HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-164-CCBaARD flF COUI�TY CUMMiSS14NEFt.S Grant �ounty, Washingtan IN THE MAT�'ER C?F DETERMINING THE TRUE E.tJCAT1C�N CiF A CERTAIN COUNTY R(�AC} F�esolution No. s7--�.�4-cc I�t}TtGE tJF HEAR[NG i�t�HEREAS, R,CW 36.75.080 staies: "AlI public highways in this stat�, outside incorporated cities and tawns and not design:ated as state highways, which have been used as pu�lic highways for pe�iod af not less than ten years are county raads, PRC}VIDED, That no duty ta maintain such public highway nor any liability for auy injury or dam�ge far failure to mairitain such public highway or any raad signs thereon shall atia�h tc� the county until the same shall have been adapted as a part of the caunty road syst.em by resolution of the caunty commi.ssioners," and WHEREAS, the Board of Caunty Commissioners has received funds fram interestetl par�ies to establish and improve �hat certain cauniy road ta current siandards, and WHEREAS, it is the intent o£the Boa.rd af County Comna.issianers to establish, acquire rights- of-way, reconsi�ct, and maintain that certain county road in accordanee with current standards and practices, and t��HEREAS, the Baard af County Commissie�ners declares the true Iacation, caurse, and width of that ceriain county road zs uncertain and that the same be determ%ned, hexeby o�ders th� County Road Engineer to ma.ke an examiiaatian and survey thereof and report �he results of his examination �nd provide surveys, maps, and other related data related to the Iacatian of that certain county road to the Board of �aunty Ccrmmissioners at the time and place designat�d belaw, and WHER,E.A�, that certai�. county raad is c4mmonly known as the D.�-NE Road and is approxamatQly centered alc�ng the west line af the SE I14 af Section 26, Tc�wnship 20 North, Ra.nge 27 East W.M., and WHEREAS, if tha Baard of County Cammiss�aners shouid file an actioz� in the Superior Court of Grani County, Washington, all persons af%c�d by the determination of the true location, cnurs�, and width shall be made parties defend�n.t in s�ch aciian and servica had and return made as in the case af civi.l actions. N4W, THEREFQRE, BE iT RES4LVED tha� a public hearing os� the Gourtty Road Engi�eer's report and other related matters shall be held in ihe Hearin.g Raom of the Board of County Commissioners of Gra�t Gozznty, Washington, Iocated zn the Cou�ty Courthause, Ephrata, VVashingian at 1�:3Q A.M., Tuesday, Novembe� ,18 . ,1997, and all persons interested may appear and be heard, and BE IT FURTHER RES4LVED the Caunty Road Engineer is directed ta publish a notice of this cause one each week far two cansecutive weeks in the official coun.ty newspaper and io past na�ce of this cause for at least twenty days at each ter�ini of the propased road. DC}NE THIS ZIstDAY {)F October , 199� �� ATTEST: .�,� �� ,� � .,.,_ � �Bo�a _ �,..:.,. ......_. �� �� �Tr, cn�a� . ":v.,``� � �.-- .: y� ��2-� w/' FTelen Fancher _._...-----' r Tim Snead Constituting the Baaxd of County Commissianers af Grant County, Washington