HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-186-CCBOARI� C7F CC3UNTY CONIMISSIUNERS G:C�.�1.NT COU�ITY, V6�ASH�NGTOI'�tt RESbLiJTIC�N NUMB�R 97� 1� 6-CC WI�ER�AS, Grant County is ap�lyin� �o the state D�partm�nt of Cqmmur�ity, Trade, and Economic I�evelopment for fundin� assistance; WI�E7tEAS, it is necessary that cert�in co�nditions be mex as part o£the appli�ation requir�men�s; V�H�REAS, L�1Zoy Allison, Chairman, Baard c�f Cou�ty Commissianers �s �utharized to sub�nit this applicatian to the State of W as��n�ton on b�half of Grant County, NOW, �'H�REF()12E, b� it resolved th�t the Grant County authorizes submxssion of this application to tlae stat� Departm�n� of Community '�rade and �conomic Development to r�que�t $149,G25 ta fund public activities �� caordination with the Narth Columbia �ommunity Action Council, and certif�s t�at, i£fianded i�: Will comply with appl�cable pravisions af Title i ofthe Housing �nd Cammunity D�velapment Aot of 1�74, as am�nded, a�ad dth�r a��licable siate and �'ederal la,w�; Has adopted, a Cammunity� D�velopm�nt a,r�d Housing Plan that rmeets, at a�ainimum, the requir�ments of Titl� I of the Housin� and �ommunity 1`�evelopm�nt Act t�f 19i4, as amended; or has a�nal CJMEI Cc�mpreh�nsive Plan on fle with th� state D�par�mer�t of Carnmuruty, Trade, and Econamic Develapment; Has adopted and is follawing a Citizen l�articipation Strai�gy whic� pro�ide� op�ort�unities for citi��n participation cc�mparable ta the state's requ'rremenis (those d�saribed in Section 10�(a)(�)(3) of th� J�Iousir�g a�d Cammunity I�ev�lopm�nt Act of 13'�4, as arnended); has complied with �11 public ��arin� re�uirements and provided cit'r�ens, �specially low and rmoderate-incarne person�, with r�asan�ble advance natice of, and the apportuniiy to present their views durin�; tlne ass�ssment af corrimunity d+evelopnnent and l�ousirag needs, during th� rEview oi available �itr�ding and �ligible activities, and o�a the proposed activities; Has provided teChrzical assistanc� to citizens and graup� representative oflow and moderate-income persans that request assistance in d�velnpin� proposals; Will pro�vide appartunities far citizens to revievv a�d comment c�n propased chan�es in the funded praj�ct and �ragr•am performanc�; Will not use as�essm�nts a,�axnsi prop�rties nwr�ed and oC�upi�d by lc�w �.nd moderate- inaome persans or charge user fee� ta recover th� �apit�l costs aPCDI�G-�.nd�a �ubiio impro�vements from low a�n� moderat�-ir�come o�wner-accupant�; Will establish a plan to minimize displacement as a result af activitx�s assisted with CDBG funds; an:d assisti persons aCtu�lly displaced as a result of such activities, as pravided in the Unifarm Relocation Assistance and Rea1 Praperty Acquisition Polici�s Act o� 19'70, as amended; Will co�nduct �nd administer iis pro�t•am in caniarmanc� with Title VI of the Civil Ri�hts Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing A,ct, a�d will affirmatively further fair k�ousin�, (Title VYII nf the Civil Rights Aat oi 1968); and Has adopted and enforc�s a policy prol�abiting the use oi excessive force by 1aw enfprcement agencies within its jurisdiation ag�inst any individuals engag�d in nonviolent civil rights demonstratians; and has adopted and implemented a palicy of enforcin� applicabl� state and local laws a�ainst physiaally barring entrance to or e�i f°rom a facilit� or location which is the subject oi such nanviolent c�vil rights demonstrations within its j�risdictian, in accardanoe with Sectian 104(1) af the Title I c�f the Hausin� and Community l�e�v�lopm�nt Act ar 19'i4, as amer�ded. Grant �ounty designat�s LeRoy Allis�n, Ch�ir, County Commissic�ner, as the authori�ec� Claief Administ�`ative Of�cial �.�d autharized representiative io act in a11 official matters in con�ection with tYus applicati�n and Grant County's participation in the Wask�in�;tc�n State CDBG 1'rc��ram. _ _...._.... _ �i�r►ature �� �,� I'��ri16 '� �:� �„ ,�,eRov C,�, ' son n Title Chairman Attested Commissio Commissioner �at� / �� �� � l�axe � � 'b .�.