HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-032-CCB0�1RD CiIi' COUN'rY COMMISSItJNERS Graxit �aa�z►ty, Washington l[�esoiui�on d'avading anc� ere�ting �e�u vc�iing �r�cin�ts io vvi�: �rvida�g pre,ser�t �nincy �22�aa�al and cre�t�� C�ua�eg� R�pa� NoB•t9�, ��e� Quinc� �t�aral Soe�ii�; Di�id�ng �aau�ee C�ty Rura� and ereatrng C�ulee �ity �tur�� V�I�, a�d �ZESC}LU�`I�iN 1�1'�INrBE12 97-32—CC Cm�ae� �it� ltural, �asts 3)i�ic�ing IYIcC�nai�e am� �reaii�b IVdc�o�iize 1, a�d McCa�i�� 2, ��e�g�� a aaew �Sr�ci�ci c�Ilea� �reea��eid �Srecuac� s�hp�3� chanaes �he precznct �ionndaries for �iock'� WHEREAS RCW 29.04.U40 provzcles that precancts in which electronic vatin� devices are used, the precinct may �o�taus as many as 900 regisiered ��ters, and; �V�"EREAS RCW 29.36.120 provides t'�at a�y precinct having fewez- tha:n two huzzdred ac�ive registered votexs may conduct the voiing by mail b�llot; and WHEREAS, RCW 29.Q4A50 pravades thar eve.ry vaiiz�b precinct shail be campased, as nearly as practicabte, af contib ous and campaci areas; and Wf-IE12EA5, ihe Co�uaty Auditor has advised the County Coxnmissianers that present voting precinct Q�ncy itural now has mo�e t�zzaxa 90ti regzs%red voters and kas requested ihat Quincy Rural precinct be davided �p and has iurnzsY�ed the necessary iegai descriptions and �ames far tbe new precincts, an� i�,THE�.�S, �he County Aud'ztor has acivised �he �ounty CommissXoners that present voting precizzc€s, Coulee City RRurai and Ivlc�onihe �ow i�as more ihara 200 registered voters and has requested *hai C�ulee City Rural ar�d NlcCanihe precincts be cliv�ded up and has fi�rnished tbe necessary legal deser�gat�or�s and �ames tor the new preci�acts, and W�`EREAS, the Couniy Auditor has advised the Cesunty Corntnissianers that a new precinct has been formed called Greenfield precinct because the City iimrts of Bphrata �ave caused that area af Gree�%eld io nod be conii�uous with the boundaries a� Block 71, and has furnished tl7e necessary �egal descripiians and names far �e new preeinct, and �E�EREAS, zt appeazs that seven new �recincts shauid ba created out of the four existin� pzeczncts and ihat the new descriptions are as follaws: NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: 1) Quincy Rurai precinci shalt be divided inio Quincy Rural North and Quincy Rural South, with the 1ega1 descriptions as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereta azad �a,ade a part hereaf. 2) Coulee City �{urai precinct shall be div�ded into Coulee City Rural West and Coulee City Rura1 East , with t}ae legai descriptions as described in Exhibit "B" attacl�ed hereto and made a part hereaf. 3} McCanihe precinet shail be divzdect into McConihe 1 and McConihe 2, with tha lebal descriptions as describec3 in E�ibit "C" attached hereto and m ade a part hereof. 4} Creenfield precinct sl�all be split frc�zn Biock 71 precinct and sb:all become a vote by mail precinci, wiih the legai descxipt�ons as descxibed in E�ibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 5) Black 7I pxecinct new lines shalt be descxibed in E�-iibzt "E" attached hereto and made a part hereof. IT IS F(,rR�R RESC?Lfi�ED that this resolution shall take ef%ct `� `�'% '�'f`° � 199'7; and the �razzi Cotznty tlud�tor shall ia�e ihe �aecessary steps is� �naplement ti�is reso�utior�, I'� �S �'I.TiZiTi-�R RES�DLVE� 4.