28., 2021 .A.ggneyt Grant Fu-�x� - Pease t • Date: Project 16fa -. :; VU - ;tate-. slag - = : t Furids TotA: Q RA :.$1.32;900 �0- . ' 4 lH: 3. . 71�A148.000 �5{�0 ... .. ♦iF` `�y�.�yP i :,j p�.sr. 'i L' �.��+�.� c��t���� : wry �y�j�} a MWS i������- [�cc�����.: f,.� �� �� t�..". . rnand. ent Total GsiF�l +'w:.: 4is PG+'- .i-._��v.'M�i •t"E.F'!`aLe��`S ++4�'art.,t yr'� tL 'f* -i �,r�..xc'.;y�{£- •.'°'i��.+�' �[�■ t}•i�q �+�,�j�¢ E'`�r� .E,'�►YLIi.1 !#'Mft,. I� j�{y y�+� .'�J.a.Fjeii� �s p•�TF}} .'+lw. Ltisiy�liL.. ��ry. ,�gy"�i��y�• 1'ix.1cJ4-i �%yfry C1�{ �'!.'.I Li;3;+ 08 MOW 11 Wa. 11Y.-TVZO Mid TbiI`Il;. ;:and-, reconstr.„t iM BaT std g Fu-�x� - Pease t • Date: StWtis'. - IF.0 `° :; VU - ;tate-. slag - = : t Furids TotA: Q RA :.$1.32;900 �0- . ' 4 lH: 3. . 71�A148.000 �5{�0 ... .. Expei4 U, me Schadde:__1 PE Q M - PO I RTPOA' 0 R7rPO C-ounW. Graiit Agency-- Grant. County, ProJect Info-. Ja �O E. z Project -Nu m.- ber DOWD '9002 InGluding.Cost. State Projects Location: 1-4irfous Six -s -Year Transpoilation- Imp.mvement Program from .2021 to 2-026. (Project Funds:to .Nearest noliarl May 2.8,2021 'E m Utility Project 0 Amendment Total Est.Cost PIN E Number of Project 0-000 X1,500=0 Fu-- n -ding - Start Federal Faderw Project TpJaLp - Stats state Expenditure. Schedutc- - Phase Pab!-.. -Status. Fund Code. Funds.. Fund. 00de -V Funds Funds Total CN 202.1 2022 S S 5t[ -I- 6th Years -E .$240,OW $240,000 202.3 so $240,000 $240.000 CN 2024 $249,000 $250, 000 So S240,000 $240.000 2G25, SO so $240,00* $240000 $240,000 $240.000 Project TpJaLp - Expenditure. Schedutc- - Phase .P lst.Year 2nd Year -3rd Year *h*Year 5t[ -I- 6th Years -E $24Q,-Q53G S240,QGD $24OX0 $249,000 $250, 000 nsporf#lop Improvement Program :(P.rojett F,Undslu Nettre s.1.00110e) MPO 'RTP0- Coant y-- 'Grant Agency: G- rant -Ccuaty, Project In-fo. - -Utill 07 -00010 0023 F-10-jerm".17 -4. PIC ---VVarkvvW"-Includerthwurk�;.drzinage, EST NE-Ra�dIa"20:NE RRoa-dy May 28,,2021 Fu b al nding - Fed -r.. -Stat OL Stlate Date V Un.d. Vie:- FullF-Und Fungi= 3 -rd- Year Total. PE .0 Amendment TOW[ astCos-t Lt engh :w numter. of Project Fu b al nding - Fed -r.. -Stat OL Stlate Date V Un.d. Vie:- FullF-Und Fungi= 3 -rd- Year Total. PE ON 4 N - $1 10OX00 So $1 �20D, ;1,200,,000 R -2nd-Year 3 -rd- Year %= .ear- 5tb,&,6th Years- ICN 4 N - 11. aW $ lcq, -a4{e. �`{'{ S A it x. -Yea -r Tninsportattoll. Iff iprovement Program from 20.21 to -2026- (Project.