HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-200-CCGRANT CC}UNTY OFFICE OF �QARI� t�F COLTNTY CU11rIMISSIONERS PQST OFFtCE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASFi(NGTClN 9882s (5091 75�1-20ii _i � ' i T���2� .1Jil� GRANT CCfITN�TY, WASffiNGTON IN THE MA'I'�ER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 202 Lt3TS KN()�VN AS DESERT �1IRE DIVISION #9 LOCATED ZN A PORTION OF SECTIONS 15, 22, ANn 23 TCJWNSHIP 14 NORTH RANGE 23 EAST WILLAMETTB MERIDIAN, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTUJN. RESOLUTICDN NO. 97-200—CC RESC}LUTION APPROVING A PRELINfiNARI' PLA'�' OF 202 LO'�S Desert Aire Associates - Ross Davidsan,- WTTEREAS, the Board af Counry Commissioners of Grant Couniy 13ave been advised I�y the Urant County PSannan.g Cammission that a public hearing was condncted on APRIL 2, �997, JI.t-NE 4, I997, JULY 2, 1997 and AUGUST b, 1997 on the matter of apgroving a Pzeliminarp Plat in a portion of Sectians 15, 22, an.d 23, Ta�vnsliip 14 Narth, Range 23 East, W.M., Graut County, Washingtnn. WHEREAS, t�e Grant County Plannin� Cammissian made a recoz�endatiau to approve the Preliminary Plat subject to certain conditions of appraval on August 6, 1997. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board af Couuty Commisszoners held a public meetiug ou September 8, 199�. WHEREAS, the Board of County Cammissioners found sufficicent evidence to uphold �e conciitioz� of approval, fuzdings and recommendatians af the Grant Caunty Pianni.ng Camnxissian. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissianers haye faund t3aat the proponent has made apgropriate provisions for tirainage, roads, alleys, utitities, public ways, water suppiies, sauitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilitzes, school sztes; and grouuds and other public and private facilities a�ad improvenae�ats, WHEREAS, the Board ai County Commissianers ha�e found tbat the proposed s�bdivision daes canform to �e General purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and public use aud inierest wili apparently be served by the proposai. NOW, THEREF�RE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Caunty Conimisszoners %r Grant County, WasIzington apprave by this Resolntian, a lwo hundred and two (202} Iot subdiviszon knawn as Division #9 L7esert Aire Planued Unit I7evelopment far the faliowing described property, subject to fihe foliowing conditians af appravai. A partion of Sectio�s 15, 22, and 23, Township 14 Narth, Range 23 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. Conditions: Development shali be in compliance with the Grawth Managemeni Act, 'Ihe County �Vide Planning Policies, 'TL�e Washingtan �`tate Environmental Pol'zcy Act, the Grant Couuty Camprehensive Plan, the Grant Caunty Zoning Ordinance, the Grant County Shorelines Master Program, the Grant Counry Resat�xce Lands and Critical Areas Ordinance, and ail �pplicable lacal, state a�d federal environme�tat standards, regulatians, ruiings oz reqnirements. 2. 'I`ha proposal shaI1 camply with a11 applicable requixements of the Uniform Building Cade and the Uuiform Fzre Code. 3. The project shall compl� wit11 ail requirements by tl�e Grant Caunty Hea1� District, the Washington State Department of Heal�lt, azad the Was}zingian State I?eparnnent of Ecalogy regarding damestic water supply, sewage systems and storrz� water contral a�.d treatment �.cluding, but not limited to: RCW 9Q48.OSQ Discharge af Poiluting Water Prahi'bited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, G�ound Water Qziality Standards and R�AC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. In Type 1A soil cond`ztions, as are Iikely to occur in Page 2 IN THE MA'T'I'ER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINAR� PLAT C?F 202 L4TS KNOWN AS DESERT AIItE DI�ISION #9 LUCATED Iltit A PORTION {JF SEC'TIONS 15, 22, AND 23 TtJWNSI�IP 14 NORTH RANGE 23 EAST WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, GRANT CC?UNTY, WASHINGTON. the proposed parcels, WAC 246-272-245d1 requires a minim.um iot size of 0.5 acxes for a method I approval af a s�zbdivision. Some of the lots in the praposed preli�ii�ary plat are Iess than 0.5 acres e.g. Lo�s 127-122. Therefore Methad II appraval will be required fnr these lots. Priox to prelz�ninar'Y plat appraval, written analysis jus�zfying the parcel sizes must tae submitted pursuant to WAC 24fi-272-20501{2}(d)(ii). Prior to final plat approval, develapment will require ar�. approved site registration sheet be iiled with the Grant County Hea.ith District for each pzoposed parcel in the subdivision, aud improvements to the water system wi]I be required to be installed and approved by t.�tte Wash�nYgton State Department af Hea�alth. �. zestriction on the plat will also 13e required that states that all �ots e�ibitiug Type 1A soil conditions will install and use on-site sewage @isposal systems that meet or exceed Treat,�nent Standard 2, as defined in WAC 246-272-01Oq1. 