HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-163-CCGRANT COUNTY OFFiCE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 98823 (5091 754-2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MAT1�R OF APPROVING � RESOLUTION NO. 96-163—CC A PRELIMINA�tY PLAT OF 23 LOTS � BY THE PORT OF ROYAL SLOPE IN A � RESOLUTION APPROVING - PORTION OF SECTIONS 7& 18, TOWNSHIP 19 A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 83 N., RANGE 27 E., W.M., GRANT C�UNTY, � LOTS WASHINGTON. I PORT OF ROYAL SLOPE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on October 2, 1996 on the matter of appmving a Preliminary Plat REQUEST FROM THE PORT OF ROYAL SLOPE FOR 23 LOTS ON 269.5 ACRES FOR THE CREATION OF AN INDUSTRIAL PARK IN A LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONED AREA IN PORTIONS OF SECTIONS 7 AND 18, TOWNSl�P 16 N., RANGE 26 E.W.M., Grant Counry. WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made a recommendation to approve the Prelnminary Plat subject to certain conditions of approval. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners held a public meeting on November 4, 1996. . WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners found sufficient evidence to uphold the conditions of approval, findings anal recommendations of the Grant County Planning Commission. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proponent has made agpropriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, utilifies, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites, and grounds and other public and private faciliries and improvements. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed _ subdivision does conform to the Generat purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and public use and interest will apparently be served by the proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Ga�ant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, a twenty-three lot subdivision for the following described property subject to the following conditions of appr�val. The Southeast Quarter, the West Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the SouYheast Quarter of Section 7, and the Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of tlie Northeast Quarter of Section 18 Tow�nship 16 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant Counry, Washington- Conditions: 1. The development shall be in compliance with the Growth Management Act, The County Wide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, the Grant County Shorelines Master Program, the C',rant County Resource I.ands and Critical Areas Ordinance and all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Development shail comply with all applicable requirements of the Grant County Building and Fire Marshal's Office which includes, but is not limited to adherence to the Grant County Fire Flow Guidelines, Uniform Building Code, and Uniform Fire Code. 3. Developffient shall comply with all improvements required by the Grant County Public Works Department which include: a) Provide a plat check fee of $144.00. b) Plat approval should be conditioned on the extension of County Road F Southwest to the South Plat Boundary and improvement of the entire road to a County paved road standard. All right of way for the extension needs to be secured and/or dedicated. Due to tfie proposed � Page 2 Re�olution Approving a 23 Iot PreYiminary Plat Submifted by the Port of Rayai Slope use F Sonihwest, it should be improveci with a minimnm of six inches of cn�shed ,base rock, three inches af crushed top course, and a iwo (2} shot BST wiih a mi�imum finished wic3th of 28 feet. c) A�1 intemal access rcjads shouid be i�uilt to similar roaci�standards with a mini.mum finished wid#h of 26 feet. The ownership and maintenance af these roads shautd remain wiih the Port. d) Provide a camplete plan and profiie flf all access roacis zncluding a1I centerline ditch and drainage facilities. e) The minimum radius for alI horizantal curves in the Port area shoulc3 be no less than 2IX3 feet with 40Q €eet beirtg preferred. fl An easeme�t should be obtained and the recording info �irmation shawn foz the seciion of the acc� road Iying Soutb. of Lot 22 and on�.side the Plat bouudary. g} Conform to a1i plat requirements as required by the Graut County Public Works Dspartment, � 4. Devetopex shat2 compiy witlz aii requareme�ats desmed necessary by the Graat Caunry �iealth District, the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington Siate Department of Eculogy regarding domestic water saapply, sewage systems and storm water: concrol aad tz�atment inciudzng, but nat Iimitect to: 3tCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Palluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Skandards; WAC 173 241A, Groiznd Water Qualify Standazds and WAC 246-294 Sections 110, 120, 130, and 135, On-site Sewage Syst�ms. $. Develc�er shall acIdress the ccsmmettts of the Grant Couaty Pubiic Utility District and inciude the requested setbacks fiar uti2ity easements. 5. Developer shall comgly wiih at2 requirements of the Wasiaingtan State Tlepartment of Trattspc�rtxiion. '�. The Grant Cvunty Planning Commission uzust be satisfied that the operation af a�ay industries withixt this propo�d Iradustrial Park wiil not prc�duce no7tious oc�o7r, smoke or gasses, or exces�sive dust, aoise, glare, i�eat vibration, industriat waste or other conditions which would aclvezsely afffc�t neighboring Pr�PeTh' or districts or occupants of such property as weIl as t�e general public. $. �f aay Native A�merican grave sites or archaeological res�urces are discovered or excavated the = developer shail stop work and notify the Yakama Nation Cultural Reso�zrce Program and the Colville Gonfer3erated Txibes C�.itural Resource Pro�ram. 9. 1�ny cons#ructioa activities that occur within the jurisdictional wettand ar their associaieal. buffer areas will xequire pernuts aadtor mitigation from the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Grant Couaty Pla,nning Department, and the United States Army Carps of Engineers. 10. Develapment shati comply ta the futtest extent possible with the recommenda�ions of the Washington Sfate I3epartment of Fish and Witdlife which include: a) establish the maximum allowaial� buffer zane araund the perimeter of the emergent wetlaurl to maintain its futl habitai value; consider buffer zone averaging t� maximize prote�tion of the sites with the better, head-high sag,ebrush comm�znities. b} #brough fencing or other lanct�caging mea�s ciearly mark the wetland buffez to coa�troi encroachmani of fiiture developments into the wetland management area. c) ciesignate a corridor of open space aeross the north end of tha pro�ect to pzotect ar�as o€ dense cover and the patential raptor nesEing tzees. d) plan aad develap the access raads in a manuer ti�at least disturbs the sites tivith cienser habitai cover. e) disturb the natvrally occurri.ng shrub steppe vegetation only #o the extent ne�essary far fature propased induseriai devetopments. fl develop plans to prevent and cantrol fires to promate protection of prnp�erties as wrel2 as h�bitat arear. g} ctevelop cQoperative agreements with the WDFW to maintain winter feeders for �ptand game%irds. _ .___ __.____-. _.. .. - . ___ _ ... _�>;- Page 3 Rescyiution Approving a 23 iot Preliminary Plat Subinatted by the Port of Royal Slope � �1 Done t�is r,� ��, day af 11�_'', , 1996. ���' � � �� ���.��'� ,�,� � ��s�� � � .� ° ��t..�� � I ;�terk of the B��€d f ������� Commissioner ��' % � .-.. '� . Commissia r Constituting th�e Board of Ctt�uity Commissioners of Grant County, Washington --.----____�_.. .v--- __.__..�.__.__ __ _ __,.____._ ________._.___..,.___ ----- �;;�n----...