HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-020-CCBOARD OF C(3�JNTY COMNIISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHIl�IGTON IN THE MAITER OF APPROVIl�TG THE PRE- � RESOLUTTON NO. 97-20—CC LIMINARY PLAT OF MEADOWLARK LANE, A � 14 LOT SUBDIVISION ON 77.09 ACRES IN A � RESOLUTION APPROVING PORTION OF SECTION 7, TOWNSI�P 20 N. ( A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 14 RANGE 26 E., W.M., GRANT COI7NTY, � LOTS WASHII�TGTON. I DONALD KRIETEBEVERL�' HASPER WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on 7anuary 8, 1997 oa the matter of approving the Preliminary Plat of Meadowlark Lane in a portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter, a portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter, and a portion of the Soutliwest guarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 7, Township 20 North, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission was unable to make a recommendation for approval or denial due to a lack of quorum at the 7anuary 8, 1997 public hearing. WHEREAS, the Grant Counry Board of County Commissioners held a public meeting on February 11, 1997. WI�REAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that appropriate provisions have been made for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites, grounds, and other public and private facilities and improvements as required by all applicable local, state and federal codes and requirements. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the pmposed subdivision does conform to the general purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and public use and interest will be served by the proposal. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed lot sizes are consistent with the current Suburban-Agriculture wning of the property. WI3EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposa.l dces not fall within a Critical Area as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal does comply with the Grant County Zoning Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that a mirigated Determination of Non-Significance has been issuecl for this proposal. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEI), that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, the fourteen (14) lot subdivision of the Preliminary Plat of Meadowlark Lane on the following described property subject to the following conditions of appraval. � _ .�.- �� ��,� THAT PORTI�V OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEI OF LAND AS OESCRIBED LIt�ER GRANT C�A�ITY AUDYT�2'S FILE MJMBEF2 95DBi0U10, RECORDS � GRAPff COUNTY, VASHIPGTQd, IN TFE �UTHVEST IXJARTER OF ThE P[IRTFEAST OUARTER AND TFE NORTHYEST AND S�UTHYEST �IARTERS OF TI�E S�ITFEAST �1ARTFJ2 QF SECTIOM 7, TOWN51-IIP 2D NORTH, RANGE 2B EAST, W.M., GRANT COLMTY, VASIiINGTON, DESCRYBm AS FOLLDVS= BEGIMIIPG AT 00'27'20" EAST, 2632.94 FEET TO OF SAIO SECTION 7; 'TtElJCE NORTH H NID-�CTION LIPE OF SAID SECTION, ON; TFfJJCE NDRI'H 88'12'49'EAST, OF SAZD SECTION. 590.95 F'EET: Tl-E TD,T}f�LEFT HAVING�AVCENTRAL ANq..E OF 45• 175.32 FEET; TFE7�CE NORTH 45'17'31' VES'f TFE SOUTIfASTERLY RI6HT OF VAY BOUNDARY 0 t�RTI-EASTE%.Y, F0110YIPG SAID RI[iFIT OF YA 40'45'42" EAST, 60.14 FFFf FROM TFE LAST 45•17'31" FAST, 291.EB FEET; TFENCE SOUT TO TFE LEFT HAVZNG A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45• 223.14 FEET: TFEPCE SOUTH 00•22'03" VEST SAID EAST-MEST MIQ-SECTIOPI LIPE: ThF]vCE EAST-YEST MID-SEGTION LIPE, 702.76 FEET T NORTHYEST OUARTER OF ThE SOUTtEAST OUARTE __�I,i�.:y I'35' AND A RADII� OF 220.00 FE��, 287.54 FEEi TO AN INYERSECTION VITH PRZMARY STATE HIGHVAY N0.7• TFfhCE BOUNDARY TO A POINT YHICH BEARS NORT BCRIBED POINT: TFETJCE SUUTH 1►STERLY FOLLOVING A TANGENTIAL [�h2VE I'35' AtJD A RADIUS OF 2B0_00 FEET, 39.81 FEET TO /W INTERSECTION YITN IRTH 88•12'49' EAST, FOLLOYING SAID '[�f NpRTI-EpST CORrER OF SAID T�ENCE SOUTH OD•48'�0" YEST, IORTFIVEST AND S'�IJTFiVEST OUARTET2S � SOLlTFEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHIIEST �UTH 87•47'OU' FOLLOMING TI-E R OF TFE SOUTFEAST �JAR'fER, 469.46 ' OF U.S.B.R. GtNN_ V22: TFEI�E I�T 594.50 FEFi: ThE]JCE SOIJTH 44'SB'S5' , Conditions: 1. The final plat shall be in compliance with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, The County VV'ide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Development Ordinance and all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Development shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Grant Counry Fire Marshal, the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. 3. Ths final plat shall comply with all required improvements of the Grant County Public Works Department� 4. The final plat shall comply all requirements of the Washington State Department of Transportation and developes shall obtain any required approvals from the WSDOT. 5. DeveIoper/Development shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards and WAC 246-272, On-site Sewage Systems. 6. Developer shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Public Utility District. 7. If any Native American grave sites or archaeological resources are discovered or excavated the developer shall stop work and notify the Yakama Nation Cultural Resource Program and the Colville Confederated Tribes C�ltural Resource Program. 8. Proponent shall meet and comply to the fullest extent possible the recommendations of the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildiife which are listed as follows: a. Disturb the natura.l vegetation only to the extent necessary for the construction of access road and building sites. b. Strategically locate the building sites near a single access road to further minimi7P disturbance and to maximize the amount of open space around the perimeter of the development. c. Develop an aggressive noxious weed control program to prevent weeds from increasing or invading into disturbed sites, and adjacent habitats. d. Encourage home site developers to incorporate natural vegetation into their landscaping and land management schemes. e. Report any occupied bunowing owl sites to the Ephrata office of the WDFW for consultation on protection. f. Through covenants in the land deeds, require strict control of cats and dogs to avoid predation and harassment of the native wildlife. 9. Developer shall submit proof by written permit prior to any activities within the Federal Right- of-Way. 10. Final Plat shall comply with all requirements of the Quincy Columbia Basin Irrigation District. 11. Final Plat shall comply with all requirements of the US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 12. A Site Registration Sheet shall be submitted to the Grant County Health District prior to final plai approval. ?�(�J : yS3�'d a� �o , . � �x�o8.r ('�i �`�(i ��,% t�'�f � � ,�. ,,--,-. � s�►aa°`•�siva� o� � ��� � a� �4�4� u�,��`A�M ��o� 3o Q�� Taaojs� ._---- �o-,�� ��QpT55, �� � r' i �' � Zns"" • i������ f _'�� %� %' g �../� s� �u°tC -' o �� ��`�/ � �� r� •966t t � � � i �,. .. .._--�—