HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOII�MISSIC}NERS° PRO►CEEDINGS Week of October 27,1997 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order; at 9:Q� a.m. with Commissioner Fancher and Gommis�6oner �nead � in afitencian�e with tl�e Clerk of the Board, Commissio��r Allison was� in 1lV'ashingtt�n D.C. The Cor�nmissioners read and approved the rninutes of ihe preceding sessaon as written. The �ommissioners approved the requesi by Grant Gourity District Cour� for funds for� sfiructura# rein#ar�cement of their vaulfi. � The Cammissioners approved the salary increase of Rc�y Hanco;ck of the Juvenile Probation Department to $2,084 per month effective Qctober 13,'� 997. 'The Camrr�issianers approved the s�ar�Eir�g salary of Derri�k Easl�;eY of the Juvenite Department at 80 percent of �he saiary �'or the positia�n of Half Time Monitor effective 4�ciab�r 4,1997. The Commissiflners approved the star�ting sal�ry of Lorraine Vinson of the Juvenile Department at 8Q percent of tl�� satary for the positic�n of Haif Time Monitar effective Ctctober 1�,1997. ! The Commissioners approved the saiary 6nc�-�ase af Da�rn Campbel[ of the Sheriffs t?f�ice to �°19'16 per month. The Carmmissianers received fihe Notice of Separaiion or Wc�rk Interruption of Phii Goodr�nan and Par�n i�Vester of the Juve�',ite Department. The Commissioners approved out of S�ate travel for Jerry But�er and E3ria� Prafit of the Sher6fF's Ctffice to attend Leadership Training� in Idaha. ' The Commissioners apprav�d out af Staie �rav�l for Tom Clc�yd of Grant Caunfiy Mentai Healih to #ravei to Vancouver �.C. for ciinical training purposes. � , The �omrnissioners approved the request by the Treasurer forthe iease/purchase of a new copier. '� The Commissio�ers approveci the requesi by the Port of 1t�os',�s l.ake for Task #2, detailed feasibility ass�ssment and revised cosi estimate regarding the Wastewa%r 'iask Farce. The Commissia►ners held � Public Hearing regarding the Comnnunity Deveiopmen� B�ock Grant for Community A�tivn Agencies, A motion was made by Commissianea� Snead, s��anc�ec� by Commissioner Fancher to accept ihe grant proposaL The mot��n carried. The Commissic�ners heid a Publ�c Hearing regardir�g the propos;�d adoption of a L.oca� Project Review �}rdinance and c�nsidec�aiion �of amendments iv the existing Granf Coun�.y t��d�nances relating tt� Short Plats and Majar Pla�s. A mo�ion was made by Comrr�issivner Snead, seconded by ��ammissioner �ancherto acceptihe L.o�c�t Project Review t�►rdinance. Th� �tQtion carried. F6ndings of fact to be, this ordinar�ce is r�quired �y State law. The next matter considered was the Shc�rt Plat {�rdinance. After some discussion it was de%rm�ned that furttier work needeci to be done vn the ianguage. A mation was made ,I�y �r�mmissivner Snead, seconded by Cacnmissic�ner Fancher to cc�ntin;u� the hearir�g on the Short P(at until #he 1�fih of November at 1t�:�p a,im. Th� motion carried. 