HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of June 2,1997 The Grant County Coenrr�issioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Comrr�issioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners signed the Request for Transfer of funds in the Juvenile Department #117, Operating Fund #001 in the total amount of $28,831. The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Diane IVI. Starzman of the Grant Gounty Fair at 90 percent of the salary for her position. The Commissioners approved the requestfrom the Sheriffs Office to allow Scott Ponozzo to transfer ten days of his sick leave to his wife Elisa Ponozzo. The Commissioners approved the salary of Tamra Jenkins at $1,758.60 per month effective June 9,1997. The Commissioners signed the Request for Transfer of funds in the Auditor's O& M Func! #124, Department #166 in ihe amount of $354.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-86-CC relating to the transfer of funds within the 1997 budget of the Auditor's O& M Fund #124, Depae•tment #1fi6 in the amount of $13,507 be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-87-CC setting a Public Hearing for June 23,1997 at 1:30 p.m. relating to the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Fair Fund #'I'16, Department #158 in the amount of $19,688 �e passed. The motion carried. The Corr�missioners approved the request by the Prosecuting Attorney to increase the salary of Carole Highland to a Deputy IV effective June 1,1997. A rnotion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-88-CC to designate a Ground Water Management Area for Franklin and Grant Counties be passed. The motion carried. The Comrnissivners approved the requ�st by the Auditors C}ffice to expend funds frc►m the capital ouiiay budget in the am�unt af $9,000 ft�r the purchase of fi new �ork staiians in the Accouniing and Recardir�g Departments. The Cammissioners held a Public Hearing an the request by �rant Coun�jr Pori District #3, for a Pretiminary Plat of 1� lots on 99.� acres in a partion of the Nvr�hwesi quarter of Sec�ion 27, Tawnship 1a Nor�h, Range �3 East, V11.1V1. A moiic►n was made by Commissic�ner Sneac�, secondeci by Commissioner Fan�her ta approve th� P[a� based on th� recomr»endations c�f the Fire 1Vlarshal, an�I Public V�orks Directar. Findings of fact#1,2,4 and 5 propos�� by the Planning Department wiih the addiiion c�f a�inding �hat the intended use would comptiment ex`rs�ing agricutiure surrounding the proper�ty. The mc�tien carried. The Cammissivners h�td a Put�iic Hearing regarding the requesi by Potl�oi+�s Devetc�pment Inc. fc�r a�one change frvm Comm�r�'ral �ecreation tc� C1pen Space Recre�#ic�n-Pianned Ur�it Deve[opment an �wo parcels fi.54 acres mn size for a proposed 43 lot Res�der�t�al Recreatianal Vehicte Park. The subjec�k �raperty is iocated in a portion of Farm Unit 48, Irrigatia►n Block 80, Columbia Basin Project, ioca%d in a portion of tt�e Northwes# G�uarter of Seciic�n �[8, ia�nrnship 1� North, Range 28 East W.N�., and a por�ion of the Norfhwest {�uarter vf Seciion 17, Tvwnship �I7 Norti�, Range 28 East, '�Ii.M. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, �ecanded by Commissianer Snead io approve the Zone change and PUD averlay based on comments from the Sheri�f, Fire IVlarshal, BuiEding [�epar�ment, Health Department, Pubiic 1�11orks, N�xious itVeed, Department of Transpartatian, Irri�ation District, �t�te Department of Health, Ecology and the Bureau of Reclamatic�n. Sta�ff €�ndings #1 ihrough #� to be used. The �notion carried, The Commrssic�ners held a Pubiic Hearing regarding #he Policies and Procedures for the 11llarine Vi�w Heights V�afier System. �► matic�n was m�de by Gammissioa�er Fancher, secanded by Commissioner Snead to adopt an ordinance �rith a11 $3�.0� r�ferences in th+� draft changed to $50.00 and hc►akup fee with met�r cost changed to $�1,��0, $fiv,QO per mon�h per [oi c�wner using waier fr�vm ihe system water bitl. Delete reference tc� undeveloped Ic�ts. t3wners to be responsible for connectian and maintenance from the edge af the right-of-way. ?he mation carried, The Cammissioners apprQved the saiary of Shay D. Garrison of �h� Gierks Ciffice at $5.25 per