HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOiIlIMISSIONERS' PRi3CEEDINGS 11Veek of N�vember 12,1996 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairrr�an Tim Snead. All of the Commissioners were on attendance with� the Cle�k of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding sessoon �s �vritten. The Commissuoners approved the starting salary of Virginia Hester in the �Assessors Office as Floating Data Entry Deputy II at $1a03 per month effective NoveQnber 12,1996. The Comrmissioners approved the starting salary of Patricia A. Smith in the Assessors Office as Floating Data Entry Deputy 11 at $1503 per month effective December 1,1996 The Commissioners approved out of State travel for Sher�fF iNiester and U�dersheriff Shay to attend a Community Policing Conference in Portland, Oregon. The Comrmissioners approved the salary increase of Terry Lee Moore of the Grant Caunty Fairgrounds to $8.49 . The Commissioners approved the starting satary of Lori Cowan of the Prosec�ting Attorney°s Office at $10.00 per hour effective October 15,199fi. The Commissimners received the resignation of Becky Hill of tMe Grant County Alcohol and Drug Addiction Board effective October 15,1996. The Commissi�ners approved the employmeni contract between Grant County A�uditor, Richard N. Flanigan and Grant Ca►unty Heal�h D istrict. The Comr�issi�ners approved the request for a budget extension in the amount �f $7,540 for Grant County Alcohol and Drug Center. The Comr9vissioroers met with the Public Works Director regarding 70:00 a.m. Bid �pening-Crushing and Stockpiling, Contract Execution- Well Abandonment, 11:00 Road Vacation Hearing-Westshore Drive, 'L° NE and Nelson Raads-Water/�ewrer Work. The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher Appraval #10-1 thro�ugh #1Q-181 in the total amount of $1,911,411.04. As of this date t�e Board by a majority vote does approve for pa�ment those vouchers includ�d in the list filed in the Auditors Office 11{12l96 in the fotal amount of $354,156.27. The Commissioners held � bid opening for 1997 Crushing and Stockpiling. A moti�n was mad� by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Fancher to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and rec�mm�ndation. T�e motion carried. The Commission�rs signed an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Hartline �or Gra�t Couniy Building Inspectors to provic9e aduninistration and enforcement required by the City of Hartline. The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for November 25,1996 at 1:30 p.m. regarding the Wayne Wicks, Plat Vacation of a utility easement between tt�vo lots which are both owned by the proponent on Lots 25 and 26, Sunland Estates, Division #2 in a portion of Section 2, Township 18 North, Range 22 East, W.M. The Comrnissi�ners signed a Contract with Nelson Well Drilling, Inc. for work ou� th� Sand liollmw Bluff Well Cap Project, CRP 9fi-2. Chairman Snead was authorized to sign approval of the Liquor License Application of Frontier Corner Mini Mart/Drive-in and Royal Slope Chapter of Ducks Unlimit�d. A motion wa� rr�ade by Corrr�missioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Ord6nance Number 9fi-144-CC in the matter of Grant Counfi,� ad�ling a new exernption to the Grant County Short Plat Ordinance; exemption (9} ta Section {2} of the Grant County Short Plat Ordinance be passed. The motion carried. A motion was rr�ade by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Cammissioner Fancher tMat Ord�nance Number 96-145-CC in the matter of Grant Count� re�cinding exemption (4} of Section (2) of the Grant County Short Plat �rdinance be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner �411ison that Ordinance Number 96-146-CC in the matter of Grant County� adopting a nev� section 42 to the Grant County Short Plat ardinance be passed. The motion carried. A motion onras made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commission�r Allison that Ordinance Number 9fi-147-CC in the matter of Grant Countyr del�ting language found in Section V'°A'°(Agriculture} (B�{8) of the Grant County Zoning Ordinance be passed. The �notion cae�ried. A motion was made by �ommissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner 1411ison that Ordinance Number �6-148-CC in the matter of Grant County adding a new section to the Grant County Zoning Ordinance; sec#ian 10 to Section V"A"(Agriculture)(B) of the Grant County Zoning Ordinance be passed. The motion carried. A motion was rr�ade by Corr�missioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner �ancher that Ordanance Number 96-149-CC in the matter of Grant Count� rescinciing Exemption 47) of Section (2, of the Grant County Short ��at Ordina�ace and adding a new exemption�7} to Secti�n(2) to th� Grant Cvunty �ht�rt Plat Urdin�nce b� passed. Tl�e motion carried. A Pubii� iiea�ing �nras held in �he matter Qf vacating a pflr�ion of ce�tain Coun� ra►ad righi-of way, and a mati�n was made by +�arr�missiQner Fan�ch�r, seconded by �vmmissic�ner Aliisvn that Resc�[ution Number 96-'15Q-GC vacating c�rEain por�ions of a tract vf land lyin� in Sectic�n 19, Tvwn�t�ip �t 9 Nvrih, Range 28 East,l�i.�l(. be va�ated, The r�otion carried. �, Pubiic t�earing was hetd r�garding ihe a�p[ication �or funding frc�m a Cammunity Derrelvpment Black Grant fvr Cc�mmunity Actis�n Agencies as provic�ed by the �egislature. A moti+�n was rnade by G�mm'rss'rQner Fancher, seconded by CammissionerAli�son tc� appr4�e the Biock Grant. T#�e mati�n c�rr6ed. A Public Hearing was held regarding the proposecf vac�tion c�f a 2�112 fc��i utility easement along the like boundary af lots ��I and 22, �n Sunland Esf�ate� Division 2 requ�s�ed by Keit�r Spangte. A motion was mad� by Camrnissioner F�ncher, seconded by C�mmissioner All�sc�n ic� approve the r�equ�st based on the Fianning D�par�ment Findings c�f Fact and the leiter from Sunland Estat�s Board to Mr. Spangle apprc�ved his r�que�t, The mt�i�on �arried, A Public Hearing was h�ld regarding a propc�sed C)rdinance repeating Chapter '14.Q4 of th� Grant Cvunty Code and all �ath�r ordinances and par�s of a►rdinar�ces in con�lict therewith, reenacting a new section of the Grant Cc�uniy C�de regula�ing the Ere�tian, Ct�nstructian, Eniarg�m�n�, A[teratic�n, Repair, IV�oving, Remava[, Demaliiion, Gvnversion and C�ccupar��� of buildings rnrithin Grant Cc�unty by the adoption of the 1994 edif�ons of: Th� Unifarm Building Cc�t�e, Fire Cad�, IVfecha�nical G�de, Abatement of Danger�ous Buildinc�s Cr�de, and ihe '1991 Uniform Plur�bing Code, proviciing fvr the issuance vf Permiis and the coltectivn of fees �herefor; an�i providing for penaltTes for �he violations thereof. A moi�on was made by Cc�mmissioner Fa�cher, se+�onded by CommissionerAlfison to continue the matfer un�i[ Ncavember 25 at 2:30 p.m, due to an error in the publica�ion not�ce. The rno��on �arr�ied. As there wr�s no further business �o come be€or� the Board the sessivn was adjoura�ed untit Nc�vemb�r ��,�199fi. BCJARD i}F CtaUNTY �Cy1�1MiSSIC3NERS ATTEST. GRANT CC}UNTY, �IASNtNGTC�N � ' r . a,� �,. f ,�.� ..,�,� -----"~--'"� Clerk � �the Bva�r� �.� � � � Chairma , r` �.' • �.