HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of September 15,1997 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to ordee� at 10:30 a.m. by Chairrnan LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes from the preceding session as written. The Commissioners appointed John M. LeFave to a position on the Grant County Mosquito Control District #1 to replace Russel tiansen. The Commissioners approved the request by the Juvenile Probation Department to purchase computer equipment in the arnount of $1,128 from Law and Justice Funds. The Commissioners appointed Robert Schrom to a further term on the House Authority Board of Grant County. The Commissioners approved out of State travel for Carole Highland to attend the National Conferer�ce on Domestic Violence in Los Angeles, California. The Commissioners signed an agreement with the City of Moses Lake regarding the Interim Urban Growth Area. Effective August 1,1997 the Commissioners appointed Otto Miiler as the Department Head of a new Departr�ent to be called Lang Range Planning Department. The salary for this position will be the same as #he current Planning Department Head salary. A motion was made by Commissioner� Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Nurrr�ber 97-148-CG relating to the establishment in the Long Range Plannin� Department of an Employee Position to be named Department Fiead be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-149-CC designating the Emergency IVlanagement Directos� to be the authorized representative for obtaining federal anc�/or emergency �r disaster assistance funefs be passed. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. The session was continued at 7:00 p.m. to hold a Public Hearing on the Moses Lake IUGA. Th� Ct�mmissioners r�ceived writt�n ct�mmen�s from several pevpie, as weli as public t�stimony regarding concerns and requ�sts an the prvpased Mases �ake inier�m t3rban Growth Area. A€ter sever�l haurs c+f testimany the hearing v�as cont�nued un�til �:�0 p.m. on the �IGih vf September. As �here was na furthe� busin�ss to come �efore ihe Bc�ard th� session was continued unt�i September �[�, at 9:a0 a.m. Septer�ber 1 fi,1997' The sessior� was contir�ueci at 9.�0 a.m. with a1� of the Gommiss�oners in attendance v�iih fihe Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners me� with the Public V�arks Director regarding the lil/ilsor� Creek Shop, Retirennent 16Aema,1 �f .�0 a,m. meeiing w�th Dan S�arte and Stan Detzer af �iiashingtan State Depar�ment of Transpor�ation. The �ommiss�c�ners sit�ned the P'ublic Works Depar�meni Claims Fund Vo�cher Approvai #8-�I thrvugh #8-�t92 in ihe tatal arnvunt c�t $'f,f4tl,9�'1.8fi. The Cammissione�s heid a bid apeni�tg or� the new S�atellite Justice �enter. A motion was rnade by Commissioner Fancher, secvnded b�r Cc�mmissioner Snead �ta refer the bids �o ihe Sheriff s f.�ffice and the Arch'rtects for fheir review and rect�mmendati�rns. Th� motic�n carried. The Commissianers w�re ne�ti�ied by �he Sheriff o�the resignat�a�n caf Ke� l�ernan, effective S�p�ember �i7,1997. As af th�s date the Baard by a majority vafi,� �does apprave for paymen�t those vouchers included in the I�s�t fted in the Auditors Off�ce 9I�iv197 �n �the �oia1 amount o� $82°f,927.56. The Ccammissianers held a�ont�nuativn af the PubIic Hearing on �he Moses Lake IUGA. A rgtotion was made by Gvmmissioner F�ncher, secand�d by �ommission�r Snead to inc#ude ir� the IUGA areas request�d by 1Nelches, McCankie's and K. Jorgensen, The mation carried. A r»otion wras made b�y Cammissioner Sne�d, �econt�ed by Comrr�issioner Fancher to include in the IIJGA ihe Dale 1llTalker prc�perty. The motion carried. A matian was made by Cc�mm'rssic�ner Fancher, secanded by Commissioner Snead to include in the 1LiGA th� ittttichie and Nardy property as requested. The motion c�rried. A mcrt�on was made by Ccammissianer Snead, seconded by Commissione� Fancher �o include in the IUGA the Grov� Terrace IVlobile Hvme �ourt, The mt�ii+�n carried. A mc�tivn was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead nc�i to inc[ude the I�on Baker property as requested. The mo�tian carried. A mc�tion was made by Commis�ioner Snead, seconded by �ommissianer Fancher nvtto include the properr��yy in the �as�ade Valley in the It1GA. The mQiion carried, A mot�on was r�ade by Cc�mmissioner Snead, seco�ded by Cammiss�orter Fanc�er tii -a `� �' 2 2 �_ �a �`� -a Q� ` .� �„ � �o '� � � o d o N �t9 � y�, .� � ,�s� t""` e � a �,� � � � � od0��„� d vi�� �, Q,t�13 ^� ..- � � �'"'q w- G � � v � V d > 4% O u/" � � � �n . d � � � � � �� � � r a�,�°,� '��,,; � . �� • �^ d3 N m t4 W 'L� �%' ... � �"" Q ,�, dr '�' '►�'�. Q t6 ,," C i � , C� � N`.+ �� td d? s., s ��� 1!► N N y p �► � '� G � ,,�,. � x�,,. � � � c� N o t� � �N O¢� y � �� � �` ��� � � Q � �� ��� �� �G y� �� =N�'w�° �.�a �� QmC9 c N ssg �-a t� � c� "� �'s3- c�°"� ��a ��~�� � n -�a � �� �� ���� �e �� w� "� �o � � �.�� � � � '� � O -CS � �% G .� w��- 'Gz +�r ..�• � ta s. y C� �. d! 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