HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of February 18,1997 The Grant County Commissi�ners sessian was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Atlison. All af the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes ofi the preceding session as written. The Cornmission�rs metwith the Public Works Director regarding Todd Thaemert{Load Restrictions), Contract Execution and Bid Opening for cars and pickups. The Cortnmissioners approved the recommendations of the Public Works Director and awarded the bid for a chip spreader to Western Power and Equipment in the amount of $81,070.57. The Commissioners signed a contract with KSC, Inc. for Bridge #393, O-SW Rd. The Commissioners held a bid opening for cars and pickups. A motion was made by CommissionerSnead, seconded by+ Commissioner Fancher to refer the bids fo Public V1/orks for their review and recommendation. The motion carried. Chairra�an Allison was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation or Work Interruption for 1Nindy Pederson of the Juvenile Probation Department. The Commissi�ners received a copy of Ordinance No. 1743 from the City of Moses Lake regarding properiy in the Nelson Road area. The Commissioners received information on the Gutierrez vs Grant Couniy, Planning Department matter. It was referred ta the Prosecuting �ttorney for handling. Chairman Allison was authorized to sign approval of the Liquor License assumption af Tower Pizza. The Commissioners set the following items from the Planning Department for Public Hearing and Public Meeting: Public Meeting on 3l10I97 at 1:30 p.rr�. on MD Corp. zone change request on approx�mately fi7.51 acres from Agriculture to Suburban-Z for a future mobi9e home park in a portion of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 1, Township 21 North, Range 26 East, W.IVt. Public Meeting on 311�1/97 at 2:30 p.m. on Plat Alteration request by Ralph and Gertrude Kooy to replat Tract 18, White �'rail Tracts into four lots approximately 1.13 acres in size in a S-2 zone. Public Hearinc� on 3124 l97 at'1;30 p.m. on Pretiminary Plat c�f Sage M�adow�, requested by Verlyn Cote for a 4� Ic�t subdivision an °�36.3 acres in a Suk�urban-2 zone, A motic�n was made by Commissianer Fancher, secar�ded by �ommissianer Allison that R�soiution Number �7-'19-CC in the matter of apprc�v�ng the Preliminary P1at of Neppel Acres, a� It�t subdivision vn 34,05 acres �n a portic�n af Sectian 9, Trrwnship 2Q N., Rang� 27 E., 11�.M. be passed. The motion carried. A matic►n was made by �ammiss�vner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner �►Ilison that i�esolution Number 97-20-CC in the matter of approving the Preliminary Plat of Meadaw Lark Lane, a 14 lot subdivisic�n t�n 7?.�9 acres in a portion of S�ction 7, T�wnship 20 N., Range 2� E., VIt.M. be passed. The moiion car�ried. A mration was made by Commissi�an�r Snead, s�conded by Commissianer Fancher that Resoluiion Number 97=2'1-CC relating tc► the transfer of funds within fhe 199? budgei c�f the �Cumulative Reserve Fund #1�5, Ending Fund Balance �0�.�4.00.�ti in the amount c�f $�I �7,44Q be passed. �'he mc�tion carried. As af th�s da�e the Board by a majority vote dc�es apprave for paym+�nt those vouchers inc[uded in �Ehe list filed in the Auditors t��"ice 21�18/97 in the tatal amaunt of $Zfi3,1i1.38. As there was no �ur�her business to came befare the Baard the session was adjaurneci untii F�bruary 24,1997, ATTEST: �L`"'' , . - �, L1 . ' C[erk � e Baa� BOARD tJF CC►UNTY C�MMISSI{7NERS GRANT �QUNTY, WASNINGTC)N � � , f � Chairma ��=�����t ° ���� _��,'"�.�-- � +.� .��,� ,