�a� all resol�ations � eonfiict witla this resol�tzozz are �ereby repealed. i>C�NE `�'I�IS �� � da� taf �'��� ri ��� , i 9 V`���`i' . Aiiest: �.���-t��r� �__� �� � � � �lexk of t� oard � - � 4�'i, ,--� ....�.__a..i Chairman im � ��� commissio % p ' L,� ",i�' '"2;.Kh� f Cfl121II11SS 0718T '+�,.._.,•—' f: Constituting the Baard of Countv Commissiamers of Grant County, Vs'ashington Qxiincy 12ura9 North Begiuniug �t tlie ixortheast corncr of Section 1,1'ownship 22, Range 24 and following west 6 miles to tl�e iaorthwest corner af Section 6, Township 22, Range 24; the�ice following aloug the Gr�nt-Douglas Coui�ty line ta intersect with Hwy 2b at the Grant-Douglas County 1°me in Sectiozl 18, Townsl�ip 20, I2a1�:ge 23; thence east alox�g l�wy 2$ ia intersect witla ihe east sectian line af Section 4, Tawnship 20, Range 2S; tl�ei�ce nartl� 4 miles ta the nartheast corner aF Sectian 21, Township 21, Range 25; thence east 3�ni[es, thence norkh 9 miJes ta tl�e paint of origin. T;XHIB[T "A" a part of Resolution Na. ��' �% ^,� �-� w� C_y. Passed �`��%�- �� � �� s aTrrE�T ��L!("/ Clerk of lh rd ---��? 1� c..�'� � ��"� Chairman, - ammissioners r �� �--'�r`�' .2'�i"l--d� �`�'ri�L-?'"R �..%�-�� Cammissioncr �.���°�.�. �1 � �� ,i 2.i.� `�? � i � Caminiss oner��' Quf�cy �u�al South Beginning at the Grant-Douglas County line at Hwy 28 in Section 18, Township 20, Range 23; thence east along Hwy 28 to intersect with Winchester Wasteway; thence south along Winchester Wasteway to the southeast corner of Section 20, Township 20, Range 25; thence west 1 mile and south 3 miles to the southeast corner of Section 6, Township 20, Range 24; thence West 12 miles to the southeast corner of Section 6, Township 19, Range 23; thence south 2 miles to the southeast corner of Section 18, Township 19, Range 23; thence west to the Columbia 1Ziver; thence n�orth along the Grant-Douglas County line to Hwy 28, the point of origin, � EXHIBIT "A" a part of Resolution No. �f �7�'�4;� �. (' (" Passed �-� �� — C�_ � ATTEST �� � Clerlc of the �d � -�' � ..�, � �.�.�- Chairman, C mmissioners .-- %����� � � .�. -�:� „1 �_..�,r ' ,%ra - � � -�- /,�.,.�1,.� •,•.��.�^"'� Commissioner .� - ._e..,,�„�.�-`� r '�.�. rr.. -����-.1� Commis ioner / �......�---'', CtJULEE Cl'I'� R.IJI�AL WEST 13eginning zt �he northeastern cora�er of �ectiot� �2, Township 25, Range 28 and the sauih side of I�wy. 1.7; thence following 1 tn��e west to the Grant-Douglas County IBne; tlhence followi�ng in a southwesierl� di�°ect�on �long the Grant-Douglas County Iin� ta ti�e southwest carner of Sect�mn 36, Tov�nship 24, Range 2b; thenee following cast 3 miles to the southeast corne�° of Secfion 32, Township 24, Range 27; thence following north approximaiely 1/2 miles to �he southwest corner af Section 33, Todvnshi� 24, Range 27; thence foilowin� east �n a straight line through Sections 33 & 34 and tlye southwest 1/4 section eaf �ection �5, Tawnship 24 , Range 27; thence following in a straight line south through Sectaons 2,11, & 14 and the northeast 1/4 corner of Section 23, TownshiX� 23, �2a�age 27, �nci thence following in a strarght line throagh Sectxons 24,19, & 20 Townsh�p 23, Range 28 to the west side of Pinto Ridge Rci; thence following in a northeasterly direction on 1'into Ridge Rd. to the southclst corner of the Coulee City Town lim�ts; thence following tize town limits west and north to Hwy. 17 and the �oint of origin. �XHIT3IT "B" a part ofi Resalution No. � � -,_ �;� - C �' Passed�;� - �/ -- % � � � ATTEST__; '�}",�i ��� C1er1c of t = oard l61 ..