HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 17-100-CC i i i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' Grant County,Washington ' Il�THE MATTER OF ADOPTING RESOLUTION No. 17- I�� -CC '' A COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE YEARS 2018-2023 ' i i WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Section 6, Chapter 83, Laws of Extraordinary Session of the State of Washington, Grant County did prepare a Comprehensive i Transportation Improvement Program for the ensuing six years; and ; WHEREAS, priority array of projects prepared in accordance with County Road � Administration Board Standards of Good Practice (WAC 136-14) was made available and was consulted ! by the Board during the preparation of this Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's report with respect to deficient bridges was available to the Board during the preparation of the Six Year Program;and � WHEREAS, an environmental pre-assessment of the Six Year Program indicated that � the social, economic and aesthetic values would not be disturbed; and ' WHEREAS, pursuant fiirther to said Law, the Board of County Commissioners, being � the legislative body of the County, did prepare, revise and extend said Six Year Program and did hold a ! public hearing on said Comprehensive Plan at 1:45 pm at the Courthot►se, Ephrata, Washington on the � 21 St day of November, 2017; ' I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of � Commissioners adopt the Comprehensive Six Year Road Program presented at the public hearing. i 1)ATED this �i s�day of , 2017. �; � I BOARD OF COUIVTY COMMISSIONERS i Yea Nay Abstain NT COU TY,WASHIl�1GTON i i � ❑ ❑ � � Cindy Ca r, Chair „ -- I ATTEST: �/ � � Ric ard Stevens, Member - C� 77�Y�� � arbara J.Vasquez �'��Clerk of the Board ❑ ❑ ❑ ����2���� ' j Tom Taylor, Member (_. Six-Year Trans�orta�ion Irnproverr�ent Pr-ogram from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Project Info- � � � � d E �' � � E �, E � o �� rn o c o' � � -a > a m � � �o� ��� �� �R Resolution a� Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost LL c> a`z Project Number PIN x o ¢o ¢o Number �� Codes Length w F � Number of Projecf 07 00001 9003 11/21/17 11/21/17 97-100-CC 01 P,T Q390 CE No �300,000 Title:Stratford Road NE Sfrucfure ID: Road:9402520-STRATFORD RD Begin Termini:20.28 End Termini:20.67 Realignment and lnstall Bridge-Work wil(inciude earthwork,drainage,crushed surfacing,BST,traffic control and other items. Location:(BNSF RR xing to SR 28) Funding- StaR Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total CN 2018 S USBR $250,000 �0 $50,000 $300,000 ProjectTotals- $250,000 $0 $50,000 �300,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1stYear 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years CN $300,�OQ $0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Six-Year Transportation Irnprovemen$ Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Doilar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Projec#Info- m � � � d m � c °' E � '� ° �� _' ° a > o aai 3� ° _ �� �� �� Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �s a a`z Projecf Number PIN x o ¢o ¢❑ Numher �� Codes Lengfh ui� � Number of Project 08 00002 9004 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 1.850 CE No $25,000 Title:Adams Road&Bridge#331&#332 Structure lD: Road:9101710-ADAMS RD Begin Termini:23.68 End Termini:25.53 Reconstruction&Instalf Bridges-Work will include earthwork,drainage,bridge,HMA surfacing,traffic control and other items Location:(SR 28 to Martin Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total CN 2018 S $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 Project Totals- $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 9st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years CN $25,000 �0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $25,00� $0 $0 $0 $0 Six-Year Transportation Improverraent Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Furtds to Nearest Dollar) MPOlRTPO: Q RTPO November21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Granf County Project Info- � � � _ � � � = rn o � � c v ° w� � - 'a > o m = ai �o� '� p; o a; a�i a� Resolution Q Q Utilify Project � Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost � ii c� n.z Project Number PIN x�p ¢p ¢o Number �t�' Codes Length w� � Number of Project 07 00003 9011 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-T00-CC 04 5.900 CE No $1,795,000 Title:Dodson Road Overlay Structure ID: Road:9103000-DODSON RD Begin Termini:0_00 End Termini:5.90 2R Overlay-Work will include HMA,shoulder finishing,traffic control and other items Location:(SR26 to Frenchman Hills Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Totai PE 2018 S $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 CN 2018 S STP(R) $1,531,050 $0 $238,950 $1,770,000 ProjectTotals- $1,531,050 $0 $263,950 $1,795,000 6cpenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 CN $1,770,00� $0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $7,795,000 $0 $0 50 $0 Six-Year Transportafion fmprovement Prograrrr� from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds fo Nearest Doliar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County ProjecE fnfo- � � d = � �° c °' E � '� � E � � w a� °1 g a > = m � ai o � R p; o r; a�i a� Resalution Q Q Utility Project � Q � Amendmen# Total Est.CosY m �i U a`z Projecf Num6er PIN =o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length w� � Number of Project 08 00004 9015 11/21/17 11l21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 2.010 CE No $1,100,000 Title:4NE Road Structure ID: Road:4290000-4 NE Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:2.01 Reconstruction-Work will include eartf�work,drainage,HMA surFace,traffic control and other items Location:(N-NE Road to L-NE Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2018 S $0 RAP $90,000 $10,000 $100,000 CN 2018 S $0 RAP $905,000 $95,000 $1,000,000 ProjectTotals- $� $995,000 $105,000 $1,100,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4fh Year Sth&6fh Years PE $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 CN $1,OOQ000 $0 $0 �0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $1,100,000 $0 �0 $0 $0 Six-Y�ar'Tr�r�spar�atio� �mprove�rtent Pro�ram ���� Za�� �� 2a�s (Project Funds to iUearesfi Dol(arj MPO/FZTPO: Q RTPd Novemaer 21,2017 Caunty: Grant Agency: Grant Counfij Project Info- � 1 ! � � w � _ �, � _ � m � � � o E d � a i ° �a� _ � 'a > o � I I � u�"i �o� '� a; o,w� d d Resolu#ion Q Q Ufilify Project �y Q � � Amendment Tota[EstCos# �i c:7 a z Projeci Number P1N x o Q o Q Q Number �� Cades Length [u t''- � N�mber of Project 17 OOOqS 9005 'f1/21i17 11729I17 17-1d0-CC 03 P,T,tN 0.890 GE Yes S"[,485,400 Title:Cachran&Ottmar f2aad StrucEure iD: Road.415504Q-COCHRAN RD Segin Ter mini:0.00 End Termini:0.25 Road:4155010-OTTMAR RLl Begin Termini:0.25 End Termini:0.89 ReconstrucYion-Work uviil include grade,drain,HMA surFacing,Curb&Gutter,sidewalks,fratfic confrol and other items Location:(Ainvay Drive to Valley Road) Funding- S#art Federal Federal State State Locai Phase Date Sfatus Fund CoBe Funds Fund Cade Funds Funds Tatal RW 2018 S �0 �6 �5,4Q0 $5,4Q0 CN 2018 S STP(U) $934,200 $0 $145,800 $1,080,00� � Prajecf Totats- "w��,200 S4 5154,8Q4 $9,Q85,4CJ0 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years RW $5,000 $0 $0 �0 $0 Ct�i $1,0&0,000 $0 �0 �0 S� ; Expendifure Totals- �1,Q85,000 $4 �a0 $Q $0 Six-Year i'ransportation Irraprover�era� Prograrn From 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- 16 a c d � °� d � � E � E � o ��, a� o c s � a > o m = N �o� �� a; o a; a�i m Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost R ii c� a z Project Number PtN i o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length w F � Number of Project 16 00006 9018 11/21(17 11/21/17 17-10�-CC 04 P,S,T,W 0.990 CE No $1,100,�00 Title:Randolph Road Structure ID: Road:4501000-RANDOLPH RD Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:0.99 2R Grind&Inlay-Work will include grinding,HMA surfacing,ADA ramps,sidewalk,tra�c control and other items Location:(SR 17 to 22nd Ave) Funding- Start Federal Federal Sfate State Local Phase Date Sfatus Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Totai PE 2618 S� $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 CN 2018 S STP(U) $908,250 $0 $141,750 $1,050,000 ProjectTotals- $908,250 $0 $191,750 $1,100,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 9st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $50,000 $0 �0 $0 $0 CN $1,050,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $1,100,000 $0 $0 a�0 $0 Six-Year Traraspor�ation Irn�rovernent Prograrn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Doltar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant Counry Project Info- m R