HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-182-CC:* ' ,� !! !z ;� , � `; �: * �, : # ., �.�SOLUTION I�I�J;�I3E�, 97-182-CC I � RESQLUTION aut�orizing a�t appropriation and expenc�itui•� of fur�ci� for the �ola�wing c�epartment f funci: Current Exvense Fund 4�001, Piann-ing_& Over. Transfers—Out Depts. ,$nget�e�' t�ith a bttd{;et thf'.re— iore, p�rst�an� to R�W 36.�0.140. WHE�EA�, it taas be�n bro�z�;ht to the attention of thE� i3c>ard of County Corr�missioners c�f Grant County that emergency condi.tic�ns rec�uire thai an appropriat�on and expendittzre of funds �e auth- orized for the above-ment�oned clepartment/fur�d, togetht�r witt� a budget t�aerefor; and Vd�iER�AS, pursuant t� RCW 36.4d.140, Resolution No.97-168-CC was du.ly adogtec� on 10/28/97 ,and published in the �ranr County_ Journal v� 11/6&11/13/97 dec�aring zn emergency and siata�g the� �acts constituting the em�rgc�ncy �tll(�,, th� estima.ted �mount of funds r�qtaired to mee� it , tagethc�r �vith a notice a� pu�,i�c h�ax°ir.�, and sai� pu�lic �.earing was held il�er�or� �h€�re i�teres��e� �ers��as werc1 ailowed ia ap�ae�r and be �ieard; �10�, iH�REFt�RE, BE IT RESOLVED B� THE BOA�ZD OF COtINTY CC)�iNiIS- SiONERS OF GRl��T COUI�TY, STATf� CiF WAS��INGTORI, that an ap��rc>priatioi� an� ex�enc�itu�°e of �u:�ds is herPby autho�ized �vr t1�e iollowin� departPlierit/fttIId: r„rrent Ex�ense Fund ��OOl,planning & Opr.Tran.Out Depts. in the �otal sum of $ 51,800 a�corcii�g to the attac��d btt�iget . lhis ��solution is in the bes�i interests of good gc�vernment s and shall take effect immediately upon i�s passage. Ci:7PlE TH35 1 8th ,[?AY �__ Nn�Tam�jer , 19__2z_. r �� � 0 Chairmm� �a��s;: _� �/j , ��.� ot ot�• a�d ;t Cammissianar R-3 � (� < . ' co�,m:8aso�a� C�restpia�4i�e 4ha �ssssrd a�f �esr+iy Comrr€ssict��rs sa�Gsand s.ou�9y, dUsashi��9o�a <r . _._.....n...:—�...� � R2 � ., RESOLUTION WORKSHEET CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001 PLANNING AND OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT DEPTS. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001 PLANNING AND OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT DEPTS. ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 97-182-CC APPROPRIATIONS: PLANNING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMNIUNICATIONS RENT REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT DEPT. # 142 GROWTH MANAGEMENT FUND # 126 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FINANCING SOURCES ENDING UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE TOTAL FINANCING SOURCES 558,60,41.00 558.60.42.00 558.60.45.00 558.60,48.00 597.26.00.00 288.00 $ 21,000 $ 3,000 $ 1,800 $ 6,000 $ 31,800' $ 20,000 $ 51,800 $ 51,800 $ 51,800 EXPLANATION TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR TH� INCREASED COST OF ATTORNEYS AND THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH MOVING THE PLANNING DEPT. .��r c�oU � ,q / , G�, \ ,�,�� , � �_ ., i� � -- �.