HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-100-CC` �e i � � � � � � _ _ . �..�� __ _ .. � �.__..\._� GP:AI�TT C4UNY, WASHi1�TGTON �so�,�r����Nu��x 9b-1.00-cc A RESOLUTT�I�I relating to the transfer af funds wzthin the 1996 budget of tlie LAW AND �USTICE FUNU # 121, DEPT, # 1G3 , WHEREAS, it has been brought to the atten�an of the Baard af Grant Cammissioners that it i� necessary to transfer funds withzn tl�e current budget ofthe above-na�ned County Departments in the amounts enu�nerated below; and WHEREAS, there is no e�penditure of funds noi previously budgeted bui a trans£er pursuazzt to R.C.tV. 36.44.100 and Cau�nty and Staie auditing procedures; N{�W, T`HEREFCJRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE 84ARD (�F COUNTY COMMIS�I4NERS of GRAI�rT COLTNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, that the following transfers witbin the current budget are hereby made: 1996 BUDGET C}F THE LAW AND JUSTICE FUND # 121 DEP�RTlVIENT # 163 �o Accaurrr N��x an�ouN�r accou�v�r �� TAI�„ PRi}JECT # 115 50$.00.04 �:NI?ING F(TI�TD BALANCE $15,7Q0 115.594.15.64.QQ CAPITAL OUTLAY—EQUIi'MEN'I' �25,700 T� RE—AI.LOCATE l'sNT3ING FUNL1 BALANCE FQR UNANTICII'ATEI� CC?STS ASSOCIATED WITH VIDEO SURVEIL.LANCE CA:NIERA SYSTEM . This resc�luiian is in the best interest of goad government and sha�l take effect immed"zately i�pon passage. Danetius 29th day of 3uly,1996 < a�rrEs�: Clerk of oard f�..r' � Baard o Ca�anniy Camm�ssioners G�ant County, Washingtc�n irman WVILLI�AM �i. WIF;�.'�`I'ER, SIiERIFF" � � A a1 d � � 4,�,�I A � 1� � � E�" � a � A �w � NCC4C� �1-4AY F>.O. L�QJC �7 PF-l�JJNE: <5C19) 7�a�b-�Q 1 1 UrnrNr�r�:i�erit��F Ephrafi�, W.�b 9i3g23 (�Utl) 572-U i 1 9 LA�dt [3�AF9L �hip� d:ivil I�eputy JULY 29, '1996 FILE NO a .A7921 GRAI�IT COtJNTY COM�/II SS IONER� GRANT COUNTY COURTHOUS� �FHk�.t�iTA, WASH�NGTON 9£3823 DEAR COMMISS.T_ONERS : FR�X: (5CD9) 754•�0�8 WITF-i THE ADDITTON OF TI�E TENTS, SECUR:ITY F0� INMA'�'ES AIND C�E�R�CTI4NS 0�'k��TCEPS H.�,S COME TO LIGHT. V�DEq SURV��LLANCE IS NEEDED �'OR TNM.ATES HOUSED IN THE TFN`1� AREA AS WELL AS UPGRADING THF E�ISTING COURTROOM SECURI'i'Y CAMERA. ADVANCED UETEC"I'ION SYST�MS, INC. DEMONSTRATED THE L1�TEST �N VTl7EQ SURVEILLAI�TCE a THIS SYSTEM WILL ALLOW TT-iE OPE�RATOR TO RUN THE SU�2.VETLLANCF CAMfERA MANUALLY OR AUTbMATTCALLY. THESkr F'EA`.�URES WILL FUFtTHER �NHANCE OUR ABIL�TY TO OVERSEE TNMATE ACT]:VTTY AND MONITOR THE SAFETY �F CORP,.ECTTON 0�'�'TCERS . THE TO'�AL $1 5, 700. 00, AFYROVI�L TO SECURITY AT S I1VC�LZELY, COS'1' QF INCLUSIVE PURCHASING Tii� GRANT WILL3AM A. WTEST�R GRANT COUNTY SHE�RIF� WAW:Iag THE SURVEILLANCE C11MER.A OF TAXES AND SHIPPING. THE �QUIPI�IENT NE�DFA FOkZ COUNTY JAIL. SYSTEM WT�L BE T AM REQUFS`I']:IVG A HIGHER LEVEL OI' 0��. P:PPROV:ED � _ DAT� � � '" �.- d�,� � � •� �� �� APPROV A� Adv��ced 1:1�t�ct�o�e �y�t�ms, inc. �.