HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCC}MMfSSiQNERS' PROCEEDlNGS We�k �f f�ecember 2Q, i 993 The Grant County Commissioners sess�on was cailed to ordsr at g:00 a.m. by C�airman H�4sn Fancher. Ali of the Commissioners were in attendanee with the Glerk of the 6oard. � The Commissic�ners read and approved the minute� of the preceding session as written. . The Commissioners a�poin�ed Trina Dice to a position on the Grant County Tourism Commission to represent the Grand Coulee area. The Commissioners a��rave� the salary of Sh�rley D. Keenan at $8.Q0 per hour a� an hc�urly employee in th� Grant County Clerks Office effective Dec�mber 16,1993. The Commission�rs appraved the star#ing salary of Linda Rodriq�ez a# 8Q percent o# the base pay for a Deputy Cierk 1 in the Grant County District Court Department eff�ct�ve Decembe� 14,�993. The Corr�missior�ers approv�d the saiary increase af Jennifer �t�ssy of the A�ditors Office to 95 percent oi control point effective Jarivary 1,1994. The Commissioners held a Publie Hearing and a rr�oiion v,ras made by Commissiorier Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 93- 1fi3-CC setting Land Ciassification and Assessments proposed for fur�ding the 1994 E�udget of the Grant Caunty Naxious Weed Board be pas�ed. The motian carried. The Cammissianers spent the remainder of the day working or� the 1994 budge#s. As there was no further busin�ss the session was continued untif December 21, � 993. December 21,1993 The sessian was co�tinued at 9:�0 a.m. wit� ail �f the Commissioners ir� attendance with the ClerEs of the Board. The Commassioners appra�red the capitai out�ay request by the Auditor i� the amount of approxim�tely $75� from the A�,ditar's O& M Budget ca�ital o�ilay fund fior the purchase of a new cash register. The Commi�siQners received signed copies flfi Contract Number 2336-92971,and N�mber 2315-��083, betweer� Grant C�unty Mentaf Heaith and t�e Department of Social and Health Services. The Commissioners received a signe�i copy of Form amendment No. 2 of Cor�t�act Numb�r IA-GR-�395 between the North Central Washington R�gionai Support Ne#work and Grarrt County. A Public Hearir�g �ras F�efd and a matic�n v+ras mad� �y� Ca��raissic�n�r S�ead, s��ond�d by Cc�mmiss�c�n�r Alli��r� that Rest�i�tiar� Num��r �3-��4-C� �utharizing an �ppropria�iQn and expenditure af funds for the Prc�se��i�r� Crime �'ict�m Fund #12U, Repartment #��3 in the amount af ��70� be p�ssed. The motiQn carried. The �ommi�sianers m�t witl� the Public UV�rks Dire�tor regar��ng Re�o(uti4n-RQad �tacati�r� H�arir�g, Persc�nnel-R�tir�ment,Educ�tion Exp�nse Reirr�burs�me�t, Sudget- 'V�#�icie P'urchase. The �c�mmissi�ners rec�ived tF�e ��gine�r's Re�ort on tf�e petitiar� tt� vacate �ount� R�a� `V` N1F�i �y �Iiz��e�� S���rlin�. ,� mc�tic�n was mad� k�y ��mmission�r 1�11is�an, secc�nded b� Commissioner Sne�d that ReS��utiQr� I�s�mb�r �3-16�-C� reg�r�ing th� notiCe �# ��ar�ng On v�cati�n �r� c�rtain Cflcsnty rQads be p�ssed. The motian carried, Public Hear�ng �t� Y�� heEd Jar�u�ry 18,�994 �t 1Q:�fl a.m. T�e �c�mmiss��ners hel� � Public Hearinc� r�garding th� Vern C�x ZQrr� �hange requ�st from ape� 5p�c� Recr�atic�n tc� S-2 Qn 12.� acres in � portion of S��,Ti4N.,R23E.1�.�1. A moticr� �ua� mac�� by C�mmissi�n�r Snsad, ���c�nd�d by �`ommission�er Allison t�tat t�e zflr�e c��n�e be c�ra�te� witi� sta�f ta prepare finc�ings Qf fact, and �rith th� recc�mmendaiic�ns of th� Grant �flunty Fi�e #Vlarsh�l, and Departm�rrt af Nealih ta be im�lemented. Ti�e motion �arrie�. Ti�e C�mm�s�ioners held a PubEic �iearin� regardin�, iize �l�rn Gax preiiminary plat cQntaininc� �irir�nty-�t�ur iwo acre parc��s i�cate� in a portion of Si6,T14�3.,�3 E.V�i.M. near Des�ert Aire. �a moti�r� was mad� by �ommissfon�r Sr�ead, se�ond�d #�y C�mmis�ian�� �Ei�t�n ta a�prov� the plat witi� the comm�nts irt�m tl�e Public Vtlorks Directcar, Healt� Qi�trici, a�d Fire �Iarsha� to be implem�nted with t�e ex�e�t'sc�n o� the comm�r��s �n Roa� 26 sfnce tt�e �ouniy #�as pl�rts tc� upgrad� Rd, 2� in 1994, The motiz�n ��rried. S#a#� t� p�epar� findin�s �af fact, The Commissjc�ners ap{�roved the salary �ncrease c�f Jer�rtifer Stussy t�fi the �tllt�i�C}�'a OffIC� #CI � � ,��� .3Q £��f£;CtI4l� ,��i1 t1�Cjl � ,19�4. T%� C�mmissic�ners apprt�v�d ��� salary �f �h�r#e� Q. K�enan of th� Cl�erks �ce at $8.00 per hou� as art hc�urJy empic��ee eff��t3v� I��c�mb�� ��,���3. 7'h� �ommi�sic�n�rs ap�roved tfi�e sala�y af �inda R��ciquez as a Deputy G(�r� I in the �ran# C�ur►ty District �ourt Department at 80% of th� base pa�r f�r this pos6tior� effec�iue i�ecember 14,1 �93. �hairman Fanch�r �ras a�t�orized ta sign the arder far saie af ia3c TtI� f'rop�rty req���ted by Gary f�l�ann. The matter was referred tc� the Grant Couniy Treasurer fc�r �tar�diing. As af this date t�te Bo�rd by a majarity vote daes apprt�v� %r. �aym�nt thv�� vauch�rs included in the i�st �iled in th� Auditors C�ffic� 121�OI93 �n th� tc�t�i amQ�nt e�f $345,�51, The Commissic���rs� �(Ic�wed t�e P�BS�Q �7eferred Cam�ensa�c�n Pian t� �� handl�� throu�h Count�r payr�iE deductic�r�s. As there w�s ne� turther ���iness ta c�me �efare the Board th�e sessiQn was adjc�urned until D�c�mf�er 27, � 993, � , � ! .� �� �.� .r.�/�.���1r �<. �ui ii i� iu i - t :• .�. !I B�ARt3 CiF �OUNTY COMt��S�IQNE�� GRAh1T CQU�17Y; 1NASHiNGTC�N .=•� �����-���'��� Chairman ,,"~�.. � � {