HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCC�MMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of Jar�uary 6,1997 The Grant County Commissioners session v�rras called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendancee The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding se�sion as written. The Cormmissioners approved the siarting salary of Donna E. Williams in th� Assessors Office at $1690 per month effectiore January 2,1997. The Commissioners approved the salary of Karen R. Stokoe ofithe Clerks Office at $6.25 per hour effective January 2,'9997. The Cormrr�issioners signed �he Notice of Separaiion ar Work Interruption on Barbe Killinger and Roxanne Lovelace of the Juvenile Department. The Commissioners received a signed copy of the Jail Service Interlocal Agr�ement between Grant County and Coulee Ci#y. ihe Counrnissioners approved the request by the Sheriffs Department to Ibegin computer upgrades previously approved for the 1997 Lav�r and .Dustice Fund in the amount of $10,36'I. The Corr�missioners approvec! out of State travel f�r Chief Deputy Bryan Pratt ta attend training at the National FBI Academy. The Commissioners approved out of State travel for Undersheriff Mike Shay ar�d Chief Depu�Ey Bryan Pratt to attend the Community Policing Consortiurn Training in Oregon. The Commissioners approved out of State Travel for Detective Ken Kernan to attend training in p�lygraph pre-err�ployment testing in Oregon. The Comrnissioners approved the request by Grant Mental Healthcare fo� realignment of the Darector of Clinical Services, Director of Financiai �nd Administrative Services, and Director of Quality Services posit�ons, and to ciassify the position of Adult Services Program Manager as a 1101HP2 with commensurate salary increases. The Commissioners received a Summons and Complaint from Patricia Kunsman-Casiro. The ma�ter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for haa�dling. The Comrmissioners received notification from the Public �1Vorks Director that Baseline East Rd., BR.#294 and BR. #234 was built in accordance vrrith the plans and specifications, and that all materials incorporated ontv the project met contrac�i specafications. The Cornrniss6oners approved the request by the County Caroner for the purchase of a new camera for death investigations frorn Lavv and Justice Fa�nds. As there vvas no further business to come before the �oard the session �vas continued until January 7,1997. January 7,1997 The session on�as continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissione�s in attendance. The Corr�missioners metwith the Public Works Director regarding Road Restoration= L' NE and Nelson Raad, New i/ehicles, New Complex-Mail Delivery, Motor Pool, Janitorial Services, Telephone, Parcel Information. The Com�nissioners approved the request by the Sheriff to purchase 13 Mlaratrac Mobile Radios at a cost of $25,788 and 10 HT- 1000 Portable Radios at a cost o# $�,8fi8 from La�nr and Justice Funds. The Com�nissioners approvec! the request by the Sheriff to proceed with the formal bid process for phase III on the 100 Bed 1PVork Release Minim�am Security Work Farm Facility in Moses Lake. Chairma� Allison was authorized #o sign the Interlocal Agreement with the Towr� of Mattawa regarding Building Inspectors. A motian was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioneu� Snead that Resolution Number 97-'I-CC cieclaring an emergency d�e io the December 1996 winter storrn be passed. The motion ca�ried. The Comunissioners signed the Public Vi1�e�ks Claims Fund Voucher Approval #12-1 through 12-144 in the total ar�ount of $404,430.97. As of this date the Board by a majority vote did approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filec! in ihe Auditors Office 1/07/97 in the total amount of $203,575.91. The Corrr�missioners approved the request b� the Sheriff s Office for out of State travel for Bill Wiester to attend the Western States Sheriffs Association Winter Meeting in Nevada. /� matior� vvas made by C�mr�iss6oner �nead, s+�cond�ci by C��nmissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 9?-2-CC i� the r�a�ter c►f the appointr�eni of Br�d Lucas as a trustee di th� l�orth Central Regional L�br�ry Districi be passed. ihe m�tic�n carried. As ah�r� �nras no fur�her business ia come befvre �he BQar�d the sessiar� vvas adjourned until January °f3,'1997. A�`TEST. � � � ...�''' �.� ' .a -•�,�— Clerk �the Bo�r�lr :�,-� s • • � _, � . �