N � L N N C C � � � 7 p �,y Ol O � > C O' • C ' p N � � o� �R a; o�; a�i m Resolution Q Q Ufility Project •� Q � Amendment Total Esf.Cost u'..c� a`z Projecf Number PIN i o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length w� � Number of Project 07 00007 9016 11/21(17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 3.010 CE No $670,000 Title:28-SW Road Structure ID: Road:1029000-28 SW Begin Termini:3.01 End Termini:6.02 Gravei to BST Program-Work wiil include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic control and other ifems Location:(O-SW Road to R-SW Road) Funding- Start Federal Federaf State Sfate Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2018 S $0 $0 $70,OOQ $70,000 CN 2018 S $0 $0 $600,000 $600,OOQ Project Totals- $0 $0 $670,000 $670,00� 6cpenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $7Q000 $0 $0 $0 $0 CN $600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $670,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Six-Year Transportation irnprovement Prograra� from 2018 to 2023 (Project�unds to Nearest Dollar) MPO(RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- m ,a c d � �' m = c � � E � � w� c ° � > L m � ui �o� �R a; o a; a�i d Resolufion Q Q Utillty Project •� Q � Amendment Tofal Est.Cost m u'_c� a z Project Number PIN =o ¢n ¢o Number �� Codes Length w F � Number of Project 09 00008 9009 11l21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 0.720 No $200,000 Title:J-NE Road Structure ID: Road:5305000-J NE Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:0.72 Reconstrucfion-Work will inciude earthwork,drainage,BST surfacing,tra�c controf and ofher items Location:(Pinto Ridge Road to 36-NE Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State Sfate Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2018 S $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 CN 2018 S $0 $0 $175,000 $175,000 Project Totats- $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 F�cpenditure Schedule- Pfiase 1sf Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 CN $175,000 $0 $0 $0 �0 Expenditure ToYals- $200,OU0 $0 $0 $0 50 Six-Year Transportation 6rr�provemerat Prograrrr� from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to�fearest Doliar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- t6 a c m � �' � � � � � � �3 o �� � o � � � a . � a > o a� � � o � �R a; o a; a�i a� Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total EstCost ii c� a`z Project Number PIN =o ¢p ¢n Number �r Codes Length w t�' � Num6er of Project 14 00009 9037 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 05 P,T 0.270 CE No $136,500 Title:Endeavor Middle School Sidewalk Structure ID: Road:4517000-PATTON BLVD Begin Termini:1.60 End Termini:1.87 Safety Project-Install rapid-flasf�beacons,recessed crosswalk warning light system,school zone flashing beacon,ADA sidewalk Ramp upgrades and other items. Location:{Patton Blvd lntersections) Funding- Start Federai Federai State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total CN 2�18 S $0 SRTS $123,400 $13,100 �136,500 ProjectTotals- $0 $123,400 $13,100 $136,500 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years CN $136,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $736,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 Stx-Year Trans�ortation Bmprovement �rograt�n from 2018 to 20�3 (Project Funds to Nearest Doilar) MPO(RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project fnfo- w � � � � � � c c � � � '� o �,� rn o .a � c � c •— o a� � R o� ��R a� �� Resolution Q Q Utifify Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �U n`.z Project Number PIN x o ¢o ¢❑ Number �t� Codes Length ur� � Number of Project 00010 9034 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 09 P,T 0.000 No $100,000 Trtle:Bridge#353 R-NW Structure ID: Bridge Replacement-Work will include demolition,sfructure replacement,approaches,tra�c control and other items Location:(R-NW&Martin Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2018 S $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 CN 2018 S $0 $0 $95,000 $95,000 ProjectTotals- $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 ExpendiYure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 CN $95,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $100,�OU �0 $0 $0 $0 Six-Year Transportation Irnprov�ment Proga-arn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/l2TP0: Q RTPO November 21,2097 County: Grant Agency: Granf County Project Info- R C d = � N C � £ � •S O >.`y m O '�6 j � N C " O � � o E ,� ;; o;; d � Reso(ution Q Q Utifity Project �� Q � Amendment Total EsLCosf �i� a`z Project Number PIN x�n ¢n ¢o Number �� Codes Length w� � Number of Project 00011 9002 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 0_000 No $1,500,000 Title:Miscellaneous Projects Structure ID: *Including Cost Share Projecis Location:Various Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Totat CN 2018 S $0 $0 $240,000 $240,000 CN 2019 S $0 $0 $240,000 $240,000 CN 2020 S $0 $0 $240,000 $240,000 CN 2029 S $0 $0 $240,000 $240,000 CN 2022 S $0 $0 $240,000 $240,000 ProjectTotals- �a0 $0 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1stYear 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 CN $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 $480,000 Expenditure Totals- $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $Z50,000 5500,D00 �ax-Year�'ra�spar�a�iora Irnpt-ovem�nt �°ro�raa� fram 2Q18 to 2423 (Praject�unds fo Nearest Dollar) M4�01 RTPO: Q RTPC} November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant Caunty Project Info- � � a � � _ °'. � � � a�i � a ¢ �� �' ° -¢ > n d � � o � '�� p a� a�i a� Resolution Q� Utitiiy Praject �-y � � Amendment Totai Est.Cast �c:> a`z Praject Numbsr PiN s o ¢o ¢o Number �t}' Codes Lengfh ii� � Number of Project 67 00012 9d10 11J21/17 11721I17 17-100-CC �4 F,T 1.880 CE flia �1,160:40Q Tfie.3-NE Road-Phase 1 Siructure tD: Road:944Q02Q-3 NE Begin Termini:5.43 End Termini:6.91 3R-Work wil(iRc(ude earfhwork,drainage,htMA sur�ace,tratfic control and other items Location:(O-NE Road to Q-NE Road) Funding- Start Federai Federat State Stata Locat Pirase Date 3tatus Fund Code Funds Fund Cade Funds Funds Tata1 PE 2019 S SO �� �50,QOQ �5Q,400 CN 2019 S STP(R) 5951,504 $4 $148,500 $1,100,Oq0 � � I � � ProjectTotais- �������� �4 3198,50Q �1,150,4Q0 Expendi#ure Schedule- Phase 1sf Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $0 $50,000 $0 $0 �0 CN �w0 $i,iOQOdd $0 $d � SO ( Expenditvre TotaEs- Sfl $'E,150,044 $0 3fl $0 Six-Year Transpor-tation irnprovement Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project�unds to Nearest Dotiar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- R � C d C � R d � _ � � y � � p �� O7 O � S � � > p N � R �o� � a; o a; a�i a, Resolution �Q Utility Project •� � � Amendment Total Est.Cost u'.v a`z Project Number PIN s o ¢o ¢p Number �F Codes Length w F � Number of Project 07 00013 9019 11(21/17 11/21l17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 4.420 No $1,326,000 Title:4-NE Road Structure ID: Road:9300410-4 NE Begin Termini:5.03 End Termini:9.45 Reconstruction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,tra�c control and other items Location:(Hiawatha Road to Westshore Drive) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Loca1 Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2019 S $0 RAP $90,000 $10,000 $100,000 CN 2019 S $0 RAP $1,103,000 $123,000 $1,226,000 ProjectTotals- $0 $1,193,000 $133,000 $1,326,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE � $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 CN $0 �1,226,000 $0 $0 $0 Eupenditure Totals- $0 $1,326,000 $0 $0 $0 Six-`(ear Transportation trnprovement Progra� from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Doilar) MPO!RTPO: Q RTPO November21,2017 County: Grant Agency_ Grant County Project Info- � � _ � � � � � � � � � "9 o �,d rn o a a� c s � c •— > o � � @ o� � a; o m a�i d Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �i c� a`z Project Number PIN x�o ¢o ¢p Number �� Codes Length w F � Number of Project Q7 00014 9027 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 04 3.160 GE No $855,000 Titie:5-NW Structure ID: Road:93Q1000-5 NW Begin Termini:14.07 End Termini:1723 2R Overlay-Work will include Hot MixAsphalt,shouiderfinishing,traffic control and other items Location:(SR 281 to T-NW Road} Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Eunds Fund Code Funds Funds Tofal PE 2019 P $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 CN 2019 P STP(R) $713,625 $0 $111,375 $825,000 Projecf Totals- $713,625 $0 $141,375 $855,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sfh&6th Years PE $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 CN $0 �825,000 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $855,000 $Q �0 $0 Six-Year Transportation lr�pt-ovement Prograrn f'rom 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Neaeest Doilar) MPO!RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Granf County Project Info- � � � � � d � c c � E � '� ° �� �' ° a > o asi � N �o� '��; o a; a�i d Resolution ° d Utility Projecf � � Amendment Total Est.Cost m . a a. `> o. ii U a`z Projecf Number PIN =o ¢o ¢o Number �� Codes Length w H � Number of Project 09 00015 9030 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 1.010 No $250,000 Title:Baseline.5 SE Road Sfructure ID: Road:2210000-BASELINE.5 SE Begin Termini:1.01 End Termini:2.02 Gravel to BST Program-Work will incfude earthwork,drainage,BST surface,fratfic controi and other items Location:(N-SE Road to O-SE Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2019 S $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 CN 2019 S $0 $0 $225,000 $225,000 Project Totals- �Q $0 $250,000 $250,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $25,000 $0 �0 $0 CN $0 $225,000 $0 $0 �0 Expenditure Totals- ' $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 Six-Year Transportation 6mg�rovemer�t Prograro� from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- � _ � d_ � � = rn o � d c c � w� � �- -a > a a� � m o� �R �; o a� a=i d Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total EstCost ii v d z Project Number PIN =o ¢o ¢o Number �� Codes Length u�� � Number of Project 09 00016 9031 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 2.500 No $550,000 � Title:Lower Crab Creek Road Structure ID: Road:1113000-LOWER CRAB CREEK RD Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:2.5� Gravel to BST Program-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,fraffic control and other items Location:(ESE Road to 2.5 Miles East) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2019 S $0 $0 $55,000 $55,000 CN 2019 S $0 $0 $495,000 $495,000 Project Totals- $0 $0 �550,000 $550,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $55,000 $0 $0 $0 CN $0 $495,OQ0 $0 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $550,000 y�0 $0 $0 Six-`(ear Transportation Irnprovement Prograrn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant Counfy Project Info- R � C LJ L d � C � O � d C S � w� � •- a > p d � R o� �� a; o;; a=i m Resolution Q Q Utility Project � Q � Amendment Total EstCost �i� a z Project Number PIN =o ¢o ¢p Num6er �F Codes Length w� � Number ofi Project 00017 9046 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 05 P,T 0.000 CE No $8Q000 Title:ADA Ramp/Sidewalk Upgrades-Phase#1 Structure ID: Work consist of ADA Ramp and/or Sidewalk Upgrades and other items Location:(Various) Funding- Start Federaf Federal State State Local Phase Date Stafus Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Totai PE 2019 S $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 CN 2019 S $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 Project Tofals- �0 $0 $80,00� $80,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 CN $0 $6Q000 $0 �0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $80,000 $0 $0 $0 �ix-Year Tra��parta�io� 1m�rc�verr�erst Prca�rarn frosn 2018 to 2023 {Project Funds ta Nearest Dof{ar) MPO 1 RTPO: C2 RTPC} November 29,2017 Cauniy: Grant Agency: Project Bnfo- ( � � k � � � c m � �' � � � � � � � p �� a' ° -a > � aai � � �o� � '� a; o� m d Resolu#ion Q� Utitity � Project � � � � Amendment Totai EstCasf � �i U a`z Project Number PiN s o ¢o ¢o Number �t�' Codes �ength ui N � Mumber of Project 18 00018 9029 11/21/17 41i21/'i7 17-100-CC d3 P,T,�V 0 a90 CE No �'!,525,400 Ti#Ie:�rape&Maple Drive Structure ID: Raad:4235QOQ-GRAPE C?R Begin Terminc 4.03 End Termini:0.27 Road:4260Q00-MAPLE DR Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:0.75 Reconstruction-Work w[(f inciude gradz,drainaga,curb and guter,FEMA,sidewa(k,traffic cantrol and ather items Location:(SR 17 to Stratfard Road) Funding- S#art Federal Federal State State �ocai Phase Date Stafias. Fund Code Funds FunB Cade Funds Funds Tatal . PE 2019 P STP(U) $108,125 �C �'16,&75 �125„404 CN 2d24 P STP(U) �1,211,04Q �Q $1fi9,0�0 $1,40Q,00� � ( ProjectTotals- �a1,"s99,125 �0 �205,875 $4,525,404 Expenditure Schedute- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $0 $125,000 �0 $0 $0 CN $0 $0 �u1,400,Od0 � �d 54 F�cpenditure Totals- $fl $125,O�Q 59,400,OQQ � 50 $� Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program from 2018 $0 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) iU1P0/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- m c c�i � � m � rn o � d � a ° w� � •— a > o d = R o� �� a; o a; a�i a� Resolufion Q� Utility Project � Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �i c� a`z Project Number PIN =p Q p ¢o Number �F Codes Length w� � Number of Project �9 Q0019 9032 11(21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 1.000 No $225,000 Title:H-NW Road Structure ID: Road:3883020-H NW Begin Termini:2.17 End Termini:3.17 Gravel to BST Program-Work wilf incfude earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic control and other items Location:(7-NW Road to 8-NW Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 202Q S $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 CN 2020 S $0 $0 $20Q000 $200,000 Project Totals- $0 $0 $225,Q00 $225,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $25,000 $� $0 CN $0 $0 $200,000 �0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $225,000 $� $0 Six-Year Transportation tmprovement Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO!RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- m a _ � c � � � � � E � '3 ° �� c ° 'a > L m � v, o � ��r; o a; a�i d Resolution ° � Utilify Project � � Amendment Total Est.Cost R . Q.Q. � Q �i c� a z Project Number PIN i o ¢o ¢o Number �� Codes Length w� � Number of Project 09 00020 9033 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 1.020 No $250,000 Title:H-SW Road Structure ID: Road:1253000-H SW Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:1.02 Gravel to BST Program-Work wilf include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,fraffic control and other items Location:(12-SW Road to SR 26) Funding- Start Federal Federa[ State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2�20 S $� $0 $25,000 $25,000 CN 2020 S $0 $0 $225,000 $225,000 Project Totais- $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000 Expendifure Schedule- Phase 1sf Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4fh Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $25,000 $0 �0 CN $0 $0 $225,000 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $250,000 $0 $0 Six-Year Transpoa-tation Improvement Prograrn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- m c � = d R m °' °' c c � � E '� ° w d � ° -a > L m � R o E ��w o a? d � Resolufion Q� Ut[lity Project •� Q � Amendment Tofal Est.Cost ii U a`z Project Number PIN i o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length ur F � Number of Project 07 00021 9028 11/21(17 11l21/17 17-100-CC 04 5_680 CE No $1,530,000 Title:5-NW&U-NW Strucfure ID: Road:9301000-5 NW Begin Termini:17.23 End Termini:18.19 Road:9301010-U NW Begin Termini:18.19 End Termini:22.91 2R Overfay-Work will include Hof M�Asphalt,shoulderfinishing,traffic control and other items Location:(T-NW Road to SR 28) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2020 P $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 CN 2020 P STP(R) $1,297,500 �0 $202,500 $1,500,000 ProjectTotals- $1,297,500 $0 $232,500 �y1,530,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 CN $0 $0 $1,500,000 $0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 y�1,53U,000 $0 $0 Six-Year Transpor�afion 9mproveme�t Prograrn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds fo Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- R � � c m m � c c � � E �� � �,d � o -a i c rr � R o� �� a; o a; a�i m Resolution Q Q Utility Project �� � � Amendment Total Est.Cost ii U a`z Project Number PIN s o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length w� � Number of Project 07 00022 9�22 11/21f17 11/21M7 17-100-CC 04 P,T 4.010 No $1,200,000 Title:StratFord Road-Phase 1 Structure ID: Road:9402520-STRATFORD RD Begin Termini:9.23 End Termi�i_13.24 2R-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic control and other items Location:(12-NE Road to 16-NE Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Locaf Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2020 S �0 RAP $90,000 $10,000 $100,000 CN 2020 S $0 RAP $660,000 $440,000 $1,100,000 ProjeetTotals- $0 $75�,000 $450,000 $1,200,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6fh Years PE $0 $0 $100,000 $0 50 CN $0 $0 $1,100,000 �0 $0 Expenditure Totals- $U $0 $1,200,000 $0 $0 Six-`fear�rans�orta#ior� Irraprovera�ent Program frorn 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant Counfy Project Info- m � c d� � m c c � E � � o �� � � o .a � i aai � R .