HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of Septerruber 9,1996 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. iay Chairman T6m Sneado All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners approveci tfae Request for Transfer of funds in the Law and Justice Fund #121, D�partment #�63 in the arv�ount of $5,1�0, for the Juvenile Department. The Cornmissioners approved the salary increase of Pat Mix of the Sherififs Office to $2,206 per mon�h effective September 1,199fi. The Cammissioners approded the Data Processing Groups request to purchase one IBIVI ASl400 RtSC 6000 Nlinicomputer in the amount of $71,000 from depreciation funds. The Commissioners approved the request by the Grant County Sheriff for approval to spend the amounf of $23,557 to winterize the tents being utilized in the three phase corrections plan. The Commissioners approved �he salary increase of Michelle Moss of the Assessors Office ta $�1694.70 per month effective September 1,1996. The Commissioners received a copy of ihe legal brief on ihe Myrick's vs Grant County Inverse �orademnation issue. Chairman Snead was author6zec� to sign approval for the liquor license application of Brownie' Korne� in Royal City. A Public Hearing v►ras held and a motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 96-120-CC authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Law and Justice Fund #121, Department #163 in the total amoun� of $1fi0,000 t�e passed. The moiion carried. The Commissioners approved the request by the Juvenile Probation Department Administrator Greg A. Grammer for the amount of $58fi,850 to be spent in the 1996 and 1997 years for the construction of Phase III expansion of the Juvenile Court and Youth Services Center. As there was no further busi�ess to come before the Board the session was continued until September 10,1996. S�p�kemb�r �1 D,199fi The Grant County �c�mmissi�ners sessi+�n v�ras continued a# 9:�0 a.m. vwiih alI t�f the Gammissioner� in a�endance with ihe Cler� Qf the Bt�ard. The Gommissianers met writh the Public Works Direcior a�egar�ling the 1�:00 a.m. Fran�hise Hearing{�ouiee City), HHW Summary, 22ndlPatton Intersectron, and Persannel issues. A Public Hearing was held and a mation was made by Commissioner FanGher, seconded by CommissEc�nerAil�son tv apprave �h� Franchise re�quested by the City of Coulee Ciiy, The mo�ion carried. The Commissioners appr�oved the request by ih� Emergency Management Deparfiment ia a�cept the am�unt of �0.26 per surpius water cvntainer bid by IV[r. Nov�rard Cvok for the surplus wa�er cunta�ners stored at Grand �vuiee �a�m. A motion was made by Commissioner Fanch�r, seconded by GommissEoner �Ilisan ihat Resatutic�n �Iumber 9G-'127-C� in the mafter c�f renar��ng a partion of Cr�unty Road � NE �a be cailed Panorama [�rive NE be passed. The moi�on carried. A Pubiic Hearing was hefd and a mc�tion w�s made by Gcrmmwissioner Aliisc,n ancf secanded by Commissioner Snead that Resoluiion Number 9�-�122-CC, Qrdinance Number 91-"l22-CC adding a new section to the Grant Cc�ur�ty Cvde, regulating the use c�f compressaon brakes within Gran� Count� be passed. The motian carri�ed. A Publ�c Hearing was heHd regarding the pr+�pc�sed �one cl�ange requested by Verlyn and Bonati� Ca►ie and Charles Jacksan on approximatefy 'i�Q acres from Suburban-Agriculiure ta Suburban-2 in the V11est half of fihe Wes� ha�f vf Secti�n S, Tc��rnshi� 20 Nor�h, Range 29 �ast, �.I�, fr�ont�ng o�t Ca�nty �tv�d �I �E be�nreen +County Roads 1ti and �1 NE, Na►rth of Ntoses La�ke. A mation vcras made by Comr�issioner Fan�her, s�conded by Commissioner �#IlisQn th�i the zone change requesi be granted with a stipuia�ion of a 2 1i2 acre m�nirrgum (ot size as Health District recc�mmends. �liith �tafiF to wr�t�e up findings of fact. The matio� carri�d. Thre Commissi�ners held a ccantinuaiian of the Public Hearing regarding ihe 1111est Meadows SEPA appeal. After extensive discussion a motion was rnade by �c��nmissioner Fancher, seconded by Comenissic�n�r Ailison tt� clvse ihe pub[ic cvmm�nt time. The moti�►n carried. � motic�n was rnade by Cc�mrr�issioner Fancher, seconded f�y Coi»�nissianer Ailison i+� reverse th� 1�lDNS and replace it wiih a newly drafted NIDNS wl�ich wiii inciude further areas of concern and mitigativns fc,r thase �oncerns. The motion carri+�d. A motian w�s then mad� by Corr�missioner Fan�her, seconded by Corrtmissioner �Ilisan to cont�nue �ihe H�aring u�til Sep#emb+�r Z�, a�e 2.30 p.m. i+� consider each cancern addressed in the appeal.. The anoti�n carried. The Corrtmissioners s�t a Pubtic li�eeiing f�r Sep�ember 24,�99� at '1:30 p,m. regarding t�e request fvr an a�nendm�s�t �+� #he appr�aved "Bedrock" Planned Un�i Developmeni requested by Edwin L. Jc�hnsvn. The �z�mmissioners signed the Public i�`orks C�aims Fund V+�ucher /�pprovai Number 8-1 thrc�ugh 1Numbe� 8-�16�i in ihe �otai amr�unt of $'I,374,'l97.99. As of this date #he Board by a majcrrity vote does approve for paymen� thc�se vvuchers inciuded i�t ih� tist filed in the A�ditors C?ffice 91919fi in #he tc�ial amaunt of �32°1,734.73. Ch�irman Snead v�ras authorized fio sig� a T`ermination of Cantract-Adder�dum #2 with Telecc�m Towers,inc, As �here jnras no further busine�s ic� come before th� �oard the session was adjourned untii September 16,199�. __.._-� � ATTEST Chairrr�a �%, ` � 6 � ,� , Cieri� � the Ba : � _--. ,�: � �