HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 87-079-CCBOARD OF COU14TY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Resolution dividing and creat- ing new voting precincts to - wit. Dividing present Ephrata 4 and creating a new Ephrata 4 and 'S, dividing Moses lake 3 and creating a new Moses Lake 3 and 5(Moses Lake remains the same). Dviding Airport and creating a new airport 1 & 2, dividing Cascade Fairgrounds and Cascade Valley. RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-79 -CC 14HEREAS R.C.W. 29.04.040 provides that where a machine voting precinct may contain as many as 900 registered voters, and WHEREAS, the County Auditor has advised the County Commissioners that present voting precincts.Ephrata 4, Moses Lake 3, Airport and Cascade Fairgrounds each now have more than 900 registered voters and has requested that those four precincts be divided up and has furnished the necessary legal descriptions and names for the new precincts , and WHEREAS, it appears that four new precincts should be created out of the four e>,istir`g precincts so that there will be actually eight precincts with new descriptions, NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: 1) Ephrata 4 shall be divided into Ephrata Precinct 4 and Ephrata Precinct 5 with the legal descriptions as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2) Moses Lake 3 shall be divided into Moses Lake Precinct 3 and Moses Lake 5 with legal description as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, Moses Lake.Precinct #4 remains the same. 3) Airport Precinct shall be divided into Airport 1 and Airport 2 with legal descriptions as described in Exhibit"C" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4) Cascade Fairgrounds shall be divided into Cascade Fairgrounds and Cascade Valley with legal descriptions as described in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect June 8,1987 , and the Grant County Auditor shall take the necessary steps to implement this resolution, IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed. DONE THIS____811L_ DAY OF June i48. 4 Chairman ATTEST: Cl t the Board a o Commissioner Constituting the Boord of County Commissioners of Grant County, Woshington r EPHRATA 4 Beginning at the scutheast corner of Section 29, township 21, range 26, and following the Burlington -Northern railroad north following the corporate limits to where it intersects with Alder Street and Second Avenue SW: thence northwesterly following the south side of Second Avenue to where it intersects with the U.S.B.R. West Canal; thence south following the 1 -:est Cana_ to where it intersects with Martin Road; thence east on the north side of Martin Road to where it intersects with Highway 28; thence.east across Highway 28 to point of beginning. I PWPATA q Beginning north where the Burl ingl.nf".orthern railroad intersects with S.E. Bled; thence southeasterly follcl-ring the southwesterly side of S.E. Blvd, to where it .intersects with 9th. Ave. S.E.; thence west following ;