� �� s � � � �\ / �l'l: iUL ('1'R,i�/ � �'1'%� \\ O / ti•r�T'� �a wwsNiN� � �'� _�__--_/ To: �'rnm: ' Slxbject : CRAl�t'� COUNTY FLANI�I1�1� �F�A�tT1VZEIa1�., 332 W. i�ivision Stre�i P.O. Bpx 37 • Ephrata, Washington 98823 s(509) 754-2011 Ext, 321 Board of County Commissioners Larry Angell, Current Planning Directar Otto Miller, Lon�; range Planning Director September 30, 1997 Budget Extension Request /"Professional Services" for Planning Department and Growth Management We are hereby requesting a budget extension of �40,000.00 ta be distributed as follows: $20,000.00 to Growth Mana�ement Account 558.60,41.00 Professional 5ervices and $20,000.00 to Planning 558,60.41.00 Professional Services. The budget ext�nsion is - required to meet anticipated billings for Attorney fees result�ng fram GMA litigation and Cansulting Services for update of the County's land use regulations. Appropriations to date will be shartly expended. Thank you %r your attention to this request, cc: Bob Mosher, Chief Accountant , t�: �;JUfll!/ �;nrn�`"�I�SIJiIEf'S ��.; ,;.nt County, WaSi'tlil��on Ap�rove � Dist. =�# Dist. �2 `� Dist. -�s.�.�� Disapprov� Dist. �1 __ Dist. �#2� -- Dist, #3 ,..�. ���������� ��P 3 0 19y7 ear�tn or cor,s�����c�,dE�� � ftMli �d�);,lN i �', rw�aSrliNG � uN �� G�Pq..l'i �CO(l,�,TJ- . , � � ����^� �, .����':�,`'; ; i �t�" 8 °a yi . � �„� `\ \14J�./;}.�,..: �1 .(,b� , , /i ` f r�rg 0/ WAfMINw4�� '� � -_�--_== To: From: Subject: UI�.1�1�' C()Ul`�'T`Y F�..�I`�1e1�1\1(B DlE.PA�2Tll�I�11�11'T' 1!I 332 W. Divisicaxa �treet P.O. Box 37 • Ephrata, Washington 9882,3 •(S09) 754-2011 Ext. 321 Board of Cpunty Corrnnissioners Larry Angell, Cun•ent Planning Director Budget Extension Current Planning Department August 25, 1997 As �reviously authori�ed by the Board, the Planning Department has contacted the Bureau of �eclamation regarding of�ce spzce. Approximately 2,400 square feet is avail�ble on the 3"d floor of tih� �ureau Build'ulg, The �urrent Planning bepai�tment can utilize �11 nf the ava�lable of'fice spaca irnmediately upon approval by the Aoard of a lease, We should receive a lease agreement for the Boaxds consideration on or abaut Sept. 2, 199i. Of�ce spacc for the i,ong Ran�� Planning Departtnent in �dditian to the space allocated to it in the Court house will also be required by mobilization for the completion of the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, Additional space can be pravided for the T.,oiig Range Planning Department by eithez occupying space as may be vacated by the Current Plannin�; Department iix the existing facility or by sharing some space as is available in the Bureau of Reclamatioi� Building and the Court House. Budget extensions will be submitted independently far the accommodatioil and staffing of the Long Rarlge Planning Department and ef'fort. T am hereby requesting the a budget extension for 1997 in the arnount of $18,000 to flcilitate the move from existing of�ces to the Birreau o#' Reclan�ation I3uilding as soon as possible. � �'` Rent; Total 2,400 sq. ft. at $00.,37 per square foot approximately $900.00 per month. Total $3,60Q . remainder of the year Sept. through December. � Tele��hone: $3,000 connection to County systern. ' Computer: Connection to ASA 400 and system enhancen�ent to facilitate move,�•��S6;flQTi-': �G' �"' �.. �. \' Mo��e copy 1�lachine; Adpproximately $1,000. �'��� �Office Equipment: Counter, conference table, chairs, book cases, partztions, & miscellaneous -.,Cequipment `�-`$�, Approved by: , , ,7 /-' � , � ,r '` � � .._. �. � �.' �.. C_ �' . LeRoy Al�.i on, Chauman� , . �-- - , r, _. .� . . `_ . % Helen�Fan e.,�; C missioner _ f l, ,1 ` -�'�� _��_ Tim Snead` Co �riissioner f cc; Bob Mosher, Cltief Accountant