HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-035-CC� � ,� _ � �- -�:v. GRANT COUNTY OFFICE OF BOAR� OF COUNTY COMNIiSSIONERS POST.OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 98823 l5091 754-2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 81 LOTS KNOWN AS WEST MEADOWS IN A PORTION OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 20 N. ItANGE 27 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHII�TGTON. RESOLUTION NO. 97-35-CC RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 81 LOTS Maysae Norisada West Meadows WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on JUNE 5, 1996 on the matter of approving a Preliminary Plat in a portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Tawnship 20 North, Range 27 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made a recommendation to deny the Preliminary Plat on June 5, 1996 and this recommendation was forwarded to the Grant County Commissioners on June 14, 1996. WHEREAS, an appeal to the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (11�IDNS) that was issued an May 16, 1996 for the West Meadows Preliminary Plat was filed with the Grant County Commissioners on 7une 14, 1996. WHEREAS, the Grant County Commissioners made a decision on the appeal to withdraw the NIDNS issued on May 16, 1997 by the Grant County SEPA Responsible Official. WHEREAS, the Grant County Commissioners issued their own MDNS on October 1, 1996 containing additional restricfive mitigating requirements agreed to by the proponent and Grant County. WHEREAS, the Grant County Commissioners conducted a public meeting on February 3, 199� and decided to hold a public hearing. WHEREAS, the Grant County Commissioners conducted a public hearing on March 4, 1997 and made a decision to approve the Preliminary Plat, after a through review of the record, and have made the following findings and conclusions. Findings and Conclusions: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners found sufficient evidence to not uphold the findings and recommendations of the Grant County Planning Commission. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have concluded that the property has been zoned Suburban Two prior to 1980 and this proposal is in conformance with the current zoning. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have concluded that the proposal has complied with all current county regulations and the proponent has agreed to very restrictive mitigating conditions regarding well and septic construction standards. WHEREAS, the Board of Gounty Commissioners have found that the proposal does conform to the general purpose of the Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposai does conform to the Grant County Platting and Subdivision Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of Counry Commissioners have found that the public use and interest is served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. m Page 2 of 4 IN THE MATTER UF APPR4VING A PRELIMINARY PLAT C1P 81 LCtTS KNOWN AS WEST MEADOWS LQCATED 7N A Pt�RTION tJF THE NQRTH�NEST QUARTER OFSECTIUN 35, Tt}WNSHIP �0 N., RANGE 27 E., W.M., GRAN'r CC3UNTY, WASHINGT�N. �VHEREAS, the Board of Caunty Commissio�ers have found that the plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety and general weIfare, f�r open spaces, draiYaage ways, s#�eets ar roads, alieys, other public ways, transit stops, pota.ble water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and r�ereation, play;rQunds, sehools and schoc�igrounds, including sidewalks and other pla�ning feat�zres that assure safe waiking conditioz�s fr�r stude�zts who only walk to and from schooi. N4'S�, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEI}, that the Board af County Gammissioners for Grant Caunty, Washington approve by this Resolurion, an eighty-ane iot subdivision for the fallowina descr'rbed property subject to the failowing eonditions of appravat. � A portzon c�f the Northwest Quarter af Sectivn 35, Tawnship 2Q Norti�, Range 2? East, W.M., Grant Co�nty, Washington, Ccmditior�s: 1. Develdpnaent shall be in compliance with the Grawth Management Act, The County Wide Ptanning Policies, The �Vashingtan State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Pian, the GranT Connty Zc�ning Ordinance, the Grant County Shorelines Master Prc�gram, �he Grant County Resaurce Lands and Critica� Areas 4rdinance, and aII applicable local, state anc3 federal environmentai standards, regularions, rulings or requirements. 2. The proposai shall comply with aII appIicabie requirements af the Crant Cou�ty Fire Flc�w Guidelines and �he i3nifarm B�itding Cade and Uniform Fire Code, 3. Tlze praposat shall campiy with all improvements and mitigation fees requised by tl�e Grant County Publie Works Department (reference Grant County Public VVarks Department comments} and the Washington State Department oi Transportatian. 4. The proposai shall comply with ti�e requirements af the Washingtan State I)epartment of Ecology {reference Washington State Departtnent of Ecology comments). 5. The project shall ct�mply wzth atl requirements by the Cirant Caunty Health District, the Washington State I7epartment of Heaith, and the Washi�zgtan State Department of Ecoiogy regarding domestic water suppiy, sewage systems and storm water control and trea#ment including, but not iimited to: RCW 90.48.084� Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; W'AC 1'73-201, �urface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Watez Qnality Standards and WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems, 6, If any Native Amarican grave site(s} or archaeologicallculturat resources {Indian Artifac�s} are faund ai1 construction activity shall stop and the owner/deveIoper shali immediately notify the �olville Canfederated Tribes and the Washington State t�ffice of Archaeology and Historic i'reservation. 