7he n�xt matt�r considered �rvvas tE�e Major P�lat t�rdinanc�. A rxpt�tio� was made by Cc�mmi�sioner Snead� sec�anded 'iby Commis�ion�� �ancher #o adopt the r�commended changes t� �he tV�ajar PIa� or�dinance. The moiic�n �carried. �'indings c�f fa�t tg be�f#c� prcrmote the h�alth, safe�ty and w�If�re ofthe publ�c and �o cgmply �vith �he �aw. , The Commissione�s a��ceived a Summon� and �omplaint from Scr�tt 11Ueech. A motic�n was m�de by Cammissivner �nead, second;�� by Cc�mmiss'ror�er Fancher tv defend aN County empla�yees named; in the summans and camptaint= The mation carried, As �here was no further business t4 �ome before the Board �h� s�ssic�n v�ras continued until C�ciab�r 28,�1997. ; � • �. . •' The session was cvntinued a� �.a� a,m. v�rith all af the �ommissioners in attendance with the Clerk af the Board, The Commissianers held a Public Hearin� and a mc�tion was ma�ie b�y � Comrv�issioner �ancher, �ec�ncl�d b�y Camrnissic���r� �nead t�+at Resolut�an Nurnber 97-�1�fi-�CG authorizing an apprc�pria�ion and expenditur� of fu�nds in the Law and Justice Fund #�21, Department ##'[�3 in th� amc�uni of $1�1,fi1Q b� passed. The moiian carried. The Com�issioner� heid a Public HearEng and a motion was ma�ie by Gommissianer Fancher, se��nded by �ammissit��ter Snead t[�a�fi� Resolution Nu�nber 97-'l67-CG authc�rizing an appropriation and expenditure c��funds in the iNfenta� Health budget4fl8-'�5fl in tl�e amac�nt of $90,171 be p�s�ed. The motiran carried. The Commissioners held a Pubiic Meeting regarding replat flf �ot 9, B1ock 1, Park�r Spring Acres, Div�sion #Z, and a portit�n t�f Farm Unii 49� lr�ic�ation EBlock 4�, Calumbia Ba�s�n Proje+ct, in ih� Southwest Q.uarEer of the Northeast Quarter flf Section 12, Townsh�p 79 Narih, Rang� 28 Eas#, �1l.M. A rrnc►iivn was made by Cc�mmissic�ner Snead, second�;d by Commissioner l�ancher to uphotd the Ptannii�g �Gommiss�on, v�ri�h Planning Ce�mmission �ndings c�f f�c�t 'I ihrougF�; 4, and conditions G and 8. The mEotion carried. � matic�n was m�de by �c�mmissit�ner Fanch��r, secondet# ;�y Cammissioner Snead that Resolutian Number 97-°�68-CC se�tingi; a Pubiic Hearing for� (�ovember 18,1997 at '1.3i1 p.m, relaiing io the facts requiring an appropriatic�n and expenditur�e of funds for ihe Current �xpense �und 3Qfl�l, Planning �nd t3perating Transfers-C�ut D�partments in th� amount of $5�,800 be passe+d. ihe maiian carr�ied. The Comrnissic�ners noiified the Grant Cvunty i�umane Society tha� the Cc►unty was willing t+� pra�ride a 2.5 perceni i�crease for the 1998 year ta th� Human� Socie�ty. The Commissianers apprc�ved the sta�ting salary c�f Jc�hn Bern�rd of the Sheriff's Office at $�,90�8 per month. Th� �crc�missitiners appraved the Req�esi for Transfer c�f Fun;ds in t#�e Cc�vperati�e Extension Depa�ment �n �h� amoun� of $�,000. ; �s c�f th�s daie t�e Board by a maj�ri�t.y vote does �pprove fc�r payment th�se vouchers fil�d ir� the Auditvrs C}�`fic� 1�}1�4/�7 �n t�e toital amaun�E of $7'61,7�19.73. The Com�nissianers signed the Public �{iorks ��a�ms Fund Vaucher �,pprova� #1Q-�d through #1�-2 in the tcaial am�unt ; of $19,677.23. ' The Cc�mmiss�an�rs signed the Pubtic V�c�rks �a�rv1l Journat %�r the mt�nth of C���c►b�r in the amour�t of �2�7,�2fi.81. As there v�as no further business ica �ome bef�re the Baa�d th� session was adjvurned uniii Nov�mber 3,'19�7. ATTE�T: � �� � c Clerk c��" �e Bo� .� ; BC}ARD t3� COUI�TY COMMtSSEUNE�S GRANT CQUNTY, �ttIASNIi�GTC}N � �� ,�/� � , ��-`' � � Ch�irman � 1 ,�,������!"r�' �--F �%1�.�1i�/,�'1�i'