�.. - ��u���~~°�� �..,1 f "'" p ! '�'�"'�.m Chair�n Cammissioners �.- ���.��.�..�}.,���.� Commissioner � �..._.�..�...�� , _ ,.�. _��:� Commis iol�er CQUL�� �I'1'�' �UI�L EAST Beg�nni�g at the northwest carner of S+�c�iot� 33, TownshYp 25, Range 28 and the north side of Hwy. 17; thence follawing 1 mile southeasterly ta thc east siae af the Coulee City Tawn limits and the east side of Pinta Ridge Rd.; thence follawing sou�h atong Pinto Ridge Rd. ta the southwest 1/4 corner af Section 21, Township 23, I2aixge 2$; thence follawing a straight line through Section 21, 22, 23 to the northeast 1/4 corner of Section 2�, Township 23, R�nge 28; thence foilowing north 5-1/2 rniles to the northeast corner of Section 25, Town�hip 2A�, Range 28; thence failawing east 3 miles ta the southeast corner of Section 21, Township 24, I2ange 29; tlience £ollowing north 4 miles to the �northe��t corner oi Section 4, Township 24, Range 29; thernce fallowzng west 2 miles to the northwest corner af Section 5, Tov�vnship 24, 12ange 29; thez'ce approximatcly 3-�/4 rniXes noxth to a point in Section 18 , Townshxp 25, Range 29 which inters�cts w�th Hwy. 2; thence following west in � straight line 2 miles ta the southwest cor�er� of Section 27, Township 25, Range 28; thence ap�roxirnately 4-3/4 miles north to the aaortheast corner of' Section 26, Township 26, Range 28; thence west 2 miles �o the Gra�i-Douglas Coanty line; the�ce follo�ving south along the Grani-Dou�lsts County line to the noint of origi�a. EXHIBIrI "B" a par� of Resolution No. �'� -�,� �t - C�� Passed '��� /�% � � ATTEST ��'�,.(� . _. Clerlc of Board � � .� r Chairmany o missioners McConihe 1 Beginuing at Hwy 17 on the northwest section line of Section S, Township 20, Range 27; thence southeast approximately 1 1/2 miles to intersect with Neppel Rd; thence southeast along Neppel Rd to intersect with Stonecrest Rd; thence following Stonecrest Rd south to intersect with Heron Way; thence following Heron Way east to intersect with lake Vista Dr; thence southeast on Lalce Vista Dr to intersect with McConihe Rd; thence easterly on McConihe Rd to the southeast cornar of Section 25, Township 20, Range 27; thence south approximately 3/4 mile to the southern shore of Moses Lake; thence following east along the southern shore to intersect with the south section line of Section 35, Township 20, Range 27; thence west approximately 4 1/8 miles to the southwest caxner of Section 31, Township 20, Range 27; thence north 6 miles to the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 20, Range 27; thence east 1 1/4 miles to the point of origin. EXHIBIT "C" a part of Resolution No, � � �-� j �� — �°, �'_ Passed � ��3 / % — ,�� ATTEST � r Clerlc of the cy � r � ,��, � Chairman, C mnissioners � �- �-G�,��� �- �,%s�2-c�"' ''�%�..F' Commissioner r� � _�..�.� � I,.�I.i,f/�._. .��.