HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCconnnnossioNERs' PROCEEDINGS Week of July 21,1997 The Grant County Commissioners session was called fo order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. Commissioner Snead was in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Fancher was out of town. The Commissioners read and approved the rninutes of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners received an Order rescheduling compliance hearing from the Growth Managerr�ent Hearings Board for Eastern Washington. The Commissioners received a Notice of Separation or Work Interruption regarding Nona Askwig of the Auditors Office. Her last day of work to be August 15,1997. The Commissioners signed a Request for Transfer of Funds in the Current Expense Fund #001, Capital tJutlay Department #141 in the amount of $600.00. The Commissioners received notice from the City of Warden that a Public Hearing was held to receive comment on the adoption of an additional one-tenth of one percent sales tax for criminal justice purposes. The Commissioners r�ceived a copy of Resolution IVumber 517 of the City of Soap Lake supporting the imposition of a 1/10th of 1 perceni County-wide sales tax as authorized by RCV� 82.'04.340. A rnotion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 97-12i-CC setting the salary for the 7997 year for the Prosecuting Attorney be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Cornmissioner Allison that Resolution Number 97-128-CC in the matter of altering Lot 7 of Mattawa Acres ##1, located in a portion of Section 4, Township 14N., Range 23 E.W.M. requested by Robert McCaffery be passed. The rnotion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued un�il July 22,1997. July 22,1997 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Allison, and Commissioner Snead in aitendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Fancher was out of to�nrn. Th� Cammis�ioners met with the Public 1�!►orks Director regardinc� Bid Autharization '3" SE, Public Hearing, Raad Vacation�Trinidad Vicinity�, A Public Hearing �nras held regarding the request t� vacat� � porti4r� of c�rtain County raads and rights of �nray in the Trinidad area. A motic�n was m�ad� by Commissivner Snead, seconded by Commissioner .�Il�so� tv ct�ntinue the hearing unt�1 Augusi 4,1997 a� 14:3fl a.m. The motian �ar�ied. A Pubti� He�trin� was helci in ihe mafter vf a Cc�unty V�iaie surptus equipment and merchandise auc�ion sale. A mo�iion vvas made by Gommissioner� Snead, seconded by Comrr�issic�ner Allison that the ma�ier be continued until �fii.30 a.m, on July 29,'199?. Th� rnotivn carri+�d. A Pub1i� Hearing was hetd and a motion was m�de by Gc�mmissianer Snead, seconded by Cammissioner Alf�son fhat Resolution Number 97-�129-CC rela€ting �o a supplecnent�l ex�ensian in ihe �195? budget of the Aicohc►I and Drug Abuse Fund #115, Department #157 due �v unant�cipated stafie ae�dlor federal funds in the amouni af $'[24,�99 be �passed, The m4tion carried, The Commiss�c�ners a�proved the star�ting salary of Micheiie Larson of th� �uditors Q�#'ice ai 9� percent of controt pc�in� v�rhi+ch is ��1,814.v� per manth effective Augusi '18,1997. Th� Cammissic�ners were notifed by th� Grant Coun�Ey Fair whfl the newiy ele�ted Grant Cr�unty Fairboard Directors were, They are as foilows: Pcrsitifln �i-Mos�s �ake Hai Gruver Pasiiion 2-Mc�ses Lake Mary Ellen Br�eeden Positit�n 3-Wilson Creek Gary Rabail Positr�on 4-Hartline Christina Leander-Shelton Posit�on v-R�ayai City Terry Dorsing Sin�� these peopie were elected Terry Dc�rsing has re�igned, and #he Board has nc�t been abie �o contai�t Christina l.�ander-She�ton to con�rm I�er e[ec�ion. Ghairman Allison sent a letter to ihe mayvr af Moses Lake regarding the r�presenta�ive discuss�on teams vn the IUGA. As of tnis date the Soard by a majoriiy vote +dc�es approve for payment ihose vauchers fi�ed in the Auditt�rs tJffice 7121l97 �n �the tatal amount c�f $3�8,78�.f5. The Cvmmissioners receivec� a copy c�f a Ciaim for Damages from James E. ilUeitzei, et ux, ei a�. The matter was referred to the Prasecu�ing Attvrney for handiing. �hair�nan Altison was authorized io sign the Re�uest for Boaiing Safety Pragram Approval submii�ed t+� V�ashinc�ton State Parks and E�ecr�ation Cammissic�n, As there was nt� furiher bc�siness tca cvme before the Board the s�ssron v�as adjourned un�i1 Ju1y 28,'t99?. ATT�ST: � � � � Clerk the Baar' BC?ARD tJF COUNTY CC�iV[MtSStON�F�� GRANT GC�UNTY, U1IASHINGTC?N � f .., Chairma,�t � -.�^... 4 sr. --�— � ��