HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of October 6,1997 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Gommissioners were in attendance with #he Glerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners approved the request from the Building Department to transfer $2,500 fram the Capital Outlay Department #141 to Departmeni #116 to cover the cost of furniture. The Cammissioners approved the salary increase of IVIJ Fisk of the Sheriff s Office to $1,916 per month effective October 1,1997. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Sabrina Strong of the Assessors Office to $2,336 per month. The Commissioners approved the request by the Superior Court Judges for a new salary scale for qualified interpreters. The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Marc Norberg of the Sheriffs Office at $1,574.40 per month effective Octob�r 1,1997. The Commissioners were notified that Anthony Rutherford of the Sheriffs Office was terminating employment effective September 30,1997. The Commissioners were notified by► Basin Asphalt Co. that they were supplying materials on the Grani County Satellite Justice Facility. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher, that Resolution Number 97-155-CC authorizing the Grant County Sheriff to apply to IAC for ORV funds be passed. The motion carried, As there was no further business to come before the Commissioners the session r�vas continued until October 7,1997. t�ctober 7,1997 The session was cont6nued at 9:�0 a.m. with Commissioner Fancher and Commissioner Snead in attendance. Commissioner Altison was attending a meeting in Walla Walla. The Commissioners mef with the Public Works Director regarding the Ephrata Floodway/Lanclfill Cover, �udget Discussions, and Personnel. The Cc�mmiss�oners gave approvai fc�r sQme repair work in the Jait i� the amount af $2983.29. The Commissianers approved the satary increase c�f Creg Hutchisan of �h� Sheriff s C?ffice fc� $2,823 per mvnth effectiv+� CJctaber 'i,'i99i. The �ommissiQne�s �ppraved �he salary increase af Fiick Cant�bury caf the Sheriffs �ffice tc� $2,823 per monil� ef�"eciiv� C"tctober 1,'� 997. The Commiss�oners approved the requesi by the Cc�unty Clerk far the purchase of an Cfptical �isk lr�aging Sys�em in the amoun� of $'f33,3�fi.98 from the unres�r�red fund baEance af the cc�rrent ex�ense fund. The �ommissioners authorized an agreemenf for professionai consulting services with �iex Eads o€ Eads Cor�su[ting Services to wo�k vn the developmeni of an int�erim zoning ordinan�e addressing densities in the Agricuiture za►ne. The Commissivners sign�d the Payro�l 11�ar�rants Iis�t #�9048 tl�rc�ugh #89GG3 far #he mo�th of �epiember. A moiic�n was made by Commissic�ner Sneati, seconded by Comrnissioner Fancher thai Resolu�ion Number 97-'! 5�-CC recognizing King �ounty Prosecuting A�itorney, Norm Maleng and th� �Cing Caunty Prosecutor's t3ffce fvr their help in the Lc�ukaitis cas� be passed. The motion c�rried. A motion was made by Commissiaaner Fancher, secc►nded by Cvmmissic�ner Aiiison that R.esalution [Vumber 97-'!�7-CC se�#ing a Public Hearing far Glct€�b�r 28,'t 997 at 1;0� p.m. relating tc� the facts requiring an appropriation and expendit�re of funds for the Law and Jusiice Fund #12�[, Depar�rnent �1fi3 in the amount of $11,fi'I�D b� passed. The motian carried, The Commissioners h�ld a Publ�c Me�ting regarding the P1at Alteration request by Juiie and Bren�t Cox ta r�pla� Lots �l�v and �SG, Des�r� Aire Div�s�on #�2 Plat intv a singie iaf in a Planned� Uni� Devetopment. A mo�ion was made by Cc�mmissianers Snead, seconded by Commissianer Fancher io uphoid the Planning Commissi�n approvai, with find�ngs of fac� and candit�ons as propased by �he Planning Corrimission with o�ae additic�nal cvndition stating the mobi[e ham� can remain on the 1ot uniit �na# ins�ection c�f the n�w s�ick built home, indicating ii is ready f�r occupan�y. 'ihe moti€�n carried, As of this daie ihe Bc�ard by a majc�rity vote daes ap�pra►ve for p�ymen� thos� �Quchers inciuded in the lis� filec# i�t the Auditc�rs C3fFice 10/fi/97 in ihe tot�i amount of $750,�2'l.�4, The Commissioners apprvved fhe sa[ary increase �of �UUill Stak�tin of the Sher�ff's U�fice to $Z,875 per rnonth effective Qc�caber 1,1997, The Cor�missioners approved the salary increase of Kim Coak of ihe Sheriffs C}ffice ta► $2,875 p�er rnonth effective Sepiernber 1,1997, The Gc�mmissic�ners w+�re nofrfied tha�t Cc�rrect�a►ns t�f�icer Gary Vl�eir r�signed effe�tive C3ctober 1,�997. The Cammi�sior�ers apprc�ved ihe starting satary of Harc�ld St. Pierre as a Cvrrection tJfficer at $�I,fi�6 per month effect'rve Qctober �'��e7! . The Cc►mmissic�ners approve� tt�e sai�ry increas� of Lana Wade of the Sheriffs C?ff'rce %$2,QQ7 p�r mon�h �ff'ective August '[,19�7. As there �nras nc� further business to came be€ore the Board the session was adjnurned until rJctober 'f3,1997. ATTEST: �� � � Clerk � e Bc�ard Bt�ARD C�F GQUNTY CC��I�tf1S�It�NERS GRANT �t�UNTY, WASHiNGTUI� C� ^ G�hairrnan � �r f