HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-037-CCBoar� oF caUNTy ct��v�ss�o�xzs �Rar�rT caU�, w�s��To�v RESOLUTIONNUMI3ER g7-37—CC A R.ESULUTIQN relating to a supplemental extensic�n an the 1997 budget of the JAIL CUNCESSION FUND # 112, i7EPAR.T`MENT # 154 due �a unanticipaied state andtor federal fiznds. �7tTHEREAS, it has been braught io ihe attention of the Board af Crrant Commissianers that that unaniicipated state and /ar federai funds have been made available for th� 1997 budgei of the JAIL CONCESSICIN FU1�tD # 112, DEPARTMENT # 154 in the �mount crf $13,SS2.{?0 ; and WHEREAS, R�W 36.40.10Q autharizes supplemental appropriations from uz�anticdipated sta% and/or federal fiands after publications of notice of the time and date of the meeting at which the supplemental appropriations resolution wil� be adopted, and �lie amaunt of the appropriatian; ance each week, for two consecutive vveeks prior to such meeting in the official newspaper of the co�nty; and WHEREAS, publieation of the requisite Iegal notice was made in the �rant Caunt� Journal newspaper of Grant County an Ma�ci� 13�20,1997 and said mee�zng was held in the Crrant County Camznissioners' Office, Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washin�on; NQW, T'IIEREFORE, BB ZI' RES4LVED BY THE BO�1.RD OF CUUNT'Y C41�2MIS�I(Jl`�TERS of GRAh�T CQU.�T'TY, STATE OF WASI�NGTGN, t�at the _1997 (year}budget af ihe JAIL CONCESSIC}N FCJNU # I 12, ]JEPART'MENT # I54 be supplemented and e�ended in the sum oi $_13,552.00 �'rom unanticipated sta.te andlor federal funds accard'zng ta �he attached schedu3� of categories and items: Done this 25�� day of March ����LZ i_.� ATTES ___���,�'�`�!I p� Clerk of � oard 1 � � ,,•�� Chaiiman �'`„ .___._.....---"""� �.. , Board o Co�nty mmzssioners Grazzt County, Wasl�ington ATTACHMENT TO RES. 97-37-CC JAIL CONCESSION FUND # ll2 DEPARTMENT # 154 � APPROPRIATIONS: OFFICE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES 552.40.31.00 SMALL TOOLS 552,40.35.00 TRAV�L 552.40.43.00 MISCELLANEOUS -TRAINING 552.40.49.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY -MAC�L& EQUIPMEN 552.40.64.00 FINANCING SOURCE STATE GRANT- DEPT. �MPLOYEMENT SECURITY 334.04.70. $3,391 $1,128 $750 $250 $8,033 $13,552 $13,552