`o_ � �� � �� �� Resolution Q� Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total EstCost u.c> a`z Project Nurnber PW x o ¢❑ ¢o Number �t�' Codes Length ur r � Number of Project 07 00023 9017 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 04 P,T 2.00Q No $1,200,000 TitJe:3-NE Road-Phase 2 Structure ID: Road:9400020-3 NE Begin Termini:6.91 End Termini:8.91 3R-Work will include earthwork,drainage,HMA surface,traffic control and other items Location:(Q-NE Road to S-NE Road) Funding- Start Federal Federa! State Stafe Local Phase Dafe Statu's Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2021 S $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 CN 2021 S STP(R) $951,500 $0 $148,500 $1,100,000 ProjectTotals- $951,500 $0 $248,500 $1,200,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 CN $0 $0 $0 $1,100,�00 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 �0 $0 $1,200,000 $0 Six-Year Transportation Improvernen� Prograrn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds fo Nearesfi Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- R � � C d N � � � � � � � O a N � O � ) � N 3' O � o� ��R �� �R Resolution Q Q Utility Projec# �� Q � Amendment Total EstCost u.U a`z Project Number PIN x p ¢o ¢o Number �� Codes Length w t�' � Number of Project 08 00024 9025 11l21/17 11/21/17 17-10�-CC 03 P,T 0.770 No $175,000 TiBe:12-NE Structure ID: Road:9403030-12 NE Begin Termini:8_24 End Termini:9.01 Gravel to BST Program-Work will include eaRhwork,drainage,BST surface,tra�c control and other items Location:(M-NE Road to East end of Bridge#158} Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2021 S $0 $0 $25,000 �25,000 CN 2021 S $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 ProjectTotals- $0 $0 $175,000 $175,000 6cpenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 CN $0 $0 $0 $15Q,000 �0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $0 $775,000 $� Six-Year Trar�spor�ation lmprovement Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar} MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project info- m � _ � � � � � c °' E � '� ° w� c � a > i a�i 3 � .o� ��� �� �R Resolution Q Q Utility Projecf •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �c� a`z Project Num6er PIN x o ¢o ¢o Num6er �� Codes Length ii� � Number of Project 07 00025 9023 11/21/17 91/21/17 17-100-CC 04 P,T 4.000 No $1,200,000 TiBe:Strafford Road-Phase 2 Structure ID: Road_9402520-STRATFORD RD Begin Termini:13.24 End Termini:17.24 2R-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,tra�c control and other items Location:(16-NE Road to 20-NE Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Rhase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2021 P $0 $0 $10�,000 �100,000 CN 2021 P $Q $0 �1,100,000 $1,100,000 ProjectTofa(s- �a0 $0 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 6cpenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6fh Years PE $0 $0 $0 $10Q000 $0 CN $0 $0 $0 $1,100,000 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $0 $1,200,000 $0 Six-Y�ar Transporta$ion 6r�nprover�ent Prograrn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO(RTPO: Q RTPO November21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- m � � � c d � d � _ � � � E � ° w� � ° a > pc aai � R o� ��� a� �R Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total EstCost �c� a z Project Number PIN s o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length w F � Number of Project 09 00026 9040 11/21(17 11/2�/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 2.170 CE No $490,000 Title:G.7-NWl5.6-NW/H-NW Road Structure ID: Road:3883000-G.7 NW Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:0.56 Road:3883010-5.6 NW Begin Termini:0.56 End Termini_0.81 (additional Roads...) Gravel to BST Program-Work will include eartfiwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic control and other items Location:(5-NW to 7-NW) Funding- Start Federal Federal State Stafe Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2021 S $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 CN 2021 S $0 $0 $440,000 $440,000 Project Totals- �0 $0 $490,000 $490,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 CN $0 $0 $0 �440,000 $0 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $0 $490,000 �0 Six-`(ear Transportation Improvement Prograrr� from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Doflar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTP� November21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- � = c � c y �a m °' o >,� rn o a � � aa . � •— o � � R .`o_ E �R w; o r; � � Resolution �Q Utility Project � a � Amendment Total EstCost ii U a`z Project Number PfN a o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length w� � Number ofi Project 07 00027 9045 11l21/17 11/21l17 17-100-CC 04 P,T 7.390 CE No $2,225,000 Title:USE Road Overlay Structure ID: Road:920350Q-U SE Begin Termini:5_20 End Termini:12.59 2R Overlay-Work consist of HMA Overlay,shoulder finishing,guardrail,traffic control and other items Location:(7.5-SE to South Frontage Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State Stafe Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2022 S $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 CN 2022 S STP(R) $1,903,000 $0 $297,000 �2,200,000 ProjectTotals- $1,903,000 $0 $322,000 $2,225,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,200,000 Expenditure Totals- $0 y0 $0 �0 $2,225,000 Six-Year 1"ranspor�ation Improver�nen$ Prograrn from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- � c � _ � � � c � E m .3 o >.d � ° a > � aai 0 � R ,o � �R a R �R Resolution �Q Utility Project �� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �c� a`z Project Number PIN x❑ ¢o ¢p Number �t�' Codes Length w F � Number of Project 00028 9035 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 09 P,T 0.000 CE No $875,000 Title:Bridge#382 H-NW Road Structure ID: Bridge Replacement-Work wili include demolition,structure replacement,approaches,traffic control and other items Location:(0.4 Miles hlorth of SR 28) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2022 P BROS $60,000 $0 $15,000 $75,000 CN 2022 P. BROS $640,000 $0 $160,000 �800,000 ProjectTotals- $700,000 $0 $175,000 $875,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $0 $800,000 Expenditure Totals- 30 $0 $0 $0 $875,000 Six-Year Transportation tmprovement Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- � � � � � � c � o � � � '� o w� c •- 'a > o m � u`�i o� � a� o w a�i a� Resolution ° � Utility Project � � � Amendment Total EstCost R �a.+ Q Q � Q ii U a z Project Number PIN s o ¢o ¢p Number �F Codes Length w� � Number of Project 08 00029 9039 11/21l17 11/21/17 17-'f00-CC 03 P,T 0.800 CE No $180,000 Titfe:8-NE Road Structure ID: Road:9402010-8 NE Begin Termini:1.18 End Termini:1.98 Gravef to BST Program-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,tra�c control and ofher items Location:(N-NE to where O-NE would be) Funding- Start Federal Federal Stafe State Local Phase Date Sfatus Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2022 S $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 CN 2022 S $0 $0 $155,000 $155,000 Project Tota�s- $0 $0 $180,000 $180,000 6cpenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6fh Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 �25,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $0 $155,000 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $0 $4 $180,000 Six-Year�"rar�spor�ation lmprovement Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 Counfy: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- t6 a c a�i � � d � c °i E � '� o �� � o � � c a _ � � o d _ � .o� ��R �R �� Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost a c> a z Project Number PIN x o Q o ¢n Number �� Codes Length w r�'- � Number of Project 09 00030 9041 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 2.010 CE No $450,000 Title:S-NE Road Structure 1D: Road:4375000-S NE Begin Termini:3.52 End Termini:5.53 Gravel to BST Program-Work wili include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,tra�c control and other items Location:(End of Oil to Where 5.5-NE would be) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2022 S $0 $0 $40,000 $40,000 CN 2022 S $0 $0 $410,000 $410,000 Project Totals- $0 $0 $450,000 $450,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Yeae 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $0 $410,000 6cpenditure Totals- $0 $0 50 $0 $450,000 Six-Year Transpo�ation 9rnprovement Prograr� from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds fo Nearest Doliar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO IVovember 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- � � � c