HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96-105-CC� GRANT CC}UN'I'Y Bt7ARD OF COIVIMISSTC�NERS Grant Cauniy, Washington ORDIN�NCE NO. 96 -105-CC AN t}RDINANCE ADC3PTTNG GRANT COUNTY B�1�RD OF HEALTH STANDARDS F�R WATER AVAILABILITY WI-�EREAS, RCW 19 , 27. 097 directs each applicant for a building permit of a biail.ding necessitating potable water to provide evidenee of an. adequate w�,ter supply for the intended use of the l�uilding; and WHEREAS, Grant County 4rdinance Na. 92-44-CC directs that the cl�t�rmination as ta suitability of waier source be mac�e by the Grant Caunty Health Distri�t; and WHEREAS, RCW 19.27.097 directs that evidence of an adequate water supply may be in the farm of either water right permit from the Department of Ecolagy, a letter fram an approved water purveyor stating the ability to pravide water, or anatl�ar form su�ficient to v�rify the existenee of an adequate water supply; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Health has adoptecl. standards for water availability review in Resolution #96-1. A true and aceu.rats copy oi' said ordinance is attached hereto as Exhibit A and ineorporated as if fully set farth herein; and WHERFAS, the standarcls adopted by the Grant County Board of Health di�fer from those foun� in Grant Couxzty Urdinance No. 92-44-CC; and WHE�.EAS, i� is the intent of the Grani County Board of Cammissianers that the stanc�ards as adapted �by the Grant Gounty Board of Health replace those found in Grant Gounty Ordinance No. 92-44-CC; Naw, Therefare, BE IT C)RDAINFD BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY GOMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WA.SHINGTON, as follows : Saction I: Administratian The health officer shall enfaree these water availability standards far all building p�rmits issued by Grant County. Th� health officer shall also enforce these standards �'or all building permits issued by each city in �r�nt County whrch provic�es a wratt�n request far review nf building permits . Said written request sha11 be s�zbmitted by the mayor, city council, or chi�f administrative officer af the city. The health officer sha11 �rrang� a review pacotocal with each applicabie buildxng official w�ieh assures a titne�y issuance af building perm�ts . The w�.ter availability review shall be subjeet ta such fe� as may exist at the time of �pplica�fon far building p�rmit or for water availability review, whichever oecurs earlier. -1- Section 2: Applicability Proof of water availability shall be required of a1X applicants proposing a new structure which will have plumbing for potable water. Proof shall not be required for additions to existing structures, or for structures which wi11 not have potable w�,ter plumbing. Section 3: Standards The applicant shall submit one of the following as vexification of adequacy of water supply : 1. A letter from an appraved pizblic water system indicating the ability and willingness to supply water to the building. The purveyor shall indicate the number of water services presently in use and the number of service connections approved by the applicable health authority (Grant County Health District for systems with nine or fewer proposed connections, the Washington State Department of Health for all other community systems .) 2. For a proposed single-family residence proposing a private we11 or farm-exempt well as a source of potable water, the applicant shall submit a v�lid water right permit or we11 log from a well under the legal control of the applicant, by ownership or easement, as well as a water sample result shawing satisfactory water quality for coliform bacteria and nitrates . Said well log or wate� right permit shall show a minimum yield oi 400 gallons per day using an eighteen hour pumping day (. 37 gallons per minute instantaneous yield. ) If a well log and water right permit are unavailable, the applicant shall supply the results of a pump test performed by an individual approved by the health officer which reports static water level, depth to water vs . time during pumpdown, a sustained yield with stable water level �or a minimum of four hours in excess of .37 gallons per minute, and depth to water vs . time for 90 0 of recovery to static level. If the well shows less than five feet of drawdown after pumping for one hour at five gallons per minute or more, this can be reported, and the remainder of the pump test procedure will be waived . 3. For a proposed building other than a single-family residence which requires a source of potable water and proposes the use of a private well or farm-exempt well, the applicant shall submit in writing to the health officer an estimate of the water use of the proposed building and the basis of this estimate. The applicant shall demonstra.te the availability of a quantity and quality of water adequate for this proposed use in the manner as described in paragraph 2 of this section, which will be verified by Building Official/Fire Marshal, or designee. -2- Sectian 4: Repeal c�f Existing Ordinance. Upon adoption, this orc�inance shall replace Grant County Ordinance No. 92- 44-�C, which is hereby repealed. Section 5: Effeetiv� Date This ordinance sha11 take effect upon adoption. PEISSED thi� ,d"�v day of June, 1996. �1TTEST : �7'��.- c � Cler. k � e oarc� APPRt�VEI� AS TO Ft'�RM t.�NLY: Stephen J. Hr�llstrom Deputy PrasEcuting Attorncy PUBLISHEii: BC3ARii OF CC7UNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT C(�LTNTY, WASHINGTON , ,� LeRay C . llison, ember �� �