HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOi1tIIMiSSIONERS' PROGEEDINGS Week of October 14,1996 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order by Chairr�nan Tim Snead. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approvec! the minutes of the preceding session as written. Chairman Snead was authori�ed to sign the Notice of Separation or Work Interruption of Michelle Moss of the Assessors Office, effective October �18,1996. The Commissioners set Public Meeting�s on the followi�g matters from the Planning Department: Port of Royal Slope-Public meeting Navember 4,1995-3:00 p.rn. Garner/Michler-Public meeting November 5,1996-1:30 p.m. �hairman Snead was authorized to sign the Agreement between Integrus Architecture,P.S. and Grant County for Architectural Services for additions and renovations to the exis�ing Grant County Youth Service Center. As there was no further business to c�me before the Board the session was continued until October 'i5,'1996. October 15,�996 The session was continued at 9:�0 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance �vith the Clerk of the Board. The Comr�nissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding CRP Resolu#ion-Bridge #393, 'O' SW, Suppl�mental Agreement-Bridge #234, '2' SE and Baseline Road, Quincy Shap Fueling Problern. A motion was made by Commission�r Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Ailison that Resolution Numl�er 96-138-CC in the matter of initiating County Road Project designated as CRP No. 96-24, Bridge #393, 'O' SW be passed. The motion carried. The Commissioners �rwere noti�ied tha� Baseline East Road, Bridge #294 and Bridge #234 were buitt in accordance with the �lans and specifications, and that all materials incorporated into #he project met contract specifications. Chairman Snead was authorized to si�n approval ofi the request by the Sheriffs Department to assign full time status to Lana Wade of the INET Drug Unit eff�ctive October 1,1996. The Commissioners set a Pubi�c 1Vie�iing fc,r t3c�ober 29,'199� at 3.30 p.m. regarding the Pameray E�ark Prei�m�na+r� Plai requested by Michael Knudsen in a por��v►� of th� South '�IZ of �he Northwest 114 of the Nor�thwesi 1!4 af Sectivn °lO, Tt�wnship 't9 �iortn, Range 28 East, itl►,il�[, The Gommissioners held a#�ubiic Hearin� on the requested amendmeni to th� approved "Bedrock" PQanned Unit Develvpment requested by Edwin L. Johr�son. A mc�tic�n was made by Commissioner FanGher, se+conded by Comm�ssioner Al�isa�n to deny the amendment, with Staff ta write up fir�d�ngs of fact, The matic�n �arried, T�e Cc�mmissio�ers set a Public 1Vleeting fvr t�c�ir�ber 5,199G at 2:30 p.m. regarding the one year time extension request fior- the +Quincy �o(f �nd Cc�untry C[ub P'reliminary Plat, a'IOfi lot subdivision on 484.28 acres I+�cated in a por°tion of Section 29, Township 2'1 N., Range 24 E.W.M. �s of this date the BQar+d by a majc�r�ty vote d�es approve fe�r payrr�ent �Ehose vouchers in�iuded in the iist filed in the Audi�ars C?ffice �1Q114i96 in ihe t�tal amouni Qf $33�,291.3�. The Commissioners signed agreements w�th the Towm of Marlin, Tovvn af Hartline, and Town of i�4iilsan �reek for their '1997 Law Enfor�ement S�r�rices provided by the She�iffs Department. ihe Commissioners signed the Public it{Tarks C1air�zs �und Voucher Approvai #9-1 thre�ugh #9-'194 in the ��tat amoun� of $'1,9fi�,5'I7.a�. The Commissioners se� a Pubiic Hearinc� fe�r Ncavember't2,199� ai 2.3� p.m. r�garding the 2 112 foot u#ilit�y easem�nt aic�ng ih� Iike bou�d�ry of iats 21 and 22, Suntancf Estates Division 2, r�quested b�t i�eith and Margaret Spangte. As there was no further business to c�rr�e befc�re ihe Baard the s+�ssian wa� adjourned until tJc�ober 2�I, �199fi. ATTEST; � � s R ��� � � � Cierk �,��the Boar����� Bt�ARD QF +��UNTY' CC3IVIM[SSiCiNERS GR�NT CC�LINTY, WASH1NGTt�N � .----------- � a � � ' �� Gh�irma� . .�����,; �, , .�; �: � ' ���,������' d