HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCt�IVIMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of April 27,1997 The Commissioners session was called to orcler at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy C. Allison. All of the Cor�missioners w�re in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Comr�issioners appr�ved the salary increase of Scott Ctark of the Planning Departrnent to $2,848 per month. The Commissioners approved the salary oncrease of Err�ily Burgess ofithe Cooperative Extension Departrr�ent to $1,74fi per month. The Commissioners approv�d out of state travel for Sheriff Wiester to aitend the aregon/Washington Sheriffs meeting. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Mary Rohlman of the Sheriff's Office to $1,856 per month. A mo#ion was made by Corr�missioner Fancher, seconded by �ommissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-56-CC authorizing Grant County Sheri�f #o apply to IAC for �RV Funds be passed. The motion carried. A rnotion was made by Comrr�issioner Snead, seconded by Cornmissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-�7-CC in the r�atter o� approving the Preliminary Plat of Reidiel Es�ates #2, a 12 lot subdivision on �i3.9 acres in a portian of Section 8, Tovwnship 20 N., Range 28 E., W.M. be passed. The motiore carried. Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the approval of Special O�casiora Liquor License for Deser�t Aire Men's Club. The Commissioners received the signed contract between Grant Gounty and M& M C,2uality Water Works regard'ang the Marine View Heights Water System. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until April 22,1997. April 22,1997 The session was continued at 9:00 aom. with all of the Corr�missioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. T'he Commissioners metwith the �ublic Works Dire�tor regarding the Stetner Plat Access, Cosi Share Projects-Receipts to D�te, 10:30- Road Vacation Hearing, Personne[-Truck Driver and Road Supervisors. A Public Hearing was held and a moti�n was made by Cornmissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-58-CC granting vacation of a 25 ft. wide by 50 ft. long portion of dedicated Gounty road right-of-way 0ocated adjacent to and along the northerly lot lines of Lots '11 and 12, Block 3, Plat of Wheeler, as recorded in Book 1 of Plats, Pages 56 and 56A be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 97-59-CC in the matter of changing the name of County Road Andrews Ave. to 4.8-NE Rd., Road Lots #41700, MP 0.00-0.11, from McLaughlin Rd. to Caroline St. be passed. The motion carried. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filed in ihe Auditors Office 4/21/97 in the total amount of $526,755.25. Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement with the Sheriffs Department. The Commissioners approved out of State travel for Cynthia Swan and Shannon Hetletvedt of the Grant Mental Healthcare Department to attend a conference in Forest Grove, Oregon. The Commissioners approved salary adjus�ments to Winona Campbell, Phil Goodman, Everett Goudeau, Roy Hancock, Leslie Kliphardt, Ken Nairne, Karen Page, AI Ramos, and Darlene Sand of the Juvenile Probation Department. ihe Commissioners approved the request by the Juvenile Probation Department for a transfer of funds in the amount of $7,fi26. The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Fair budget in the amount of $17,659. The Commissioners approved the request foa- a new file server, Novell Infra-NetWare upgrade, and a Pentium 1ffi I�IHz with a modem for contact with WAPA for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. A motion was made by Commissioner Sn�ad, seconded by Commissioner Fancherthat Resolution Number 97-6Q-CC relating to the facts requiring a Public Hearing for May 12,1997 at 1:00 p.m. requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Law and Justice Fund #121, Department #163 in the amount of $17,781 be passed. The motion carried. A Public Hearing was held and a motimn was rr�ade by� Comrnissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-61-CC relating to a supplemental extension in the 1997 budget of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Fund #115, Department #157 in the amount of $1 �1,91Q due to unanticipated state and/or federal funds be passed. The motion carried. A Public Hearing was held and a moiion was rrr�ade by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-fi2-CC authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the 402.176 D.D. Residential Department in the amount of $20,000 be passed. The motion carried. Chairman Allison was authorized to sign approval of the Substantial Development Permit requested by Gregory V. Huff. The Commissioners received a copy of City of Ephrata Resolution Number 777 requesting adoptaon of an amended interim urban growth boundary for the city. As there was no further business io come before the Board the session was adjourned until April 28,1997. ATTEST: , ; �� t Clerk� f the Boa�� k'� BOARD OF CtJUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, 19VASHINGTON � � � , � � �� Chairma�' � �� �������