HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-099-CCci��f��i�r co��.' C1F�ICE CJF Bo.A.� o� cotr!�r� co���ss�oN�xs Pos�r o�Fic� Box s� EPHRAT�. WASHtTdGTt}iV 98s23 {5Q9I i54-2p3T BO�I2L1 C;F CC?IINTY COMII�SSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WA�KINGTON IN fi'HE MATTER OF CHANGFNG THE ZC}NING FROM AGRICULTUIItE TO NEIGHBC}RHOOD GOMMERCIAL {C-I�i}, ON A 1.54 ACRE PARCEL ON FARM UNiT 57 BLC7CK 41, LQCATEI3 IN A PORTIC}N OF 5ECTIUN 9, TCiWNSHIP 19N, R ANGE 29 EWM ORialNANCE Nt?. 97-99—CC AESOLU'I"ION N0. 97-99—CC t�RDINANCE APPROVING AN AIvIENDMENT TO THE ZQNING MAP OF GRAPdT GOUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Korpinen WHEREAS, the Board of Gounty Conunassic�ners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant Cuunty Pianning Commission that a publ'rc hearing was cond�xcteri an May 14, i997 on t�e matter of changing the -zaning from Agrzcuitare to Neighbarhood Cnmmercial {C-N) an a 1.�4 acre parcel locateci in �arm Unit 57, Irrigatiou Block 41, further describad as located itt a portion of Section 9, Township 19 North, Ranga 29 F.ast, W.M., Grant County, Washingian. W�REAS, the Grant County Piannzng Commission macie a recommendatian to approve tha zone change. WFIEREAS, the Grant County Baard af County Commisszoners fleid a public meeting aa June 9, 199'7 on this rezo�ae request. W�REAS, the Baard of County Cammissioners found suffcient evidence to uphald the recaanmendations af the Grant County Planning Camrnissifln for approval. WH1Cl�A�, upon consideration of the a�spiicants written and aral arguments, anr3 upnn consideratzon of the testimony and administrative record 'zn the application af the zone change, tha Grant Couniy Board of County Commissianers have made the failowing findings of fact: FINDINGS OF FACT: l. The propasxI daes comply with the Grant County Resource L,�nds and Critzcal Areas Development Ordin�uce. 2. The grgponent has demonstrated that this proposai wili provide long term benefits to the community, NOW, THEREFCaRE, BE IT RESULVED, that �he Board af Caunty Commissioners for Grant �ounty, Washingioa approve by ttiis Resolution, a zone change fr�r the following described P�'aP�rtY- The subject property is Grant County Assessors parcel #19-0443-OOfl a 1.54 acre parc�I located in Farm Uni# 57, Biock 41. I3one this j��% ��, day of `' � �, 199?. �r, Chairman } " E ATTEST: _r�,�.�,°� � � ���Cl�rk of the rd .--, �',�..� " .s/�'l.r� ,.� Cammissioner �______...,,,._._--�-�__„-�..,. r .� � � r� COII1T11ISSIOA f � �