��d-� �AS1�i1 ��T'C�t ss�. �(Di1A'Si�i6� ��1. �i���� �.f�.�t ���� .�uly 26, 199b Grant County Sh�ri�l7ept G�ant �ou��y �oL�rt �Iouse P.�. Box 37 Ephrata, VVa. 9$�23 Attn: Captain �'ete McMahon �e: Video Surv�illanc� upgrade Thi� systern is the latest in video �urveillance, ihe fcatures are unmatched ar�d have be�n �rov�n i�n m�ny faczlities all over the warld. I recently had tlae chance to demon�tr•ate tkus syst�m to some 4f the persanal of tl�e �herifl dept a�ew w�eks �go. We showed th� how this syst�m can run on " autoniatic or manually. Advanred �etection Systems, Inc. Shall provide the %Ilowing in order to up�x�de part of the exi�tin� Video Surveillance �ystern. (2)17WS�pC6W-� I�cludes: 15 Inc�► SarNartSc�n Pan/Tilt Mecharusm witk� 1/3" black/white �Iigh res�lution video carnera and 6X zoom lens. 1S" VVeather Il;a�me w/ clear dame bottnm. Heavy diaty mounts w/ struts. Heater �c blower a.r�cl NEM� rat�d 4 po�ver supply w/ sur�e pratectipn. �11 iactory T�sted and certified as cornpl�te package before unit is shipped. � 9,197.OQ a (1) JPD-101 Stand alone Desk iop jayst�ck controlier far cantralling both �rra��rt���u� camera r��its. $ 1.,�00.00 (l.) La.bor (2) UCR-109/ 1 S � 1,0�0.00 Univer5al Coax I�ata Receiver. $ 90.00 (1) IUCT-104 Un.iversal4 chann�l Over the codx tran�rniiter. � 395.00 (1) �Gustorr� adpt Custom pale maunt adaptor %r e�stan� pnle to raise �t an additional 1 U feet. $ 637.00 �'�cb tnial installer�a (,se� n�ie belotiv) � 12,s9�.00 .� (Jp�io��: Q • � � (1) S12T-500 Sanyo 24hr real time videa recorder . 1�� 9�.���. ` ?�OO��Q�+ $ 1,�70.00 (1) VRC-8BJJ► `Vision l�esearch Video Mulfiiple�er far recording �,� � 1 p 7� a g 2� 154i8•9�� � 1,800.00 �� q.-�U� .�.�a� �r d�d ��" ��. Note: N�t �ncl�eded iEi this p�°rc� qunte: .��y p�retaiis, Sales �'a� and fre��;�h� ��iar�es. - —�---.---- �..�--�--_._.-._._. 11�TT�te: 1 he prices quat�d hereiri �re based on usin� the existin� wiring, and signal transmission metric�ds, �nd any additional wire pulls, �r irtst�llation of wii•e to ma�e this system operatianal shall be cansidered an �xtr� char�e and shall be s�ztaxnitted for written approval. �..rC',�S@ O��IUII�: First payment as down payme�st, Nv pen�tly ft�r early buy c�ut Low monthly payznen�s �'atz own the equiprner�� a.t the �nd of fihe leas� term. No reszdual ai the end �f term. Exampi� of I�as� p�yments: VVitia �pt�a�a�s � 12,599.401ess tax 36 mn�th $ 422.07 per month � 1�,599.C10 l�ss tax b0 n�anth $ 275.67 per inonth $ 15,769.361e�� tax 36 mc�nth $ 52�.57 p�r month $ I5, '769.361ess iax 6p mont� $ 338.59 per monih We have a writi�� detailed inforn�ation package o£ all the le�se options of you wi�h ta re�view them. 7Chank you for yaur interest in c�ur services, we hc�pe to sl�ow you k�ow just tvvo SmartScarz automated carneras can do the job o�" m�any fixed canneras at the s�rne tit�e. R�1p�� Lynch t�dvanced Dete�tio� System�, Inc.