HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS° PROCEEDINGS Week of November 18,1996 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Tim Snead. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the �ninutes of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners approved the request by the Emergency Management Deparkment for an emergency appropriation to meet their budget requirements for the remainder of 1996. The Comrr�issioners approvecl the salary increase of Dolly Rubio of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office to a Legal Secretary IV effective November 1,1996. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Terry Parker of the Sheriff s �ffice to $1,724.40 per month effective November '1,1996. The Commissioners received the notice of separation or work interruption of Donald A. Deis of the Assessors Office effective November 18,1996. The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds from the Current Expense Fund #001, Capital Outlay Department #141 in the amount of $1,075 for the Coroner to purchase a two body refrigeration cooler unit. The Commissioners approved the recommendati�n of the Public Works Director and awarded the 1997 Crushing and Stockpiling confract to DeAtley Co., Inc. in the amount of $625,000. The Commissioners approved the salary of Jessica Hinen as a Clerk Hire position at $fi.00 per hour effective November 1,1995. The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Buitding/Fire IVlarshal budget from Extra Help to OfficefOperating suppties in the amount of $1,000. The Commissioners approved the request by the Grant County Law Library for a budget extension in the amount of $6,000 due to the continuing increase in the cost of books and the n�amber of books received. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Deputy Witl Stakelin of the Sheriffs Office to $2,823.00 per rr�onth effective December 1,1996. A Public lVleeting was he[d regarding ihe application by Mar�celino Tirada tcr divide a 5.333 acre lot inia two parcets of equal size in a mQtion of the Nor�hwest Gtuarter of Section 4, Tc�wnship 14 North, Range 23 East, Vi1.11�., Gr�ant Gounty,ltVashington. A mc�tion was made by ComrtaissionerAliison, secanded by Comm�ssionerSnead ta uphold ihe Pianning Gommission recc�mm�ndatian io approve �he requestwith 5 cc�nditions and 2�ndings af fact includ�d frc�r� ihe Pianning depar�Ement to be inc[uded, TMe mr�tian carr�ed. Commissioner Fan+�her abstarned. C�tairman 5nead was authorazed io sign the C�rder €ar re-saie o# Tax Titie Praperty requesied by C�ndy Ray , The Commissioners set a Pubiic Hearing far December 9,�199� at 2:00 p,m. regarding the Pre[iminary Piat request by Ra►r� and Dena Taylvr to develop Taylvr Acres, a� lat subdivision on appraxirnately 38 acres zoned Suburb�n-Agriculture in Farm U�trt ?�1, Irrigatian Biock ?t}, Golumbia Basin Prc�ject, and l,ot 1v and a portian c�f Lot �16, Grant C3rchards, ali in the �outhwest Quarter c�f $ectia� 29, Township 22 IVorth, Range 27 Eas�, V�illameite Meridian, Grant County, �Vashing�ton. The Cc�mmissic�ners se� � P�b[ic Hearing for De+cember 9,�99fi a�t 2;0� p,m. regard�ng the Prelirreinary P(ai request by Ron and Dena Tayiar to deveiop Taylor Ranches, a'14 tat subdivision on approximate[y 7fi,i� acres zoned S�uburban-Agricultur�, in a por�ion c�f Farm Unit �35, [rrigation B[ock ?0, Calumbia Basin Project, in th� Northeast Quarter of Section 3t}, �'awnship 22 Nc►rth, Ran�e ,�7 East, �{t.M, , Grant Couniy, �ashingi+on. The Ca►mmissit�ners se� a Public Nleeting for December 2,1996 at �:30 p.m. regarding the Zone Ghange request by 'V�illiam and Doro�hy Vllatker on approximately 1.82 acr�s from �ic�hf-indusiriai #a Suburban-2 for hv�asing on �.ots 1 through �i 2, B[ocf� 10, Plat of V11he�ler ir� a partion of th� Sauth �112 of Section 1f, Township 19 North, Range 29 East, VIt,M., Grani Gounty, 1tiCashington. The Ct�mmissioners receiv�d a petiiaon from cifiiz�ns in the Royai City ar�a whc� are concerned c�v��° adverse impacts rrf the propased chickeniegg farm in ihe area. The C+ammissioners set � P"ublic Hearing for D�cember �,19�6 ai 2:Oa p.m. re�arding �the reques� for a suppiemental budget for the Prosecuiing Attarney Departmeni in the amount vf $5,2A�9 , and �he Alce�ho[IDrug Abuse Fund �#11v, in the amount af $7,vQ� from unanticipated siatelfederai funds. As fhere was no fuE°ther business to cvme before �he Board ihe session was c�nfiinued until November 19,1996. Chairman Sr�ead w�s authorized % sign apprr►va� of ihe iiquc�r license assumption on Cascade �rocery. The Commiss�oners requested �► Transfer of funds from Capi�tal +Dutlay for the purchase of a Fax Machine and Ceiluiar Phvne. C�airman Snead was authorized fio sign a Treasurers Resalutiaan #98-4 adopting �►n amended p�iicy fc�r investment of Coun�r funds. The Ce�mmissioners received a�apy af a surnmons an� peti#�on fc�r review from Cascade Golumbia A1liance v The Energy Faci�ity Site Evatuation Council . � coniinuatian of a Pubiic Hearing on ihe Steveres Zor�e �hange Re+consideratic�n was held and a mation vwas made by Commissic�n�r Fancher, s�conded by Gommissioner Aliison to gran� the zane change with S�aff to write up �ndings of fact. The moi�on �carried. A i�ui�lic Hearing was he�d and a mvtion was made by Camr�issianer Fancher, secanded by Commissivn�r Aliison tha# Resolutian Number 9fi-�51-CC auiharizing an app�opriation and expenditure of funds fvr the Current Expense Fund #00°f s iVEisc. ��nera! Gave�nment #125 in th� amaunt of �24,�00 be pass�d. The motion carried. A Rublic Meeting was held an the D�adenkau zor�e change fvr 29.