HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-106-CCGRANT C{�t�1�TTY C1FF#CE OF BQA�ZD (��' CUiJNTY C�}IVIMISSiOIVERS �os�r o��►c� aox �� EP�ii2ATA, WASMlNGTOAI 56823 f5091 754-2011 : � : . i � � f►�t Y � ►t 1►� 1� ! �I . , .. � , .f� � IN THE MATTER UF �PPROVING T�IE PFEII�FER M�ADC)WS PREI.TII�IIl�TARY PLAT IN A PURTIC)N OF SECTIt�N 12 T{)WNSI�IP 19 N. , RAI�TG]E 28 EAST, w.M., ��rrr co�rrrY, WAS�TGT4N RFSi�LUTI4N N�. 96-�o6-cC • • • . ... • � � r� � . � � �� • �� s ' M��v P��F� W�EREAS, the Board of County Commissianers of Grant Cc�un�y have b�n advised by ti�e Grant County Planning Cornmission that a public hea�ang was conducted on 7une 5, 1996 on the matter af appraving the PFEIFFER Iv1EAI�CiWS PF:EI.I��ITNARY PLAT, a 32 iots subdivision on 39.55 acres in t.he Northwest quarter of the Southvvest quarter af Section 12, Township 19 North, Range 28 F.ast, W.M. and ; WFIEREAS, the Board of Caunty Commissioners af Grant County have been advise�. by the Grant County Pla.ru�ing Commission that a quarum vote was not r�.ehed at �e Planning Cc�mmission and the pro�sosal was submitted to the Cc�unty Cammi.ssianers with no recammendation, �V:B�;REAS, the Baard af County Commissioners of Grant Couniy �ave sGheduled a public hearing �o review and make a decision an the p�vpt�sal on 7uly S, i996. ��REAS, the Board of County Commissic�ners have conditioned appraval of the glat on the following items: 1. The final plat shall be in compliance with the Grant Cou�ty Comprehensive Plan, the Urowth 1V.Eanagement Act, The Cc�unty Wide Planning Policies, The Washingtan State Envimnmental Policy Act, the Gran� Caunty Zoriing C3rdinance, the Grant Caunty Resource Lands and Crif�cai Areas l�evelopment {Jrdinance and all applzcable federai, state, and local regularions, nzl�ngs or requirements. 2. The final plat shall be in compliance with all applicable requiremenis of the Grant County Fixe Flow guideiines, the Uniform Building Cod�, and Uniform Fire Code. 3. The final. plat shall comply with aII requireti improveme�ts deemed necessary by ihe Gr�.nt County Public Woxks Department. Developer shall �ddress the recommendations of the Grant County Public Works Department. 4. The finai plat shall corngly a11 requirem�nts of the Washingion State �epartment c�f �'��� �..���. �e:�:���� ��� ��.a:r a.�; r�i_:i.�� �.pp���T�s ���m th? WS�C�T az�d the develop�r shali address the camments received from th� WSDC?T. S. Develoger shali comply wiih all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Heal.th Distri.ct, the Washingtc�n State Department of �3ealth, and the VVashingtan State Departrnent �f Eccslogy regarding domestzc water supply, �wage systems and storm wa�r cantrol and treatme�t including, but noi limited tc�: RCW 9Q.48.080 Discharge of Polluts`ng Water Pxahibited; WAC 173-201, Surfa� i�Vat�r Star�dards; WAC i73- 201A, Grvund Water Quality 5�andards and '4VAC 24b-2'72, On-si% Sewage Systems. 6. The stream and wetland cr�rridor including buffer area sha�l be protected fc�r its wetland and riparian vaiue. Propc3nent shaii me�t and comply ta the fullest extent possible tlae re�ammendations af �he Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife as submi.tted in the Ietter dated March i9, 1996. 7. Propanent shall meet and comply with aii requirements of the 1�ashington State Departrnent af E�alogy. Wetland delinea.tion incongruities as de�'ined in the carnments from the Washington State Department af Fish and Wildiife letter dated March 19, 1996 and tlie Washington State Department of Ecolagy Ietter dated Apri124, 1996 shall be addressed and cor�ected if wamanted. A revised delineation shall be depicted an a re�rised preliminary plat map addressing the comments of the Washington State Department of Ecology, if warranted. 