HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCUMMISS[t3NERS' PRQCEEDiNGS I�Teek af t�larch 17,1997 The Grant County Cammis�ioners sessian �nras cailed to order at 9.0{I a.m, by Chairman LeRc�y Allison, AIE of the Commissioners were in atiendance with ihe Ct�rk af the B�►ard. The Gommissianers read �nd approved the minufies of tne pr�ceding session as written. The Commissioners apprav�ed ihe request by ihe Qistrict Cour� Uffice regardin� vffice space and 3 clerk positions. The Commissioners approved the siie propc�sed in Ephrata forthe construction of the Minimum Security �orrectivns Faciiity. A motian was mad� by Cammissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissivner Snead thai Chairman Allison be authari�ed ta �ign the L�tter� of Agreer,nent with Storey,lnc, regarding the repair and res�ructuring of lighi boxes in the �rant Coun#y Kivsks at iVl�ses Lake �nd �oulee City. Tl�e motion carri�d. A motian was made by Commissian�r Fancher, seconded by Cornra�issioner Snead thai Chairman Altisc�n be authorized to sign the Spvnsc�rsh'rp Agreement for Etectronic Message Center on the AgFARMativn proposal. The motion carr��d. The Commissir�ners approved the request by the Grant Cvunty Alcahol and Drug Ce�ter fvr Patti Johnsc�n, Prevention �pecialist and fi volun�eers of the Grant County Drug Pr�vention Caunc�l tc� tra�rel to Portiand regard`mg ihe Paci�c Nc�rthwest Pr�evention Coaiition. The Commissioners nc�tified Knudsett L.and Surveying that the pr�Qposed Sancitez Shvr� Piat �nust compEy with the recvmmendations pr�rposed by the Public �Ilc�rks Director. The �ommissioner� received a signed Agreem�nt with S.G.Morin & San,lnc. regarding additions and renovations to the Grar�i Caunty Yc�uth Service Center, Phase II1. The Cvmmissioners signed �he Grar�t County IUtentat Nealth Direc#ians in �c�mmunity �iving Procedure �Vlanua� r�visior�s. The Commissioners approved the salary in�rease of Kaihryn G, Smi�h to $2,252 per month ef#ective January '1,199i due ta a re- evalua�ion for the Certi�ed Ap{�raiser-Daia En�ry If posiiion. Chairman Allison was au�hvrized to sign the appii+�aiion for re- sale af Tax Tit�e Properfiy �rn Parcei #03-0578. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Cvmmissioner Snead thai Resotution �lumber 97-33-CC in the matter +�f denying the zone change requestfrom Agriculture tc� S-2 in a po�tion of Section 't, Township 2�1 N., Range 26 East, 1t�.M. requested by 1VlD Cvrparation be passed. The r�c�tion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissivner Fanchertha°t Resolutivrt Number97-34-CC �relating ta the transfer �►f funds �ithin the '{�97 budget of the Current Expense Fund 001, Courthause Facitities Department #�['12 and the J�uv�nile Department #177 in the toial amaunt of �1�,000 be passed. The moiian carried. The Commissioners signed the Teni Ja�l Hold Narmless and indemnification Agrsemen�t with the City vf Ephrata. As ihere was no further business ta come before the Board the sess�on v�as Con�inued un�i1 i:OQ p,m. in Marine View Heights. 7:U0 p.m. The session vvas con�inued a� 7:�0 p.m. in lVlarine View Nelghts ta discuss water issues in the area. There were representatives from th�e Sta�e Depariment Qf He�I�h, and �►�hers in at�endance. No de�isions were made atthis meeting since iiwas for informationai purpc�ses c�nly. As ihere �nras no fur�her business tct come before the Soard the session was continued urtiil March �IS,�t997. March �18,198i Th� sessian was cantinued at 9:�0 a.m, with aH of the Commissivners in attenda�ce wiih the Clerk of the Boar�d. The Commissioners m�t with the Pubi�c l�lorks t�irectvr regar�ding Contract Execution-�Tendle Ford, `D.�' NE, Vatley Rc�ad, RCW-'t�' fdW/'S' NW, �0.30-Bid Opening�Service Bodies}, '1�t:U� a.m.-Franchise Hear�ng(Nationat Frozen Foc�ds}= The Gommissioners held a�id opening for Service Bodis�s. A maiie�n v�ras m�de by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissianer Snead tv refer the bids ta the Pubtac Wvrks Department for review and r�cammendativns. The C+�mmissianers hetd a Public Hearing regarding the Naiionai Frozen Foads,[nc. Franchise request. A motion �nras made by Commissioner Snead, secondeci by Commission�r Fancherfio gran� the Franchise to construct, 4perate, and maintain a dom+�stic wa�er main anci pressure efftuent main alang Road 'N', frvm 1�Vheeter Rc�ad to Rc�ad � NE, ihence aionc� Road � NE to Ro�d 'P'. The mt�tian carried. The Commissioners received a capy c�f fJrdinance No. 'f7�9 from the Gity of Moses Lake annexing ihe city's firing range consis�ing af approxirraa#ely 48.4 acres of preperiy located an Randolph Road and incorpor�afiing the same w�thin the cvrporaie limits of the city of 1Vfvses Lake. The Commissioners signed a contractwith Wendle Ford Sales for one 1998 Ford L-8513 Cab and Chassis with Cri#zer hydraulic system. The Commissioners set the following matters from the Planning Department for Public Meetings or Public Hearings: Public Meeting on April 7,1997 at 2:30 p.m. for the zone change request from Light Industrial to General Commercial on approximately seven acres requested by Grant County Port District #3(Port of IVlattawa}. Public Hearing on April 7,1997 at 2:30 p.m. for the zone change request from Agriculture to Light-Industria( on approximately 100 acres requested by Grant County Port District#3(Port of Mattawa}. Public Meeting on April 8,1997 at 1:30 p,m. for the Davis Preliminar}/ Plat, a 7 lot subdivision on 7,18 acres in a Commercial-Neighborhood zone. Public Meeting on April 8,1997 at 2:30 p.m. for the Craf# Zone Change, fr�om General Commercial to Residential-2 on a 100' x 150' lot in the Plat �f Lakeview Park� Public Meeting on April 14,1997 at 1:30 p.m. for the Reidiel Estates No. 2 Plat, 1 12 lot subdivision on '13.9 acres in a Suburban-2 zone. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 97-35-CC approving a Preliminary Plat of 81 lots known as West Meadows in a Portion of Section 35, Township 20 N., Range 27 E., W.M. requested by Maysae Norisada be passed. The motion carried. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers fited in the Auditors Office 3/17/97 in #he total amount of $232,804.76. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was adjourned until March 24,1997. ATTEST: , f < �, �. �r Ul _ <,���� Clerl�`�ifr: e Boa � B�ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI�NERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON �-�'"a _ Chairma� � � , ��-����� �_ ��Z�'�'a%� �' �