HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-014-CCGRAN�' COTJ�i?"� OFPlCE OF BaaR� oF cou�� co�.��ss�oraE�s POST C7FF'ICE BQX 37 EPHRATA. WASrHI1�iGTON 9e82s 4509t i5d-2QSi Bo�n oF cau�-�Y can1n�sslorr�Rs GRAi�1T COUNTY, WAS�iINGTON IN 'THE MATTEIt QF CHANGING TFiE 20NING �RtJM AGRICULTURE Tfl SUBURBAN TWO IN A PORTION C3F SEC'I�ON I2, TflWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 25 EAST, WiLLAME'�TE MERiDiAN GitANT COUNTY, WASHINGTQN RESQLtITILIN N�. 97-14--GC RES(JLUTION bENYING N AMENI}MENT TO THE t= MPRE- HENSIVE PLAN t)F GRAi�i I' CtJUNTY I)al Stevens and Harry Owen WHEREA.S, the Board of Caunty Commissioners of Grant County have been advised hy the Gzant Caunty Pianning Cammission that a pu6lic hearing w�� conducted on Janua 8, 1997 on t1�e matter of changing the waing from AGRICULTUI�: to SUBUR�AN TWQ in the N� � heast portian of Farm Unit 20, Black fil, Colnmbia Basin Pmject located ia the Northeast Quarter of 5�.. :i4n 12, Township 20 North, Range 25 Eas#, WM•, Grant Councy, Washington. WHEREAS, the Grant County Plannic�g Commission xnacie no recammendaiian to Lhe Grant County Cammissioners due to the lack of a quart::� vote. WHEREAS, the Grani Caunty Board County Cammissioners held a public hearing on February 3, i997 regarding this z�zone request. WHEREAS, tha Baaxd af Caunty Co�nissioners have found that the proponent did not pmsent su�'ficient evidence that changecl circumsfaiaces �r� the area of the subject property warranted a rezcsne of the pre�perty. VVF�iEREAS, ihe $oard of County Ca�ramissioners �ave found that the pragased r�wne is not in the public's best interest. WHEREAS the Board af County Co�-�issionsrs have faund that the pr �; �nent has not de�anstrated that a need exists in the area for smaiter �creages. W�IEREAS agriculiural zaning exists in the area surrounc3ing the subject property. � WHEREAS the Board of County Co�missioners have found that this proposal does not canform to the Grant Cauuty Gomprehensive Plan. WHEREAS th� Board of County Comrnissioners have found that subusl � develaprnent would adversely impact nearby agriculturai uses, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL�iED, that the Board of Couaty Comunissioners for Graut County, Washingtaa deny by this Resolution, a wne change for the faiiowing described P�I�rtY� The Atartheast partian of Farn� Unit 20, Block 71, C�iambia Basin Project located in the Northeast Quarter of Se�tian 12, Township 20 Narth, I�ange 2� Ea�st, W.M,, Grant CounEy, Washingtan. Subj+ect parcel contains appraximatety 44 acres and � currentiy known as Parcel Number 2U-Oi66- 00{! {Northeast Poe-tion}, I?one tl�is �_,_ day o£ Feb . , i 997. -, " "" ," /.��°''f"" � Chairn�an Page 2 IN THE MATTER flF UENYiNG THfi ZC}NING FR.f)M AGRICULTURE TO SUBURBAN TWO IN A PORTIUN OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 25 EAST, W.M., GRANT COUN'Ci�, WA3HINGT(lN , � ATTEST: �' / i� ,II 1 ! Cterk o€ th�� ;� % � : t ,,-,,�t � rr� ,�� ' .�6�.� , � {!.�' Cott��.Gioner Commissioner Constituting the Board o� Count� Gomxnissioners of �r�nt County, Washington