HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-177-CCEiCiARD OF C1�UNT`Y CUi1�ilU1[SS1t3NERS GRANT �C1tl�[TY, I�IASHINGTtiN 1N THE 11��TTER t3F �C}NGEVIT`Y PAY RESC?LUTIC}i� NUI�fBER 9i-�-77 -CC iNHE�EAS, establishmeni e�f amended, and Resviu�t�on Number 84-179-CG r��a�rding� the iongevity pay �or caunty empiayees needs to be i1�HEREAS, during the proces� vf union neg4iiations changes were made in the methad of +calcuiating Icrngevity pay ft�r �union members, �nd WHEREAS, it is the desire c�f �the Commiss'rc�ners icr �reat aIl employees, rrvhether unic�n ar non-unia►n fairly, and �1►�EREAS, by union �vntr�tcts and this resoiutit�n �mployees b�came eii�ibie for iongevity pay after serving for a can�inuous year�, and '�U'HEREAS, after ser�r�ng the continuous year, each emple�yee will be eiigibie to re��ive �angevity compensation at �he rate o�' el�ven dctllars and seventy=tv�ra cents�°� 1.72� per month p�r year c�f service, an+d �HEREAS, the maxir�um any emp#oyee is eligible for is tvventy {2�) ye�rs vf continuous service, and �ttiHE�EAS, at twrenty (20} years, the rt�aximur� monih[y iangevity pa�r an �r�pto�ee wvuid b+� eligib[e �ar is two hundred thirty-�vur doli�rs and fo�f:y ce�is{$234,40), and iNHEREAS, emplayees �o be el�gible for longevity pay rr�ust �� members of Law Enforc�ment �Jffcers retirement c�r 11Vashington State Pub[ic Employe�s retiremen�t pian, and VUHEREAS, �onc�evity pay wi[! b� cc�rnputed c�n �the anni�er�ary �ate of each emp[vyee, and �h�EREAS, regular pa�t time employees who are e[igibie wil! b� pro-ra#ed for longevity pay, and VII'H�REAS, Ei�cted C)ffi�iais, and De�artrner�t Heads are n+�t eligibie fo� langevi� pay, and VI�HEREAS, �n- employee wno has Ieft Grani Gounty employrr�e�t far siac maanths mus� re-enfier langevat� pa� as a new employ�e,