-Funds to Nearest von r) M,po,/ RTM- a RTPO May 28, 2021 Conn�y: Grant Agency:rGrant-County Project Info - 4-21 cr w1upy Project Amendment Total Est.Cost 0- Z PI-0jorA Number E >' Q FIN 'Number I.P . Nu I�odes I Length w of. Pro*pct 00.0-11 9045 oad Title, U* -�S-E ROv PT 7-390 CE No $2.2-25.00G e4ay str Road: 9203,500 - U SE Begfin Termirg: 5.20 End Thr mini; 12.5-4 2R Overlay- Work C,0115ist.of H -MA Oveilay, s( I d trol. .0 -eritem, -er Frontage.Road) - sart.. ----------- —JFunding Federal Federal Shte Sasw Lv Phase qAte fud..Eod� Fund Fucodo. Fwds Rcat Tot PE 2021 o $25,00'd0 a.0 0 Project Totals- S1. Expenditure schedulo- Phase Ist Year 2nd Year. 3rd Year 4th -Year 51h & 6th Yeam. CN so $0 -Expencliture Totals - $0 M—P-0.1RTP..O.-. Q County! :'.Grit. Agency: Grant County Project I t1f.0 RTPO Tr m prove. ortat' n gram kom 202*11 May 28.2021 F State Fu nds h 6th'Yeam. Total PE .12-11 Expenditure T- ocials so Utility. Project Sr 'STP(R)" Amendment Tob'd EsLcost uq W Number, of Project ---qlh Projectfitimber PiN, ."51; I im 612- 64 Road. -W-- 0O-20:-:3NC-.tiegin-Termini- nag 71MA surfacq.-er.m-s mWr-cGnird -d h . e May 28.2021 Funding— F State Fu nds h 6th'Yeam. Total PE Expenditure T- ocials so Utility. Project Sr 'STP(R)" Amendment Tob'd EsLcost uq W Number, of Project ---qlh Funding— F State Fu nds h 6th'Yeam. Total PE Expenditure T- ocials so CN .2 Sr 'STP(R)" 1 13� Sr 0 WE dYear-Ah h 6th'Yeam. GN SID Expenditure T- ocials so SI-XI"Year Trans- portation Improvement Prog.ra-m from 202-f to X'0226. (Pry j'e-C-t FUMISW Nearest Dollar) MPO I 1TO-W 0 RTP O May 28, 2021 Gounry.: (�;rant Agency: Grant.Cm.nty Projectinfrb Mot -Y Amondfivent Total E51-11cost 5" up. at Ca. $2- 1 Number Codes Length LU P5w a� 0 'TL Z Proje-c-tNumber- PIN -Number of Projew 9056 1.11.= 40 11)16�20 03 Fri -U- 70 OF= No Title----.* Valley-R.-o@d :S-t-wc:tu.re,: ID., Road: 41250-- VALLEY RD SeDin Temini.,-.2, 11 fr-_t;jd Ter- mini: 2.68 RezomLructfon - wo-wjfjjrjCjUd.e gxade,xfrain, HAA. surfacing, Qtjrb...&. Gutter; side�iajk;% ImAic. c:onjrojr, -,ad -0-1h M..S LocaWn:'( --outh pf Jq-NE -i.p. TeW R--md) aral Federal state state Local. Gale- Status - ode -unds Funds fund; 0 Fujids -F Total 2023i $2% CN. -2023 P-- $82 -,7510 $950,1000 '75 Proin-111 T. Otal's 1 L $14, Phase .!.t Year -2nd Year I 3f .-ear y 51h -6t-h Years PE So CN S -Q50,000 Ex pendit-ure Totair.... $0 '. poirl-A -6n.Improv.-eme.-n-t--..P-.ro.-- -ram— from: 202,1 to pr Nea oll, ..olect-foridslo. rest 0 ar) M-po I MPG: QR. Ty P. 0 county-.* 'Grant Agency: -0- rant Courkty: I I Frpje.ot fnfo-" 2R.-*Ovei-la.y--�Vbrk-,,,Nq'illacl.ijde:HtvlAsuffacing-.-AtfA- ram May 28, 2021 Xx status, Fund-Gode- SLata State -phase 202-3 PIR 4a llo� 4-Villoar ly zisl 5th 6th P: CN 20218 TRlo;-,-ValloyRoad .off ejftY Sldewafk* $38'9. Road: 412-60- - VALLEY R, D' $00,75D 2R.