�( acres frc�m Agrictaliure to Suburban-3 in a por°tian �� the Nvr�hwest quarter of the Nc�rthwest quar��r Qf Section 25, Township 2� North, Range 27 E.1N.M. A moiion was made by Comm�ssivner Fancher, seconded by Cor�missioner Allison to sei the matter fvr a Pubiic Hearing on D�ecember 9,199fi at 3:0� p.m. The mot�on carried. The �ommiss�oners set the date of December 9,�t 99� at 1:3� p.m. to hear #�te proposed zon� change r�quest from R-2 ar�d S-2 to �-G, in poriions of Section 10 and 11, Township 19 N., Rang� 28 Easi, W.M. Grant Couniy, Washington tvcated on Siratford Road b�fween State Highway 17 and Gounty �oad 5 NE and North of ihe Carporate limits of the City of Moses Lake, requested by praperty owners Gary and Kristine Rohi�nger, L.t�well D. Ha1i, Bruce Humphrey, Rc�drigo Garza, James D. �yons, L.aurence A. and Be�te McAtee, and Jay Byers for the purposed of reviewing the record, and reopening of ihe previous hearings and taking add�tional �nformation. A Publ�c Meeting was �eid regardang the application by Jesus Castrt� t+a div�de a v,+ acre lc►# inio �t�nra parceis af approximate[y 2.A��+ acres an tat 23 of Mattawa Acres #1, Ntar�heast Gtuarter of Section 4, Tawnship �i4 Nvrth, Range 23 East, ttU.M,, Gran� C+oun�y, li'ltashington. A motion was made by Commissioner A1lison, seconded by Commissioner Snead tc� uphoid the Planning Cammissian recommen+datian tv apprc►ve ihe requ�st, w�th findings of fa�t includ�d from the Pianning Liepartment to be included. The motion carried. Gommissioner Fancher abs�arned. November 19,1996 The session �vas �oniinued at 9:00 a.m. with Comrnissioner Snead and Commissioner Allison in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Fancher was unable to be in attendance due to adverse road conditions in her area. The Comrnissioners metwith the Public Works Dis�ector r�garding RAP 1�greement-Bridge #393, 'O' SW, Nelson Road, Snow and Ice-City of Moses Lake, Well Project, Ephrata Floodway. The Commi�sioners approved the request by the Juvenile Probation Department to hire Rick Bomar at the 90 percent level to fill a new Detention Counselor position. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 11/18/96 in the total amount ofi $205,022.88. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Jir� Swift of the Maintenance Department to 90 percent of pay scale. A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 96-152-CC revising the assessment rate for Hillcrest Lighting District for 1997 from $13.00 per parcel to $14.00 per parcel be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Alliso�, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 96-153-CC setting a Public Hearing for Decernber 2,1996 at �1:30 p.m. to consider the recommended assessments for the 1997 budget of the Grant County Noxious Weed Control Board be passed. The motion carried. A motion was rnade by Commissioner �►Ilison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 9fi-�154-CC setting a Public Hearing for December 2,1995 a# 1;30 p.m. to begin the process of fixing the final budget for 1997 be passed. The motion carried. A Public Hearing was he6d and a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, secondec! by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 9fi-155-CC in the matter of designating #he Interirn Urban Growth Areas forthe Cities of Hartline, IVIarIin/Krupp, and Wilson Creek be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Cornmissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 96-156-CC setting a Public Hearing for December 3,199fi at 2:00 p.m. relating io the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the �urrent Expense Fund #001, Various Departments in the amount of $56,612 be passed. The motion carried, A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, s�conded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 96-157-CC setting a Public Hearing for December 3,1996 at 2:00 p.m. rela�ing to the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for-the Emergency Services Department #102, Fund #144 in the amount of $3,137 be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 96-158-CC setting a Public Hearing for December 3,1996 at 2:00 p.m. relating to the facts requir�ing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Growth Management Depar�tment #126, Fund #168 in the amount of $47,500 be passed. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was adjourned untit November 25,�1996. ATTEST: � , L%�r�1`/a�i �1 //�� Clerk �f�Ehe Boarc�'.� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT C U�Y, WASHINGTON -- n Chairrr�an