HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-046-CC: �;�` f� . ., �'�� ��.,:. ` � � � GRA�IT CC)L:iN`I'Y � OFFiCE C}F BOAR:D OF C(�C11VTY CC}l��]VIISSIC7NERS �o��.o��,�� BOX �� EPHRA7'A. iiYAStilNC+TON 98s23 {�aO91 754-20tt B4ARD 4F CfJUNTY Ct]MM[SSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WAS�TINGT4N IN THE MATTER OF AI;TERTNG N THE PLAT OF WHTTE 'TRAIL TRACTS LOT #18, BY RALFH AND GERTRTJUE KtJOY, 12432 RD. S NW, Q[TTI�TCY, LOCATEl7 II�T A P4RTION C}F TH� SE 1t4, SECTIC.?N 6, TQWNSHTI' 19 N, It�-1NGE 24 EWM RESC?LUTICtN NC}. 97-46-CC RES{7LU'ITUI�T APPROVING A PLAT ALTERATION 12aiph and Gertrude Kaay tiVHER]EAS, the Board of Coun#y Commissioners of Grant CQuuty have beem advisect by the Gra�t County Planning Commisszon thai a pubizc hearing was conducted an Fehn�ary �, I997 an the matter af altering Lot 18 of Whita Trarl Tracts zu the Northeast Quarter af Sectian 09, Ta�nship i9 North, Ran$e 23 E. W,M., Grant Gounty, Washington. 'WREREAS, the Grant Caunry Planni�� Cammission made a recammendation to apprave the plat alierafion, 'VYHEREAS, the Graut County Board af Commissioners held a public meeting on Marclx 31, 1997 an�, WHEREAS, the Baard af Couniy Commissioners have faund that the g�raponent did pxesent sufficient evidenc� that tlie subject praperty warranted the replat. WAEREAS, t1�e Board af Caunty Commissioners have found that iiia proposed replat is in ihe public's best interest and bears a substantial reiationship to the general welfare of the residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESaLVED, that the Board af Couniy Commissioners for Grant Cvunty, Washington approve by this Resolution, a plat atexation of i..ot #18 White Trai2 Tracts at the �aliowing described proper�y: Tize portion of t#�s Sautheast Quarter af Sectiou 06, Township i9 NQrth, Range 24 E.W.M.9 Grant County, Washington. The subject property is currently known as i�ax parcel #05-iJ941-000. Dane this 7th day of Apri1 , 1997. -�r" r!����--.-,..�--'"'_ � ' Chairnaan k�,/`,!s — ATTEST: ` _.�..���.� �,.?/i.�.--�� � v Cterk of t�,� Board f s � .����1�1.�---'� � � � �'y', �ammissioner _-------�"� � � v-�----- �OTTlTI3iS� iOzl�i �onstituting t�e Board of Ca�znty Commissioners af Grant County; �'t'ash�ngton