HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 01-115-CC ���rr c�U�r�Bo� aF coN��szor��
Gr�nt County,Was�ington
AME�DIl�TG CII�.�'TIER 11.44 �J�' '�"€�E GRAI�T`�' �+f�UNT�'
W�REAS, the Baard of�o�ar�ty Co�nmissioners {BC3CC) have received reqtxests from
�nernbers of the public requestu�g that certain county roads I�ave speed Iimits Iowered; and
�IERE�S, certain �znincorporated areas within Grazlt �ounty ha�re undergone rapid
papula�ian growth and have aeqi�ir�d hig�er urban-type densities than is narmal in rurral set�ings;and
W�[.IEREAS, the Grant Cc�unty Sheriff's C�ffice has requested that certazn cc�unty raads
wzthin the aforementioned unincarpara��d areas af Grant Gounty have Iower speed limits; and
WHEIZEAS,the BOCC has determi�ed th�t it is reasonable,advtsable and necessary for the
public health,safety and welfare of the residents of,and visztc�rs to,Caran.t�ounty,ta establzsh ar re-
establish different speed iimits wzt:��n Grant County,regula�ng the speed of motor vehieles; and
W�IEREAS,Washingfion law eznpawers the BC1GC�vith the authori.ty to enact orcl�nar�ces
for the reasonable regulation of vehzcular traffic pursuant ta its palice pawers.
SE IT QRD�N.��►�Y'I"HE B43�.R�D�F C(�€Jl�'R'Y C€�A�Ili�IISSIC?N�J�C?F G12ANT
BE AMENDE�?? EY ANTENDI�TG SECTIt�I�I'S 11.04.25, 11.Q4.3S, 11.U4.45 �1I�ID 11.04.SQ
Sectioz�L C�rant Caunty Code 11.04.025,adopted by Ordinance No. 1 l 04 on May 10, 1983;
amended by Resalution No. 9�-44-CC on�une�, 199�, amended by Resolution I`�Ia. 91-137-CC,
4ct4lber 16,2991; amended by Resolutian Nc�. 96-38-CC M�rch 2C�, 1996; is amended to adcl�1i.e
fallcr�xri�g Crrant Gc�unty road sections ta the list of Gran#County raads havir�g a 25 miles per hour
speed Iimit:
Sp�ed Limits Page 1 of 4
H:1ForcnslCNIL8IM-R�Qrdinances�Speed Liiruts.wpd
Road Speed Mile
Road Name Vicinity Log Limit From To Length
1.7-NE Mae Vallev 40751 25 Mnh E-NE 0_12 E of E-NE 0.12
2.4-NE Cascade Vallev 41255 25 Mnh Vallev Rd H.4 NE 0.40
4.2-NE Moses Lake 43035 25 Mph K-NE 0.05 mi.E of K2-NE 0.25
43-NE Moses Lake 43058 25 Mph K-NE 0.11 mi.E of K-NE 0.11
4.3-NE Mae Vallev 40852 25 Mph F-NE 0.02 mi.W of E.9-NE 0.19
4.4-NE Mae Valley 40854 25 Mnh F-NE 0.02 mi.W of E.9-NE 0.13
4.8-NE Moses Lake 42365 25 Mph Grave Dr 0.23 mi.W of Grape Dr 0.23
6.9-NE McConihe Flats 46205 25 Mnh 0.02 mi.W of E.5-NE 0.20 mi.E of E.5-NE 0.22
7.5 NE McConihe Flats 46202 25 Mph D.5-NE 0.26 mi.E of D.5-NE 0.26
7.9-NE McConihe Flats 46221 25 Mph E-NE 0.10 mi.E of E-NE 0.10
8.I-SE Frenchman Est. 20776 25 Mph 0.11 W of E.5-SE 0.11 E of E.5-SE 0.22
