HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-102-CC� �; ' :i' .� . :# ,; ; ! �? � " • � RESQi�UTION N(1MBr�R 96-102-CC A RES�LUTIQN atzthorizing an appropriation and e�pendiiure of func�s for the �ollow2ng department jfuild: Current expense Fund ��001, misc. cPneral Government , together with a bud�;�t t�iere- for�, pursuar�t to RCW 36.40.1�0. WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of thE� I�o<�rd of Caunty Commissioners of Grant County tYiat emergency canditivns require that an appropriation and expenditure of funcl`s be aiath- orized for tY�e above-mentioned c�egartmer�t/�und, togethez� with a budget t�aerefor; and WHEAE�S, pursuant to BCW 38.40.140, Resolution No. 96-89-CC was duly adogted on 7/8/96 , a.nd published in the Grant County Jou.rnal On 7/18&7/25/96 declaring an emergency and stating the-facts constituting the emergencST and� the estimated amount of funds required to meet it, togeth�r with a not�ce o� public hearing, and said pub�ie hearing was held thereon �;here intexested persons were allowed to appear and be heard; NOt�, THEREFO�.E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI�4�iIS- SIONERS OF GRAIVT COUNTY, �TATE OF WASHINGTON, that an appropriatic�n and expenditure of funds is hereby authorized far the fallowing department/fur�d:_Current Expense Fund ��OOl,Misc.General Govt. in the total sum af $ 10,000 accordi�g to the attached budget. This resolaztion is in the best iaaterests of gooc� government and shall take e�fec� smmediately upo� its passage. bO�fE SFf85 2 9 tn ��s,�Y oF T„ �� a� °` , � A��EST: ��.i v, �Q ci�� oa rn, aoa�a Corramis�iona� �—� r. �— . � � Commissioner Consitie�Yi�g th� �ard o$ C�uee9y �oarami§sion�rs af Grar�i County, 1�lashinr�ton �,s = -._.._.�...� _...,m.... RLSOI,UTI�N WaJ[22K�SHE�T I22: CUitIZTsN'C EXFENSE PL�NND #001, MISC.GENERAL GOVT. DI;P'T. i2S � AMOUNT QF� : $1U,000 R3: CU2R�NT EXPI;NSE FUND #QO1, MISC.G�NI;RAL GOVT, DEI'T. 125 SUM OF: �1Q,OU0 ATTAC%IM�NT TO RBS. 96-102—CC CUItRFNT EXPI'sNS� FU1VD �� 001 NIISCELLr41m1�0US G�,IV�,RA�,I. G�VEI:1oiMEl�i'1" D�k'I' # 12.5 APPROPRIATiONS; PLANI�IING PRKFESSIONt�L SERVICES, LEGAL 5 S TOT"Aia APFROI'R1ATI(�NS F'1NANCING SOiIRCE5 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS FROM PRIVAT� SOURC�S TO')["E1.L TIl`tA1�tCI1�1G SOUR.CES 125.3C7.00.00 � 1 �,000 $14,OQQ $10,000 $10,000 �XPL�SNATION T� INCi2EAS� AFPRQI'RIATIt}NS FC�R CJN�NTICIPAfii�D COS']'S {3T' SPECitli.. LE�GAL SEItVCIES RGQUI►�E17 FQR'FHE REVIEW C?f� C1LYM�'IC PIPI�LINE PROJECT. ,