-*Ovei-la.y--�Vbrk-,,,Nq'illacl.ijde:HtvlAsuffacing-.-AtfA- ram May 28, 2021 07" Z4, .1 -4 1 �.O-m CE 'NO S50-0,000 Funding - Date- status, Fund-Gode- SLata State -phase 202-3 44 -40. llo� 4-Villoar ly zisl 5th 6th P: CN 20218 S. $38'9. W $00,75D $4, M. 60 r� ��c+��,,��}} AIX ty 240; - Ai-n-anchnezit * Total rites -Cost O�C- .4 Nutyxbor . s. L ggl' Number of project 07" Z4, .1 -4 1 �.O-m CE 'NO S50-0,000 Funding - Date- status, Fund-Gode- SLata State -phase 202-3 r1cf., ear -40. llo� 4-Villoar ly zisl 5th 6th P: CN 20218 S. $38'9. W $00,75D $4, 60 r� ��c+��,,��}} -phase r1cf., ear zrlyba r llo� 4-Villoar ly zisl 5th 6th P: W Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program from '2021 to. 2026 (Prpj�ec t. F L i n d & to Nearest Do If a t*) MPO -1 RTPO: 0 RTPO County: Grant Agency.- Grant County Project Info - May 28,2021 E .E _E C: C, Resoluttan Utility projilut Amendment Total EstCost N Umb or E 1*' Codes Length w I— W. Number of project 04. PIT 3-000 No 3R - Work will Include, earth wbik, draimqp, RST surfaco-,1raft.coatrof -.and other ftoms Location: .(U -NE. (,RoadtoA-dzm_qmGDun1y.Linc-) fu,ndIng!., start Federal Fader -at State State phasNe Phase Date Status .211d Funds Fund-Codo: I L C 0, va Funds —a Proieat,Number -PIN $0 07 .00045 9021 Expenditure Tafabs - Tale; 3-�,NE.Road-,.Phase-...4 -,Utwature[D: Road.*9400020-3NE Begin Termini:- 10.90 .EndTecmin1t13.90 May 28,2021 E .E _E C: C, Resoluttan Utility projilut Amendment Total EstCost N Umb or E 1*' Codes Length w I— W. Number of project 04. PIT 3-000 No 3R - Work will Include, earth wbik, draimqp, RST surfaco-,1raft.coatrof -.and other ftoms Location: .(U -NE. (,RoadtoA-dzm_qmGDun1y.Linc-) fu,ndIng!., start Federal Fader -at State State phasNe Phase Date Status .211d Funds Fund-Codo: I -Fun, LIS Funds T� 2023 $0 $0 Expenditure Tafabs - OIN! 30 U5DAD-00 Pf 0i ect —1 01w I I axpen-aiture z>caeouie.. phasNe I-st Year .211d 3rd Year 4th Year r 5th & Oth Years PE CN $0 Expenditure Tafabs - Sbil x -Yeas .Transpod Imprwe.ment.-Prograim (P)wPd Fueft .-to Me est' llar)- O.1 earest'Dollar)- O-1 RTPO-. Q RTi-O County; Gratit Agenic Project Info - Z Start: Fgderal- X - -f-edere Sth &VII Years PE- T.A Total PE CN. SO a, 7-2.0 0 PIN $ .V. 9024. - I OR, Amendment Total Est.Cost L en h Number Of Project nd _Aher eM s. Locatim, (290-N C.-Roadf, RN -7 - m rWay 8F 2021 'Pbase-- Start: Fgderal- X - -f-edere Sth &VII Years PE- Lacal ds Total PE CN. SO a, 7-2.0 0 $ .V. P plact - I OR, Amendment Total Est.Cost L en h Number Of Project RIT No. 