HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-041-CC� GRANT C�UNTY OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COl!/IMISSIONERS ._ . POST=QFFiCE BOX 37 � EPHRATA.�aiYASH1IVGTON 98s2s � - (509)�J84-2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONE1tS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 45 LOTS gNOWN AS SAGE MEADOWS IN A PORTION OF SECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 20 N. RANGE 29 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. RESOLIJTION NO. 97-41—CC RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 45 LOTS VERLYN COLE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on February 5, 1997 on the matter of approving a Preliminary Plat in the West half of the West half less the South I3alf of the Northwest Quarter o� the Northwest Quarter o� Section 8, Township 20 Nosth, Range 29 East, W.M., Grant Counry, Washington fronting on County Road M NE between County .Roads 10 and 11 NE, north of the Moses Lake., - ;° WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made no recommendation to approve or deny the Preliminary Plat due to the lack of a quorum vote. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing on March 24, 1997. Findings and Conclusions: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have concluded that the proponent . has made appropriate provisions for drainage, a�oads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites, and grounds and other public and private facilities and improvements. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does conform to the General purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and public use and interest will apparently be served by the proposal. WAEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the Preliminary Plat does not fall within a Critical Area as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Development Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of Caunty Commissioners have found that the proposai does comply with the Grant County Zoning Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on December 16, 1996 for this proposal. , WfIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have concluded that there is clearly a demonstrated need for this type of development in the area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the Boazd of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by tius Resolution, a 451ot subdivision known as Sage Mea.dows for the following described property, subject to the following conditions of approval. The West half of the West half less the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Sectioa 8, Township 20 North, Range 29 East, W.M., Grant County, Wasi�ington fronting on Counry Road M NE between Counry Roads 10 and 11 NE, north of the Moses Lake. Parcel # 18-0308-000. Conditions: The final plat shall be in compTiance with the Growth Management Act, The County Wide Planning PoIicies, The Washington State Environmental PoIicy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, the Grant County Shorelines Master Progra�m, the Grant Cc7unty Resource I.ands and Criticai Areas C}rdin�nce, and alt applicabie . locai, state and federal environmentat standatds, regula�ions, ruiings or requirements. �:.�-�'�M_ '._ i� fiaal plat sha� comply with a1I ag�licable requiremants of the Grant Caunty Fire Marshat "c �: '_ including but not Iimited io the Uniforn� Building Code aud Uniform Fir� Cade. `��, �.. ;,3. �� ��`� yl TT#ie fu�al plat s�a11 eamply with all pernzits, approvals anci improvements required by the Grant �� ; ��� < � G�unEy Fubko Works Department. '>�:��; . 4. The finai plat s}�all comply with aIi pernuts, approvals, and improvements xequireci by the Washingtan Stata Department of Transportation. S. The final piat shall comply with atI a�plicable requirements of the Grant County Heaith District, the Washingtfln State Departctaent of I�eaith, the Washingtoa State Departmen# of Ecolagy, aud ihe Wasl�ingtan State Department of Naturai Resources. 6, The final piat shail ec�mply wzth aIl requirements of ihe Waslaington State I?epartment of Fish and Wildlife, the Washington State Depart�ment af Ecoiogy and the Wasi�ington State 13epartment af H�al�ti� regarding sewage systems and storm water cantrol and treatment in.clud'ang, but not Iimiteci to: RCW 90.48.080 Dischatge of Follutzng Waier Prohibited; WAC 173-20I, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Gmund Wa�er Qua�Zty Staudaxds and WAC 246-272, On-site Sewage Systems. 7, County Roads `M' I�E fram `la' NE ta `11' NE, `14' NE from `M' NE to the East baundary af the piat and `I 1' NE from `M' NE to tha Easi baundary of the prapased plat are cu�rently ' gravelldirt roads, Frior to iinal plat a�praval of each phase, the section af these raads within the phase must be imptoved to currant county paved road standards within a minimum finisheci width of 28 feet. 8. Direct lot access oato County Road `M' 1`'� shali be prc�hibited on face of plat except for a comman driveway for Lats #25 and #26, aad a singls driveway for Lots #39 aut� #40. Lats #4 and #5 shauld be reconfigured to have access anto `10' NE only. 9. Access permzts ret�uired prior to issuance t�f buiiding perniits. I0. SQ foot Iot frontage on a County Raad shail be rec�nired on all lats. IL If any addiiional Native American Grr�ve site(s} ar archaeolog'tcallculttzral resources (Indian Artifacts} are found all constnzction activity shall stop and the owneildaveloper shaIl iva�nediately notify the Colville Confederated Tnbes and ti�e Wasa�ington State dffice of Archaeoiogy and Historic Preservation. I3one this ��"� � day oi �� �� � , i997. _^� E� ' _�!�� �--`-�'` , ��� __ ' �� r � e���� � 3 � ��sT: ` j - , ,� � � cl�r� �� �o� �a�s��cr��� �;� ���..�Z%, Cammissaonar , ,r--- fF P i.,� G✓"(p'�/"�iV �`{3�ISS1�� • Gonstituting the Bnard of County Commissianers of Grant Couai#y, Washingkon