HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCC}MMiSS1Qt�ERS' PROCEEDfNG� Week vf 1VCay '19,1997 The Grant County Cgmmissioners sessian was calted to order at 9:OQ a.m, b� Ghairman LeRoy Altison. All af the Ct�mmissianers were in attendance with the Gierk of the Board. The Cvmmissioners read and approved #he mi€�ui�s of the prec+�ding session as writt�n. A mc�tion was made �iy Commissioa�er Fan�her, secor�d�d by Gcrmmissioner Snead that lResoiutivn hiumt�er 97-81-GC dec0arang June as Hi�e a Veteran Month be passed. The moii+�n carried. The Cammis�ioner�s received the Department of Health Divisian of Drinking VUater permit �a operate N�arine View Heights,lnc. The Commissior�ers approved the sa[ary of Dr, R�rtdy Lee of the Cc�operative Ex%nsion t�ffice ai $�.00 per haur, e�f'ective May 9,7997. The CommissiQners were nt�tified that Corr�ciions Qfficer Ryan Rectenwald was resigning effect�v� May 28,1997. The Commissioners approved the salary ir�cr��se vf Er�c �tteston of the Prasecuting Attorney's C3ffice io Depu�r Pra�ecutor V, effective May �,�! 997. Chairman Ailison was auihc�rized �o sign ihe Boundary and Annexation Survey for the Bureau of �he Census. A moiion was made by Comm�ssioner Snead, seconded by Cammissioner Fancher fh�i Resoiuti+�n Number 97-82-CC denying an amendment ta ihe c�mprehensive pian requested by Qat Stevens and Harry t3wen be passed. The motion carried, The Cammissioners set a Pubiic Meeting for June 7,�99? at �;30 p.m. reg�rding the requesi by Grant Caunty Fire D�sirict #5 fc�r a Pla� Alteraiion to combine Lats fi95, G9fi, and 698, I.arson Subdiv�sion for fu�ure expansion of Fire Di�tric� Faciliiies. The Comrr�issianers se� a Public Nearing for June 17,�f997 at 2:30 �.m, regar+ding the request by 1iVTendeli Hartman fvr� a plat alter�aiiQn of Lvt 149, �arsan Subdivision fiar the sii�rision of the Ia# into two parcels to facilitate the saf� of one haif af an exis��ng du�tex, As there was no further busir�ess ia ccrme be��'a�re the B�ard ihe session was continued unti0 Ntay 2�,1897. I�lay 20,1997 Th� Gorr�missioners session was �aniinued a� 9;a0 a.m. with aIf af th� Commissioners �n atten�lance with the Clerk of the �oard. The Ga�mmissic�ners met with the Pub{ic �Vorks Director r�egardi�g Reimbursabte il�ork-To�rvn of Har�li�e, Rc�ad Vacatic�n Request, �as Tax Proposais, Juveni[e Center Ghange t}rders, Hc�usehc�ld H�zardous �Ifaste Co[leciion Eveni. A�vtian was mad� by �omm�ssioner Fancher, seconded by Cammrssioner Snead thai Res�r[ution Number 9�-83-+CC in the matter of initiating County Road Pr�ject design�ied as CRP No. 9?-2'�, 'i." NE & Ne�son Ftoad b� passed, The motion carried, The CommEssic�n�rs set a Public Meeiing €ar June 9,�l9�7 at 3.0� p.m. regarding the zon� change request from Agricuiture to C-N NeighborhoQd Commercial reQue�ted by Donald F�arpinen on a 1.54 acre parcel of I�nd �n Farm Ur�it 57, B1ack 41, in a por�tion of Sectivn 4, Tawnship 19 N., Rang� 29 E.�tI.M. The Commissic�ners set a Pubiic Meeiing for June 10,199'l ai'l.30 p=m, regarding �ihe zone change r�quest �'rQm Agriculture �v General Comrrtercial requested by Gary 'tt�hite on a 5.58 acre parcel af tand in a par�ion c►f th� Ne�rth Haif of ihe Nar#heast t�uarter of the Nvriheast Quar�ter of Se�ctic�r� 32, Townsh�p 19 N,, R�nge 24 E.W.M. The Comm`rssic�ners sei a Pub[ic Meetrng �or� Jc�ne �lU,�1997 at 3:�0 p.m. regarding the zone ch�nge request from Free�nra� Cvmmerc�al tr� L.ight Industrial on a 9.9 acre p��rc�1 of land requested by Butch Milbrand� on L.ot 1, Sakai Piat, in a po�ion of Sectit�rt 32, Tawnship 19 N,, Range 24 E,�.M. The Cammissioner� approV�d the salary increase vf Jirra Svvift of the flfltlaintenance Depar�r�nent to fuii salary effec�ive �tlay 1,'I997. A Public Hearing was held and a mo#ic�n w�s made by Commissioner Fancher, secand�d by �ommissioner Snead that Resotuiion Number 97-8�-CC aut�orizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds fvr ihe flliarine View Heights V'�`at�r Sysiem Fund #404, D�par�ment #��'I in ihe amount of $83,236 be pass�d. 7�e motion carried. A P�ablic Hearing was heit� �nd a mc�tit�n was made by �ommissioner Fancher, second�d b� Commissioner ,�nead that Resolu�ic�n Number 97-85-CC reiating to a suppler»ental exte�sion in the �t997 budget o�f the Current Expense Fund #Q41, Juvenile Depar�meni #117 in the amouni c�f $11,�1�7 be �assed. The motion Garr�ed. The C�mrr�issic�ners he#c� a cvntinuaiivn r�f tt�e Publ�c Hearin� regarding the vesting of Resalution Number 9a-�i42-�C whrch is a resaiution adc�pting �he Plar�ning Cama�nission recor�mendation on t�re Dune Lake Farms prt�je+ct. A mc�ti�r� was made by Colmmissioner Fancher, s�canded by Cc�mmi�sioner Snead ta rec�gnize the fac# that �he develvper has made progress b}r at�taining water rights and driiling wei[s. Find�ngs of fact ia► be �ntered c�n Monday, June �,1997 ai �f.30 p.m. The ma�tion carri�ed, As of this date ihe Board by a majc�rity vote daes approve for payment those vouchers inclucied in ihe list filed in the Auditors C?ffice 5119/97 in �he totat amount of $22�,967.31. As there was no further business tc� come befare th� Board ihe session �nras adjourned unti! May �7,1997. ATTEST; _.� 1��. i �,�� � • :•. `�. BtJAF�D OF GOUNT�I COMMISSlONERS GRANT CQUNTY, 1�11ASNlNGTC}N ���� � � �� � . ti.� . � . . . .. . , �. � .. . . . � � / . � ��