8.3-SE Frenchman Est. 20775 25 Mph 0.11 W of E.S-SE 0.11 E of E.5-SE 0.22
8.6-NE Northridge Est 44756 25 Mph K.5-NE 0.04 mi.W of K.3-NE 023
14-SW Crook Est. 13300 25 Moh 0.56 mi.W of A.7-SW 0.51 mi E of A.7-SW 1.07
26.3-SW Cox Landing 10545 25 Mnh U-SW 0.11 mi.W of U-SW 0.11
Albert Wav N Pelican Pt 21612 25 Mph Scenic Dr 031 mi.E of Scenic Dr 0.31
B.8-NW Cross B Est. 91024 25 Mnh 12.8-NW 0.14 mi N of 12_8-NW 0.14
Beacon Rd Moses Lake 42400 25 Mvh Stewart Rd Longview(M L) 0.25
Bob White Dr Quail Springs 43045 25 Mph K-NE 0.17 mi.E of Covev Ln 0.49
Castlewood Dr Pelican Pt 21611 25 Mph Viewmont Dr 0.06 mi.E of Viewmont 0.34
Columbia Blvd Desert Aire 10665 25 Mph Desert Aire Dr 0_20 mi.S of Desert Aire 0.20-
Covev Lane Quail Springs 43048 25 Mph Gamble Dr Bob White Dr 2_91
Crvstal Springs Dr Crvstal Springs 43110 25 Mph 5-NE 0.20 mi.N of 5-NE 0.55
Desert Aire Dr Desert Aire 10660 25 Mph SR 243 SR 243 0.20
Diamond Pt Circle Diamond Point 41025 25 Mph Vallev Rd 0.05 mi.SW of H.1-NE 036
E.5-NE McCon�1-ie Flats 46204 25 Mnh McConihe Rd 6.9-NE 0.09
E.5-SE Frenchman Est. 20770 25 Mnh SR 262 8.1 -SE 0.23
E_9-NE Mae Valley 40853 25 Mph 4.4-NE 0.06 mi.SW of 4.3-NE 0.31
Fairway Rd Banks Lk Golf Ciub 55654 25 Mph 0.10 mi.S of Ludolph 0.13 mi.N of Ludolph 0.05
Gamble Dr Quail Springs 43047 25 Mnh K-NE 0.05 mi.E of Covev Ln 0.51
H.1-NE Cascade Vallev 41026 25 Mph Diamond Point Circle 0.16 mi.N of Diamond
Point Circle 0.16
H.2-NE Cascade Valley 41027 25 Mph d�iamond Point Circle 0_07 mi.N of Diamond
Point Circle 0.07
H.4-NE Cascade Vallev 41256 25 Mph 0.12 mi.S of 2.4-NE 0.05 mi.N of 2.4-NE 0.17
Handicapp Rd Warden 22630 25 Mph 11-SE 0.07 mi.N of Out of Bounds 0.13
1.7-NE Astro Acres 21651 25 Mph 0.50 mi.S of Karl 0.11 mi.N of Karl 0.11
Janel Ct Ridgeview Est. 44875 25 Mph Ridgeview Dr Lp 0.53 mi.S of Rid�eview Lv 0.53
K.1-NE Pfeiffer Meadows 43036 25 Mph 4.2-NE 0.07 mi.N of K.2-NE 0.20
K.2-NE Pfeiffer Meadows 43037 25 Mph 4.2-NE K.l-NE 0.14
K.3-NE Northndge Est. 44755 25 Mph 9-NE 8.6-NE 0.10
L.9-NE Moses Lake 42930 25 Mph 5-NE 0.25 mi.S of 5-NE 0.25
Lenea Ln Cascade Vallev 41661 25 Mph Shorecrest Rd 0.23 mi_E of Shorecrest 0.23
Lom Ln RidQeview Est. 44874 25 Mph Ridgeview Dr Lp 0.04 mi.N of Rid�eview Lp 0.04
M-NE Moses Lake 42935 25 Mnh 5-NE 025 mi.S of 5-NE 025
M.2-NE Moses Lake 45090 25 Mvh 10-NE 0.22 mi.S of 10-NE 0.22
Melodv Ln Cascade Valley 41022 25 Mph Bond RD Diamond PT Cir 0.07
Montezuma Dr Quail Springs 43046 25 Mph K-NE 0.08 mi.E of Covev Ln 0.14
Moon River View Desert Aire 10666 25 Mph Columbia Blvd 0.38 mi.S of Columbia 0.38