'Pbase-- Start: Fgderal- X - -f-edere Sth &VII Years PE- Lacal ds Total PE CN. SO a, 7-2.0 0 $ Pha-sa 1st. -Year Sth &VII Years PE- so CN. $ Ar. IX-: joar Transpoilation In-aprovement Program fro.m 2021 to 2026 (Project.Yunds to NearestuDolfar) JW PO I RTIPOS- Q RTPO May 28, 20-21 Agency.,* Grant-Counky Project Into - u� Resolution Project Amendment Tota!' r- S f. 00 S t i> Num 0 ..-CL ProjectNumber PIN. Codes Length -ju -af Project PT 4.670- CZ Title:* H -SE. -Road.- St -mature 11D, Road: R-20050*0 -.HSE Reconsif. u.cVon--- Work viol Include earchwofk, drain.29e, D,5T sudace, tmfific control and *Hher Rea% Locatiam ff2'-SE to.-SR262) Funding - start Federal Federal State phase. Date- us -Fmds-- fund-Zode Funds Funds: Total CH 2-025 Sa AP 1 1 R $1,866,000 Expen-ditwe Totals - S Expanditure -Sch-edule PhaseQQat(='�2nd--Yevw PE. Zr- Year 4#h' ear Stb- & 6th Years GN Expen-ditwe Totals - S AP%L nt-Program z�bc��r Trans,partOAoa tm.wovem-e., . from 2-021 to Ne , 11ar) .r RTPC> .Apo t RTPQ:t Ooun. ty: Gram, -Agency-4 Granttaunt y P ro'nt Info, t.a, May 28,. 2019" 1 Local state'.. Stab-, Pena Gode:' 'Funds. Total - Phase DAte' -'stAtus PE 2021 CN 2622 STMI. Expenditure �edule.- ------ -5th - .6th Years Ml� Phase $0 PE $0 SO $1D Ekp.-_.ndlture Totals- - 701. 0 - 01% .0 I AV y MIMI CIO Amen downt Total Est.Cost a < ► N bar - --ode U M-ey N mjb� -of Project IT I WWI 1, -M61220. IR T. ZA 0 I�E Nd, $1,750,000 -DR Be 1-A*Terrn, En Road: 40950,00-�- VVESTSH9M 2.R Ove,1a.,y­Maf1,,nm'!1, 1ncJuft.H*M;A, surfacing,- NewAOA mmps,& sildevmlk, iTa-Wicconuu-tarld.o. er!" Local state'.. Stab-, Pena Gode:' 'Funds. Total - Phase DAte' -'stAtus PE 2021 CN 2622 STMI. Expenditure �edule.- ------ -5th - .6th Years Ml� Phase $0 PE $0 SO $1D Ekp.-_.ndlture Totals- - Six -,Year Trans•portationimprovement, Program from 2021 to 2026 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO I RTMO: Q RT.pO County; Grant Agency.- Grant County PrOJ Ject Into - May 28, 2021 -E- 0 Resolution utility Prolect Total E!s-Wasl -0 :,(.t I Project witber PIN _M < 0. N.t -odo Leng1h W.- 12 Number OProject 07 -0001-9. 9.054 1:11.116120 1111.6,120 04 P -T GH No 7111, ::::Q -SW Road- StructureID: Rosqd:91D3-50Q-QSVV BeginnTeffaini3O.00 E-ndTermini:5_82 Z --Uramge, BSTwiface,.. traffic wntrul and.-ather itexins L.o.catb n..:, (Qeprc]e.CL to Frenchman Hills Road), Funding - phillise. Start -Date Status Fund Cade- Federal -State Fund -s- Fund Code. State Funds Local Funds. TO -131 pEi 2025 p St h & 6th Years, T�O 1 t3AP . 1 $144,000 SD SD CN 2025 p RAP 3112.96:900 $144,000 $1,4401WO II"' ripjew Totals.- $1,440.000 Phase 2-nd Year 3rd Year 41h Year St h & 6th Years, RE CN SD SD -Exple ndit-11m, Totais - 4z; _,.,x.