hou� effective June 2,199?, The Cammissivners approved the salary increase of Kevin Bailey c►fthe Juvenite Probation Departmentto $2,G28 per month effe�tive Nlay 1,9997. The Commissivners appraved ihe request by the Planning Depar�ment to contract with CanlViap f�ar GiS Ser°vices id�ntified as Phase �1 and Phase 2 in th+� total �maunfi afi $6,5Q�. A motic�n was made by Commiss�vner Sn�ad, secc�nded by �amrnissioner Fancher that R�sc�lu�tian Number 97-89-CC in the ma�er of �indings regarding 1{�oses �ake �stafes, rec4gnizing tne #'act thai progress has b�en made by obtaining w�ier rEghts anci drilling of wa�er v►refls be passed. The mation carried. A mation was made by Commissianer Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead ihai Resalu�ion Number 97-90-CC setting a Rublic H�aring fvr June 23,'f997 a�i 1.30 p.m. reia�ing tca the facts requiring an appropr�atian and expenditure af funds for ihe Current Expense Fund #0�1, Clerk and Miscellanevus Generai Government Dep�artments �n the amaunt of �74,36Q #�e �►assed, The maiion carried. A moiion was mac�e by Commissianer Snea�l, sec�anded by CommissionerFanch�rtha�Resolution Numb�r97-91-CC relating tot�e transfer of funds wi#hin the '1997 budgefi af the Current Expense Fund, CQmmissioners Department and �he Prosecuting A�torney Budget#�IQ9 in the amoun� af $�,��5 be passed. The motion carried. The Cc►mmissioners received r�otificatic�n fr�om the Human Rights Cammission of Adm�inistrative Closure vf HRC Case Number 13HN- 0735-95-6 regarding Aifredo and Eu�rocina Guiierrez. Chairman Ailison was authorized to sEgn the amendmeni io current AT&T Language L.ine �ontract #MD9�f3�2 wi�h the Emergency Management Division af the 1Vlilitary Department. �+►s there was no further business fic� come before th� Baard the session was continued untii June 3,�f�97. June 3,1997 The sess�on was +con#inued at 9.QQ a.m. wiih a11 c�f the Commissianers in attendance wit� the Clerk of the �oard, The Commiss�oners mei with the Publie V�orks Director regarding the Dudenkav Homestead Plat, Bid Authorizatic�n-Auctioneering Services, Stratf+ard RIR Crossing, Six Y�ar Road Pragram, and a Public Works C}pen House. The Commissioners s'rgn�cf the Authorization ta Ca1t for Bids on 1997 Auctioneer�ng Senrices, with Bid op�ning to be June 24,'i997 a� �1�:�0 a.rr�. The �ommiss'rc�ners helc� a cc�nt�nuation af Public Hearing on the Vyacheslav Dudenk�ov Hamestead Pr�iiminary Plai, a 9 loi subdivisian c�n 29.0� acres in a Suburban-3 zone. A mati�n was m�de by Cammissivner Fancher, secc�nded by Comnnissioner Snead that fihe Dudenkov°s pay $fi,E��O tov�ard t1�� cost of upgrading 'li2 mite an Road E, $1,30a �or future cost on R�. 7.8, and ihat Rd. 7.9 be br€�ught up to paved Couniy standard. �'h+� �ation �arried. Grant Coun�y wiil be pa}�ing 7� per�ent of the cost on Road E. Th� Cvmmissioners appainted Russe! Hansen io a further�erm on the Gran� County Board of Equaiization. A motivn was made by Commi���+�ner 5n�ad, sec�►nded by Commissioner Fancher ihat Resolution Number 97-92-CC, Clydinance Number 97-92-�C advpting �he pvlicies and pracedures on the Marine Viev� Heights V1ia�ter System be passed. The motivn �carried, The Commissioners rece�ved a Summc�ns and �e�mplainfi from Preferred Farm �ands, tnc., et al vs. Gran� Cc�unty, et al. The matter was referred ta the Prosecuiing Attorney fc�r hand�rng. As of this date �he �oard by a majority vote does approve for payment thase vouchers inctuded 6n the tist fil�d irt the Audi#ars �f�'ice 513a197 in the totai amount of $73,940.�8. As of ihis da�e the Board by a majori� vote does apprvve for payment those vouchers included in the Iist filed in the Auditors C3�ce �12197 in the to#a1 amount of $fi5�,2�1$.20. The C�mmissioners signed the Publ�c 'Vli`orks Giaims Fund Voucher Approva! #5-1 through #5-2 in �he tgtai arr�ount of $�i8,949.4fi. The Commissioners s�gnet� the payrfll� warrants list fic�r �he mvnth of May #8fi342 through #8fi64�. As there was no further business �t�r ctime befiore the Baard the session was �djourned un�i1 June 9,1997. ATTEST: ���1 F � � r � Cierk �� he Boa � B�3ARD OF CUUNTY CQ�VlM1SStC#NERS #�RANT CfJUNTY, Ut�A�H1�It3TC3N � Chairm,,af`n ., , 1 f $ � �� . �