Out Of Bounds Ln Warden 22635 25 Mnh Handicapp Rd 0.13 mi E of Handicapp 0.13
Quail Way Quail Run 34620 25 Mph Skokie Rd 0.16 mi_S of Skokie Rd 0.16
Ridgeview Dr Lp Rid�eview Est. 44871 25 Mph Ridgeview Rd Rid�eview Rd 0.54
Superior Ct Astro Acres 21645 25 Mph Youn�Rd 0.22 mi.W of Youn�Rd 0.22
Thompson Pl Moses Lake 42831 25 Mph Hamilton Rd 0.13 mi.W of Hamilton 0_13
Viewmont Dr Pelican Pt 21603 25 Mph Goodrich Rd 0_02 mi.S of Castlewood 0.76
Wild Goose Rd Cascade Vallev 41501 25 Mph Snow Goose Dr End of Road 0.74
Young Rd Pelican Pt 21630 25 Mnh Goodrich Rd 0.25 mi.N of Mor�an 0_50
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H:�Forms\CIVILS�IvI-R\Ordinances�Speed Limits.wpd
Section 2. Grant County Code 11.04.035, adopted by Ordinance No. 1104on May 10,
1983; amended by Resolution No. 90-44-CC on June 4, 1990; amended by Resolution No. 91-
137-CC on October 16, 1991; amended by Resolutaon No. 96-38-CC March 26, 1996; is
amended to add the following Grant County road sections to the list of Grant County roads
having a 35 miles per hour maximum speed limit:
Road Speed 1VYile
Road Name V9cinity Log i.imit From To I,ength
4.7-NE Mae Valley 40851 35 Mnh F-NE E.7-NE 034
5.6-NE Stratford Rd Estates 94035 35 Mt�h Stratford Rd 0.03 mi.E of J.4 NE 0.50
7.5-NE Westview 46232 35 Mph Neupel Rd Boldercrest Rd 0.24
12.8-NW Cross B Estates 91025 35 Mph Dodson Rd 0.06 mi.E of B.8-NW 025
13.9-SW Port of Rova1 Slope 13040 35 Mnh E-SW 0.60 mi.W of E-SW 0.60
22.1-SW Port of Mattawa 10586 35 Mph SR 243 P.7-SW 0.15
22.5-SW Port of Mattawa 10585 35 Mph SR 243 0.02 W of P.7-SW 0.17
A-NW Ephrata 37950 35 Mph SR 282 0.42 mi.S of SR282 0.42
A.3-NW Airport Ranches 37591 35 Mph Drumheller Rd 0_10 mi.S of Drumheller 0_10
A.5-NW Airport Ranches 37952 35 Mph Drumheller Rd 0.14 mi.S of Dnunheller 0.14
B.8-NW Cross B Estates 91024 35 Mph 12.8-NW 0.06 mi.S of 12.8-NW 0_06
E_7-NE Mae Valley 40851 35 Mnh 4.7-NE 5-NE 0.32
E.7-NE Westview 46230 35 Mph 7.5-NE 0.20 mi.5 of 7.5-NE 020
. J.4-NE Stratford Rd Est. 94036 35 Mph 5.6-NE 039 mi.N of 5.6-NE 039
Kriete Rd Meadow Lark Ln 37480 35 Mph SR 283 0.12 mi.SE of SR 283 0.12
T.7-SW Port of Mattawa 10586 35 Mpli 22.1-SW 22.6-SW 0.42
Rebecca Ct Cross B Est 91028 35 Mnh 12.8-NW 0.17 mi.N of 12.8-NW 0.17
Section 3. Grant County Code 11.04.035, adopted by Ordinance No. 1104 on May 10,
1983; amended by Resolution No. 90-44-CC on June 4, 1990; amended by Resolution No. 91-
137-CC on October 16, 1991; amended by Resolution No. 96-38-CC March 26, 1996; is further
