HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-111-CCGRANT COUNTi' tJ�'FiCB OF B�L'�.i� VF U�VI'�t� C�i�'1tYi15S1otV�Ril POST O�FlCE BL?X 37 EP�-iRATA. 1NASHiNGTp1V 9$823 i509? 754-2011 BUAR�? OF CqUATTY COMMISSIUNFRS GItANT CC}UNTY, WASHINGT(3N iN THE MATT:ER OF APPROVING j RESOLUT'IC?N NO. 96-111—CC A PRELIlVIINARY PLAT OF 83 LC3TS � BNOWN AS HEAR.TLY ESTATES IN A � RESC►LUTICIN APPRC3�TG PURTI�N 4F SECTI4N 12, TOWNSHIP 19 N. A PRELIMTNAR`Y PLAT C;F 83 RANGE 27 E., W.M., GRANT CLIUNTY, � LC?TS WAS�TGTUN. ! Hartley Investments WHEREAS, the Baard of Caunty Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Gxant County Planning Cozxunission that a public hearr�.ng was conducted on JUNE 5, 1996 on t1�e matter of approving a Preliminary Plat in a partion af the Nnrth Half af the Southeast Quarter and the North Half of the Southeast Quaxter of tha Sautheast Quarter of Section 12, Township 19 Na�rth, Range 27 East, W.M., Crrant County, Washingtan. V4�IIEREAS, the Gxant County Planning Commissian made a recommendation to approve the Preliminary Plat suhject to c�rtain conditions of approval. WHEREAS, the Grant Couriiy Board of County Commi.ssianars held a public meeting on July 29, 1996. V4��REAS, the Board of County Commissianars fflund sufficieni evidence to uphoid tlie cond'ztions of approval, f�dings and recommendations of the Grant County Planning Commission. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have fouud. that the praponent has made apprapriate provisians far draivage, roads, alleys, utrlities, public w�ays, water supplies, sanitary w�stes, pa.rks, playgrounds, fira protection facilities, school sites, ansi graun.ds and other public and pr�vate facilities and improvements. WHEREAS, ihe Board of County �ommissioners have found that the proposed su�division dc�es conform to the General purpas� of �he Camprehensive P1an and public use and interest will apparenily be served by the proposal. Nf3W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE�, that the Board af County Commissioners for Gran.t Counry, Washington approve by this Resolution, an eighty-f,�ree lat subdivision for the fallowi�g described propezty subject to the following conditians of appxaval. The North Half of the Southeast quarter and the Narth Ha1f of the Sautlieast quarter af the Sautheast quarter of Sectioz� 12, Township 19 Narth, Range 27 Ease, W.M., Grant Caun#y, Washington. Conditions: 1. Develapment shall be in campliaa�ce with the Growth Management Act, The County Wide Flanning Policies, The �Vashingtan State Environmeutat Policy Act, the Grau.t County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant Cauuty Zoning Orciin.an.ce, the Grant County Sharelines Masier Program, tbe Graut County Resaurce Lands and Critical Are�s {Jrdinance and aII applicab2e federal, sta.te, and local regutatioa�s, zulings or reqnirements. 2. Development shall complq with all applicable requirements of the tTrant Couuty Fire Flow guidelines and the Uniform Buil�ing Cade and Uniform �ire Cnde. 3. �eveiopmeut shall comply with ati improvements requirecl by the Grant County Public Wor1�s Department which include: a) Provide a plat check fee of $27Q.Oc�. b} t�ccess roads should be built to cunent county road standards wl�ich call for four inc�es of base coiarse, two znches of top course, anci a iwo shot BST driving surface with a minimum finished wic3th of 26 feet. c) Provide a 30 foat easement along the west boundary af the propased plat for future road purposes. d) County Itoad `F' NE as it exists is a narrow BST zoad with little ar na tsase. The addiEional traffic created by the development may create a need to imprc�ve this road. Consideratian should be given ta require the developer to contribute ta the im�rovement af the road. e} Access to lots 1, 2, 9, and i0 should be resiric#ed ta the intemal roads and not access directly to `F' Northe.as�. � Canform to al1 piat requirements on tl�e attached shee� whieh is i�cluded in the record. 4. Developer shall comply with aIi requirements deeme.d necessary bp the Grant Caunty He�alth Uistrict, the Washiugton Sta.te I�epartment of Hea3t1�, and the Washington State Department af Ecology regarding domesiic water supply, sewage systems and starni water eontrol and treaiment including, but na� limi�ed to: RCW 90.48,080 I7ischarge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC i�3-2Q1, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-ZOIA, Grauud Water Quality Standards and WAC 246-272, C}n-site Sewage Systems. S. Developer shall address the comments of the Grant Gaunty Public Utility District and include the re,c�nested setbacks for utility easements, 6. Developer shall address the comn�ents of the USDA Natural Resonrces Canservation Servzc,� and com�ly wi�h any re�q�uirements of that agency. 7. Deveioper shall caxuply with all zequirements deemeci n��,cessary by the Grant Caunty �-Iealth T?istz%ct which znclude, bnt is no� limited to; A} A restriction vn t�e plat fhat all sewage disposal systems instaIled in Type lA sozl be capable af achieving Treatment Standard 2, as definecI in WAC 246-2'72-{ilQtll. B) A weli on the property be t�;sted and be found suitable by this csffiee for quantity and bacteria2ogica2 and znarganic chemicat quality, prior to final plat approval. C':} A resLrictian be placeci upan the plat disallowing any s�urce of conta;vinatiau within 1.�1Q feet af any well. I7) Each Iot i� #he su�divis�an be served by an approveci alternative sewage dispc�sal system; E} The wateer systems will be approved by this office as Group B water systems. F� A restriction be placed on the face af #he plat thai any lot served by a four con�aection water system will be limited to I250 gallans af water per day. 8. If auy Native American grave sitss or archaeological resaurces are discovered or excavated the developer shall stap work aud notify the Yakama Natian Culhtzal Resource Prograan and the Colville Conf�lerated Tribes Cultural Resource Program. Uone this ��� day of ��? 1996. � � � � � Ci�airman �,,� C ATTEST: � .i?,t�, t a �. � �. � Clerk of Board 7 �� �'���� � ������ Commzssioner � � 1 _ Car�tmissioner C�rnstitut:irig the Board oF County Cornn�aissioners af Grant County, Washin�ton