m d � c � � � E � ° w� � ° a > L m _ � ,o � �R a; o a; a�i m Resolution Q Q Utility Project �� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost u'.U a z Project Number PIN x�o ¢o ¢�p Number �� Codes �ength w r-'' � Number of Project 07 00031 9024 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 04 P,T 3_040 No $930,000 Title:StratFord Road-Phase 3 Sfructure!D: Road:9402520-STRATFORD RD Begin Termini_17.24 End Termini:20.28 2R-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic control and other items Location:(20-NE Road to BNSF Crossing) Funding- Sfart Federal Federal State State Locat Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2022 P $0 $0 $80,000 $80,000 CN 2022 P �0 $0 $850,000 $850,000 Project Totals- �0 $0 $930,000 $930,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1stYear 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $0 $850,000 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 �0 $0 $930,000 Six-Year Trar�spo�-�ta�ion Irr�provement Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- w c � c m � � c °' � E '� � w� c � a > � asi 3 � o� ��@ �R �R Resolution Q Q Utility Project �� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost eL t� n`.z Project Number PIN r o ¢o ¢❑ Number �� Codes Length w� � Number of Project 07 00032 9020 11l21l17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 04 P,T 1.990 No $1,100,000 Titie:3-NE Road-Phase 3 Strucfure ID: Road:9400020-3 NE Begin Termini:8.91 End Termini:10.90 3R-Work wiii inciude earthwork,drainage,HMA surface,tra�c control and other items Location:(S-NE Road to U-NE Road) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Stafus Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Totai PE 2023 S �0 $� $100,000 $100,000 CN 2023 S STP(R) $865,000 $0 $135,000 $1,000,000 ProjectTotals- $$65,000 $0 $235,000 $1,100,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1stYear 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 CN ' $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 Expenditure ToYals- $0 �0 $0 $Q $9,100,000 Six-Year Transpoa-tation Irr�provement Prograrra from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency_ Grant County Project tnfo- m � � c m � c � � � E 3 ° .�'� �' ° a > i � � u�'i o� �,� a; o a; m d Resolution Q Q Utility Project � Q � Amendment Totai EstCost m u�..v a`z Project Number . PIN i o ¢o ¢o Number £F Codes Length w r-T � Number of Project 07 00033 9021 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 04 P,T 3.�00 No $1,100,00� Tifle:3-NE Road-Phase 4 Structure 1D: Road_9400020-3 NE Begin Termini:10.90 End Termini:13.90 3R-Work wifl include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,tra�c control and other items Location:{U-NE Road to Adams County Line) Funding- Start Federa! Federat State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2023 S �0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 CN 2023 S �0 $0 $950,000 $950,000 Project Totais- �0 $0 $1,100,000 $1,100,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 CN $0 $0 $Q �0 $950,000 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,10�,000 Six-Year�ransportation Improve�ent Program from 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Doilar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project lnfo- � m � a�i c d d C C � � �3 O �� c� ° "a > a asi � R ,`o_ E ,�;; o g; � � Resolution Q Q Ufilify Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �c� a`z Project Number PIN =o ¢o ¢o Number �F Codes Length w F � Number of Project 09 00034 9042 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 0.750 CE No $170,000 Title:11-SW Road Structure ID: Road:1320000-11 SW Begin Termini:0.00 End Termini:0.75 Gravef to BST Program-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surFace,traffic control and other items Location:(Dodson Road to Pavement) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Totat PE 2023 S $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 CN 2023 S $Q $0 $155,000 $155,000 Project Totafs- �� $0 $170,000 $170,000 Expendifure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th&6th Years PE $0 $0 �0 $0 �15,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $0 $155,000 Expenditure Totals- $0 $0 $0 $0 �170,000 �ix-Year 3ransportation tmprovement Prograrn from 2098 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Doilar} MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant County Project Info- R � � c m d y � c � � E '� o �`� � ° a > o a6i � � o� ��R �� �� Resolution Q Q Utility Project •� Q � Amendment Total Est.Cost �U a`z Project Number PIN s❑ ¢p ¢p Number �F Codes Length w t� �a' Number of Project 09 00035 9043 11/21/17 11/21/17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 0.330 CE No $75,000 Title:12-NW Road Structure ID: Road:3226000-12 NW Begin Termini:1.00 End Termini:1.33 Gravel to BST Program-Work will indude earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic controi and other items Location:(U-NW to 0.33 Miles West} Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Locat Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2023 S $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 CN 2023 S $0 $0 $70,000 $70,000 Projecf Totals- �0 $0 $75,000 $75,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sfh&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $Q $70,000 Expenditure Totats- $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 Six-Year'fransporta�ion Irnproveme�at Progr�m firom 2018 to 2023 (Project Funds to Nearest Dollar) MPO/RTPO: Q RTPO November 21,2017 County: Grant Agency: Grant Counfy Project lnfo- R C � C N N C � � � � � p �y �I O '6 > L d � R .0 3 �� � a R �� Resolution Q Q Ufitify Project •� Q � Amendmenf Tota[EstCost �c� a z Project Number PIN s o ¢o ¢o Number £~ Codes Length w F � Number of Project 09 00036 9044 11/21/17 11l21l17 17-100-CC 03 P,T 0_510 CE No $115,000 Title:K-SE Structure ID: Road_2193000-K SE Begin Termini:1.50 End Termini:2.01 Gravel to BST Program-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic control and otfier items Location:(0.5 Miles South of 4-SE to 4-SE) Funding- Start Federal Federal State State Local Phase Date Status Fund Code Funds Fund Code Funds Funds Total PE 2023 S �0 $� $10,000 $10,000 CN 2023 S $0 $0 $105,000 $105,000 ProjectTotals- �0 $0 $115,000 $115,000 Expenditure Schedule- Phase 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Sth&6th Years PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 CN $0 $0 $0 $0 $105,000 Expenditure Totals- $0 $U $0 �0 $115,000 Revenue and Expenditure Analysis Grant County SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS Co Rd/Co Rd Construction: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2023 REVENUES: BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,000,000, , 5,639,400; ; 6,766,650, � 8,006,030 13,467,679, REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LESS CO ROAD DIVERSION 8,800,000, � . 8;$8.a,000; ; 8,�76;880 9,066,649 18,133,29$ MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX 6,690,090, , 6,690,000; 6,690,000; i 6,690,000 � 13,380;000 ' CO ARTERIAL PRES PROGRAM 1,425,000; 1,426,000 1,425;000; 1,,4'�6,Q00 2,8&0,000 RURAL ARTERIAL PROGRAM � 995,Ob.tl; 1,183,000� � 750,Otlb, , Q 0 � TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD 0; ; 0; 0: 0 0 UATA 0; 0- 0, 0 � 0 . IAGSALMON RECOVERY FUND 0; ; - " Q , Q Q 0 STP 3,373,a00, 1,773,250; , 2,608,,500� 951,OOtl 2,768,000 STBG � . 0; 0 , p. ; i � � � ' , SRTS 123;�}00� 0,: o' o " 6_ WSDOT PARTICIPATION 0; 0 , p� ; 0 � 0 : BRTDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 0' 0; � 0� 0 0,., .' � HSIP �.. tl, 0: � 0:; 0 Q.'.,._ . OTHER INTERGOVERNMENT&5TATE SHARED 250 000' 0� _0, 0 0. ', CHARGES FOR SERVICES 5 000; 5,000� S,QOb, 5,000' " 10;,000 � INTERFUND/INTERGOVMNT REIMB FOR SERVICES 25;tl0.0' 25,000, 25,OQQj '.25 400., 50,000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES , 675;Q90; , 676,000 675,Q00 675,000, „ 4,350,000 GENERAL OBLIGATtON BOND PROCEEDS 0; ; b pi , 0, , 6 ,, _ „_-. . PROCEEDS FOR SALE OF FIXED ASSETS Q; , 0; ,, `. .,. 0, ` 0 , , 0 , SPECIALPURPOSEPATH 0; ; 0; �_.- D' b',,- 0 � PUBLIC WORKS TRUST PUND 0; , 0: i 0; � " b 0,, ,� , � CRIDS " 0� �.� �. Q; d Q SEPA . 0: ' Oi .___ . �; � � 0 OPERATING TRANSFER 0; � 0; , 0, , 6. 0 IMPACT FEES 0 0; 0: Q., q TOTAL REVENUES&FUND BALANCES: $27,361,900 $26,313,650 $27,822,030 $26,843,679 $52,008,976 EXPEIdDITURES: ENDING FUND BALANCE 5,000,000 5,000,000, 6,Qp0,000. , . 