-YV'av'Tra.ns rt -Pro P-0 ptip-i --:- 14. provem. ent .9ram from 20.21 la 2026 (Project Fkin-ft.I.W. *Oarest'-Dollar). WO I. R.TPO! 0 RTRO_ Countr.. Grant Agancyw -Gram Gouty. May 29, 2021 Project lnfo;il. Amendmant Totill Est -cost Utl y pro j e 15Rl -M Z Projacf Number PIN -.G, des Length of -act _J -1 QOG -OOG20 9035 -WIVZO ridev. Bridge, Rqpktiaemeol, Work- will indude Fuild'ing - phase. WtQ Status Federal, U:n.&. F-Ccd42E, State: F- 0-d4=ta :Funds fund -Code..; fhuds L -ir T -w 1�5 Total 1 0 vo Exp��dltwre*T, odtafi� - 'S.RCKS, CN 0,26 .Ject Totals:- 00 -, W, Pro $7 YiO Ftlase 3,rd Ve r p 4th -ye ar Sth &-fith Years GN 1 0 vo Exp��dltwre*T, odtafi� - Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program from :2021 to 2026 Wrojea Fends to Nearest Doi lar) M.PO I:RTPO: 0 RTPO County; Grant Ag-eiacy: Grant,.Gounty- prof ejot Info - May 28,2021 Resolution WIN Project aw JM > Amendment TOW1 Est..Cost Codes I w P I w Number *f Project 00021 903.4 11118120 11 09 RT No T41w Brid 860,90 Reptacem-ent -Work vij[ include. demoliflo.n, structi other. item, Op, r epla rem.0gli 8PPrOaChe.9, t ffik* Cnritrof and Funding - St -0 rt Fe ral Eaderal state state t. Data, Status-- Fund Code FUnds -Ful Code F-unds- Fun& TDW PE 21026 p Expenditure Schedule - Phase. Ist YO-, r r YO-, 3rd Year PE' :so 4-th.Year 5th -A -6th Years CN Expenditure Tatal.§ $0. $0 J, =21 (?--.rqjact Fundslo Nearestauriv), I RTPO: Q RTPQ county;, Gran, i Agam :p, � ,y- Grant0ounty Projed Info - I 1-ty Ot 00 -umber. Pr aNumber PIN I-AIJAW-W Bf 09 000=2 :9049- .111-1. 20 EO#TeT m-InI: DA4 conirdi arKI p0l.pribams- Locati- t.0,25- WiesSowth.-Of-Lowmer Gimt� Crook Road).: . or., May - 218, 12021 -Er Amendment Total Est.Cost -Length Number of Project .0.'ZJQ e,"F— Ncr $1,200, Miq . . . . . . .... Fedaml St4tp , State p b. ays' e Status run ds unds Total PE C N 2024'. P. AD. P rqj ect. To te I s - Experiditure S di-edula- IsYf, - . a* d' 4a th Yiai FIE 4 so O.N. i SID SIM, X000'001 so SO I Six,-YearTransportatir . ' : ogram from 2021 to 2026 (PIroject Funds to Nearest Dollar) MP0-/-RT-P0*- Q R- TPO GO.U.nty...- Grant A,genpv; GraaCaqnty -project -f nf-b May 28 2021 At- 44ZAmend m.ent- Total EsI.Cost 00-n 42a Number Number -Codes . Leng.th LU I- Number of project Tide: Dedson,-Raad Oveilay Phase -1 RT 2-820 --CE No, 2R - VVofK -Mf include HMA resurfacing end traffic,"antrol, Lacatl= N -Frarli.ag.e. Road-. -to 7,NW. hand-ing - Federal T Federal State State Local Phase- Date Status Fund Cdde Funds Fun Code- Rm. ds. Funds Total V PE $4030-00 -CN ST.-P(R). so $630,000 Project Totals.> $544,96D 125,050 Expendlits re. 8,ofie-d ule Rhase P F- ON. lstYear - eal W -Po �3: -0 9�� 2-nd Year 50 Zrd Year Year 4th Year - IS, 0 sth &-fith Years Expo nditure Totals - $0 x Year Transport Improvemp atj pt Program from.. 2021 tD, -202-6; (-pr-OiGCt.,--rzund!!