amended to delete the following Grant County road section from the list of Grant County roads
having a 35 miles per hour maximum speed limit:
12oad Speed �e
Road Name Vicinify I.og Limit From To Length
� • • ))
Section 4. Grant County Code 11.04.045, adopted by Ordinance No. 1104 on May 10,
1983, amended by Resolution No. 96-38-CC 1Vlarch 26, 1996; is amended to add the following
Grant County road section to the list of Grant County roads having a 45 miles per hour maximuxn
speed lunit:
Road Speed Mile
Road Name Vicinity Log Lianit From To Len�th
Potato Hill Rd. Moses Lake 21590 45 Mph 1-90 Goodrich Rd 1.08
�ection 5. Grant County Code 11.04.050, adopted by Ordinance No. Ch. 11.04 on May
10, 1983; amended by Resolution No. 96-38-CC on March 26, 1996, is amended to add the
following Grant County road sections to the list of Grant County roads having a 50 miles per
hour ma�imum speed limit:
Speed Limits Page 3 of 4
H:�Fonns\CNII.8�IvI-R\Ordinances\Speed Limits.wpd
Road Speed Mile
Road Name VicinitY Log Limit From To Len�th
7-NE Port of Moses Lake 4d305 50 Mvh 1.5-NE Randolph Rd 03q
9-NE Northridge 44760 S, 0 Mph L-NE K-NE 0.76
2$-NE VJilson Creek 52460 50 Mph R-NE 2.00 mi.E of R NE i.00
35-3ti� Hartline 529QQ 50 Mph R-NE 4.94 mi E of R N�' Q.99
35-NE Wilson Creek 52920 50 Mph U-NE W-NE 2.02
3$-NE Hartline 53740 50 Mph 1.00 mi.E af T-NE V-NE 1.OQ
40-NE Hartline 53900 50 iv1�h S-NE T-NE i AO
43.5-NE Hartline 54120 SQ M�h P-NE 4.5 mi.W of P-NE 0.54
�9-N� Hartline 5425Q SQ Mph 024 mi.E of R-NE S-NE 0.7 i
D.5-NE McConihe Plats 46200 50 Mph McConihe Rd 7.5-NE p.50
N-NE Wilspn Creek 51740 50 Mph 26 NE 1 A2 mi.N of 26-NE 1.02
Q_NE Hartlina 53770 50. il�Inh 37 NE 1.44 mi.S of 39-NE 1.40
V-NE Marlin 458?5 SQ MFh 15-NE l.OQ mi.N of 16-NE 1.00
Section 6. If any provision of tl�is ordinance/resolution, or its application to any person
or circumstance, is held invalid by a court with ju�isdiction, the remainder of the
ozdinance/resolution or the applicatzon of the prc�visions ta other persons or circumsta:nces, shall
not be �ffected.
Section 7. This ardinancelresolutian shail take affect the l�� day 4f Iuly, 2001.
A public hea�ring was held a� ��e abav� ordi�auce at 11;04 ca'clock a.m., o� the
17`h day of�uly,20Q�.
C4MtVLl[SSIQ�ERS adopt this ordinance effective as set forth herein.
PASSED this 17`�day of July,2001..
LeRoy C�AIIiso , Chair
u 0« -- '
l�-�.- - �-�
Tzm Snea ,Mer}�aber
Qr�s�- �
De�orah Kay Maare, . e ber
Clerk af aard
PUBLISHEI7. 06/29/O1; 07/42/41
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H:�Foims\CIVTL,8�M-R\Ordinatices�Speed Limits.wpd