5,Ob0,000, �_ , 10,tlOQ,Op,6 ADMINISTRATiON&SUPPORT SERVICES 66Q,Od0; � 650,Op0', 650,Otl0� 69tl;00b 1,300,OOQ__ SSWM PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Q' 0� p; p: p:' COUNTY RISK MANAGEMENT ALLOCATION 0; ,0; 0 0 0 COUNTY INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 0; 0; F•'_ - 0, , 0 0. . ENGINEERING SERVICES 225 000 2Z6,b00 226,p00i 226000 � , - 450,Q00 SURVEYING&RIGHT OF WAY MANAGEMENT 100 Q00: 100,000; F 100,OOOt � 100,000 20p,�p0 DEVELOPMENTREVIEW&INSPECTION $5,O.qQ< 8b,600; ; ;$�,400� ,, 8�,000, , 170,000 ROAD SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 11,50Q,000, ; 11i50Q,00b " `1:1,500,600, 'J1:,500,(�00! , _ ,23,Q00,000 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS :1;800;q00, 1,800',000 � 1,80Q,006. ; „1;800;000 3,6QO,b00 ^ TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 76,00;0� 5,000 75,OQ0; ; 75,000 150;000 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES �, 50,O,OOb; ; 5q0;Q00; 500,pp0; 500;O9Q 1,000,000 SPECIAL PURPOSE PATHS 1,000,� 1;090� ; �,000; � _ ,- 1,000: 2,000 REIMBURSABLE SERVICES � 25,000, �5,000; ; 2�,OQ0; 25,b00; � 50,pOb, ' � LONG TERM DEI3T(PW TRUST FUND) p 0, 0- 0, 0, _' CONTRIB.TO OTHER FUNDS(pEBT SERVICE) 0' 0; � , p� 0, p CONSTRUCTION IN HOUSE SERVICES b, , 0; 0 0; Q SUBTOTAL OPERATIONS: $19,961,000 $19,961,000 $19,961,000 $19,961,000 $39,922,000 CONSTRUCTION: AVAILABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION 7,40b,900. 6,9&2,650 7,86'I,q30 6,882,679 12,086,976 SIX-YEARTIP 6,'761,500; 4,506,000; � 4,855,000; , 3,�415,000 7,720,000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION: $6,761,500 $4,586,000 $4,855,000 $3,415,000 $7,720,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $26,722,500 $24,547,000 $24,81fi,000 $23,376,000 $47,642,000 FUND BALANCE: $639,400 $1,766,650 $3,006,030 $3,467,679 $4,366,976 Print Date:11/21/2017 Page 1 of 1 i ! i ' GRANT COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � � ANNUAL BRIDGE & INSPECTION REPORT 2017 � }�� �s �y��..,:�;;.,..-�fi. --�w�r�����'�s����,�, rt _.� �,� i - 3-. '��� �ar ` I _r Y I _ rr � - v s - 5�.�,��,r'�.�'i,,.�. � � � ��� � . � � ,�.� -,�— ��t�f i g ' �,"� .-�� ; � I ,.=ati ,�� _�. -u x� � , - i in C � I ..,.-yd. '�a,-r:x ' � ��� �t �p .��. �t I � � � � I I I � i 4 11 //�/ � « �( ��� ��/ � (amt.✓� Jef i r, P.E. Date irec or County Road Engineer I County Bridge Program Manager, G1011 ; � � I � �� / Andy Bo th Date ' Bridge Crew Supervisor , , ' Bridge Inspection Team Leader, G1409 � ' i i . i i T. 1NTRODUCTION � II. DEFICIENT BRIDGES III. BRIDGE INSPECTIONS 1. Routine Bridge Inspections 2. SpecialInspections IV. SCOUR EVALUATIONS V. BRIDGE RESTRICTIONS . VI. EMERGENCY REPAIRS VII. MAINTENANCE PROJECTS VIII. COMPLETED PROJECTS IX. CURRENT PROJECTS X. RECOMMENDED PROJECTS Figure 1-NBI sufficiency rating over time , Figure 2- Short span bridge sufficiency over time ; Figure 3- Culverts as short span bridges sufficiency over time I Appendix A- Deficient bridges i Appendix B- Map of deficient bridges I Appendix C- U-Bit inspections ; Appendix D- Bridge scour ratings � Appendix E- Posted bridges � I � 4 � I � I . I i i I ' � I I � I - I. INTRODUCTION The 2017 Annual Bridge and Inspection Report summarizes the status of bridges owned, operated and maintained by Grant County, and is prepared under the direction of the County Engineer in accordance with WAC 136-20-060. This Report is for your use during preparation of the 2018-2024 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. This report is based upon the most current data available in our Bridgeworks files. The health o�the County's bridge infrastructure is good overall. We currently have no bridges with a sufficiency rating below 40. A sufficiency rating of 40 or below would make a National Bridge Inventory (NBI) bridge eligible for federal bridge replacement funding. Project selection for all funding sources, other than local, is based upon a statewide priority selection process and bridges with a sufficiency rating higher than 40 are not currently considered. Due to a software error in the new Washington State Bridge Inspection System(WSBIS)we are unable to get an accurate sufficiency rating at this time. County Arterial Federal Aid bridges are eligible for STP, BRS, RAP, and local funds. . County Arterial Non-FA bridges are eligible for BROS, RAP, and local funds. Access bridges are eligible for BROS, and local funds. II. DEFICIENT BRIDGES Appendix A is a listing of the bridges and short span bridges that the Public Worlcs Department considers deficient in one way or another. The attached map (Appendix B) shows the location of these structures. Reasons we determine a structure to be deficient include structural deficiency, functional obsolescence, posted for weight restrictions or deck condition. � III. BRIDGE INSPECTIONS Federal Hzghway AdministNation (FHWA)requirements mandate that public agencies inspect and report on all bridges (vehicle carrying structures with span length equal to or greater than twenty feet) at least once every twenty-four months. The purpose of routine inspections is to evaluate and record the current condition of the bridge, determine the degree of wear and deterioration, and recommend repairs or needed services. They are also to ensure and maintain public safety and confidence and to protect the public investment. ' Grant County has 4 certified bridge inspectors and one inspector in training. The • County Engineer is a Professional Engineer, Certified Bridge Inspector, and acts as the Bridge Program Manager. Grant County's Assistant Public Worlcs Director is also � a certified bridge inspector. The Bridge Crew Supervisor is a Certified Bridge Inspector and is qualified as a Team Leader. One engineering technician is a Certified Bridge Inspector and acts as co-inspector with the Team Leader. One Bridge Crew Operator is currently training to become a certified bridge inspector, he has successfully completed the BCIT training course and should become a certified bridge inspector soon. 1. Routine Bridge Inspections Grant County has a total of 195 bridges subject to the National BNidge Inspection StandaNds (NBIS). Grant County also performs NBIS inspections on all of our 62 short span bridges even though it is not mandated. Of these, 84 bridges and 50 short span bridges have received inspections during the 2016-2017 inspection season. Inspections were performed by qualified public worlcs personnel. Qualified County personnel also inspect one bridge each for the City of Krupp/Marlin, the City of Moses Lake, the City of Quincy, and the City of Wilson Creek, for which Grant County is reimbursed. � 2. SpecialInspections Most special inspections are performed by Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) or another agency with certified personnel or contractor under an agreement with Grant County. UBIT Inspection: An UndeN Brzdge Inspection Truck(UBIT) is necessary to perform inspection if the underside of the bridge is inaccessible. The UBIT inspections are generally required on a 24, 48, 60, or 72 month frequency. A total of 23 bridges in Grant County require this type of inspection. Grant County performs these on a 12 or 24 month frequency. See Appendix C. Underwater Inspection: In 2015 Grant County purchased and implemented the use of a high definition underwater camera to eliminate the need for underwater inspections on all but Br-303. Grant County will use the camera in conjunction with our boat at every routine inspection. Should Grant County find any deficiencies during this inspection we would have an underwater inspection performed at that time. WSDOT performed an underwater inspection on Br-303 in April 2017. i IV. SCOUR EVALUATIONS A scour evaluation is required for all bridges over water. The purpose o�a scour - evaluation is to determine susceptibility of the bridge's foundation to tha erosive actions of flowing water removing material from the bridge's foundation. A bridge is considered scour critical if its foundation is determined to be unstable for observed or calculated scour conditions. When a bridge inspector identi�es an actual or potential problem, the bridge must be further evaluated to determine whether or not it should be considered scour critical. Grant County has 0 scour critical bridges. See Appendix D. IV. BRIDGE RESTRICTIONS A load rating is performed for each bridge in the NBIS inventory and the Short Span Bridge inventory in accordance with federal and state regulations by a professional structural engineer. A bridge load rating is the measure of the bridge's load carrying capacity. There are two capacity levels that bracket this ability, the Inventory Rating and the Operating Rating. The Inventory Rating is the load that a bridge can carry for an indefinite number of load cycles without detriment to the bridge. The Operating Rating is the maximum load that can be carried on an infrequent basis without significant detriment to the bridge. . The NBIS require the posting of load limits or restrictions on a bridge when the load rating factors for the legal loads are less than 1. Load rating factors are calculated _ using six standard truck configurations to check the