HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96-179-CC� GRANT CaUNTY O�F{CE OF BC}ARD �J� �CJUNTY COMs'VII55IONERS PC}ST OFFtGE 80X 37 EPHRATA. WASHt(VGTQN �es2s f5Q9i 75A-ZOtt BOARD QF COL7NTY C4MMISSIONERS GRANT Ct}UNTY, WASHII�i�TUN IN TT�E MA1fiEIt OF CHANGING THE Z4NIl�TG FRC7M AGRICULTURE T� SUBURBAt�T-3 (3 ACRE MINIMUM LCiT SIZE) IN T�IE NOR'TF[WEST 114 O� TT�E NC3RTFIWEST 114 OF SEG, Z5, TOWNSHIP 2A N., ItAN%E 2'1 E., W.M,, GRANT COUNTY, WA •��t • • .� . i . � � , .. . � � �[.t�' I�,i'i�)�l.�sM��J�t11�1�i'IL+�I�il�;E�u/1;I (3F GR�NT CQUNTY 1 ! It • �VHEREAS, the Board of CAunty Comimssioners of Grarit County have been adviseci by t1�e Grant Caunty Ptan.niz►g �omrmission that a pubtic hearing was conducted on October Z, 1996 on t�ie mat�er af changing ihe zoning fram A�Tt.ICiTLTURE to SUBURBAN-3 with a in a portion of the l'diorthwest Q�aaster of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Towns3�p 20 Pdarth, Range 27 East, W.M., Grant County, Washingcon. Vt�HEREAS, tbe Gzant County Planning Cc>rumission made a recammendation to apprave the zane change. WHEREA5, the Grant Couniy Board of Couniy Commi�.�ioners held a public meefiing on November 18, 1496 on this rezane reqe�.est and d�ided to hold a public hearing on fhis reques�. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Cammissioners held a pnblic-hearing on December 9, 1996 for fi�rther cansideration of this request. VVHEREAS, the Board of County Cammission�rs found suffi�ient evidence tc3 uphold the recc�mmea�datinns of the Graut County Flanning Commissian far approval. Vi(HEREAS, upozt cansideration of the applicants written and oral arguments, and upan reconsideratian of the testimony and adn�inistra.rive recoxd in the application of the zone change, the Grant County Board. of Co�ty Cam�uissioners have made t}�e.fallowing findings of fact: FINDIl"+IGS QF FACT; 1. The propc�sed zone chauge fram 5uburban Agricul�ure ta Suburban-3 bears a substarstial relationship to the pub�ic welfare, in that tbe proposed rezona is comgah`ble with otl�er deaelapments in tite area ' 2. The proposed zone c�ange from Snburban-Agriculgure to Subnrban-3 is not an illegai "spat zone," i�zasmuch as there �s e�sts similarlp and less restricti�e (1 acre .minimum lot sizes} z�ned pra�rties in the immediate vicinity of the applicants property. 3. ihere is no Washington State De�artment of Ecoleagy pennit for i`�rigatian on the �J� �t��3' and the property iies outsic�e the Columbia Basin Irrigation I)istrict Boundaries. h. Ths propanents did present sufficient evidence that changed circumstances and demonstrated need in t1�e area af the subject praperty warrante� a rez�me of the pro�erty. 5. The pro�sal does conform to the general �urpose of #he Grant Gounty C:ampxehensive • ., r�1' 1 � _ WHEREAS, the Board of CounLy Commissioners b:ave co�cluded that conditions of a�raval far this zone change is in the best interest to t1�e health, safety, and general welfare oi tbe residents of Grar�t County. �REAS, the Board of County Commfssioners �ave cond'atianed this zane change approval on the following stipulations 1. Ths proposal shall be in compiiance with the Grant County Camprehensive Plan, the Growth Managament Act, Tl�e Gra7at County Wide Planning Palicies, Washington State Envirannie;ntal Folicy Act, the Grant County Zox�%ng 4rdinauce, the Grar�t County Rescsurce Lauds and Criticai Areas qrdinance, and aii applicable federal, state, and lacal regulafiions, rulings or xequiremenis. 2. Propasai shall comply with all requireme�ts deemed nece,ecesssary by the Gzant Cauuty Health District, #he Wa,s�iingtnn State I3epartment of Heal�h, and the Washington State lleparhnent of Ecotagy r�garding domestic water suppiy, sewage systems and storm water control and treatmen# inciuding, but nnt 2imited to; RCW 90.48.C180 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibi�ed; WAC i73 201, Sa�rface Water Standaxds; WAC 173-201A, �rauud Water Quality Standards; and, WAC 246-272, Qn-Site Sewage Systams. 3. Proposal shalt comgly with all requirements af the Garant County Fire Marshall and sball comply with the Grant County Fire Plow Guidelines, the Uniform Building Cade, Uniform Fire Code, and all aPP�cable requixements for fire protection. �F. Proposal sha11 comply with alI require�nents af the Grant County Public Wc�rks Department. S. Propasal shall compiy wzth all requirements of the Washington State I3epartment of Transpartation. B. Praposal shall cvmply with all recam�nendations as submit�ed ir� the ietter dated July 2S, 1996 ' fram the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. NOW, THEREFCiRE, BE IT RESOLVEI3, #hat t�e Board of Couniy Cammissioners far Grdnt Cotanty, Washington approve by t�is Resolution, a zone change for the following descn`berl Pr�P�rtY• A partion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 20 North, Range 27 E.W.11rI., t�rant Cc�unty, WA. Subject parcel is currently 29.I�i acres in size. (Ta� #823$, Parcel #16-1677- 01� llane t3�is _.�,��� daY of _���= 1996. � �U'' �� 'f�" A +/r� ,-�y"'"� t.11dlT�` i1 �,r A1fiEST' �`�� '" ,�fiz`f/ ���r✓'.� ��j�ierk of the B�d r�� �-�=��!���� commissioner � l �� � —�- ----- �'�="=% Commi loner Constituting the Board of County Commissioners ai Grant Co�untp, Washington