�- � r Commis ioner lY�c�e�n�he 2 I3egitining �t the northeast corner of Scctian l, Township 209 Range 279 tllence wesi approxiznately 4 3/4 miles to intersect with Hwy 17 on the northwest section line of Section S, Township 20, Range 27; tllence sautl�east on Hwy 17 approxunately 1 1/2 miles to intersect with Neppel Rd, thence southeast alazlg Neppel IZd to intersect with Stonecresi Rd, thenca following Stonecr•est Rd sauth to iniersect with Heron Way; thence faliawi7ag Heron Way east to �ltersect with Laka �ista Dr; thence southeast an Lalce Vista Dr io intersect with McConihe Rd; il�ence easterly an McCol�ille Rd to ttie soutlleasi corner of Sectia112S, 1'awnshrp 2Q, ltange 27; thence narth 5 miles to the point of origzn. LXHIB.IT "C" a part of Resalutzali No. ��,��- t..y Passed `�� �~ /1 -- �1.� t�T 1'EST� � Clerlc af tl1e���d �_ ..�' ,. ��� Chairman, mrnissioners � � Y! � ��� ,A.sr.'�? /;+' �X�� -'.�'�-�' ��,.a''... �'�e�) ,�`f,�f�' 1 Coznmissiol�er _.._..--..�---."' � �i, �./�.. � Calnrniss' ner ...._,.,.�- Greenff�elcY Beginning at Dodson Rd where it intersects with Hwy 282 and the city limits of Ephrata; thence following Dodson Rd south to intersect with the Ephrata city limits in Section 28, Township 21, Range 26; thence following the city limits in a clocic wise direction bacic to the point of origin. EXHIBIT "C" a part of Resolution No.� �� �- ,�j � - (� (' Passed % � �/ -- �� % EXHIBIT "D" a part of Resolution No. � � . � „1 -- �' ("' Passed � " �� � L� �� � ATTES'I" ���� 1/� Clerlc of th � •d .,-�-"`--".�-'' Chairman, . mmissioners �=�" ��.�--� �- E'�'�'''"�'�'�''�.�'�--� Commissioner ._..._ ....�-�- �-�'., . —_; i,.� .�_ , �. Commis ioner �3L()CI� 71 Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 12, Township 20, Range 26; thence following 17 miles south to the southeast corner of Section 36, Township 18, Range 26; thence following west 6 miles to ihe southwest corner of Section 31, Township 18, Range 26; thence following north approximately 4 1/2 miles to intersect with Winchester Wasteway; thence following the east side of the wasteway north to the southeast corner of Section 14, Township 19, Range 25; thence following west 4 miles to the southwest co�rner of Section 17, Township 19, Range 25; thence following north 5 miles to the northwest corner of Section 29, Township 20, Range 25; thence 1 mile east to intersect wath WAnchester Wasteway at the northwest corner of Section 28, Township 20, Range 25; thence following north along the e�st side of Winchester Wasteway to the northwest corner of Section 10, Township 20, Range 25; thence following approxflmately 3 3/4 �miles east to ir��ersect with Hwy 283; thence following Hwy 283 an a northeasterly direction to the city limits of Ephrata and following the southeast�rly city litnits to antersect with Dodson Rd at the southwest corner of Section 27, Towns�ip 21, Range 26; thence B miles on Dodson Rd to the south section line of Section 4, Township 20, Range 26; thence east approximately 3 1/S miles to the point of origin. EXHIBIT "E" a part of Resolution No. ��' ` % �� ,� � � �. L. Passed � -� � — �j � . ATTEST �� , � � � Clerlc of tl � oard � _' �,� y.... � Chairma ; Commissioners � �,p �7 � // �.� C��%.�2-� -�r Y��'��°�..�-J � Commis,�io� er � � r�.�, � z.x.�-� Commis 'oner �