capacity levels: three truck configurations represent legal loads; one a national standard truck; and two overload vehicles. A recent development is Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHVs). SHVs are closely- spaced multi-axle single unit trucics introduced by the trucking industry in the last decade. Examples include dump trucks, construction vehicles, solid waste trucks and other hauling trucks. SHVs generally comply with Bridge Formula B and are for this reason considered legal in all States, if a States' laws do not explicitly exclude the use of such vehicles. Using FHWA criteria Grant County has 61 bridges that must have a load rating analysis calculated by December 31, 2017. We are cur�ently working with our on call Structural Bridge Engineer to perform analysis on 5 structures per month to meet this deadline. Group 2 has 126 bridges that require a new load rating analysis calculated by December 31, 2022. Grant County has 14 posted bridges. This number will increase with the SHV analysis - currently being performed. See Appendix E. i � � � , V. EMERGENCY REPAIRS ; � - No emergency repairs were required since the last report. � I� VI. MAINT�NANCE ACTIVITIES I Proper maintenance and repairs are necessary to prevent further deterioration of structures, to extend their useful life, and to prevent or reduce major repair costs in the future. During inspections, maintenance needs are documented,prioritized, and work is scheduled for completion by the Bridge Crew. The Grant County Bridge Crew was formed in 2002. The crew consists of 3 craw members and a working supervisor. Specialized equipment and vehicles are assigned to the crew. The Bridge crew performs a wide range of maintenance and construction projects on our extensive Bridge and Drainage Structure System. Typical annual maintenance and construction activities include: • Repair wood posts, railing, curbing, and uprights due to vehicle collision. • Repair guardrail and concrete corbels due to vehicle damage. • • Replace rotted or brolcen wood girders, wood decking, curbing and uprights. • Replace rotted wing rail posts. - • Clean decks in the spring and tops of abutments in the fall. • Repair concrete deck spalls and grout lines. • Repair ACP or BST on decics and settled or high approaches. • Install new large or multiple culverts as needed. • Annual cleaning of all large culverts. • Repair or replacement of drainage structures from flash floods or winter ' runoff, including resetting of pipes, adding or repairing riprap. • Repair lateral clearance markers. • Decic Sealing of concrete bridge decks. VII. COMPLETED PROJECTS Br#382 on H-1�1W. Narrow(22.1 ft.)timber bridge. Numerous girders have neutral axis cracics. Several are rotating at the bearings. Girders 2J & 2K have been replaced. See photos. Adams Rd Project. Br-330, Br-331, Br-332, &Br-334 have been replaced. Adams Rd project was completed in May 2017. See photos. I ' VIII. CURRENT PROJECTS • SSB 405 on B-SE 2 - 6ft diameter x 42 ft long corrugated metal pipes. Thesa culverts have heavy scaling rust and section loss. An inspection hammer can be driven through the wall at water level. Fish bearing stream. Scheduled for maintenance repairs in 2018 consisting of lining both pipes with concrete cloth. CRP 12-05, SSB 353 on R-NW. 8 of 14 girders are rotting and crushing at the South abutment. There is an area of roadway settling at the SW corner of the bridge due to girder crushing. It is scheduled for replacement in 2017. IX. RECOMMENDED PROJECTS Bridges recommended for replacement and funding is being sought. Br#323 on 8-NW. Numerous girders have neutral axis cracking. Several are rotating at the bearings. 4 girders have diagonally cracking at the bottom chord following the grain. 2 Yellow tagged due to rot and crushing. Br#214 on Stratford Rd. Map cracicing covers entire deck. Exposed aggregate on � 40% of deck due to wear. Considering polyester concrete overlay in 20181i1ce the decic repair done on Br. 215 on 7-NE in 2014. - Br#317 on I SW. This is a 2 span wooden bridge. Over half of the girders in both spans have neutral axis cracking and the center 4 or 5 girders in each span have excessive deflection. 1 sister girder added due to cracking. Br#373 on 1 NW. Single span wooden bridge. Deck is 4ft narrower than the 28ft roadway. Several girders have neutral axis cracking. Very high traffic volume during concerts at the Gorge Amphitheater. Br#301 on Crescent Bar Road. Bridge deck is 4ft narrower than roadway. Water is leaching through at all grout lines. Several spalls with exposed rebar. Transverse cracking throughout structure. . ; ; i i �; � i � � � � Bridge Su�fficency c�v�rtime � � � � soo ; � �' 95 [ 3 i (� 1 (�4i , _ 1 3 i 85 ' i � ! 80 ' f � � j 75 i � 3 ' � 7� � , j , . . , . - � . � ! , � -y- . � 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2Q05 2006 2007 2008 20Q9 2010 2011 2012 2013 2q14 2015 2016 2017 F 1 1 � � Note: Does not include�hort span bridges. Figure 1 i _ ___'_s"__e __ 3 ' Short Span Bridge Sufficency over tirne � � � }100 -- � i � i i l s 95 —;---- � ' � � ' I ` � I 3 9p � 3 � � � � ' �� 85 ' � � � � j , � � � g0 s � # ' 3 t � � j 3 � � � 75 � . . ; , a . , , . � , 3 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 i 3 � ( � ' Figure 2 } ; � ----- - i i Culverts as Short Span Bridges Sufficiency over time � } szo � � ? � � Zoo � � �� � so ' , I � � 60 � i �i � .. 40 � € � � 20 - I 1 1 s t � � 0 � , � , . � . , . . . . . . � 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 � i f ; Average of 40 Culverts � � Note: Only one culvert/ssb in this inventory until 2004 Figure 3 � _ , <, ,. ; Ap�errd�ic� , _ _ , ; ,. ,- D��citn�B�:r�iges :: , „ ,. , , ,:. ,, ;: .: �3;Struct�i�es ° Federal Age Deficiency Posting Sufficienty Bridge Bridge Name Location Function Year buiit/ Restriction Rating Comments Number Class Rebuilt in Tons FO or SD W NE W NE 0.04 N Yes 4th oldest bridge in the County. The concrete raifing is cracking_ Narrow(20.Sft)deck.The underside of 151 Luten Arch of 26 NE 09 1916 54.74 the arch is spalling and has areas of efflorescence. B SE�a Crab B SE 2.1 mile Yes 2-6'x 42'Corrugated Metal Pipe with bituminous coating. Both barrels have heavy scaling and rust to SSB 405 09 57.45 Creek South of SR 26 1940 bottom 1/3 of barrels_ At last inspection an inspection hammer punctured the barrel. I SW I SW Yes 2 span timber bridge.Water leaking through deck. Numerous girders have neutral axis cracking,several 317 09 13,34,39 56.89 North of 11 .7 North of 11 1956 rotating at bearing several girders deflected up to 15/16". H NW @ West H NW 0.4 North Yes Narrow(22_1ft)3 span timber bridge. Numerous girders have neutral axis cracks.Several are rotating at 38Z Canal of SR 28 �$ 1949/1962 57�70 the bearings. G NW @ West G NW 0.2 North 60.76 Single lane(11.6ft)concrete bulb tee bridge. Lane width driving FO rating. This bridge services a 383 Canal of SR 28 09 1977 25,29,32 FO farm/orchard. There is no detour route. 4 span timber bridge. Numerous girders have neutrel axis cracks. 3 girders are rotating and crushing up 8 NW at the West 8 NW .7 West Yes 323 09 25,34,40 61.41 to 1/S". 4 girders have diagonal cracking on the bottom chord following the grain. Girder spacing Canal of R NW 1953 contributes to Weight Limit Posting. 301 Crescent Bar 1.8 S of SR 28 08 Yes 62 9Z Concrete Bathtub Girder Bridge. Water is leaking through atjoints. Numerous spalls with exposed West 1962 rebar.Hairline transverse cracking throughout structure.Hfgh ADT drives rating. R NW�a Martin R NW 0.02 North Yes Short span timber bridge,8 of 14 girders have moderate to substantial rot at the south abutment cap. S5B 353 Rd of 12 NW 09 1952 63.68 Bridge is settling at the south end_ Guardrail does not meet current standards.Scheduled for replacement in 2016.See photo. 7 NE @ Crab 7 NE .5 East of Yes 64_27 Lane width/ADT is driving FO rating. Deck has been repaired with a 3/4"polymer concrete overlay. 215 Creek Stratford Rd �� 1952 FO Concrete railing has map cracking over entire surface. East abutment has spall.Se , , , ,, � , , . ,. . ,:.. pet�dixA _ ; , ,.. .. , ._ ;:: � : . ' Qefi�cier�t B�.i�ges ;;: , - ,.. ,. „ , , ':,: , 23 S#��€ctures- , _ . ,,_., ,,..,Brid e Name Location F nction,._:, A Y Deficie�., � � .,:-_, .:. ,...,., ,. . .,,, __,.,.. .,,._ _ _.. ,_. ._ ,,_.. _ .. Bridge �Y Posting Sufficiency g ear built Restriction Rating Comments Number Class Rebuilt in Tons FO or SD 373 1 NW .5 mile 1 NW.5 W of U 09 Yes 1956 66.86 Single span wood bridge. Severel girders have neutral axis cracks. Roadway is 4ft wider than deck_ West of U Increased Gorge amphitheater traffic contributes to ADT rating. D SW South of D SW 0.7 S of Yes 2 span wood bridge. Girder 1-H has been repaired due to longitudinal crack running from mid chord at 4z2 Frenchman Frenchman 09 1959 68.33 abutmentto bottom chord at mid span. 6 NE Skewed 6 NE 0.1 West of Yes Concrete Luten arch bridge. Water is leaking through all construction joints.Several areas of spalling 209 Luten W NE 09 1914 69�93 with exposed rebar. Concrete Luten arch bridge. 