4. If auy Native American grave szte{s) or archaeolagica1/eultural resources {Indian Artifactsj are found ail construction activity shail stop and the ownertdevelop�r shall iznmediately uotify the Calville Canfederated Tribes and the VVashington State C)firce of Archaeology and Historic Preservation in accardance with RCW 27.53.020, S. Stortn water shall be contained, treated aud disposed af on-s'rte ta cuz�rent local, state and federal standards as revzewed and approved by ttre Graut County Public Warks Departm�t, Washington State Department of Ecoiogy, andlor Grant County Healti� District utilizing best management practices including but not iimited ta storm water detentian, storm water retention, bio-filtration, grease filters, sand filtration, grassy swales. Drywells may nat be Iocated within 100 feet af the high water mark af any take ax stream, (Grant County Shozeline Management Master Plau 1.06) P�rsuant ta RCW 58.17 the Prelin�inary Plat oi the subd'zvzsion shall make adequate pzovision fox the public healtli, safety, and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other pab�ic ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, play grounds, sites for schools a�►fl schoal grounds aud at2 other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planui�ag features that assure safe walkiug conditions far students who walk to and fram school. 7. The subdivision sha11 compiy with all zequireznents of the Grant County Public tiVorks Departme�t iucluding, but nat Iimited to, fi.he fallowing: �) Provide a plat check fee of $lOt7.00 plus $2.00 a lot far a tatal of $502.40. b} AlI access raads must be built ia current County Road staudards which call for a 4 inch base caurse, 2 iaches of top course, and a 26 foot two shat BST driving surface. �esert Aire Drive shouid have minimum surface width of 28 feei to Columbia B1vd. Arid 34 feet fram Caiumbia Bivd. Tc� SR 283. C) Curve Data must be provided for all road centerlines. d) The centerline of Colu�nbia Drive and the monumen�s for the center should be in the center of tise right of way. Change in rig�it of way width can be transition on I.ot. 25, 188> and i87. e) A Road Pian and prafile, including design of all roads aud intersections, sball be suhmitted to the Grant County Public Works Director for review and appraval prior to the start af constructzou, � A11 raad and street im.provements requr'red by the Grant County Public Works Director shail be cazzstructed and accepted prior to recordi�g of the �inal plat. In lieu of canstructian and acceptance of aIl required street ar raad iznprovements a perfarmance bond ar alternative security approved by approved by the Prosecuting Attarney may be pasted ta guarautee the canstructio� of t2ze requized improvements. Subdivisio� bond or alternative secur"rty musC be subz�itted in tt�e amount of one hundred fifty percent {15Q�) of the estimated cost, as deteixniued by the Public Warks Directar, of such improvements required as a conditian of preliminary plat appraval. AIl stzeet and raad improvements Iisteci in the bozzd oz aiterna�ive sec�rity mnst be canstructed, completed and accepted by Grant County within 2 years Of final piat approval, In the event that ali street and utility improvemeuts are not completed witlai� the time limit, the bond or altezn,ative Page 3 1N THE MATTER t?F APPROVING A PRELINIIIVARY PLAT OF 202 LOTS KNOWN AS DESERT ATRE DiVTSION #9 Lt�CATED IN A PORTION OF SECTIONS 15, 22, AND 23 TC}WNSHIP 14 NORTH R�NGE 23 EAST WII.,LAMETTE MERIDIAN, GR.t�,:NT COUNI'Y, WASHINGTC�N. seeurity may be forfeited and the Couz�ry undertake tke constructiou anfl completion af �3ae required impravements. Ail rec�uired improYements mu�st be coaastructed or �uaranteed �rior to the issuance of a buiidin�,permit ar recording of the final �Iat. The subdivision shall comgly with all requirements of the WashingtQn State Department of Transportation includ'zng, but not Iir�zitecl to, the approval af an intersectian plan tb.at wi11 cpnnect this development with State Route 243 and an approved developerllacal agency agreement to consfizct ttze intersection, prior to fi�a1 plat approval. 9. The preliminary plat appraval shatl be effective for the time period permitted uuder RCW 58.17.14Q. 10. Acceptance of each phase of the final plat for recard'zng wzti� the Auditor's Off'ice is contingent upon the requirement that all znfrastructure iznprc►vements includi�g road aud patable water impravements necessary to service the area ger�naue to the phase being filed be either constructed or guaranteed. 11. The finat plat shall carry the following notes: a) Purchaser{s) and lessee{s} are hereb� natified that this plat zs situated adjacent to au abricultural are and the Iots are therefore subject ta naise, dust, smoke, odars, and the applications af c�emicals resulting fram the usual and normal practices associated with nearby agriculturat uses. b) Purchaser(s) and Iessee{s) are hereby notified that the lats in this plat are subject ta terms of the Developer Exteuszon Agreement executed 7une 28, 1997 and recorded with the Grant Caunty Auditor's Office on November 24, 1997 under Auditor's File Number 1017045. Dane this ��""'___ day of _�� , 1997. �- Chairi�2n ATTEST: � � � Clerk of the c! fa�__-- Co�issioner .- f��--/"~� � � �( Cammissio�r� Constitixti�.g the Board af Co�nnty Con�mi,ssianers af Grant County, Washingtan