7. Deveiapment is subject io the recommendations and/or requirements deemed necessary by the Washington State Depart�nent of Fish and Wildlife which include�, but is not limited to: a) Establish a lt�w density housing development consistent with Iocai zaning designations. b) Disturb the natural vegetation only to the extent necessary for canstruction of the roads and building sites; place the building sites near the access roads ta further minimize disturbance and ta ma�cirnize the amount af open space. c} Establish cantrol programs to prevent noxious weeds from sgr�ading inta the adjacent habitats. Page 3 of 4 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 81 LOTS KNOWN AS WEST MEADOWS LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OFSECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 20 N., RANGE 27 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. d) Develop fire prevention and control plans to reduce potential losses of species and habitats from wildfire. e) Encourage individual home site developers to incorparate the natural vegetation into their landscaping and land management schemes to further minimize disturbance. fj Through covenants in the land deeds, require strict control of cats and dogs to avoid predation and harassment of the native wildlife. 8. Welis shall be cased to bedrock (reference Dr. Maddox's Report). 9. On-site sewage treatment shail meet Treatment Type 2 Standards current at the time of construction and shall be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in conformance with the requirements and standards of the Grant County Health District (reference Health District comments subject to negotiations with the Health District and developers and Dr. Maddox's Letter, Exhibit "B" , dated September 22, 1996 including the following desib features): a) Each sand trench must extend a minimum depth of three (3) feet on both sides of each septic tank drain line (as mutually agreed to by Kevin Berry, Environmental Health Director and the proponent) and extend a minimum of five feet below the bottom of the drain line. The sand trench should also extend a minimum of one foot above each drain line. Each drain trench must be lined with a geofabric having a minimum permeability of 20 gal/min/sq. ft. The drain trenches should be filled with meriium to fine grained sand. The geofabric is to keep the medium to fine grained sand from "sinking" into the coarse-grained gravely soils. Drain trenches so constructed will have a minimum effluent retention time of forty eight hours which will allow microbial eolonies to neutralize pathogenic organisms in the sepdc tan effluent. Detehtion time was calculated from the permeability of inedium to fine-grained sand the 24 sq. ft/linear foot of sand trench for each drain line. This restriction shall be inscribed on the face of the plat or separate instrument recorded with the plat. 10. On-site sewage treatment systems shall be designed so that they may be retrofitted if necessary for nitrate removal and/or future connection to a community or municipal sewage treatment facility. On-site sewage treatment systems shall be retrofittecl as may be required by the Grant County Health District in conformance with any adopted standards applied to nitrogen removal in on-site sewage disposal systems. This requirement shall be inscribed on the face of the plat or separate insriument recorded with the plat. 11. Storm water shall be contained, treated and disposed of on-site to current local, state, and federal standards as reviewed and approved by the Grant County Public Works Department and/or Grant Caunty Health District. 12. Proof of potable water supply pursuant to County Ordinance 92-44-CC is required prior to issuance of building permits requiring potable water. 13. AIl required streets, roads, and pedestrian travel ways shall be constructed to current counry road standards. A Road Plan and Profile shall be submitted to the Grant County Public Works Director for review and approval prior to the start of construction. All required road improvements must be constructed or guaranteed prior to the approval aad recording of the final plat. 14. A revised Preliminary Plat of the subdivision and/or addendum must be submitted in compliance with the mitigating conditions of this MDNS and with the Subdivision regulations addressing preliminary plat comments and requirements of jurisdictianal agencies including, but not limited to: Planning Department; Public Works Pa�e 4 of 4 IN THE MAiTER OF APPROVIhTG A PRELIMINARY PLAT CiF 81 LfJTS KNOWN AS WEST MEADOWS LOCATEI7 IN A PORTIC}N C?F THE NQR'T��WEST QUARTER OFSECTI�N 35, TOWNSHiP 2Q N., RANGE 27 E., W.M., GRANT CC}UNTY, WASHINGTON. Department; Grant County Health District; and, the Grant Caunty Fire MarshalBuilding Departrnent. 15. Pursuant ta RCW 58.Ii the subdivisian shaii make adequate provision for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for apen spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, play grounds, sites for schoais and schaol grc�unds and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning featttres that assure safe wa.Iking conditians for students whc� walk tQ and from school as addressed with the revisecl preliminary plat submitta� ineluding the creatian af open space areas within the propos�d subdivision. Dane this ���,��, day of �� i, 1947, � � r r r Chairman AT'TEST: �� _.�..�f�fi.' � .f'� .�w �` �C�rk of the Boar�� Cc�mmissioner �----------~-.-- ., �•• ,�` , Commissio� r� Constituiing the Board of County Commissianers of Grant County, Washington.