HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-160-CCBUARA UF COUNTY CtJN�MISSIONERS G�:ANT C(➢UNY, WASHIN+GTt3N RESOLUTIE}NNUiVI�3ER 96-160—CC A REStJLUTTON relating to ihe tra��sfer of funds tivithin the 1996 budget of the f�URRE�7T EXPENSE F'ITND # 001, COMIVIISSIt3NER DEPT. # 101 ANI� THE CAPITAL CIUTLAY DEPARTMENT # 1.41 GV�IF�EAS, it has beerz braught ta the attention of the Board of Grant Commissioners ti�at it is necessary to trazasfer funds within the current budget of the above-named County JDepartments in the amounts enumerated below; and VVHEREAS, there �s nc� expenditc�re of funds not previausly budgeted but a transfer pursuant to R.C.W. 36.40,100 and County and State auditing pracedures, N�W, THEREF4RE, BE IT RESt�LVED BY THE B4ARD OF COUNT'Y COMMISSI4NER� af (�.�r�.t1NT C4UNTY, STATE OF �VAS�IlNGTON, that the follo�c7ving transfers wzthzn ihe current budget are hereby made: 1996 BUDGET C7F THE CL�RRETN EXPENSE �'LtN�D # U01 k'RC1M � ACC;QUNT Nt7MBER AMOUNT ACCC3UNT Ni.7M�E,R CAPITAL (3UTLAY DEpT. # 141 COM�t'IISSI(�NER'S I3EPT. # l0I 594.00.OtI CAFIT�IS, OCTT'LAY �654 SI I.50.35.fl{? ���,� '����.� �650 Tt} R�-AI,LOCATE CAPI'I'AL OUTLAY APPROPRIATiC3NS TO T`HE CUMMiSSIONER'S DBPT. FC}R THE GOS'I' OF A NEW CANON PLATN PAPER FAX MACI-�NE r�ND AN ADDFTItJNAL CELLULAR TELEPH4NE. This resolutian is in ihe best inierest of good government and shall take effect i�nmediateiy upon passabe_ I?anethis 25th day of November,I996 ATTEST: ' 7 � � , ��� Clerk of e�Board � � � Board e�f County Co�avnissioners Gra:nt County, �ashington Chairman GRANT COU�1TiT o��'ic� a� BOARD OF COUNTY CaMMISSIONF:RS POST OFFICE BOX 37 BPHRATA, WASHINGTON seez3 �509) 75�4•2011 Narrember. 18,'1996 �,� �: � ' � i�: . BC}B IV�t'3SHER .;,: � � , ; � � :,. . FROM: GR�►NT,,COUNTY.CC)MMISSIQNER� We wauld like to p�uir�chase a Canon plain P��er Fax Nlachine i�� the ama►csnt oi $4��9.9$ pius tax, and .,a �Cellula� �ha►n� for Commi�s�on�r �neaa a� ����.00 p�us tax, Please transf+�r th� funds from Capitat �Qutiay .to d+�omrmi�sioners budget, . ., T"hank you.' . ; . ,�.--�.....,�.-....--�---�--"�' . : � . �Chairman . , �, , . � .., . � .. ,,,� ;1 :/�. `�:" . ;��j� '/�`�; % . �. ' � . . .. , . , . . 1 . , . . . � fiiM SNEAD `. F` � H�LEiV FAM1ICNER DISTRIC71 � � � � � � � � DIS7RICT 3 � 2644 ftD. � NE .' t024 FiD, S NW MC1SE5 IAKE, WA 9.�837 ; � QUINCY, WA 96l348 PhlONE 7f 5•8548 � � . , . . - � .. . . PHQNE 7&7•4731 GEROY ALtISaON pIS7RICT 8 " 2Q2&8 RD. t S.E, WARb�N, WA 9885"I � � � PHONE 349-2513 -