�,to- N o -M -St Dollar) MPO I RTPO-. 0 aTpo -County: Grant InTo Z: -A PrOjOcitNom- bell Pfd 's Jp Code 07 00025 PIT -M Tflef-M-d-zson Road.:Overfay Stnxtur&ID� Road G,--WCis -13"K '2R - Work Will `Inc u(J$ HW- 16SUff=ing andArafffe. Coatro L -Z fty St "uol Ire, May 28, 2021 un ing - pho-se. $Uirt pioe-�. staws-, und Cotle... Fea d .ral sta% State -ids Fuca c. PE Cif. p 40 Amendment Total Estcast 40ngth- wv' a-?!! Numbe'r Of Project un ing - pho-se. $Uirt pioe-�. staws-, und Cotle... Fea d .ral sta% State -ids Fuca PE Cif. p 40 Expend' rf�:Sclledu . . . . . . . . . . �2nd Year 3rd"Year. MhYear 5th .6th Years $0 Z,497.2VO Expenditure*T6tats..- --A $ r"'ix,,Year'Transportation..Impirovem-ei"it ProgrzIM from .2021 to 2,026 (Projeot Funds to.. Nearest Dollar) VI PO I RTPO; Q KT -PO County; Grant Agan-cy-4: Grant Courrty Project. frif-0 2R—Work-W111.1riclude HMA-rastrfacingand tmffircantrof. �_ocadorc Road A. NW to Road 7NW- May 28, 2021 Funding - Start- FOP d state P Local Z 4L, Phase Date. project Number N. - E. - Fuad�Obde� :Fund!& Funds TOW Mi, Uallity Amendment gin-TerinhE.1.8.10 EndTrf_*-I:'Z1,76 Road: -9103-0 �; DODSON RD Be 'I nn 2R—Work-W111.1riclude HMA-rastrfacingand tmffircantrof. �_ocadorc Road A. NW to Road 7NW- May 28, 2021 Funding - Start- FOP d state state Local Phase Date. status Fund. Code E. - Fuad�Obde� :Fund!& Funds TOW Mi, Uallity Amendment TOW Egt.Gost 4.0 J CN Codes p STF(R) Nwn�. r Of P1,0ject -04 RT U60. $790,000 Funding - Start- FOP d state state Local Phase Date. status Fund. Code Funds' Fuad�Obde� :Fund!& Funds TOW PE 2024. CN 202.1 p STF(R) so $141.250 Expenditlure Scbj�dijfe-., -Phase istyear 211d Yew: 3rd'Year 4th -Year 5th 6th Years $0 GN $0 1$-0 Expanditure, Totals - $0 $0 Sbc4ear IntproMement Program ftom 202.1 .(Proje MPO I RPS-: RTFP Coun�r .'Grant Agents Grant -County, Proiact Info; rul > > UV114 PO PIT Tor mlpt�. -219.6 End 'ferm, rMf0[L'.Jhddde_­H Looaflort PSW. to, -Ephrata'.-CltYUtniM- May 28, 2021 s State State Pbaso Date 'Statu's Und 5- F.0 ads T tal Project Arnand.rn-ont Totat Est.Cost Lengul. w C N. 2026 Number of pro3oct &M. QjE s State State Pbaso Date 'Statu's Und 5- F.0 ads T tal Pl. C N. 2026 $0 Expenditure.Schodkile-, ar 4th'.Year -PE llqio .10 So- A $1 igaS,70.0 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Recap of Agency Totals by.. Fisc-cil Yet aj� AgenewTotals- , by Year - J' Federof Funds SWfe FUM �. LuFunds I St year. S6,2 %. 51 cal 2nd Year 9 3rd Year.- $27.934,250 41h Year 5111 a 6th years Agency.Totals. $7s5O:-5x3OO - - - -- --i