40%of underside of arch has grenular exfoliation. 30 sq_ft.area of poor Q NE 2 miles Q NE 2.16 South Yes 1Z$ South of 36 of 36 NE 09 1914 64.97 consolidation. Several areas of spalling with exposed rebar. Large crack in SW corner of concrete guardrail. 113 42 NE Luten Arch 42 NE.8 West of U 09 Yes 69 98 Concrete Luten arch bridge. All construction joints leaking water through,some moss growth_Quarry NE 1914 spalls and concrete curbing used to protect Westfooting. E.3 SW South of E.3 .3 South of Yes 2 span timber bridge. Small dimension girders contribute io Weight Limit Posting. 3 girders have 419 09 24,36,47 70.82 Frenchman Frenchman 1959 neutral axis cracks and girders 2-E&2-G have repairs for splits. Girder 2-I is damaged from overload_ I SW @ I SW .02 S of Yes 73.79 3 span timber bridge. Vertical curve at north end of bridge drives FO rating. Rotted area of deck has 398 Frenchman Hills Frenchman 09 1951 FO been repaired. Many girders have neutral axis cracks. 3 NW 0.03 East of Yes 75.40 Single span timber bridge. Horizontal and vertical curve a west end of bridge drives FO rating. Both 359 3 NW at SR 281 09 SR 281 1952 FO outside girders were repaired with recycled girders from county stock.East pier cap has some rot. 36 NE.5 West Yes 106 36 NE Gifford 08 77.13 Concrete multi-stem girder bridge_ Several girders have section loss or shear cracks at bearing points. of P NE Unknown/1972 T SE North of 7 T SE .2 North of 80.91 ZZ1 NE 7 SE 09 1984 F� Single span concrete slab bridge_ Horizontal curve at south end of bridge drives FO rating. �Z X NE N of Fiess X NE 2.24 South 09 Yes 85.89 Very narrow(17.Sft)steel and concrete bridge. Lane width/ADT is driving the FO reting. Concrete Rd of 29 NE 1927 FO curbing is spalling in several locations. 1/2 culvert used for deck forms have moderate rust. U.7 NW Rest U.7 .2 North 87_07 309 qrea of SR Z8 09 Yes 1954 F� Singie span wood bridge. Horizontal curve at west end of bridge drives FO rating. ,. `:Appe ndix A. - , , , , , „- ' ,, ;, ;.; De�cien�B�dges _ _ , : , - , _ - ; ; ' ;. ; __. - _ 23 Stracti��es .°:: . > b' cY g Federal A e Deficien Postin Sufficiency Bridge Bridge Name Location Function Year built/ Restnction Rating Comments Number Class Rebuilt in Tons FO or SD West Canal @ West Canal 3 Span concrete slab bridge. 430 sq.ft.(9.3%)of deck area has delamination repairs. Most of deck 426 08 Yes 1950 89.32 George @ George surface has exposed aggregate and reflection cracks defining the top rebar mat. Bridge Sufficiency Rating The sufficiency rating(SR)is the basis for establishing eligibility and priority for replacement or rehabilitation of bridges with Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (HBRRP)funds. The sufficiency rating is a numeric value which indicates a bridge`s relative ability to serves its intended purpose. The value ranges from 100 to 0. The sufficiency rating is the summation of four calculated values: Structural Adequacy and Safety,Serviceability and Functional Obsolescence, Essentiality for Public Use,and Special Reductions. The sufficiency rating is generated automatically in Bridge Works,the Washington State Bridge Inventory System (WSBIS)bridge management software. There are two types of deficient bridges. Structurally Deficient(SD)and Functionally Obsolete(FO). A Structurally Deficient bridge,as defined by Federal Highway Administration(FHWA),is one whose condition or design has impacted its ability to adequately carry its intend trafFic loads. A Functionally Obsolete bridge as defined by FHWA,is one in which the deck geometry, load carrying capacity,clearance,or approach roadway alignment has reduced its ability to adequately meet the traffic need or is below accepted design standards. Those bridge meeting the criteria for both SD and FO are only considered SD,the structural deficiency overrides the functional obsolescence and the bridge will be considered in the SD classification. In general,the lower the sufficiency rating,the higher the priority for rehabilitation or replacement_ To qualify for replacement,a bridge must have a sufficiency rating of less than 50.00 and be structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. To be efigible for rehabilitation,a bridge must have a SR of 80.00 or less and be structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. The bridge must be greater than ten years old. Based on funding availability and critical needs within Washington State, H&LP sets a sufficiency rating qualification for monies available for local projects. The current sufficiency rating qualification is 40. ����� N , p� A F'J� , � • A ^30.....�. " / � W F Appendix B� Map of Deficient Bridges �.�-�':�����`��� �" � - � ` �.T'PN"'•,. ':� , .6,�end �bu'le,o � .. 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A�p�ndlx G ; ,: . _ ,., ` _ � _ - _. , U �it Insp�'�tion�: `,: , ; : ; Bridge gridge Name Location Last Inspection Date Frequency I Number 115 Trail Lakes Pinto Ridge 11/7/2016 24 Months j 119 Adrian East 20 NE @ East Low Canal 11/8/2015 24 Months ! i 123 B NW @ West Canal B NW .2 N of 18 NW 11/17/2015 24 Months I i 157 Stratford Rd @ East Low Stratford Rd ,4 N of 16 11/18/2015 24 Months 205 R SE @ 3 SE R SE ,1 S of 3 SE 11/19/2015 24 Months I i 206 3 SE @ S SE EI Oro 3 SE 0.1 East of S SE 11/7/2016 24 Months I i 218 Lind Coulee M SE 0.3 North of SR 262 11/8/2016 24 Months 241 M NE @ East Low Canal M NE 0.2 South of 10 NE 11/6/2014 24 Months I 247 W SE @ East Low Canal W SE 1.95 S of I-90 11/7/2016 24 Months '� i 248 11 SE @ East Low Canal 11 SE OJ West of T SE 11/8/2016 24 Months � - 252 Rocky Coulee Wasteway L NE 0.5 North of 5.6 NE 11/19/2015 24 Months ' I 255 East Weber Coulee S Frontage 2.9 E of U SE 11/19/2015 24 Months I 311 9 NW @ Winchester WW 9 NW J mile E of K NW 11/16/2015 24 Months '� I 312 5 NW @ Winchester WW 5 NW 0.05 W of G,9 11/16/2015 24 Months 1 316 F NW @ West Canal F NW .8 S of Martin Rd 11/16/2015 24 Months � � 323 8 NW at the West Canal 8 NW .7 W of R NW 11/9/2016 12 Months I ,� 382 H NW @ West Canal H NW 0.4 North of SR 28 11/16/2015 24 Months i 384 J NW @ Pumping Plant J NW 0.3 N of SR 28 11/9/2016 24 Months i 387 0 NW @ West Canal O NW 0.6 North of SR 28 11/9/2016 24 Months � 397 K SW S of Frenchman K SW.01 S of Frenchman 11/9/2016 24 Months ; i 398 I SW @ Frenchman Hills I SW 0.2 S of Frenchman 11/17/2015 24 Months i � 406 24 SW East of Mattawa 24 SW East fo Mattawa 11/9/2016 24 Months � I i 419 E.3 SW S of Frenchmen E.3 0.3 S of Frenchmen 11/3/2015 12 Months � � I i i � i ' ; ° _ , A�p�n�iX [7 ,. , _: ,_ , ,. , . ; �ridg�Scour �ia�%ri'�s , ' _. ,: , , , O SCru�tu��s _ � i i On February 3, 1949 Grant County and the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) ! signed the Blanket Crossing Agreement. This document contains 27 Articles, of which Article ! 18 covers Title to and Maintenance of Crossing Facilities. Each party is required to perform ; maintenance on their own structures or waterworks. If canal flows create adverse effects on ; Grant County Bridges it is the responsibility of the USBR to complete repairs within their canal prism to mitigate the damage or potential damage to Grant County bridges. ' Each Fall as the irrigation canals drain, a quick survey is performed by County bridge � inspectors to identify any areas of concern with respect to exposed pier or abutment footings lying within the canal prisms. If any are found,the respective irrigation district personal are ' contacted with repair requests. This past inspection season there were no scour issues. I I I I i ' � � i I i I i � I I i I I i , i � , , ; App�nd,lx � , - , , _: - , ���ted �r�dg�s : _ . ,., , , . , _ _.,_ I� _ ,1A�`Structures ` - � - , , - _ . , _ , . _ .: . _ , , _ � ; Bridge Number Location SHV PostingTons PostingTons 323 8 NW at the West Canal 23,35,40 383 G NW @ West Canal 25,29,32 ' 419 E.3 SW South of Frenchmen 24,36,47 106 36 NE SU4-18,SU5-20,SU6-20,SU7-21 20,31,39 317 I SW North of 11 SU4-16,SU5-18,SU6-18,SU7-19 19, 28,37 101 Wilson Creek @ RR Xing SU6-34,SU7-35 103 20-NE @ Adrian Rd SU6-31,SU7-32 119 20-NE @ Main Canal SU4-23,SU5-25,SU6-25,SU7-27 210 P-NE S of 7-NE SU6-34,SU7-35 . • 248 11-SE @ East Low Canal SU7-38 305 N-SW @ 12.5 SU6-32,SU7-35 313 E SW at 14.8 SU6-34,SU7-37 328 Martin Rd. �a H SU5-30,SU6-30,SU7-32 422 D-SW South of Frenchman SU5-30,SU6-31,SU7-35 I II I I � � i i � � i I a I I ,>� , , s rv �,, , � _.�. , , „ r � �.- _� . �,�_ ;�� ' � �,��` � � • { � �t ,�� �� �� � ��� �� �� '� �a . . . : i ; 3` � q ,� �. � s} '� �� / :� � - �j�h.� � : 1 ' 3 ��.� � � � , �' -a C � i .}i'. 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