HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 89-110-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NUMBER 89 -110 -CC A RESOLUTION authorizing an appropr:i.ati ()n and expenditure of .funds for the following department/fund: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND #001, TREASURER'S DEPT. #106 , together with a budget there- fore, pursuant to RMV 36.40.140. WHEREAS, it has been brought -Lo the a.t;tent ion of the Board of County Cornmiss:i_oners of Grant County that emergency conditions I'e'CfUl.l'tw that all approp.r'iation and eXpE3ndlt;1,11'e Of funds be auth-- ol'ized for the above-mentioned department:/i`und, together with a budg( L therefor; Auld il'HER EAS, pur stunt; to ltC1U 3(�. l0. a. }0 fiesC)luf;a.Orl No. 89 -102 -CC was duly adopted on 10/16/89 ,and publ:i.Shed in the G.C.Journal on 10/26&11/2/89 declaring an emergency and stating the :facts constituting theemergency and t,he, est=imated arnol_1nt of funds requ:i.red to meet; :i. i;, together with 'a notice of pui:11_:i_c hea.ri.ng, and said pl.11: T i.c; hearing was held thereon where i.nt(_�rested persons were allowed to a.ppea:r and be heard; NOW, THEI REFORE , BE IT RESOLVED 13Y '.I liE BOARD OF COUNTY COMM I S- SIONERS OF GRANT COUN'T'Y, STATE OF 111ASHINGTON, that an appropriation and expendilLll'F' Of.' :funds is hereby authorized :for the following cl(?paI"tl7lerlt;/ll11(i ; CURRENT EXPENSE FUND #001,TREASURER',S DEPT.#106 in the iota.]. sum Of $ 7,$00 accovdiIlg -to the attached 1:31.1(1ge - . ']'his reSOILltiOn iS iI1 the beSL interests of good government and shall tai{e effect immediate l.v upoll its passage. DONE THIS 7th DAY OF November , 19 89 ATTEST: QO -AAA X A q6 Jerk of tho Board R—i Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION # 89 -110 -CC CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 4001 TREASURER'S DEPT.#106 APPROPRIATIONS MISCELLANEOUS BANK SERVICE FEES 514.22.49.22 $7,500 FINANCING SOURCE INVESTMENT INTEREST 361.11.00 $7,500 EXPLANATION TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY BANK SERVICE FEES, WHICH WILL BE OFFSET BY AN INCREASE IN INVESTMENT INTEREST REVENUE DUE TO A CHANGE FROM THE COMPENSATING BALANCE METHOD.