HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-133-CCBOARD C}F Ct�UNTY CaM11/ifSSIC3NERS Grani County, V1/ashington iN THE MATTER OF ESTABLiSN(NG A CfJUNTY ROI�Q ADVISORY CUMMITTEE T� TC} PROViDE 1NPUT ON THE 1MPRqVEMENT OF GRANT COUNTY ROADS Resoiution Na. ��-���-cc WHEREIIS, the county desires input from the public an the improvement aithe roads camprisSng the Gxant County Rc�ad Sysiezn; and ti4��, said input wouid be beneficial T,m development af LI�e Annual Road Program; ihe Six Year Transportaiiou Improvement PIan, Quad County Regional Transportation Plan, or other road improvement plans; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, tha� a Grant County Raad Advisory Cazz�mittee is hexeby established as fallo��s: I) The CammiLtee shall cansist o#' up to nine (9} citizens ivho �viIl £unction in an adyisory capaczty ta the Board of Grant Gounty Camnlissioners actzng through the Grant Caunty Public Works Department. � 2} Commitiee members sha]1 be appointed by ihe Grant County Board of Commissi4ners, with each board � member nominating three (3} �raperty awners from his/Iier district. A ec�mm�ites member must own praperty in the unincorpaxated area o£the County or be the awner, operatar, or manager of a farm ar business enterprise candacting business in the uriincarparated area of the County. 3} 4} 5) 6) 7} The Grant County public Woxks Directar ax histher designee shall be an ex-offieia non- voting niember of the Committee. Terms of Advisory Commzttee members shall ,be alternating terms af one {I), two (2) and three (3) years. The Aclvisory Committse shall meet at least two (2) times per year unless xequireznents necessitaie increased frequeney. 'I`fae �ldvisary Caznmzttee memi�ers shall elect �t their first znestin� a chairnian ancl vice- chairnYan �vho shall serve in that capacaty for a term of ane (I) year. The Advisory Comnzittee shall ado��t Ra�erts Rules c�f Orcler ancl concluct their n�eetings in accardanca ihereto. 8) A majority af the appainted z�iembers shall constitute a quoruzn. 9} All meetings ofthe Advisary Cam�zittee shall be condueted as public nleetings. 2Q) The Pui�lic Worl�s Department shail �rovide staff worl�, including but nat limitad ta, adminzstraiion, rssearch, ischnical, and finarncial data. D(�NE TKCS 1st DAY 4F October , 199G. � A'I'J.'EST: �.�'.���'.� � ' Cl " ''�f f th� Baa� _____----�-�'"'` Tim Snead, Chairman Heien Fancher .r�����, �� ��.0 f � LeRoy AJ.lisan Gonstitutzng the Borerd af County Gommisssoners of Grant Gounty, Washington