HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-124-CC. : �" . � � . �,�.. . - _� ...... . _ . �"„- h- GRANT COUNTY OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS POST-OFFICE 80X 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 9ee2s (5091 754-2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMN�SSIONERS❑PRIVATE GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN TFIE MATTER OF APPROVING THE � SHORT PLAT NO. 97-124-CC RIO7AS PLAT, A TF7REE LOT SUBDIVISION � OF 4.77 ACRES IN A PORTION � RESOLUTTON APPROV�TG � OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 20 N., RANGE 27 � � A PRELIIVIINARY PLAT OF 3 LOTS EAST, W.M.,GRANT COUNTY, � WASHINGTON I ADAN & KRISTINA RIOJAS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County ha�e been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on 7une 4, 1997 on the matter of approving the Riojas Preliminary Plat in a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 35, Township 20 North, Range 27 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. VVF�REAS, the Grant County Planning Commission forwarded no recommendation to the Board of County Caminissioners due to a lack of a quorum vote for this proposal_ WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing on July 14, 1997. WI-�REAS, the Board of Counry Commissioners ha�e found that appropriate paovisions have been made for drainage, roads, alleys, uUlities, pubiic ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, piaygrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites, grounds, and other public and private facilities and improvements as required by all applicable local, state and federal codes and requirements. WHEREAS, the Board of Counry Commissioners ha�e found that the proposed subdivision does conform to the general purpose of the Comprehensive Plan WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will be served by the proposal. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal will not adversely effect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the public in the viciniry of the proposal. NOW, TI�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, the three (3) lot subdivision of the Riojas Preliminary on the following descn�ed property subject to the conditions of approval listed below. P R O P E R T Y D E S C I� I P i I O N Lot 3, Herzog Short Piat, as per Short PIQt, recorded in Book 5 of Short Plats, Page 11, records of GrQnt County. Wash i r,�ton . Conditions: 1. Development shall be in compliance with the Growth Management Act, The County-wide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Developer shall comply with all requirements deeme� necessary by the Grant County Health District, the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domesric water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC I73-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-2�1A, Ground Water Quality Standards and WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. 3. Developer shall comply to the fullest eatent possible ttie recommendations as listed in the letter submitted by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife dated Apri18, 1997 and listed below: a. Promote sound land management practices to minimize the risk of weeds, fire, or other disturbances from encroaching onto the adjacent habitats. b. Through covenants in the land deeds, require strict control of cats and dogs to avoid predation and harassment of nafive wildlife in adjacent open habitats. 4. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshal and shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and all other applicable requirements for fire� protection including but not iimited to the following: a. Lot 3 requires a 20' wide all �;�eather surface driveway. b. All lots must have 25 ` setback from all property �ines and fire department verification of water availabiliry or developer must provide water for fire flow. c. All development must comply svith all Federal, State, and Local codes. 5. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Public Works Deparrinent including but not Iimited to the following: a. Access pemuts required prior to the issuance of building permits_ 6_ Proposal shall comply with alI requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology. 7. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeologicaUcultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the ownerldeveloper shall immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation_ 8. Proposal shall comply with all recommendarions as submitted in the letter dated Apri18, 1997 from the Washa.ngton State Department of Fish and Wildlife (Subject: Wildlife Habitat Evaluation — Riojas Short Plat, McConihe Flats NW 1/ SecUon 35, Towns]hip 20N, Range 27E)_ a. Promote sound land management practices to minimize the risk weeds, fire, or other disturbances from encroaching onto the adjacent habitats. b. Through covenants in the land deeds, require strict control of cats and dogs to avoid predation and harassment of native wildlife in adjacent open habitats. 9. Wells shall be cased to bedrock_ 10. On-site sewage treatment shall meet Treatment Type 2 Standards current at the time of construction and shall be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in conformance with the requirements and standards of the Grant County Heaith District including the following design feaxures: a. Each sand trench must extend a minimum depth of three (3) feet on both sides of each septic tank drain line and ea�tend a minimum of five feet below the bottom of the drain line. The sand trench should also ea�tend a minimum of one foot above each drain line. Each drain trench must be lined with a geofabric having a minimum pern�eability of 20 gaUmin/sq. ft. The cirain trenches should be filled with medium to fine grained sand. The geofabric is to keep the medium to fine grained sand from "sinking" into the coarse-grained gravely soils. Drain trenches so constructed will have a minimum effluent retention rime of forry eight hours which will allow microbial colonies to neutralize pathogenic organisms in the septic tan effluent Detention time was caiculated for the permeability of inedium to fine-grained sand the 24 sq. ft/lin;,ar foot of sand trench for each drain line. This restriction shall be inscribed on the face of the plat or separate instruanent recorded with the plat. I i. On-site sewage treatment systems shail be designed sa that they anay l�e retrofitzed if necessary foz nitrate remaval and/ar future connectzon to a community or z��unicipal seivage treatment facility. On- site sewage treatment systems shail be retrafitted as �ay be required by the Grant County Fleai#h District in conformance with any adopted standards appiied to nitrogen removal in an site sewage disposai systems. This req�irement shall be inscribed on the face of the plat ar separate instrument recorded with the piat. 12. Storm waier sl�alt be cantained, treated and disposed of an-site to current locai, state and federal standards as reviewe�i and approved by the Grant County Public warks Department andlor Grant County Heatth I}istrict. 13. Proof of potable water suPP�Y Pursuant to Cottnty Ordinance 92-�4-CC is required priar to issuance of buiiding perr�►its requiring potabie water. I7ane tius �_"� day of 1997. � � �' -� , ATTEST: � � �°„�` � Chairinan � Ci�rk�� the Board � s ���� �� Commissianer " � 1 � ' Gommissidner �; �� Canstituting the Board of County Commissioners af Gra�t Cflunty, "�Vashington