8. A 2S' buffer is required by the Grant County Critical Area.s and Resource lands Ordinance. The Iandowner(developer has voluntarily designated an avera.ged 50' buffer from the stream and wetlands associat�d with the strearr�. The Washington State Department of Ecology recommends a 75 foot buffer. Please be aware that buffer areas required by Grant County may �e subject to appeaUor may be superseded by require�ents imgased by the Washington State Departmen� of Ecology should WSDQE a�sume jurisiiiction. 9. Storm water treatmea�t devices as approved by the Grant County Public Warks Department shall be required as identiiaed in the Washington State Department of Ecalogy letter Da%d May 9, 1996 to prevent discharge of grease, oils, sediment and other debris. All xequired permits and licenses as required by the Washington State Department of Ecoiogy as referenced in cornments dated May 9, 199b are required. 10. Preliminary Plat shall be recanfigured to inclnde 50 foat lot frontag�s on all lots an a pu�lic r�r pri�ate road as per Suburban-2 zaning district, Sectian C(Restriction), 2(L)) of the Grant Caunty Zoning t3rdinance. 11. Develapment shall be serviceci by Graup B water systems far up to four (4) Iots as was agreed to by the County Commissioners and the Developer. 12. Dev�lopment shall provide a 75' buffer from an accurate and updated wetlands delineation as is requested by the Washingtan State Department of Ecology to mitigate any potential adverse impacts to the wetlands area. W]E3EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have upheld the findings of the Grant County Planning Commission that this plat is consistent with the Grant County Resouree �ds and Critical Area.s Development 4rdinance. WHER:EAS, the Baard af County Commissioners have upheld the findings of the Grant �ounty P1�in�ung Commission that the plat is consistent with the �omgrehen�ive plan of C�rant Caunty. WHEREAS, the Baard of Cc�unty �ommissioners have upheld the fin.dings of the Gxant �ounty Planning Comrnission that the plat is consistent with Cir�nt County Zaning t�rdinance. '�I�.,���, ��� �ard �€ �a��iy ��ri��iss�oner� i�ave ��und �aai a �iiigai�i determination of non-significance has been issued fc�r this proposal. WHE�REAS, the Baard of Cvunty Commissioners have found that the praposal is not within the imgated farm units of the Columbia Basin project and the property daes nat �eceive and irrigation water allotment. WHEREAS, the Board af Gounty Commissioners have found the pro�osal does lie within the pr�posed Interim Urban Cnawth Boundary Azea of the City of Moses Lake. WFIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proponent �as shown a need exists in the area for srnall�r acrea.ge's. VVHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that appropriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, garks, playgrounds, fire protecfion faciiities, school sites, and grounds and other public and private facilities and improvernents have been inade. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does conform to the General purpose of the Comprehensive Plan a�nd public use and interest will be served by the proposal. NOW, 'i'�FRF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington by this Resolution approve the Preliminary Plat of Cross-B Estates on the property described below: -� :VORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, E:��:��NSH I P I 9 NORTN , RArvGE 28 EAST , w. M. . GRArvT COU�aTY , WASH I NGTON , EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF PROPERTY A5 DESCRIBED IN A QUIT CLAI�A DEED, RECORGED OCTOBER 10, 1978, AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 676270, RECORDS OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON; CONTAINING 39.65 ACRES MORE-OR-LESS. Done this 5tn day of Au�ust , 1996. ``� , i � � r�. ��. �, � Chairman ATTFST: �Q >� � � - . � � lerk of th . ard �' , �;�� �--����;-� � Commissioner , � � � Commissioner Coastituting the Boasd of Co�mty Commissioners of Gram Co�ty, WasLington